Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 857 Scream 3

Chapter 857 Scream 3
"Although I promised to stand on your side, it's impossible for you to ask me to deal with Yifei instead."

Facing Su Yi's proposal, Qin Yumo resolutely refused, she smiled and acted cutely: "I have integrity."

Su Yi laughed and said: "You just said that even if you don't help me, Yifei will still regard you as a traitor. Besides, you really don't want to see Yifei in a mess? With such an opportunity, maybe you will will never meet again.”

"Okay, you've convinced me!" Qin Yumo resolutely gave up his integrity, his eyes lit up and said expectantly, "What do you want me to do?"

"Would you mind putting on some makeup first?" Su Yi asked, "It's very simple."

"You know how to put on makeup?" Qin Yumo asked curiously.

"Of course, I'm a master." Su Yi said honestly, "By the way, how did Yifei plan to deal with me?"

"Well... well, it's okay to tell you, our original plan was to seduce you." Qin Yumo smiled sarcastically, "I tricked you into taking off your clothes and lying on the sofa, and I prepared some weird things to make you feel helpless. Something that proves innocent..."

"What?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"TT and lubricating oil..." Qin Yumo stuck out his tongue, blushing slightly, "Yifei went to buy them. In order to buy these two things, he even dressed himself up like a terrorist."

"You guys really put in so much effort." Su Yi was a little bit dumbfounded.

"It's a full set of acting." Qin Yumo said with a grin, "After this part of my steps is completed, I will pretend to take a shower and go to the bathroom to send a signal to Yifei. At this time, Yifei will rush to the toilet with many people Come in, just in time to see your ugliness."

Su Yi took a deep breath: "What a vicious thought, this is asking me to die on the spot!"

"She died?" Qin Yumo's expression was strange, "Uh... Actually, I haven't reached that step yet, and I won't reach that step, unless you plan to do it yourself..."

"Where do you want to go?" Su Yi said angrily, "Social death means social death."

Qin Yumo's face turned embarrassing, and he pretended to be natural and said, "That's right, that's what I mean!"

"Hehe!" If her face wasn't so red, Su Yi would really believe it. "Hu Yifei, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous! You forced me! I want a round to end this battle!"

He looked at Qin Yumo: "Originally, I planned to do something casually, but now, I need to go down and buy some props. Yumo, give me twenty minutes. If Hu Yifei urges you, don't talk to her, just text her Text message, you reply her like this..."

Qin Yumo nodded frequently, and finally said excitedly: "Teacher Liangchen, will we go too far by doing this? I'm so worried about Yifei. My heart is full of guilt now."

"Guilt?" Su Yi squinted at her, "Then you look so excited?"

"I'm nervous. I've never done anything on such a large scale! I'm a little scared." Qin Yumo said innocently, blinking his eyes.

This guy is really a goblin, but sister Yu is a lolita.

"Don't be nervous, it's like this for the first time." Su Yi comforted her, "But after doing it, you will find that it's really cool."

Qin Yumo's expression froze: "Mr. Liangchen, I have a boyfriend."

"It's not a hindrance, because I also have a driver's license." Su Yi chuckled, "Wait for me, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Then he turned and went out the door.

Su Yi himself didn't realize that he was quite interested in teasing Hu Yifei, which was completely different from his negative attitude towards other things.

After Qin Yumo entered the room, Hu Yifei triumphantly summoned everyone, even Zhang Wei who was in the convenience store was called back by her.

She told everyone that there would be a good show to watch later.

But after waiting and waiting, Qin Yumo didn't see the agreed signal, so she couldn't help becoming anxious.

"Yifei, if your good show doesn't start, I'll almost fall asleep!" Zeng Xiaoxian yawned, "What's going on?"

"That's right, call me back from the convenience store in such a hurry, in case I miss my Goddess Yida, who will bear the responsibility?" Zhang Wei said very dissatisfied.

"I also made an appointment with CICI at the bar, Yifei, you are making me miss the appointment." Lu Ziqiao said.

"And me, I want to work! I want to draw!" Guan Gu Miracle also expressed his dissatisfaction.

Only Tang Youyou looked enthusiastic, and said in no hurry: "Oh, please be more patient, work slowly and carefully, don't worry, don't worry, Ann..."

