Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 850: Scream in the Midnight 2

Chapter 850: Scream in the Midnight 2
The four sluts completely ignored Su Yi's murderous eyes and laughed wantonly.

Su Yi had no choice but to find that these four people were not worried about being really angry or getting angry at all.

And he really wouldn't get angry over such a trivial matter.

Depression is real.


He decisively changed the subject: "Yifei, what do you want us to do? What are you holding in your hand?"

"Oh, by the way, I was so patronizing and laughing at you that I almost forgot my business." Hu Yifei really shifted his attention, and his eyes fell on the three people on the sofa beside him, "I'll ask again, which of you three is willing to move here, and How about we share the rent together? I can protect you!"

Zeng Xiaoxian and the other three suddenly became obsequious and faltered.

"This, we..."

"Actually, we think that living with a mouse actually has a special charm!" Lu Ziqiao said.

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Wei hurriedly answered, "We should treat every kind of life in the world equally, right Mr. Zeng?"

"Totally agree!" Zeng Xiaoxian said.

Hu Yifei smiled, "Okay, since none of you are willing to move here, I won't force it. I will continue to recruit the last new roommate. But..."

She threw a stack of papers in her hand on the wine table, and said with a smile: "In order to make a good impression on my new roommates, I specially formulated a package of management plans for you."

"Blanket?" Lu Ziqiao was taken aback, his eyes slightly strange.

"Can you shake all the dirty things out of your dirty head before talking to me?" Hu Yifei gritted his teeth and shouted, "A package means a series of meanings!"

"I didn't say anything..." Lu Ziqiao murmured and shrank back.

The three of them picked up the management plan on the table together.

"Wait, why didn't Xiao Yi?" Zeng Xiaoxian discovered the blind spot.

"That's right, you can't treat him specially just because he is handsome?" Zhang Wei also protested.

"If it's because of being handsome, then I shouldn't have it either!" Lu Ziqiao threw the plan back on the table.

Hu Yifei sneered: "Although Xiao Yi is indeed more handsome than the three of you combined, that's not the reason. The real reason is that this plan is only for the three of you, not even Guan Gu!"

"Why?" The three protested in unison.

"Just because you three are afraid of even a small mouse!" Hu Yifei disdainfully said, "This management plan includes when you three must turn off the lights, when to get up, when to prohibit outsiders from visiting, how many decibels The above counts the noise and the punishment method after violation! In addition, it also stipulates the details of the area that each of you will clean up for public welfare every week!"

Not to mention that Lu Ziqiao and the other three were dumbfounded when they heard these words, even Su Yi shivered.

Zeng Xiaoxian and others all turned pale, and hurriedly flipped through the documents in their hands.

"What is this?" Zhang Wei suddenly pointed to a line of words, "Personal Security Fund?"

"Oh——" Hu Yifei exaggeratedly dragged on the tail, "If you need to fight mice next time, I can provide professional services. Of course, it's not free."

"Aren't you collecting protection money?" Zeng Xiaoxian said dissatisfied.

"You don't have to pay, but next time you meet a little mouse, don't be afraid." Hu Yifei said with a smile, "And don't call it—Mom!"

Zeng Xiaoxian looked embarrassed and lowered his head.

"It's not fair! Everything is aimed at us!" Lu Ziqiao protested, "The iPartment is not a constitutional monarchy!"

"Hahaha..." Hu Yifei laughed triumphantly as if she had harmed Snow White's queen, "It's not a monarch—but it's about the same!"

Her smiling face suddenly changed: "I'm involved to protect you, of course I'll be in charge of it!"

"We will protect ourselves!" Zhang Wei huddled behind Zeng Xiaoxian and raised his hands weakly in protest.

"Heh!" Hu Yifei smiled disdainfully, "You guys? When Sanying fights against Lu Bu, the three of you are no match for a mouse! Listen, only creatures at the top of the food chain can decide the rules of the game! And I am this person! Because , I am not afraid of anything!"

Hu Yifei stared at him for a week, Zeng Xiaoxian and the other three were silent, not daring to speak out.

She nodded in satisfaction and was about to turn around and leave.

Su Yi raised his hand suddenly: "Wait, Yifei, can you take me away?"

"Haha!" Hu Yifei laughed strangely, "He who knows current affairs is a hero, Xiao Yi, I am very satisfied with your performance, let's go, I will protect you!"

"Su Yi, I didn't expect you to betray the revolution with thick eyebrows and big eyes!" Lu Ziqiao said angrily.

