Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 856 Destined Ending

Chapter 856 Destined Ending
"What's the situation? When did your room become a tourist attraction?"

"Yifei, why did you go crazy just now? You rushed to my room suddenly, I almost lost my clothes!"

"What happened to you here?"

The four people in 3602 asked in a hurry.

Hu Yifei was already in a bad mood, and now she was annoyed by the quarrel. She waved her hands and stamped her feet and shouted, "Oh, I'm so annoying! You guys talk, I'll go first!"

After that, he walked out without looking back.

Everyone watched Hu Yifei leave and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What happened?" Zhang Wei looked puzzled.

Tang Youyou suddenly jumped to the middle, and eagerly said: "You—do you want to know what happened? Come, come, sit down, and listen to me tell you slowly."

Twenty minutes later...


Loud laughter erupted in the living room.

"Haha, Hu Yifei is shooting himself in the foot. Stealing the chicken won't make you lose money? Hahaha, I laughed so hard!" Zeng Xiaoxian laughed the most exaggeratedly, tears came out.

"Hu Yifei, the female devil, is there today? It's so satisfying! It's cool!" Lu Ziqiao raised her thumb, her expression as refreshed as if she drank Tibetan secret tea.

"Didn't you find the key point of this matter?" Zhang Wei smiled, "You always tell me that Hu Yifei is at the top of the food chain in our love apartment, but now, she has been slumped in front of Su Yi. "

"That's right! Could it be that Su Yi stands taller than Hu Yifei?" Guan Gu's eyes widened miraculously.

"Stand higher and pee farther!" Lu Ziqiao continued.

"Where did Su Yi pee?" Guan Gu asked strangely.

"It's a metaphor!" Lu Ziqiao rolled her eyes, "What I mean is, judging from the current situation, Hu Yifei has finally met a man who can hold her down. Maybe, the time has come for us to become serfs and sing!"

"But Su Yi thought we were too good-for-nothing, so he didn't want to take us with us." Zhang Wei said, "So we still haven't turned over, and only Su Yi turned over. How about we take the initiative to join him?"

"Not so good!" Zeng Xiaoxian rolled his eyes, "Su Yi can subdue Hu Yifei? Don't be ridiculous! Who is Hu Yifei, the female devil! Look, he will taste Hu Yifei's power sooner or later!"

"Do you dare to bet?" Lu Ziqiao raised his eyebrows and looked sideways at Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Just bet!" Zeng Xiaoxian said.

"Okay, 500 yuan, Guan Gu and Zhang Wei will be the notaries! Buy it and let it go without any regrets!" Lu Ziqiao said hastily.

"I'm not so boring, let Guan Gu be your notary, I'm going to the convenience store." Zhang Wei said.

"Didn't you just go there yesterday?" Lu Ziqiao asked curiously.

Zhang Wei suddenly laughed wretchedly: "You don't understand, I'm waiting for an encounter, hehehe..."

The rest of the people all felt cold.

"I'm going to continue painting." Guan Gu said magically.

"I'm going to catch up on getting back to the cage," Lu Ziqiao said.

"I'll go too!" Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly followed.

In the blink of an eye, the men left completely, and only Tang Youyou was left to look left and then again, spreading his hands out of boredom.

"It's so boring..." She sighed and muttered, "Where did Xiao Yizang go?"

Su Yi was actually outside the window the whole time.

He heard everything, and even though things were going in the opposite direction that Hu Yifei expected, he didn't have the slightest intention of showing up.

Whether it is good or bad, it is troublesome for Su Yi.

The last thing he wants to get involved in right now is trouble.

Later, after Hu Yifei left, Su Yi rolled in through the window, but he didn't make any sound.

After the four men next door had left, Su Yi quietly closed the bedroom door, and started typing on the keyboard.

Tang Youyou thought that there was no one at home, so she practiced her lines in the living room, and acted out a bitter drama with herself, as if she was insane.

A moment of "I love you more because I'm full".

After a while, "Shixian, tell me, do you love Pinru or me".

For a while, "You lost only a leg, but what I lost was love".

It may be that the bitter drama is not enjoyable, but this guy actually played the Kangxi Dynasty again.

"...They forced me to make this great achievement! I hate them and respect them! Oh, what a pity, they are all dead, I am so lonely..."

Then he sang a song "Borrowing from Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years" in bel canto, and then Errenzhuan started again.

"The first month is also here, on the third and fourth day of the first month, the company has annual holidays, the two of us go to visit..."

