Chapter 864

"Okay, today's "Your Moon, My Heart" special talk show Xiaoxian has something to ask Liangchen, and it ends here. I am very grateful to listeners and friends for listening and actively participating. I am a good man, and I am Zeng Xiaoxian. Thanks, bye!"

Following Zeng Xiaoxian's iconic self-introduction, Su Yi's interview officially ended.

This talk show was very successful!
Not only has the number of listeners reached a new high, but the quality of the program itself is also very high.

With Su Yi's current knowledge and conversation, he has his own very unique insights and judgments on many things. Most of his views are very strategic and forward-looking, in other words, they are very lofty.

If Su Yi hadn't been carrying it all the time, Zeng Xiaoxian would not have been able to keep up with Su Yi's rhythm at all.

After the program ended, there was prolonged applause in the studio hall.

Su Yi stood up and shook hands with the staff, thanking them for their dedication, with a very friendly attitude, and before waiting for the people on the radio station to speak, he said that he needed to go home early and rest. If there is any problem in the future, he can contact Zeng Xiaoxian, and then Hastily said goodbye.

"Zeng Xiaoxian, you go to see off Teacher Liangchen, and you must deliver it home, drive the car in the platform, hurry up!" Lisa Rong had no choice but to give up letting Su Yi participate in the "Celebration Banquet", and discuss further cooperation with Su Yi, And the plan to keep Su Yi's phone number.

When Zeng Xiaoxian chased him out, he saw Su Yi standing across the road, waiting for him with a smile.

Zeng Xiaoxian heaved a sigh of relief, hurried over, and asked with concern: "Brother Xiaoyi, is there something wrong with you?"

"I'm not uncomfortable, I just don't want to deal with them." Su Yi said with a smile, "If Lisa Rong wants to find me through you again, Mr. Zeng, I can only say sorry to you. It's best that you also Don't open your mouth, so as not to affect the relationship between our friends."

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled wryly and nodded: "Don't worry, Brother Yi, in fact, I regret it very much now, maybe I shouldn't have invited you here to embarrass you."

"I'm not embarrassed." Su Yi shook his head, "The reason why I agreed to you is not only to help you, but I also have my own ideas."

"Don't comfort me, I know you are out of loyalty!" Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and patted Su Yi on the shoulder, "No matter what, I have to say thank you!"

"You're welcome." Su Yi smiled, "Then go home."

"No need to take a taxi, let's go back in the car in the station!" Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and took out a car key from his pocket.

But when he took out the key, he accidentally brought out a folded piece of paper.

"The car is in the garage, I'm going to drive, you wait for me here for a while, don't go away!" Zeng Xiaoxian shouted and ran away.

Su Yi didn't have time to call him, so he had to pick up the piece of paper by himself.

When he opened it, he was startled.

This is a host card with three very tricky and mean questions written on it, and the last question is obviously a trap, no matter how he answers it, it will cause controversy.

But Zeng Xiaoxian did not ask these three questions in the interview just now.

With Su Yi's mentality, he knew what was going on after a second thought.

He savored it carefully with great interest, couldn't help smiling knowingly, and shook his head.

This person Zeng Xiaoxian...

how to say?

This person is actually very contradictory. He can be so cheap that he has no dignity, but he always sticks to his bottom line.

Maybe you think this person has no bottom line, because you can never guess where his bottom line is.

Su Yi didn't know that Zeng Xiaoxian defended him against three issues that would definitely plunge him into huge controversy. The price was that he gave up the selection of an excellent host, and gave up his own show for half an hour from now on.

But he could guess that Zeng Xiaoxian must pay a price for his refusal.

It can also be guessed... Zeng Xiaoxian deliberately wanted him to see this note.

After all, one has to keep a diary to do good deeds, let alone Zeng Xiaoxian?
No one really wants to be the unknown, unsung hero.

Su Yi put the piece of paper into his pocket.

After Zeng Xiaoxian drove over, he got into the car naturally, pretending that nothing happened.

Along the way, the two talked and laughed and went back. No matter who they were, they didn't mention those three questions.

After returning to 3601, as soon as the two opened the door, they heard two "bang bang" sounds, and the colored debris from the fireworks immediately scattered all over their bodies.

"Congratulations to Mr. Zeng and Xiaoyi for the success of the show!"

The friends from 3601 and 3602 were all there, standing opposite the door, shouting happily together.

