Chapter 855

In the community square, Hu Yifei had a banner behind her back and a roll-up banner on one side. She found a small table out of nowhere, and the table was full of brochures she had printed for Su Yi.

The photos of Su Yi on the roll-up and the brochures are the screenshots of the elevator monitoring at first glance, which is a lot of sloppy.

But even the blurry picture quality can't hide Su Yi's own handsomeness.

In addition to Su Yi's real name and real name, the brochure also introduced Su Yi's representative works that make people blush just by looking at the title.

"All uncles and aunts, grandpas and aunts, younger brothers, sisters and children! Our love apartment has finally produced a great writer. Do you want to pay homage to his remains—ah bah! Is it the true face of Mount Lu?" Hu Yifei bewitched voice, "There is still a gap between a real person and a photo, how about this, if you want to see a real person, I can take you to visit for free, no tickets..."

"I'm going!"

"I also need to go!"

"Where is he? Take us there!"

The response from the onlookers was enthusiastic.Hu Yifei laughed happily.

"Everyone, don't be in a hurry. If you want to go, line up here. Come one by one. Be careful not to cause a stampede! Everyone must carefully recognize Liangchen and remember his face, haha..."

"Sister Yifei! Sister Yifei! Level [-] alert! Whoosh! Level [-] alert!" At this moment, Tang Youyou got out of the crowd, quickly rushed to Hu Yifei's side, and said nervously.

"What's wrong?" Hu Yifei was puzzled.

"Xiaoyi wants to run!" Tang Youyou said in Hu Yifei's ear, "Maybe he is about to slip away after breakfast, sister Yifei, you need to hurry up, otherwise if Xiaoyi slips away early, you Working for a long time is equivalent to winking at the blind man."

"He wants to run?" Hu Yifei's voice suddenly increased an octave, "How can this work? The show hasn't started yet, how can he, the protagonist, get away with it? Isn't it too tasteless?"

"Uh..." Tang Youyou rolled her eyes and reminded her: "Sister Yifei, the protagonist of the movie and the protagonist of social legal news are completely two concepts, and the protagonist Xiaoyi is forced."

"Then you can't run!" Hu Yifei said anxiously, "Otherwise, wouldn't my work be in vain? Hurry up, I have to stop him!"

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly stepped forward, clapped his hands and shouted: "Everyone! If you want to see the author's good time, follow me now! Don't come again when you don't miss this opportunity! Let's go, let's go!"

"Go, go, go!"

"Look at the great writers!"

The masses enthusiastically responded to the call and followed Hu Yifei to the love apartment.

Tang Youyou's eyes sparkled excitedly. Just thinking about such a big scene made her excited, let alone witnessing it with her own eyes.

"Sister Yifei, wait for me! I want to watch from the front line!" She shouted excitedly, and hurried to catch up.

Hu Yifei pulled more than [-] people, and the two elevators had just sat down, and the extra person was overloaded, rushing to the sixth floor.

In the elevator, Hu Yifei suddenly tasted it, and looked at Tang Youyou suspiciously: "No, Yoyo, Su Yi is fine, why did you run away all of a sudden?"

Tang Youyou replied subconsciously: "He knows you're going to deal with him, why don't you run away and wait for death?"

"How did he know?" Hu Yifei stared at Tang Youyou.

Tang Youyou's expression froze immediately, and she stuck out her tongue guiltily and turned her head away.

"Damn! You actually betrayed me?" Hu Yifei was suddenly depressed, "Which side are you on, Yoyo?"

"Of course it's on your side, Sister Yifei, otherwise I wouldn't have run downstairs to inform you immediately." Tang Youyou said with a smile, "Besides, he guessed it himself before I told Xiaoyi."

"Guess? He is the roundworm in my stomach!" Hu Yifei didn't believe it at all.

"It's true! I'll post four!" Tang Youyou was in a hurry, and hurriedly explained.

Just then the elevator doors opened.

"I'll settle the score with you later!" Hu Yifei pretended to give her a fierce look, and then hurried out of the elevator.

"Everyone come with me, Liang Chen is inside, I'll call him out right now!" Hu Yifei let these neighbors into the living room expectantly, and then impatiently prepared to call Su Yi out.

She had already figured it out, even if she pulled Su Yi forcefully, she would drag Su Yi out.

But when she walked to the door of Su Yi's room, she was stunned.

The door of Su Yi's room is open, but there is no one in the room!
not there?

"No way!"