"Should... soon?" Hu Yifei also murmured, almost half an hour has passed, why is Qin Yumo still not well?
Is it difficult to seduce a little boy?
After thinking about it, she sent Qin Yumo a message - "What's going on? Still not well?"

After a while, Qin Yumo replied to the message - "Why is he so weird? I'm a little afraid of Yifei. Could this person be a pervert?"

Hu Yifei——"Fuck, you won't back down at this time, will you? gogogo!"

Qin Yumo didn't reply any more messages.

A few minutes later, Hu Yifei suddenly received a message from Qin Yumo - "Report".

Just one word - report.

Report what?
Report?revenge?repay?to reimburse?revenge?
Hu Yifei was puzzled, and replied - "What do you mean?"

Then no matter how much she sent messages, she never received a reply from Qin Yumo.

Suddenly there was a muffled noise from next door.

"What sound?" Zhang Wei asked curiously.

"What is Su Yi doing next to him? Throwing a shot put?" Lu Ziqiao also wondered.

"You guys wait! I'll go and have a look!" Hu Yifei felt a little apprehensive and couldn't sit still any longer.

Shouldn't something happen?

She intends to go quietly to investigate the situation.

After going out, she first carefully lay down at the door and listened, but she didn't hear any sound from inside.

She took out the key and opened the door carefully, moving very lightly, trying not to make a sound.

Then she opened the door a crack first, and looked inside cautiously.

But the living room was empty.

Where did you go?
What about seduction?

There was a strange sound coming from the balcony, like sharpening a knife?

What are you doing?

Hu Yifei was dazed, thinking wildly in her mind, entered the room in a flash, and walked inside on tiptoe.

After walking through the hall, Hu Yifei suddenly felt something sticky under his feet.

When she looked down, the expression on her face suddenly froze, and her mind went blank for an instant.


So much blood!

This is a trail of blood left behind after something was dragged over!
The hairs of Hu Yifei's whole body were blown up. She looked at the living room along the bloodstains in horror, and saw a large pool of bloodstains on the floor of the living room, and there were bloody footprints everywhere in the room, from the balcony to the kitchen!

The direction the blood was dragging was the kitchen, and Hu Yifei turned her head to look along the blood mark, and saw that the blood mark continued under the cabinet.

She looked up, and there was a "bang" in her mind. At this moment, she even forgot to breathe.

She saw that Qin Yumo was lying on the counter covered in blood, with a knife stuck in his chest.

Her face was pale and bloodless, half of her face was bloody, and the messy hair stained with blood covered the other half of her face.

Her leg was placed on the chopping board, and there was also a kitchen knife on her leg. The blade was standing on Qin Yumo's knee, and blood was dripping from the wound.

Killing, dismembering...

At this moment, Hu Yifei's mentality exploded!
No matter how tough she is, she is still a normal human being in the final analysis. Seeing this extremely visually striking picture, not urinating on the spot is her last strength.

"Yu Mo... no, no..." Dou Da's teardrops fell uncontrollably, Hu Yifei murmured in disbelief, her body trembling involuntarily.

At this moment, the sound of sharpening knives on the balcony suddenly stopped.

Hu Yifei was terrified and turned around suddenly!
I saw Su Yi standing in front of the balcony with his face covered in blood, with a gloomy expression and terrifying eyes, staring straight at her.

"You shouldn't have come in!" Su Yi smiled strangely, his face suddenly became ferocious, he raised his knife and rushed towards Hu Yifei.

"Ahhh..." At this moment, Hu Yifei's liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and he let out a terrified scream like piercing clouds and cracking gold, and rushed out of the door like crazy.

But Su Yi didn't chase him out, instead he stopped laughing, feeling very happy.

Qin Yumo's "corpse" in the kitchen also jumped down suddenly, clutching his stomach and laughing "hahaha".

The knives on her chest and legs all fell to the ground with a clang.

Hu Yifei, who was about to run out the door, stopped abruptly when she heard the laughter behind her, and turned around stiffly, her face was still pale, the horror in her eyes hadn't faded away, and her hands were shaking violently.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Hahaha..." Qin Yumo laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up.

Hu Yifei's eyes gradually widened, realizing what happened.

She was tricked!
Qin Yumo shamefully betrayed her!