"Lu Ziqiao, you are the one who yelled the most unevenly after saying a pause of three seconds!" Hu Yifei shouted dissatisfiedly, "And Zhang Wei, where's your voice? Have you just opened your mouth and kept silent?"

"No! I spoke up!" Zhang Wei argued.

He quickly greeted him with a smile, hehe smiled and punched Su Yi hard, and then punched Zeng Xiaoxian: "Congratulations to you two! We have listened to your program all the way, and I am so excited! The program was very successful , I am proud of you!"


"Xiaoyi, you are so good. I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable and talented. It's over, I think I've fallen!" Tang Youyou said exaggeratedly, making prayers with both hands.

"You guys are amazing! Although I can't understand a lot of things, but... you are still awesome!" Guan Gu Miraculously said happily.

"Little brother B! This is you!" Lu Ziqiao gave Su Yi a thumbs up, "Teacher Zeng, this time you really impress me!"

"Mr. Liangchen, Mr. Zeng, you are amazing, I am really happy for you, congratulations!" Qin Yumo was very emotional, with tears in his eyes.

In the end was Hu Yifei, she showed a loving motherly smile, stepped forward and gave Su Yi a big hug: "Congratulations!"

"Thank you." Su Yi's body was a little stiff.

Seeing this, Zeng Xiaoxian was overjoyed, and hurriedly stood in line next to Su Yi, but Hu Yifei punched him on the shoulder and praised: "Not bad, Zeng Xiaoxian, keep up the good work!"

"Oh..." Zeng Xiaoxian rubbed his shoulders, grinning in pain, "It's not fair, I want a hug too!"

"Do you want a fist as big as a sandbag?" Hu Yifei stared.

Zeng Xiaoxian immediately shrank his neck and hid behind Su Yi.

Everyone laughed together.

Lu Ziqiao opened a bottle of champagne and said with a smile: "Tonight, let's have a small party in the room to celebrate the success of Brother Yi and Teacher Zeng's show. We won't go home until we're drunk!"

"Don't get drunk, don't go home!" Everyone raised their arms and shouted happily.

Although Su Yi didn't shout, he showed a happy smile.

Although these people were still noisy tonight, but he felt——it wasn't that noisy anymore.

The carnival lasted until [-]:[-] in the morning. Everyone drank a lot of wine and played Ludo for a while.

But no one was drunk and everyone was doing well.

The next morning, when Su Yi woke up, it was almost ten o'clock.

It was the first time he got up so late.

It might be because of being too excited. Even though he took a pill last night, he still couldn't fall asleep. In the end, he had to take an extra pill before falling asleep at almost five o'clock.

When he walked out of the room, Tang Youyou was playing around with a kitchen knife, pretending to be a heroine.

"Morning, Xiaoyi, just woke up?" Tang Youyou greeted Su Yi with a smile.

"Morning!" Su Yi waved to her, and planned to go to the bathroom to wash up.

At this moment, Hu Yifei walked out of the balcony angrily holding the laundry basket.

Behind her was Zhang Wei, who was also holding the laundry basket, but with a smug smile on his face.

"Yifei, you were fine just now, what's wrong?" Tang Youyou asked curiously.

Hu Yifei kept a dark face and did not speak, but Zhang Wei couldn't wait to show off: "She is upset because I won him five dollars! Hey, Xiaoyi!"

Zhang Wei greeted Su Yi.

Su Yi shook his head and looked at him pitifully: "Zhang Wei, you dare to win even one Feifei's money, you don't want to live?"

"How did you win?" Tang Youyou asked curiously.

"I guessed how many clothes Yifei washed today!" Zhang Wei proudly said.

"He happened by chance, nothing special!" Hu Yifei snorted.

Tang Youyou thought for a while, and speculated: "He might have seen your laundry basket secretly!"

Hu Yifei pointed at Zhang Wei with wide eyes: "Ah? You are so perverted!"

"Where do I have it?" Zhang Wei hurriedly argued, "I just noticed that you haven't washed your clothes for a week, and you've been wearing the same clothes for the last three days, so I deduced it! This is the wisdom of a lawyer! Hehe, Yifei missed me!"

Hu Yifei rolled her eyes: "How could I guess that you washed seven socks in five days?"

"Pfft!" Tang Youyou laughed.

"Because I only have seven socks!" Zhang Wei spread his hands out of course.

Hu Yifei looked defeated, and said: "You guys have washing machines, why do you come to wash clothes in our room?"