Hu Yifei reluctantly went in and looked around, but the bedroom was so big that there was no way to hide anyone.

"Did he really run away?" Hu Yifei felt his mind explode.

In order to ensure that Su Yi was at home, she woke up early on purpose, but after working hard for a long time, Su Yi still ran away!

Unwillingly, she went to search in several other rooms and even the bathroom, and finally her heart was completely cold.

Su Yi is indeed not at home!
"Tang, You, You!" Hu Yifei gritted his teeth, "You are such a shit-stirring stick! You ruined my big business!"

Tang Youyou knew she was wrong, she shrank behind the person and stuck out her tongue embarrassingly.

"This... I didn't expect him to run so fast, Sister Yifei, why don't you look for it again?"

"Find a fart! The man obviously ran away! He didn't even close the window of the room, and he obviously left in a hurry!" Hu Yifei's forehead was throbbing with veins, "Tang Youyou, it's all your fault for tipping him off! You tell me find out!"

"But, I don't know where he is hiding, why don't you ask the next door?" Tang Youyou said weakly.

"That's right, why did I forget the neighbor!" Hu Yifei's eyes lit up immediately.

"Where's Liangchen? Didn't he bring us to see Liangchen?" Someone shouted in dissatisfaction.

"That's right, what about others?"

"Everyone, wait a minute, maybe...the other person is next door, I'll look for it!" Hu Yifei forced an apologetic smile, and hurried out to knock on the door next door.

It took a long time to knock on the door before it opened. The one who opened the door was Guan Gu Mimi, who looked like he had just woken up.

"Yifei, what are you doing? What time is it?" Guan Gu complained miraculously.

"Stop talking nonsense, is Su Yi there?" Hu Yifei asked.

"Didn't he live with you?" Guan Gu asked inexplicably.

"Oh, get out of the way! I'll find it myself!" Hu Yifei didn't bother to explain, and pushed him into the room.

After a while, the screams of Zeng Xiaoxian, Zhang Wei and Lu Ziqiao were heard in the room.

After a while of flying around, Hu Yifei returned without success.

"It's all due to failure!" She looked up to the sky and sighed, accepting her own failure again.

"I said, is Liang Chen here?" Someone asked dissatisfied.

"Uh...everyone, Liangchen is not at home now, why don't you come to see him another day?" Hu Yifei had to clean up the mess, "Liangchen lives here, and there are photos of Liangchen in the brochure I sent to everyone, so everyone can count on not coming , I will also meet him in the community in the future, hehe, everyone is not polite after seeing him, you can laugh at him as much as you want, despise him..."

"Laugh at him? Why should we laugh at him?" A young man took out a notebook and a pen inexplicably, "It's too late for me to admire him. His articles are so good. I think he will become a great writer in the future." , I came to get his autograph."

"Yes, yes, me too! Teacher Liangchen is so talented, I want to sign an autograph and take a photo with him before he becomes popular!" A little girl acted like a nympho.

Hu Yifei's eyes widened, and she realized that things might have gone astray.

"You, don't you all come to him to ask for his autograph?" She asked tremblingly in disbelief.

"We are all!" More than a dozen people took out their notebooks and papers and said in unison.


"Damn!" Hu Yifei couldn't hold back her foul language, "What about you?"

She pointed to the uncles and aunts who didn't take out pens and papers: "Grandpa and aunt, you are also here to chase stars, right?"

"We are not." The leading aunt shook her head in denial.

As soon as Hu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, she heard the aunt continue: "We are here to go on a blind date for our children. There is a great writer in the community. Let's take care of our children, hehe..."

"That's right, little girl, looking at the photos, Liang Chen is also a good-looking talent, I think it's a perfect match for my daughter!" an old man said cheerfully.

"Old Li, don't talk nonsense. My girl is a good match for him, your daughter? Your daughter has a big face, can she match a good time?"

"Hey, how do you talk?"


Hu Yifei's whole body is not well.

"You, don't you think that what Liangchen wrote is offensive and sensational?" She said angrily, "Don't you think that the title of the article he wrote has no bottom line? Such a person...why do you want to pursue it instead? he?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Hu Yifei with strange eyes.

"Girl, what you said is wrong. Liangchen's writing is not vulgar at all." An aunt said seriously, "For example, the article "Young Men and Women Haven't Got It Right in a Hot Pot Restaurant for a Long Time", I just read it. After reading it, I realized that the ingredients bowl of Shuchuan hot pot was prepared in that way. And "Shocked, This Woman Did Such a Thing Before Sleeping", I read this article, and then I realized that drinking a glass of milk before going to bed will help Sleep, Teacher Liangchen really taught me a lot."

