Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 858 Hu Yifei Is Scared

Chapter 858 Hu Yifei Is Scared
"My partner." Su Yi answered their questions.

"Male and female?" Tang Youyou's eyes lit up.

"Beautiful and ugly?" Zeng Xiaoxian immediately added.

"Body..." Zhang Wei showed a wretched smile, and was about to ask a question when everyone looked at him with a "Huh?"

His expression froze, he looked around, cleared his throat, and continued: "It doesn't matter to me what my figure is, because I already have my Goddess Yida."

"What the hell is this Yida goddess?" Lu Ziqiao walked in from the door and asked curiously, "I heard you say it this morning, why does this name sound so obscene?"

"Go! You are wretched!" Zhang Wei glared at him, "Didn't you have diarrhea? Why did you come back again?"

"So it was just a fart, it was a false alarm." Lu Ziqiao spread his hands.

"Hey, you are disgusting!" Everyone was very disgusted.

"Hey, let's get to work!" Guan Gu miraculously brought towels, basins, brooms and other cleaning tools, and Su Yi also went to the storage room to take out the mop and so on.

"Before listening to Xiaoyi's story, why don't we first have an appetizer by listening to Zhang Wei about his goddess Yida? What do you think?" Lu Ziqiao suggested.

"Agree!" Everyone said in unison.

"Hey, since everyone is so interested, let me tell you about my Goddess Yida." A wretched smile appeared on Zhang Wei's face again, and he fell into reminiscence while mopping the floor.

"Yesterday afternoon, I went to the convenience store outside the community. When I was wandering around, I saw her, my Goddess Yida! Her smile is sweet and elegant, as if the spring breeze blows over Lugu Lake, and the autumn rain soaks Jiuzhaigou... ..."

In Zhang Wei's narration, he met an intellectual goddess, he fell in love with her at first sight, and the intellectual goddess "smiled three times" to him.

At the time of parting, the goddess forgot her Yida chewing gum in front of Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei hurriedly called the goddess to stop.

"Your Yida!"

"No, it's your Yida." The goddess smiled at him.

Zhang Wei was completely intoxicated by the goddess' smile, so he went to the convenience store again today, hoping to have another perfect encounter with Goddess Yida.

"No wonder you have been counting and refusing to eat your chewing gum since you came back yesterday. The chewing gum is almost covered by you!" Lu Ziqiao said in disgust.

"You don't understand, this is the testimony of my love with Goddess Yida, I want to keep it forever, how can I be willing to eat it?" Zhang Wei said.

"And!" Everyone despised him in unison.

"Actually, I also met a beautiful woman yesterday," Zeng Xiaoxian said suddenly, "She came to our house wearing a bathrobe and knocked on the door twice!"

Lu Ziqiao was startled: "I seem to have seen this plot in many Zhe Peng action movies."

"You mean their bathroom is too big, and they get lost while washing?" Zhang Wei sneered.

"No, the first time she came to borrow soy sauce." Zeng Xiaoxian smiled.

"Borrow soy sauce?" Everyone asked in unison.

"Who would wear a bathrobe to someone else's home to borrow soy sauce?" Guan Gu asked suspiciously, "Did you remember wrongly?"

"How is it possible? How could I remember this wrongly?" Zeng Xiaoxian said, "After more than an hour, she returned the soy sauce, and said that her water heater was broken, and she wanted to borrow our bathroom to take a bath."

"Nani?" Guan Gu cried out in displeasure, "You let a strange girl take a bath in our bathroom?"

"How could it be possible to agree? I tried my best to stop her!" Zeng Xiaoxian raised his voice.

Everyone looked at him blankly.

"Well, I didn't stop it." Zeng Xiaoxian's shoulders slumped, and then he said with a cheap smile: "Because I'm a man, I won't stop it. Later, she borrowed my razor. I guess she must be Secretly adores and secretly loves me, so I want to collect my used things."

"Ouch!" Everyone vomited in unison.

"I also met a beautiful woman yesterday. Although I don't remember the name of this woman, this woman should be my ex-girlfriend. She also lives in the love apartment." Lu Ziqiao said suddenly, "I was hurt by her yesterday!"

"Huh? Why do you all have stories? What's the matter with Zi Qiao?" Tang Youyou asked impatiently.

Lu Ziqiao then recounted the strange things he encountered yesterday.

Every time he struck up a conversation with a girl, he was either slapped in the face by the other party or splashed with wine. Later, he found out that someone was playing tricks. He chased this person to the elevator of the love apartment, and finally found that this person was actually a very beautiful woman.