Su Yi couldn't bear it anymore, pushed open the door and walked out of the bedroom.

Tang Youyou was using two towels as paper fans, wrapped in a flowered sheet, and on her head was the pennant that the young man had given to Su Yi as a "reborn parent", pretending to be a woman from the Northeast, twisting her head Yangko.

Twisting it is called joyful, and singing it is called loud and clear.

When she was shaking her head and tail, she saw Su Yi at a glance, and her whole body froze in place.


The two stared at each other silently for about ten seconds.

"When did you come back?" Tang Youyou smiled, blushing like a monkey's butt.

"It's early, since I love you more, because I'm full, I wanted to come out and remind you to keep your voice down." Su Yi said quietly.

Tang Youyou couldn't laugh anymore.

Isn't that the same as being at home from beginning to end?

She covered her face with the pennant wrapped around her head, lay down on the ground, and remained motionless.

Ah, I am dead.

"Amen." Su Yi crossed himself on his chest, gave Tang Youyou a sympathetic look, then returned to the bedroom and closed the door.

While Tang Youyou was thinking about how to destroy Su Yi's humanity, in Qin Yumo's room upstairs, Hu Yifei was also venting his crazy emotions to Qin Yumo.

"Su Yi! Damn Su Yi! I don't believe there is nothing to do with him! I must get this place back!" Hu Yifei broke down and shouted.

Qin Yumo grinned and said, "I've only been away for half a day, why did you lose so badly? Who is this Su Yi? What did he do to you? How did you deal with him in the morning?"

Hu Yifei's face was stinky, and he waved his hands: "Anyway, I was seen as a joke! Yu Mo, only you can help me now!"

"Okay, okay, who made us sisters?" Qin Yumo smiled, "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"I know you are the most interesting!" Hu Yifei suddenly became happy, "I plan to..."

Muttering to herself, she told Qin Yumo her solution.

Qin Yumo let out an "ah" with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Ah? Seductive? In the future, I will move in and become roommates with him. Will it be bad?"

"What's wrong? You're doing things for me!" Hu Yifei said, "Don't worry, the injustice has a debtor, and if he wants to blame, he can blame me! Besides, if he takes the bait, it will be him." I have become lustful, and I can't blame others!"

Qin Yumo thought for a while, and reluctantly agreed: "Then... alright!"

"Yu Mo, you are the best!" Hu Yifei smiled suddenly, "Then I will go down to see if Su Yi is back. If he is at home, I will send you a message and you go to act. I will call the ex next door at the right time." Come and watch! Haha, let's see how he makes a fool of himself!"

"Then—shall I change clothes?" Qin Yumo asked.

"Of course you have to change, pretty girl, show off your figure boldly!" Hu Yifei said with a smile.

"There's nothing I can do with you! Well, I'll go and change my clothes."

"I'll go down to find the way first!" Hu Yifei ran out impatiently.

When Hu Yifei returned home, she saw Tang Youyou sitting on the sofa in a daze, hitting her head hard with a cushion, with an expression of "the world is not worth it".

"What's wrong with you, Yoyo?" Hu Yifei asked in surprise.

"I want to die, don't stop me." Tang Youyou cried.

"Is Su Yi at home?" Hu Yifei asked.

"Yes." Tang Youyou was listless.

"Then... can you die in another place?" Hu Yifei rolled his eyes, "For example - next door?"

Tang Youyou looked at Hu Yifei resentfully: "Sister Yifei, you are ruthless, indifferent, and making trouble for no reason!"

"Why am I ruthless? Why am I indifferent? Why am I making trouble for no reason?" Hu Yifei subconsciously answered.

Then he waved his hands with an "ah bah" and said, "Go, go, go, if you don't go, this scene can't be sung."

"Who wants to sing?" Tang Youyou asked subconsciously.

"Hey, keep it secret for now!" Hu Yifei proudly said, "Anyway, Su Yi is about to make a fool of himself."

Tang Youyou suddenly cheered up: "Really?"

"Shhhhh! Keep your voice down!" Hu Yifei hurriedly said, "Go, go to the next door and talk slowly!"

"Okay! I'll go!" Tang Youyou gritted her teeth and stood up, "I can't die alone, I have to be backed anyway! Sister Yifei, I will absolutely cooperate this time!"

The two tiptoed and ran out quietly.

