Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 849 Mr. Water Monkey

Chapter 849 Mr. Water Monkey

"Yifei, you are really good. When you kill a mouse with your bare hands, you are even better than Jet Li and Donnie Yen!" Zhang Wei praised sincerely while mopping the blood on the ground.

Hu Yifei sneered while moving her hands and feet: "Come on, it's not me who is too Donnie Yen, but you guys are all good-for-nothings! What's so scary about a little mouse?"

As he spoke, he looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao who were trembling on the sofa with contemptuous eyes.

"It's not fear, it's not..." Zeng Xiaoxian defended himself strongly, "We just - love small animals!"

Lu Ziqiao's complexion was pale, but she still couldn't speak a word, apparently she hadn't regained her composure yet.

At this time, Guan Gu miraculously rubbed his head and got up from behind the sofa, and said with a dark face: "Who said we are afraid of mice?"

"Hehe, then why did you faint on the ground?" Hu Yifei said disdainfully.

"Hey, he's really the only one who isn't afraid," Zhang Wei explained with a smile, "But just now when Zi Qiao hit the mouse with the alarm clock, he accidentally injured him."

"In the future, don't make a fuss in the middle of the night, and keep people from sleeping?" Hu Yifei frowned and scolded.

When it came to this, Tang Youyou and Su Yi walked in one after the other.

"Look! Even Yoyo and Xiaoyi have been woken up by you!" Hu Yifei pointed at the two of them.

"Sister Yifei, I was woken up by you." Tang Youyou said innocently.

Hu Yifei's face froze immediately.

"You too?" Hu Yifei looked at Su Yi.

"I was woken up by them." Su Yi pointed to the boys in 3602, "but I got up because Yoyo knocked on the door."

Tang Youyou had already walked behind Guan Gu's magic at this time, tugging at the little tail behind Guan Gu's magic pajamas, and smiled at Su Yi: "It's dark in the room, I'm afraid."

"In short, it was all caused by you three bastards!" Hu Yifei continued to scold them, "The reason why there are rats in the apartment is because you never throw away the leftover takeaway!"

"Yeah!" The three bastards were not ashamed but proud, Qi Qi gestured victory.

Hu Yifei was furious, pointed at them and said, "The whole family of those rats will immigrate later, let me see what you will do!"

Zhang Wei said with a flattering smile, "Aren't you here?"

Hu Yifei sneered: "I'm telling you, I'm recruiting the last roommate. You guys have already seriously affected the reputation of our floor. If you don't rein in the precipice, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The three men were terrified and silent.

Zeng Xiaoxian laughed along with trembling, "Yifei, don't scare the new roommate..."

Tang Youyou immediately said: "I'm not afraid, because I'm standing with Sister Yifei!"

"I didn't mention you! I was talking about Xiao Yi!" Zeng Xiaoxian said, "Look, Xiao Yi was so scared by you that he didn't speak for a long time."

"I didn't speak because I was afraid, but because what Yifei said basically represented my point of view." Su Yi yawned, "The other thing is—I want to go back to sleep quickly."

"Do you agree with her?" Lu Ziqiao finally regained his strength, and immediately expressed his dissatisfaction, "Hey, Xiao Yi, don't give in to her lust, you are a man, show your masculinity!"

"If I come across a little mouse, I will take it out." Su Yi said.

"Hahaha! Did you hear that? Do you think all the men in the world are as abnormal as you?" Hu Yifei was very proud, and also very satisfied that Su Yi could stand by her side.

"And me! Yifei, the three of them and I are not together! I'm not afraid of mice, don't knock down a bed of people with a stick!" Guan Gu immediately raised his hand.

"To a certain extent, you and them are the same breed!" Hu Yifei said angrily, "You better not prevent me from finding new roommates!"

After a pause, Hu Yifei suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, he leaned forward, squeezed out a kind smile and said, "Why don't you move here to live with us? I can protect you?"

The expressions of the three men changed at the same time, and they retreated quietly tactically, opening the distance between them and Hu Yifei.

"Not everyone has the courage to sacrifice their lives for righteousness." Lu Ziqiao swallowed and said.

"Go to hell!" Hu Yifei rolled her eyes, "I'm not a scourge. If you don't believe me, ask Xiaoyi and Yoyo."

"They are only temporarily paralyzed by your hypocritical face!" Zeng Xiaoxian said.

"Zeng Xiaoxian, do you want to die!" Hu Yifei stared.

"Look! This is your real face!" Zeng Xiaoxian shrank back in fright.