"I think she must be the woman I hurt, one of my ex-girlfriends." Lu Ziqiao analyzed, "She was hurt deeply and in pain, so she had plastic surgery and lurked by my side, vowing to destroy Lose what she loves so much, but she can't get it!"

"Sounds ridiculous." Zhang Wei said, "Who would be so boring?"

"The three of you all met a beautiful woman, so the one you met must not be the same person?" Guan Gu wondered strangely.

"Four corners of love? It's bloody enough, I like it!" Tang Youyou's face was full of gossip.

"How is it possible?" Zhang Wei said unwillingly, "How could my Goddess Yida be Zeng Xiaoxian's sister in bathrobe?"

"My bathrobe sister can't be Lu Ziqiao's ex-girlfriend!" Zeng Xiaoxian said.

"My ex-girlfriend might be the goddess of both of you," Lu Ziqiao frowned, "because she might make me suffer by seducing you!"

"Ah bah!" Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei spit at him together.

"The feet are so numb!" Guan Gu looked at Su Yi with wide-eyed eyes, "Xiao Yi, isn't your partner also a beautiful woman?"

All eyes immediately fell on Su Yi.

"Really." Su Yi wiped off the last stain on the floor, and stood up.

Just as he was about to continue talking, he didn't want to hear the sound of the door opening from the bathroom on the side, so he immediately stopped talking and looked back.

Everyone also followed Su Yi's gaze.

Qin Yumo, who had just taken a shower, came out wearing Hu Yifei's bathrobe and slippers, with a shower cap wrapped around her head, revealing her round shoulders with deep ravines.

It is really as tender and fresh as a hibiscus emerging from water.

"Goddess Yida!" Zhang Wei's eyes widened.

"Miss bathrobe?" Zeng Xiaoxian exclaimed.

"It's you, ex-girlfriend!" Lu Ziqiao gasped and pointed at Qin Yumo.

Su Yi looked at them with a half-smile, and waved to Qin Yumo with a smile: "Hi, Yumo."

Qin Yumo was stunned for a while.

As soon as she came out of the bedroom, she was surrounded by so many people, and these people were the targets of her and Hu Yifei's tricks, and now they called her by inexplicable names, which made her feel very embarrassed.

"Hi! Hello everyone!" She waved her hands at a loss, and said with a dry smile: "I... I'm going upstairs first, goodbye!"

As he said that, he hurriedly lowered his head, ran out the door in small steps, and slipped away.

"It's so explosive!" Tang Youyou's eyes were frighteningly bright, and he was very excited, "A four-cornered love has become a five-cornered love! Five men compete for one woman!"

"How could this happen!" Zhang Wei broke down and cried out.

"Why? Why do we all know the same person? How could it be such a coincidence?" Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't believe it.

"There must be a conspiracy here!" Guan Gu miraculously showed a wise look, "I feel that a huge conspiracy is happening, and you still don't know anything about it!"

"Xiao Yi, you just called her Yu Mo? Her name is Yu Mo?" Lu Ziqiao asked Su Yi, "How do you know her?"

All eyes fell on Su Yi.

"Her name is Qin Yumo. I saw her for the first time yesterday, in a cafe outside. She asked me to do her a favor, and I didn't refuse." Su Yi said with a smile.

Now he has almost mastered the art of telling the truth, which is to selectively tell part of the truth.

He promised he was telling the truth, but the truth was nothing like that.

Of course, if he encounters the kind of stubborn child who can't stop him from asking the bottom line, then he will have nothing to do.

"Because you helped her, she became your partner?" Tang Youyou asked curiously.

"Yes." Su Yi smiled.

"No, that's not the case!" Zhang Wei said suddenly.

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, did Zhang Wei discover a blind spot?
Zhang Wei stared at Su Yi with a solemn expression: "Yu Mo must have agreed to be your partner in order to get close to me. She did all this for me! If you don't believe me, look, my Yida!"

He pulled a box of chewing gum from his pocket.

"Go and brush your teeth!" Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't take it anymore, and pushed him aside, "She came to me twice wearing a bathrobe, which was just a hint to me, Hong Guoguo, why do you have to fly to the flames?" Woolen cloth?"

"You two don't need to argue!" Lu Ziqiao waved his hands with a serious expression, "I think it's necessary for me to go to Yu Mo and reorganize our relationship. As for the two of you—please keep a distance from my ex-girlfriend !"