Arriving next door, Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao looked like they had just woken up, chatting and spanking in the room, Guan Gu was magically drawing in the room, and Zhang Wei was not at home.

"Yifei? Why are you here?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked curiously.

"I'm here to invite you to watch a good show, do you want to watch it?" Hu Yifei smiled, with a look of pride and anticipation.

"What fun?" Lu Ziqiao asked.

Guan Gu miraculously came out of the room and greeted Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou.

"Where's Zhang Weiren?" Hu Yifei asked.

"I went to the convenience store, who knows why he goes there all day." Lu Ziqiao spread his hands.

"Call him back! Tell him that there is a good show waiting for him. After passing this village, this shop will be gone!" Hu Yifei couldn't wait to take out her mobile phone and send a text message to Qin Yumo.

"What's the matter?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

"What else can I do? Have you forgotten who made Miss Yifei angry today?" Tang Youyou said with a smile.

The three boys looked at each other, their eyes lit up.

"Are you going to take revenge on Su Yi?" The three said in unison.

"Why, can't you?" Hu Yifei snorted.

"Haha! What do I mean?" Zeng Xiaoxian clapped his hands triumphantly, "I said that Su Yi will never be Yifei's opponent, and Yifei will give him a good look sooner or later. How about it? Haha, Ziqiao, 500 yuan!"

Lu Ziqiao sneered: "The outcome is still uncertain, isn't it too early for you to be complacent?"

"You actually bet against me and Su Yi?" Hu Yifei raised her eyebrows, "Are you tired of working?"

Both Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao's expressions changed, and the latter hurriedly said: "You guys fight, we will gamble outside the market, and everyone will not interfere with each other!"

"I don't have time to talk to you two now, I'll settle accounts with you later!" Hu Yifei snorted.

On the other side, Guan Gu miraculously called Zhang Wei to tell Zhang Wei to come back quickly, and Qin Yumo also sent Hu Yifei a message, saying that he would go downstairs immediately.

Su Yi was completely unaware of all this, he was typing on the keyboard with his fingers flying.

Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Su Yi's eyes were still fixed on the screen, he didn't even blink, and the movements of his hands didn't slow down.

The knocking on the door continued, and finally became a little impatient.

Su Yi frowned and stopped working, sighed and stood up. , go out and open the door.

As soon as the door opened, there stood a woman in a suspender skirt outside the door, revealing a large area of ​​white skin, which dazzled the eyes.

Then Su Yi and Qin Yumo outside the door froze at the same time.

"You—Teacher Liangchen!" Qin Yumo's eyes widened in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Su Yi smiled: "Please come in, let's talk later."

He glanced at the door next to 3602 calmly, and he heard someone eavesdropping behind the door next door.

No need to ask, Hu Yifei must have made another move.

Qin Yumo walked in with a dazed expression, and Su Yi closed the door.

When the two came to the living room, Su Yi poured Qin Yumo a glass of water, and asked with a smile, "Yifei asked you to come, right? How is she going to deal with me?"

"You are Su Yi? You are also Teacher Liangchen?" Qin Yumo suddenly realized.

"Yes." Su Yi smiled.

"So, yesterday morning you knew I wasn't Hu Yifei?" Qin Yumo said awkwardly.

"Yes." Su Yi said.

"Your third condition yesterday was that we meet again in the future. I want to stand by your side unconditionally, just because you guessed the current situation?" Qin Yumo asked with a strange expression.

"I can be sure that you are Yifei's friend." Su Yi thought for a while and said, "Yifei can't deal with me on her own, so there is a high probability that she will invite foreign aid, and I think she will probably invite you."

"You are really... a monstrosity, hehe, no wonder even Yifei has been repeatedly frustrated by your subordinates." Qin Yumo forced out a smile, "Mr. Liangchen, can I ask you something?"

"I will keep the matter of you pretending to be Hu Yifei a secret." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Thank you, thank you!" Qin Yumo hurriedly said, "Then I... well, I have to fulfill my promise, so I have to feel sorry for Yifei. Well, Yifei must hate me to death."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Your commission must not be kept secret. If Yifei wants to explain afterwards, just say that you have something to ask of me, isn't that all right?"

"Hehe, you don't understand, no matter what, she will definitely hate me." Qin Yumo said awkwardly.

"That is to say, it's the same whether you explain it or not?" Su Yi asked.

"What do you mean?" Qin Yumo was taken aback.

"Do you want to see Hu Yifei screaming in fright?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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