Su Yi laughed and said: "The imperial army said, as long as you follow her, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth. I advise you to abandon the darkness and turn to the light as soon as possible, and stop stubbornly resisting!"

"Yaoxi!" Hu Yifei pretended to stroke his beard, "You really are a good citizen, Susan!"

"Let's leave quickly, Taijun," Su Yi said, "I'm afraid that if we don't leave, something bad will happen."

"What's wrong?" Hu Yifei was taken aback.

"Xiao Yi, for the sake of men, you can stay with us!" Zhang Wei begged suddenly.


"Okay, haha! Hahaha! Hahahaha..." Su Yi laughed harder than crying, "Did you see, this is a bad thing, I'm sorry Yifei, I have to rebel, let's face Gale !"

"Okay, you, I didn't expect you to be an idiot!" Hu Yifei pointed at Su Yi, "When the blood falls on you, don't regret it!"


Hu Yifei left angrily.

"Xiao Yi, I didn't expect you to talk about loyalty so much, you are so mean!" Seeing Hu Yifei walking away, Zhang Wei immediately patted Su Yi's shoulder excitedly.

"It's a last resort, it's just forced to open." Su Yi sighed, "Tell me, how should we die?"

"Are you so unconfident in us?" Zeng Xiaoxian said angrily, "No matter how arrogant she is, she's just a woman!"

"From a biological perspective, yes, but in other's hard to say!" Lu Ziqiao said seriously.

"Isn't it just that the male hormones are a little high, what else is abnormal?" Zeng Xiaoxian exclaimed.

"Can a normal woman crush a mouse to death with her bare hands?" Zhang Wei approached and asked.

The three of them were all startled, and they all shuddered.

"No matter what! How can we three big men give you a woman to cede land and pay compensation?" Zeng Xiaoxian yelled sternly, "It's just like the saying that riches and nobles can't be promiscuous, mighty and powerful can't be subdued, and poor and humble can't be moved!"

"These three sentences don't have much to do with us, do they?" Zhang Wei said seriously, "I'm a poor man, Zi Qiao is a prostitute, and you are a coward..."

The three of them were all startled, their expressions were a little embarrassed.

"Xiao Yi, what do you think we should do?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Su Yi, "What should we do to overthrow Hu Yifei's tyrannical rule?"

"Kill her!" Su Yi said seriously.

All three were startled.

"Are you serious?" Zhang Wei said in horror.

Su Yi looked at him quietly: "This is the only way."

"That is to say, why are we out of action?" Zeng Xiaoxian's face collapsed.

"Huh? If we can make her afraid for once..." Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up suddenly, "Maybe the situation will change at that time."

"You are really old birthday stars who hanged themselves, looking for death..." Su Yi couldn't help but said, "Can't you live well?"

"A real man will never live in an idiotic way!" Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly stood up with his fists clenched and waved his fists loudly, "If the price of living is losing freedom and dignity, then we would rather die bravely!"

"Freedom!" Lu Ziqiao raised his arms and shouted wildly.

"Freedom!" The whole bar was crying and howling.

"Oh, it's hopeless..." Su Yi buried his face in his two palms.

Lu Ziqiao winks at Zeng Xiaoxian and the others, and pouts at Su Yinu.

The three of them smiled knowingly.

"Ahem!" Zeng Xiaoxian cleared his throat, "Well, Xiao Yi, what do you think of the three of us?"

"Except for being coquettish and cheap, there's nothing else to say." Su Yi sighed and sat up again.

"I'm cheap, but which of the two of them is the coquettish and which is the prodigal?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked in a daze.

"Obviously, I'm a prodigal!" Lu Ziqiao said.

Zhang Wei looked at everyone innocently: "I think I am very pure."

"Okay, what conspiracy do you have, just tell it!" Su Yi waved his hand, looking like a broken jar.

"How do you know we have a conspiracy?" Zeng Xiaoxian widened his eyes in horror.

"It was a guess at first, but now it's confirmed." Su Yi sighed, "I have a request, can you let me go back?"

"No!" The three said in unison.

Su Yi rolled his eyes.

"Hey!" Zhang Wei walked up to Su Yi with a smile, "Little Yi, as the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. You are the only one among us men who is not afraid of Yifei. As a friend, you have to make decisions for us. .”

"That's right, Xiaoyi, just help us!" Zeng Xiaoxian pouted coquettishly.

"Xiao Yi, if you really treat us as friends, help us this time!" Lu Ziqiao engaged in moral kidnapping.