"Because all three of them have to do the laundry, especially Teacher Zeng, who has saved the clothes for two months and hasn't washed them." Zhang Wei explained. You can borrow your washing machine here."

Hearing this, Su Yi waved to them and said, "I'm going to wash my face, you continue."

Sure enough, they ignored Su Yi and continued to argue.

"Actually, the reasoning ability of boys is higher than that of girls..." Su Yi went into the bathroom to pay money, and he heard Zhang Wei say this to Hu Yifei.

"It's really nozuonodie..." Su Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

Tell Hu Yifei that men are better than women?

Isn't life beautiful?
Zhang Wei's road to death was just the beginning. After Su Yi entered the bathroom, he began to use various methods to provoke Hu Yifei, even making sheep noises, which broke him down.

How could Hu Yifei endure it?
Immediately, she proposed a quiz with Zhang Wei. She came up with the quiz. As long as Zhang Wei answered a question correctly, she would win 50 yuan, and vice versa.

Zhang Wei really felt good about himself and felt that he was sure to win, so he readily agreed.

The gambling chips between the two kept doubling. When Su Yi came out of the bathroom, Zhang Wei had lost his bet and owed Hu Yifei 1000 yuan.

He and Hu Yifei were sitting at both ends of the dining table, he was sweating profusely, and looked like he was facing an enemy.

On the other hand, Hu Yifei had a playful and mocking smile on his face.

Tang Youyou didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and stood between the two excitedly, acting as a referee for them.

Hu Yifei stretched out four fingers and asked Zhang Wei: "Excuse me, how do you say this in English?"

Zhang Wei's face was full of solemnity, his eyes were thinking sharply, and after a while, he replied cautiously and tremblingly: "Four!"

"Congratulations Zhang Wei, you even answered the English correctly!" Tang Youyou shouted excitedly, just like a TV direct sales host.

But before Zhang Wei could show a smile, Hu Yifei sneered and said, "Why are you so excited? I haven't finished asking my questions yet."

She curled up her four fingers in half, forming claws, and continued to ask: "So, how do you say this in English?"

Zhang Wei's face changed suddenly, and despair appeared in his eyes.

He couldn't answer this question.

"Wait!" Tang Youyou said excitedly, "Zhang Wei, if you also get this question wrong, you will owe Yifei 2000 yuan!"

Zhang Wei was about to cry.

At this moment, he suddenly saw Su Yi walking towards his room, and his eyes lit up: "I'm applying for help outside the venue!"

"Rejected!" Tang Youyou said with a serious face, "This is an intellectual duel between you and Yifei. It's a comparison of who is smarter than who. What's the matter with asking for help outside the court?",

Su Yi had already walked to the door of his room at this moment, turned around and said to Zhang Wei with a smile: "Gambling is the root of all evil, Zhang Wei, stop the loss in time."

After that, he opened the door and entered his room.

And Zhang Wei outside couldn't listen to anything at this time.

He didn't answer this question, but owed Hu Yifei 2000 yuan!

2000 yuan is all his assets, and now he has no penny.

If he doesn't turn over the money and win some money back, why is he going to drink Northwest Wind this month?

"One more round, I can do it, I can definitely achieve this magnificent reversal!" Zhang Wei begged.

"But, you have nothing to lose." Hu Yifei looked at him pityingly.

"I still have one thing!" Zhang Wei stared at Hu Yifei, "The right to use my room!"

"Why do I want your room?" Hu Yifei said.

Zhang Wei jumped up against the case, with a red-eyed look: "I bet with you, not on what you want, but on what I have!"

There is usually only one ending for a red-eyed gambler—losing nothing.

In the end, Zhang Wei lost not only his own money, but also his room.

Hu Yifei obviously wanted to teach Zhang Wei a lesson, so he took it seriously, not only expelled Zhang Wei from his room, but also called a few workers to transform Zhang Wei's room into a laundry room.

Lu Ziqiao and others next door naturally defended Zhang Wei, but it was of no use.

That night, their nightmare came.

Zhang Wei had too many troubles sleeping at night, no one could stand him, and finally the three people next door were forced to have no choice but to come up with the bad idea of ​​sending Zhang Wei to room 3601 next door to live with Su Yi.

When Su Yi, who was drowsy and about to fall asleep after taking the medicine, was woken up by Zhang Wei, he was ready to kill.

Zhang Wei stood at the door of Su Yi with a smile, and said to Su Yi: "Xiao Yi, can I live with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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