Chapter 851
Su Yi used his excellent skills to go back and forth between the bathroom and the two windows of the bedroom three times, successfully scaring Hu Yifei, who claims to be fearless.

When Hu Yifei was yelling in fright, Zeng Xiaoxian and the other three sluts were watching everything that happened here with binoculars on the opposite balcony.

Seeing Hu Yifei screaming in fright, the three sluts couldn't hold back their laughter.

With a smile over there, Hu Yifei here knows what happened no matter how scared he is.

Su Yi, who was forced to operate, stopped pretending when he saw that his goal had been achieved, and threw his hands at Hu Yifei, whose face had become ugly: "I'm just a toolman, and I have a wrong and a debtor. If you want to blame, you blame the three people next door." bitch."

"You're not a good guy either!" Hu Yifei turned livid with anger, yelled, rushed into her room, and never came out again.

"Hahaha..." The next door 3602 burst into gloating laughter from the three sluts again.

Su Yi shrugged and sighed, and returned to the room.

He received a manuscript fee of more than [-] yuan today. He originally planned to settle the score with Hu Yifei at night and pay back the money and the rent.

but now--

He'd better not touch Hu Yifei for the time being.

That night, Su Yi fell into a state of insomnia again. In desperation, he could only fall asleep with the help of medicine.

When Su Yi got up the next day, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning, Hu Yifei had already gone to work, and Tang Youyou still hadn't come back, Su Yi was alone in 3601.

Looking at the empty room, Su Yi's mood immediately improved.

He likes to be quiet and enjoys being alone.

After punching a few times in the living room, it was considered as a daily exercise, and Su Yi devoted himself to another day of intense and busy work.

The first is to submit the manuscript. Yesterday I wrote [-] shocking manuscripts, nearly [-] words, and the manuscript fee was calculated to be more than [-] yuan.

Including yesterday's income, Su Yi earned more than [-] yuan in two days. He was a little emotional, how easy is it to make money?

While you can eat this wave of bonuses now, hurry up and earn more.

Su Yi felt that his thinking was a little bit off yesterday. "Return of the God of War" can be written at any time, but the shocking manuscript will soon be imitated. How long this bonus can last is a question.

Therefore, it is better to seize the time to eat the shocking body cake before other self-media people have reacted, and eat as much as you can!

The editor is even more enthusiastic about Su Yi today, calling each teacher very courteously, and the words are very flattering, and once again persuaded Su Yi to sign a long-term contract with their platform.

For the platform, Su Yi is simply the kind of treasured self-media person.

Eye-catching enough, but also a large amount of filling.

Changing his strategy, Su Yi didn't directly refuse this time.

However, he was not in a hurry to negotiate a contract right away, he just told this editor that two other big platforms had also contacted him.

This is a fact, there was indeed contact with Su Yi.

But Su Yi said that since the previous cooperation was very pleasant, if this side can offer a price that satisfies Su Yi, he is more inclined to cooperate with this side.

Such words obviously carry the meaning of self-promotion, and everyone knows it well, but if the editor really ignores Su Yi's words, then the lie will become the truth.

The editor didn't dare to neglect, and told Su Yi that he must give him another day, and he would definitely give Su Yi an answer before six o'clock this afternoon.

Su Yi is also very satisfied.

He read more than a dozen manuscripts he published yesterday, and the click-through rate and response rate were very high, and four of them even made it to the homepage and became popular.

The [-] manuscripts to be released today, both in terms of quality and topics, are even better than yesterday's, so he is confident that today's results will be better.

In this way, it will undoubtedly add more and greater weight to his negotiations.

Taking advantage of the fact that the shock is still exclusive, Su Yi feels that selling himself for a good price as soon as possible is the way to maximize the benefits.

Although writing these things is not what Su Yi likes, Su Yi just regards this work as a earning business, but he does not dislike this kind of fulfilling life.

He needs to find something for himself to do, whatever it is.

As for what's the point of these things?
He doesn't want to think about it.

Today's Su Yi's thoughts are particularly "smooth", and because he doesn't need to code "Return of the God of War", by 56 o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yi wrote [-] manuscripts in one go!

Creative bottleneck?

It doesn't exist here at all!
He has dabbled in all subjects such as military affairs, history, sports, finance, gender emotions, entertainment gossip, and international situations.

It's not that Su Yi is erudite, but that the headline party articles are characterized by being "easy to understand". In addition, Su Yi has a level of theoretical knowledge that exceeds more than ten years. Enough for him to write a seemingly "professional" article.