Su Yi looked around for a week, saw the three of them anxiously, smiled, and stretched out his hand.

Zhang Wei immediately picked up the wine glass and put it in Su Yi's hand.

"You three... You live in 3602 very comfortably and safely. There are anti-theft doors and walls to protect you. In fact, you don't need to come to me for help." Su Yi sighed, "But now you come to me and say, Xiao Yi, please help us. But you have no respect for me at all, you don’t regard me as a friend, and you don’t even want to call me godfather.”

"Godfather!" The three shouted in unison, looking as cute as they could be.

Su B: (_`;)
"It's my fault. You have no morals if you forget." Su Yi sighed, "Okay, what are you going to ask me to do?"

He gave up the last struggle.

"It's very simple, let her be afraid once!" Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up.

"It's best to scare her to scream louder than us!" Zhang Wei said.

"And we want to watch her on the spot, and appreciate her frightened appearance up close!" Zeng Xiaoxian smiled slyly, with a longing and yearning expression on his face.

"Well, as long as you dare to die, I will dare to bury you." Su Yi shook his head and said.

"You die first..." Lu Ziqiao laughed.

But halfway through, the eyes of the other three fell on his face.

Lu Ziqiao's expression froze, his eyes rolled, and he continued: "Then we die again, and in the end the four of us will live and die together!"

"Yes!" Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei agreed together.

"Hehe..." Su Yi had a half-smile, "Is it okay to live together, but die together? Let's avoid it!"

That night, at twelve o'clock, Hu Yifei was sitting alone in the living room watching TV. Because she was afraid of disturbing Su Yi's work, she deliberately turned the volume of the TV to the minimum.

Tang Youyou didn't come back because she was going to shoot a night scene, and there were only her and Su Yi in 3601.

At Su Yi's suggestion, she deliberately picked a horror movie and watched it intently.

In order to create an atmosphere, she deliberately turned off the lights.In the whole living room, only the light from the TV flickers on and off, accompanied by a strange soundtrack.


Just when Hu Yifei was engrossed in watching, he suddenly heard the sound of the door opening behind him.

She looked back vigilantly, and saw Su Yi's door slowly opened, and then Su Yi, who was wearing black trousers and white shirt, came out from inside, with a blank face and stiff limbs.

"What the hell?" Hu Yifei was taken aback, "Dress like you're going to an interview at night, what are you doing?"

"Bathroom." Su Yi dragged his tail and said gloomily.

Hu Yifei was puzzled: "Go to the bathroom—interview?"

The corners of Su Yi's mouth curled up, revealing a weird smile, and then, maintaining a slow and stiff posture, he moved lightly to the bathroom.

Squeak - snap!

He closed the bathroom door.

Hu Yifei muttered inexplicably, turned around and continued watching TV.


But after watching for two minutes, the sound of opening the door came from behind. At this time, Hu Yifei was seeing the wonderful place, and was startled by the sudden sound, and almost jumped up cleverly.

Looking back, Su Yi's door was still slowly opening.

Su Yi, who was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, walked out of the door expressionlessly, with stiff limbs and slow movements.

Hu Yifei was dumbfounded.

"You... Didn't you go to the bathroom just now?" She asked with wide-eyed horror.

"Yes, I'm going to the bathroom." Su Yi said grimly, and slowly moved towards the bathroom.

"I, I mean, didn't you go there just now?" Hu Yifei trembled.

Having already walked to the door of the bathroom, Su Yi, who put his hand on the doorknob, turned around slowly, with a strange smile on his mouth: "You, are, say, what, what, ah..."

Hu Yifei stared wide-eyed, feeling that the hairs all over her body were blowing up, she backed away in horror and shouted: "You, don't scare people, Su Yi! People scare people and scare people to death!"

Squeak... slap.

Su Yi ignored her, turned around and went into the bathroom, closing the door.

At this time, Hu Yifei was completely out of mood to watch TV anymore, she only felt chills in her back, and her hair stood on end.

"Could it be... Did you see it wrong before?" She even began to wonder if she was hallucinating.

Right here-


The sound of the door opening slowly sounded again.

Hu Yifei looked around in horror, and saw Su Yi's door slowly opened again!

With the sound of slow footsteps, a figure slowly came out of the room. He was expressionless, his limbs were stiff, and he was wearing a white shirt and black trousers.

It's another Su Yi!
The third Su Yi!

A high-decibel scream pierced the night instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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