"If we don't sleep anymore, I think we can go straight to breakfast!" Su Yi really didn't want to be bored here, so he couldn't help but complain.

"That's a good idea. A new pancake shop opened downstairs recently! It tastes really good!" Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes lit up.

"Hand pie? Why didn't I know?" Lu Ziqiao was puzzled.

"When did you get up before twelve o'clock at noon?" Guan Gu rolled his eyes miraculously, "I think Xiao Yi is right, let's go to bed early, I'm about to hand in the drawing, and I have to get up very early tomorrow."

"I also want to leave at seven o'clock to go to the set." Tang Youyou said.

"I go to work at nine and go out at eight!" Zhang Wei raised his hand.

"I have class tomorrow, and it was all caused by you bastards! Let's go, go back to sleep!" Hu Yifei waved his hand.


In an instant, all the people from 3601 were evacuated, and only the four men from 3602 were left looking at each other.

"Do you think that Su Yi is the only one among us men who is not afraid of Hu Yifei?" Zhang Wei said suddenly.

"Hehe, that's because he's too young, he's new here, and he hasn't tasted Yifei's power yet!" Zeng Xiaoxian said.

"That is to say, we don't have much time?" Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up, and he looked at the other two, "Let him become a sharp blade for us to deal with Hu Yifei before he knows how powerful Yifei is?"

The three men looked at each other and laughed sinisterly together.

Guan Gu on the side shuddered miraculously: "Hey, don't mess around, it is immoral to bully newcomers, besides, if Yifei knows, she will definitely not let you go!"

"Now it's up to us whether we will let her go or not!" Lu Ziqiao stood up with a sneer, "We have endured his tyranny for a long time, it's time to rise up!"

"That's right! Princes and generals, would you rather be kind?" Zeng Xiaoxian was also in high spirits.

"Yeah!" Zhang Wei also stood up excitedly.

But immediately felt wrong: "Eh? I'm new here too, why should I make a fuss with you?"

"Because you are smart and chose to stand on the winning side!" Lu Ziqiao said.

"This explanation - I give you full marks!" Zhang Wei suddenly smiled.

Guan Gu miraculously shook his head helplessly: "I have already seen the fate of the three of you, I will not participate in this matter, I will go to sleep!"

In the second half of the night, 3602's coquettish trio didn't make any fuss, and they all calmly went to sleep, and they had nothing to say all night.

The next day Su Yi got up very early.

To be precise, he survived another night's corpse.

The feeling of being troubled by insomnia is so maddening that Su Yi feels that he must find a way to save himself.

He went out early in the morning and rushed directly to the hospital.

It cost more than [-] yuan to register and prescribe medicine.

Su Yi prescribed two boxes of sleeping pills for himself.

Then he went to the bank to apply for a bank card with his ID card, and then returned home.

When he got home, both Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou had gone out.

There was a sandwich and a glass of milk on the dining table, as well as a note left by Tang Youyou: "Xiao Yi, you must develop a good habit of eating breakfast——Yuyou."

Su Yi smiled knowingly, and went straight into his room with breakfast.

While eating breakfast, he handed over the manuscript he wrote yesterday to the editor for review, and then continued to write his "Return of the God of War".

An hour later, the editor excitedly told Su Yi that all his manuscripts had been approved, and the manuscript fee was 35 yuan, and he would call Su Yi in the afternoon.

And he also wanted to sign a long-term manuscript contribution agreement with Su Yi, and put forward a condition of three hundred thousand words, hoping to keep Su Yi.

But Su Yi is very clear that his value is far more than that.

Moreover, writing such eye-catching headline party news is only a stage for Su Yi to make quick money, and he does not intend to use it as a development.

So he said no.

Su Yi had a very fulfilling day. He wrote [-] headline party manuscripts and saved a [-]-word manuscript for "Return of the God of War".

At half past six in the afternoon, Su Yi finally felt a little sleepy. He lay on the bed in a daze and fell into a deep sleep.

An hour later, Su Yi was awakened by a hasty knock on the door.

At this moment, Su Yi really had the urge to tear everything apart.

For the first time, he found that the person who disturbed people's lucid dreams was so hateful.

In fact, Su Yi really hopes that no one will bother him now, and he will not bother others.

Everyone be safe, isn't it good?

Why engage in all kinds of boring communication?
Suppressing all his negative emotions with great perseverance, Su Yi opened the door, and saw Zeng Xiaoxian leaning against the door frame angrily, winking at him.

"Are you interested in going to the bar for a drink or two?"