Before six o'clock, Su Yi first received today's manuscript fee of more than [-] yuan, and then received a message from the editor on the communication software.

"Mr. Liangchen, our editor-in-chief would like to talk to you in person, what is your phone number?"


It was only then that Su Yi remembered that he didn't even have a mobile phone until now.

"I don't have a cell phone, but I do have a landline number, and the number is..."

After a while, the phone rang in the living room.

It was originally a matter of Lang's affection and concubine's intention, and the two parties soon "colluded into adultery".

Su Yi didn't pretend to be reserved, and the price offered there was also very reasonable and generous. After several rounds of negotiations, the two parties finally agreed on the price, and they hit it off. It was agreed that when Su Yi delivered the manuscript tomorrow morning, he would Sign a new contract.

The new contract signed a two-year exclusive contribution agreement with Su Yi. Within two years, Su Yi can only contribute to this platform and is not allowed to cooperate with other platforms, even if he changes his pseudonym, otherwise it will be deemed a breach of contract.

This can be regarded as an overlord clause, but it doesn't matter, the exclusive or multiple, it doesn't make any difference to Su Yi.

In terms of remuneration, Su Yi was given a guarantee of 400 yuan + share for a thousand characters. The share ratio was seventy-three, platform seven, and Su Yi three.

This treatment may sound like a small amount, but let's put it this way, this is the second-tier contract on this platform after top celebrities.

According to this price, as long as Su Yi is diligent enough, it should not be a problem to earn a BMW this month.

Su Yi couldn't be more satisfied with this.

Signing a contract is not that simple. Being able to agree to sign the contract tomorrow morning is already expedited.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi didn't bother to go out, so he simply ordered takeaway, planning to stay at home and continue to "shock" a few more articles.

By the way, wait for Hu Yifei to come back and explain the "misunderstanding" last night.

But instead of Hu Yifei, he waited for Zeng Xiaoxian.

When he heard the knock on the door, Su Yi had already guessed who was outside, and he felt a little bad all over.

He really didn't want to go out.

Especially if you don't want to mix with the few second-hand goods next door.

But Zeng Xiaoxian was very persistent, knocking on the door while shouting Su Yi's name, as if he was sure that Su Yi was at home.

When Su Yi opened the door, Zeng Xiaoxian almost fell in.

"Are you at home? I thought you weren't here, it scared me to death..." Zeng Xiaoxian rubbed his chest with lingering fear.

"You think you keep knocking on the door when I'm not here?" Su Yi said with a dark face, "If you think I'm not here, who will open the door for you?"

"Ah, ah, ah..." Zeng Xiaoxian smiled foolishly, "That's right."

"..." Su Yi resisted not rolling his eyes, and before Zeng Xiaoxian could speak, he said, "I don't go out, I don't go to bars, I don't play billiards, and I don't want to participate in any of your activities. I just want to stay at home and don't want to go anywhere!"

Zeng Xiaoxian was stunned, and said: "But today we mainly want to ask you to go to the bar. If you don't go, then what's the point of us? Xiaoyi, let's go? Why are you bored at home?"

"Damn!" Su Yi looked up to the sky and sighed.

It seems that there is only one way to stop the invitation - don't meet!



Half an hour later, unscrupulous laughter erupted in the Lonely Corner bar, and the laughter came from Lu Ziqiao, Zhang Wei and Zeng Xiaoxian.

Guan Gu sat on the sofa next to him with a speechless expression. Opposite him was Su Yi with the same expressionless expression and Ge You lying down.

"Guangu, you really can't imagine Yifei's expression last night, ahahaha..." Lu Ziqiao laughed and held his stomach.

The other two also laughed so hard that they burst into tears.

Guan Gu miraculously smiled, "Yeah, half an hour has passed and you're just laughing, the story hasn't been told yet!"

Lu Ziqiao pointed at Zhang Wei with a smile and said, "Zhang Wei, you are a law student and have a good eloquence. Tell me!"

Zhang Wei suppressed his laughter, and raised his hands to tell Guan Gu Miraculously a story: "At that time, Yifei was watching a horror movie..."

"Hey, wait, wait..." Lu Ziqiao interrupted just after speaking, "I can't hold back anymore, let me speak, I will speak, I will speak!"

He looked eager to try.

"Okay, tell me!" Zhang Wei generously gave him the opportunity to tell the story.