"I'm sorry, Yifei, giggling... I promised Teacher Liangchen before you that I would help her once. Before I met him, I didn't know that Su Yi was Teacher Liangchen. Giggle, but I'm still the first It's the first time I've seen you scared like this, giggling, it's so fun..." Qin Yumo kept laughing while wiping off the "bloody" imitation makeup painted on his face.

Hu Yifei stood there stupidly for a while, her eyes were wide open, and there were still tears on her face that she hadn't had time to wipe off.

After a while, she stomped her feet suddenly and cried out in a crying voice: "You, you are going too far!"

Turned around and ran out.

"Yifei!" Qin Yumo wanted to stop her, but Hu Yifei didn't stop.

"Oops, is Yifei angry?" Qin Yumo asked worriedly.

"It's you, aren't you angry?" Su Yi said with a smile, "But it's okay, it's more because she hasn't figured it out yet, just calm down a bit."

"Hehehe, it's the first time I've seen Hu Yifei, who is so fearless, scared like this. Even if I get scolded by her, it's worth the fare!" Qin Yumo said with a smile, "I'll borrow you Use the bathroom, I'm going to take a shower."

"Go to the one inside, it's only for girls." Su Yi pointed to the bathroom at the door of Hu Yifei's room.

"Okay," Qin Yumo was in a very happy mood, "By the way, I would like to praise you, your makeup skills are amazing!"

"Thank you." Su Yi nodded happily.

As soon as Qin Yumo entered the bathroom, five people including Zeng Xiaoxian swarmed in.

"What's the matter? Was it Yifei who just yelled?" Zeng Xiaoxian started yelling before the person came in.

"Wow! What is this on the ground?" Lu Ziqiao's sharp eyes saw the "blood" all over the ground.

"Ah! Why is there so much blood here!" Tang Youyou, who rushed in, almost stepped on it, jumped back in fright, and screamed in horror.

"It's not blood, it's just a mixture of red pigment, syrup and water." Su Yi laughed, "It's fake."

Guan Gu looked at all this in surprise: "My God, what big scene did we miss?"

"You tricked me again?" Zhang Wei said excitedly with wide-eyed eyes, "Huh? Why did I say again?"

"So, it's really Yifei who yelled just now?" Zeng Xiaoxian gasped, "She told us to wait and see the show, isn't that what she meant?"

"Stupid! That's obviously not the case!" Lu Ziqiao said, "Obviously, Yifei originally wanted to trick Xiao Yi, but unexpectedly, Xiao Yi reversed it. Haha, this female devil has met her natural nemesis." , It’s so satisfying! Xiao Yi, tell me quickly, how did you trick her?”

"Want to know?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"Say it!" The five shouted in unison.


Su Yi shrugged: "Well, what happened is that I set up a fake scene of killing and dismembering the body, and successfully scared Yifei."

"Murder and dismember the corpse!" Everyone stared in horror.

"Hey, details, we need to listen to the details!" Tang Youyou dissatisfied, "What, how can such a wonderful thing be summed up in one sentence?"

"That's right, even if there is no suspense, the plot must at least be fuller." Guan Gu also said miraculously, "Xiao Yi, tell me again!"


Su Yi couldn't deny it: "Why don't you help me clean up the house first, and then we can sit down and talk slowly?"

"Okay, the fake plasma in this place makes me feel uncomfortable, so hurry up and clean it up, and we can stay comfortably!" Zhang Wei agreed, "Come on, let's do it together, and finish listening to the story quickly."

"Agreed! I also look uncomfortable!" Tang Youyou agreed.

"I also agree." Guan Gu said miraculously.

"Okay, that's the only way to go." Zeng Xiaoxian shrugged reluctantly.

"Oh, I suddenly have a stomachache. You guys clean up first. Come back right away after the advertisement!" Lu Ziqiao covered his stomach and ran to the next door.

"Hey, this guy is like this every time, blatantly lazy!" Guan Gu said dissatisfied miraculously.

"Lazy people shit a lot!" Zeng Xiaoxian said helplessly, "Yuyou, you don't care about your big nephew."

"Don't worry, I will definitely teach him how to behave!" Tang Youyou said with a sense of mission.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it!" Zhang Wei said impatiently, "Xiao Yi, where is the mop?"

"I'll get it." Su Yi smiled, "By the way, don't go into the bathroom over the master bedroom, because someone is taking a shower inside."

"Bath?" Everyone said in unison, "Who's in there?"

(End of this chapter)

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