"Why?" Zhang Wei was unhappy, "Do you have love gum?"

"My razor is still with her, I have to take it back, right?" Zeng Xiaoxian spread his hands innocently.

"Teacher Zeng, you must be content!" Lu Ziqiao stared.

"Is this what you should say, Lu Xiaobu!" Zeng Xiaoxian stared back without flinching.

"You already have a penny, what else do you want?" Lu Ziqiao was anxious.

"When did I have Yifei? When did Yifei belong to me? Who said that Yifei has something to do with me!" Zeng Xiaoxian waved his arms, spitting all over the place.

Because of his stern voice, the scene even fell into silence.

Suddenly Zhang Wei said weakly: "So I can chase Yifei?"

"Fuck you! There's no way!" Zeng Xiaoxian kicked him, and Zhang Wei hurriedly dodged.

"Oh, stop arguing!" Tang Youyou stomped, "How bad is it to quarrel? Why don't you just fight a duel?"

Everyone was startled, and Qiqi looked at her expressionlessly.

Tang Youyou stuck out her tongue guiltily.

"Oh, what a beauty." Guan Gu shook his head miraculously and sighed, then turned to look at Su Yi, "Xiao Yi, why don't you fight?"

"Because I'm not stupid." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Hmph! I can't stay here any longer! I'm going to find my Goddess Yida!" Zhang Wei left angrily.

"It's ridiculous, she's my bathrobe sister!" Zeng Xiaoxian also sneered and left.

"I have to think about it, which ex-girlfriend is she?" Lu Ziqiao turned and walked out worried.

Guan Gu shrugged miraculously, and looked at Su Yi: "Okay, I'm going to go back to draw, and when they are in the mood, I'll come and listen to your story, so you don't have to tell it twice."

"Thank you!" Su Yi expressed his gratitude to Guan Gu for his "sensibility".

Tang Youyou on the side was stunned, and was about to speak, but Su Yi knew her very well, knowing that she must be eager to know the truth, so he said first: "If you want to know what happened, ask Hu Yifei, she knows best! I want to go in Coded."

Tang Youyou's shoulders drooped: "Okay, then I'll wait, and I'll ask her when she comes back."

Su Yi smiled and returned to his room.


Qin Yumo called Hu Yifei, and after the call was connected, she asked nervously, "Yifei, are you okay?"

"What can I do? It's you and Su Yi who are right!" Hu Yifei sneered, "Hmph, wait, this matter is endless! And you, Yu Mo, our sister for so many years, you actually betray me!"

"Things are not as Yifei as you think. I was also tricked by Su Yi." Qin Yumo hastily explained, she told everything before, to the effect that she promised Su Yi to help because she had something to ask for. He did one thing, but she never expected that what Su Yi wanted her to do was actually this.

In short, it was Su Yi who was scheming and used her kindness and trustworthiness to create the previous situation.

After listening to the explanation, Hu Yifei said depressedly: "It turns out that's the case, well, I really shouldn't blame you. Just wait, I'll come to your house to find you."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yumo stuck out his tongue and muttered: "Mr. Liangchen, I'm sorry, but now I can only blame everything on you..."

Hu Yifei didn't go far, just wandered in the community.

In fact, she was not very angry, just depressed, unwilling and ashamed.

After coming to Qin Yumo's house, the two sisters quickly reunited.

"Yu Mo, do you think Su Yi is really a murderer?" Hu Yifei hesitated for a moment, but still asked, "Didn't you see that the way he came out of the balcony and stood there looking at me was really special." Abnormal and terrifying, I was actually frightened by his eyes at that moment, his eyes and expression at that time were too scary!"

"Don't think about it, in fact, Teacher Liangchen is quite a nice person, he is just acting." Qin Yumo comforted her, "He is your roommate, don't you know what kind of person he is?"

Hu Yifei said helplessly: "He has only moved here for a few days? Where can I get to know him?"

"Anyway, I don't think he's a bad person." Qin Yumo said with a smile, "Yifei, are you really afraid of him?"

"We are sisters so I told you, but you are not allowed to tell anyone!" Hu Yifei pointed at Qin Yumo and warned.

"Four!" Qin Yumo raised a palm.

"Actually, I'm really afraid of Su Yi." Hu Yifei said distressedly, "He has too many surprises, and in the few rounds I've been with him, I've never won against him! In my dictionary, it is unprecedented!"

(End of this chapter)

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