"That's right!" A little girl took the words, "It was only after I read the article "Things Between Men and Women Are Shame to Tell, Men Read Silence, Women Read Tears", that I realized that the most important thing in a relationship is trust. , Cherish the people in front of you.”

"There is also the article "Shocked! He didn't pull it out all night, and almost died", a young man said seriously, "It was because of Teacher Liangchen's article that I suddenly got up in the middle of the night and went to the living room to check whether it was pulled out or not. I just found the charger on fire. If I hadn’t found it in time, I’m afraid I would have been buried in the flames! I’m here today not only to get Teacher Liangchen’s signature, but also to thank him for saving his life.”

As he spoke, the young man suddenly took out a pennant and shook it away.

I saw the words written on the pennant—Beautiful pen produces flowers, reborn parents, and bestowed on Teacher Liangchen.


Hu Yifei suddenly felt tired.

What's wrong with this world?
An old man said to Hu Yifei earnestly: "Little girl, if your heart is clean, you can see the world cleanly; if your heart is not clean, everything you look at is dirty."

"What do you mean? You mean I'm not clean? What did you say? Huh?" Hu Yifei, who was already on the verge of collapse, was completely annoyed by this sentence.

Seeing this, Tang Youyou and Guan Gu, who came to watch the excitement, rushed to drag Hu Yifei.

"Sister Yifei calm down! Calm down!"

"Yifei, don't do it!"

"Let go of me! Let him speak clearly! Why am I not clean? Ah? Make it clear!" Hu Yifei was dragged away by the two people. She struggled desperately, flailing her hands and feet, and shouted angrily.

"Oh, the world is getting worse..." The uncle shook his head and sighed, "We are all under the same roof, why is there such a big difference in life?"


But he was dragged into 3602 by Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou, and closed the door.

Tang Youyou stayed outside the door, and said to these people with a dry smile: "Everyone, Liangchen is not at home, why don't you go back first. I'm sorry for what happened just now, and I apologize to everyone."

"Oh, let's go, let's go! Those who seek hermits will not be met..." The uncle said regretfully, "Let's not disturb the purity of the great writer."

"Okay, okay, let's go..."

Everyone went out one after another.

The guy who sent the pennant walked up to Tang Youyou, and handed the pennant to her with a serious expression: "Girl, please hand it over to Mr. Liangchen yourself, and tell him, thank you for saving his life!"

"Hehe... I will." Tang Youyou smiled awkwardly.

After a while, all the people left.

Tang Youyou stood in the empty 3601, and suddenly laughed "puchi".

"Sister Yifei, sister Yifei, you are so clever that you are mistaken by your cleverness, hehe..."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of 3602 opened, and Hu Yifei walked out from there angrily, and came back here.

"Unreasonable, simply unreasonable! People nowadays don't even have the basic concept of right and wrong?" Hu Yifei waved her arms in embarrassment, "The title of Su Yi's article is obviously marginal, and they still think it's good? Still looking for him Want an autograph? It's a joke!"

"Yes yes yes..." Tang Youyou nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"And you, Tang Youyou, I won't tell you anything from now on, hum, you've lost my trust in you!" Hu Yifei exclaimed angrily.

"Farewell, sister Yifei!" Tang Youyou hurriedly apologized with a smile, "Actually, if I hadn't tipped off the news and Xiaoyi had stayed at home, then what you see now is that he is surrounded by stars and moons, accepting everyone Sister Yifei, wouldn't it be more embarrassing for you in such a scene?"

"So, should I thank you?" Hu Yifei stared.

"Hey, don't be angry, Sister Yifei," Tang Youyou shook Hu Yifei's arm coquettishly, "What's the big deal, if I tell you a secret about Xiaoyi, it's evened?"

Hu Yifei looked at her suspiciously: "What secret does Su Yi have?"

"About you," Tang Youyou said mysteriously, "Actually, Xiao Yi has already figured out how to deal with you. He told me before, let me wait to hear your third scream."

"Cut! I'm afraid of him?" Hu Yifei said disdainfully, "I think he's at his wit's end other than beating ghosts and scaring people!"

"Who's the donkey?"

Just as they were talking, Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao, Zhang Wei, and Guan Gu Miqi all came here from the next door.

After such a toss just now, they were all woken up, so they simply came over to watch the fun.

(End of this chapter)

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