The negative emotions that Su Yi had just suppressed exploded in an instant.

He wanted to kick this guy into the Huangpu River.

"I'm a man, do you need to be so coquettish to invite me?" Su Yi couldn't help complaining.

"Oh." Zeng Xiaoxian immediately restrained himself, and smiled, "I thought I was here to call Yifei, I'm used to it, I'm sorry!"

"How did Yifei not go to jail for intentional homicide for such a long time?" Su Yi sighed.

"No, no, haha!" Zeng Xiaoxian scratched his head and laughed dryly, "Xiao Yi, Ziqiao, Zhang Wei and I are going to go to the bar for a drink, do you want to come together?"

Su Yi squeezed out an ugly smile at him: "Okay, but I only have one request, can I not go to the lonely corner?"

"Why?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked surprised, "I rushed over to the members there, I'm treating guests tonight, of course I'm going there!"

"Yes, is there any question?" Seeing Su Yi's loveless face, Zeng Xiaoxian asked in surprise.

"It's a big problem." Su Yi sighed, "I just hope that the people in that bar don't remember me."

Zeng Xiaoxian realized something, and his expression suddenly became weird.

"The legend of the water monkey spirit in the bar has been circulating in the past two days. The person involved wouldn't be talking about you, right?"

"What water monkey spirit?" Su Yi's eyes widened in horror.

Two 10 minutes later, the Lonely Corner Bar.

Su Yi, Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao and Zhang Wei were sitting on a booth in the middle of the bar.

Su Yi sat alone on one side, and the three people on the sofa next to him burst into loud laughter.

"Hi, Mr. Water Monkey, this is the lady over there, please have your Mojito." The waiter brought a glass of cocktail and put it in front of Su Yi with a suppressed smile.

Su Yi looked back following the waiter's guidance, and saw a table of women not far away looking at him.

The two sides looked at each other, and a woman over there suddenly made a posture of Monkey King looking out, and the women over there suddenly laughed together.


Su Yi turned around with a stiff face, and said with a long sigh: "I hate bars."

The three guys next to me were already laughing and twitching.

"You guys are enough!" Su Yi said angrily, "If you laugh again, I'll leave!"

"Don't, don't, don't! Little Brother B, can't we be wrong?" Lu Ziqiao hurriedly stopped, "You see how popular you are here now? It's because of you that we can enjoy discounts on drinking! And we can get so many girls The most important thing is that in just a short while, seven people have already given you wine, hey, this is the top treatment of the emperor's VIP! If it were me, I would not leave this bar in the future!"

Su Yi looked at the seven glasses of cocktails in front of him, and said quietly: "I traded my dignity for this!"

"Actually, it's not that serious!" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile, "Actually, I don't understand why you would do that? You seem to be an introverted and steady person, not someone who would do that kind of thing."

"Hey, you don't understand that, people are likely to do a series of extreme behaviors in a certain environment." Zhang Wei explained for Su Yi, "According to what Xiao Yi said before, he was incapable at the time. Facing the survival problem of sleeping on the street without a penny, and putting down dignity in order to survive, this is the choice most people will make.”

Boom boom boom!
Su Yi knocked on the table with a dark face: "I'll repeat it again! I didn't let go of my dignity just to survive!"

"Then why are you?" Lu Ziqiao asked, "Could it be because you like to let go of your dignity?"


The three of them laughed together again.

"Forget it, you can do whatever you want!" Su Yi picked up the cocktail on the table and drank it, leaning on the sofa without love.

Let's explode.

"I guessed that you must be here!" At this moment, Hu Yifei hurried over with a stack of papers, and waved to Su Yi, "Hi, Mr. Water Monkey."

Su Yi just straightened up and stretched out his hand. Hearing this, his face darkened, and he immediately withdrew his hand and Ge You lay back.

"Hahaha..." The three men laughed again.

"Yifei, you are too cruel. How can Xiaoyi get this nickname because of you? How can you be so sympathetic and poke someone's pain face to face?" Lu Ziqiao righteously blamed Hu Yifei.

"That's right, you call crossing the river and demolishing bridges, unloading mills and killing donkeys, cooking rabbits to death!" Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly responded.

Zhang Wei kept up with the assistant: "Although your behavior will not be punished by law, you will be condemned by morality!"

"Really? Will I be condemned by morality?" Hu Yifei pretended to widen her eyes, and suddenly changed the topic, "It turns out that crossing the border of morality is such a refreshing thing, I like it!"


The four bitches laughed together.

(End of this chapter)

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