Lu Ziqiao raised his hands and began to talk with great interest: "At that time, Yifei was watching a horror movie, and suddenly..."

In the middle of speaking, Lu Ziqiao suddenly shut up and frowned, waved his hands and said, "Forget it, Zhang Wei, it's better if you say it, it's more funny!"

Zhang Wei didn't take it seriously, and was about to tell the story: "At that time, Yifei was..."

"No, no, no, I'll say it, it's more suspenseful!" Lu Ziqiao interrupted Zhang Wei just after speaking.

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Then tell me!"

Lu Ziqiao raised his hands: "At that time, Yifei...well, it's up to you!"

He gave up again.

Su Yi couldn't help but roll his eyes, this guy really deserves a beating.

Zhang Wei was also a little speechless, but the child was relatively honest, and obediently continued to tell Guan Gu Miraculously: "At that time..."

As soon as he said two words again, Lu Ziqiao snatched the words away.

"We beat Hu Yifei up with a prank last night, hahaha..." Lu Ziqiao quickly gave the answer first, and then laughed loudly again to himself and Zeng Xiaoxian on the side.

Zhang Wei was almost choked out of internal injuries, and looked at Lu Ziqiao with resentment on his face.

"You still haven't said what happened!" Guan Gu said in a mysterious and speechless manner.

"Xiao Yi, tell me, what happened?" He looked at Su Yi who was lying opposite Ge You.


Su Yi sighed, and said: "The three of them entrusted me to scare Yifei with a prank last night..."

Su Yi roughly told the story.

But Lu Ziqiao and the others were very dissatisfied.

"Hey Xiaoyi, what you said is too dry, right?" Lu Ziqiao dissatisfied, "You didn't retell the essence of the matter at all!"

"That's right, why don't I tell the story!" Zeng Xiaoxian also complained.

Guan Gu, who was on the opposite side, widened his eyes in horror, and said: "You...haven't thought about the consequences? And the three of you have gone too far, have you? You actually instigated Xiaoyi to scare Yifei? You want to die, why did you drag him? "

"Hey, what's this called?" Lu Ziqiao objected, "We are here to let him integrate into us better, the three great irons in life, go through the window together, carry the gun together, and..."

"Huh?" The rest of the people snorted together and stared at Lu Ziqiao.

Lu Ziqiao finished his sentence, rolled his eyes, and continued: "In short, we are doing it for his own good!"

"Thank you." Su Yi said with a smile.

"We're all brothers, you're welcome!" Lu Ziqiao patted Su Yi on the shoulder.

Su Yi stared at his hand with a half-smile, and Lu Ziqiao immediately took it down.

"Anyway, don't call me for such things in the future, I don't want to follow you to deal with Yifei." Su Yi moved his ears, and noticed footsteps approaching behind him, but he said without turning his head, "This time I It’s just that it’s hard to refuse your first request to me, but in fact, I’d rather be on Yifei’s side, because I think she’s the one who decides in iPartment.”

This is the truth.

"And! If she has the final say, can she still be scared by us this time?" Zhang Wei waved his hands disdainfully.

"That's right!" Zeng Xiaoxian raised his eyebrows triumphantly, "Xiao Yi, even without you, we can still succeed in the uprising with the combination of three swords!"

"Hehe, aren't you afraid that Yifei will retaliate against you?" Guan Gu miraculously turned behind Su Yi and asked with a half-smile.

At this time, Su Yi had already felt someone stop behind him. Hearing this, he said without raising his head: "I'm just a knife. A knife has no thoughts. The key is to see who holds the knife. If yesterday Wan Yifei took me away first, or Yifei took my knife in her hand first, then it is another result now."

"So, if Yifei wants to take revenge, he should take revenge on the person holding the knife, not me with the knife."

"Besides, if you leave yourself completely alone, will Yifei believe you?" Lu Ziqiao said, "She will only think that you are with us, so give up, Xiao Yi, you should stand by the man!"

"Exactly! With the four of us, we can definitely check against Hu Yifei, the female devil!" Zeng Xiaoxian said imposingly, patting his chest.

Guan Gu magically smiled, and said in a gloating tone: "But if the distance is too close, this check and balance may be broken..."

The three of them finally realized that something was wrong, their expressions all changed, and then they all turned their heads.

I saw Hu Yifei sneering and bending over standing on the side very close to them, staring at them with a pair of big eyes.

The three of them were so frightened that they all jumped back and performed the action of Ultraman fighting a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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