Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 865 A Fool

Chapter 865 Three Idiots
Zhang Wei wanted to sleep with Su Yi, and Su Yi couldn't refuse Zhang Wei's request.

It's fine if it's an ordinary person, Su Yi is not withdrawn to the point where he can't accept having sex with others.

But this is Zhang Wei!
Gritting teeth, farting, snoring, sleepwalking, as long as there are problems you can think of, he has them!

He has everything you can't imagine!

And he talked a lot of nonsense, so the three people next door couldn't stand him and kicked him out.

Zhang Wei smiled and looked at Su Yi: "Brother Yi, I know you are the most loyal, and you will definitely not reject me, right?"

Su Yi looked up at the clock in the living room, and said to Zhang Wei: "It's [-]:[-] in the morning, it's fine if you want to sleep in my room, but from the first step you step into my room, if you dare to say a word, I'll knock you out immediately and throw you on the bed! Can you accept it?"

Zhang Wei smiled: "I know, brother B, you are joking, right?"

"Is it funny?" Su Yi asked.

Zhang Wei shook his head hastily.

"Then it's not a joke." Su Yi stared at him expressionlessly.

Zhang Wei's expression gradually froze.

Su Yi stepped aside to open the door, took out a barbell he used for exercise from the back of the room, and tilted his neck to Zhang Wei, "Please come in."

Zhang Wei swallowed hard, looked at Su Yi's face, then at the barbell in Su Yi's hand, forced a smile and said in a trembling voice: "Then what, little brother Yi, I won't bother you, I suddenly remembered that Zeng The teacher tried his best to invite me to sleep with him, but the kindness was too great, so I went to sleep with him."

"Really?" Su Yi shook the barbell in his hand, "You don't want to sleep with me, do you?"

"How could it be!" Zhang Wei panicked and tried to deny it, "I really want to sleep with you, but I really can't break my promise, so I can only reluctantly part with you."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, what the hell are these tiger and wolf words?
"Okay then. You gave it up yourself." Su Yi put down the dumbbell with a smile, and before Zhang Wei could breathe a sigh of relief, he squeezed his fist again and moved his neck.

Zhang Wei was dumbfounded.

"Do you want me to see you?" Su Yi asked.

"No! No need!" Zhang Wei turned pale with fright, took two steps back, and was about to slip away in a hurry.

"By the way, Zhang Wei." Su Yi suddenly stopped him again.

"Suddenly remembered a little bedtime story, and I want to share it with you." Su Yi said with a smile, "Once upon a time, there was a man who disturbed people's dreams at [-]:[-] in the middle of the night, and then - he was beaten to death !"

Zhang Wei's eyes widened in horror.

Su Yi smiled and waved to him: "Good night."


The room door was closed.

Zhang Wei stood in the living room, swallowed hard, and then fled away like a fly.

After 2 minutes, Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian broke down and wailed from the next room.

This night, 3602 was doomed to fly all over the place.

At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu Miraculously came to look for Su Yi.

"Brother B, help, you are the only one who can save us now, if you refuse to save us...then we are really doomed!" Zeng Xiaoxian cried exaggeratedly, thundering but not raining.


Su Yi sighed: "What about Zhang Wei, right? How do you think I can help you?"

"It's very simple, get up wherever you fall!" Lu Ziqiao said, "Zhang Wei lost his room to Yifei in the intelligence competition, so in the same way, we also defeated Zhang Wei in the same competition." win back the room!"

"We all agree that if there is one person in this world who can defeat Yifei, it must be you, so brother B, please help us! Arigado died with his aunt in his belt!" Guan Gu said seriously.

"Okay!" Su Yi stood up, "There can only be one Haonan in Causeway Bay! Hu Yifei, it seems that we will have a showdown with you again!"

After 10 minutes, on the sofa in the living room of 3601.

"So, the four people next door entrusted you to challenge me?" Hu Yifei sneered, "I knew they would eventually beg you to come. Looking at the iPartment, the only one who is qualified to fight me is you!"

Su Yi smiled and asked, "Are you praising me?"

"Otherwise?" Hu Yifei sneered, and suddenly changed the subject, "Okay! I'll compete with you! My bet is Zhang Wei's room, but what about yours? What are you betting on? Your room?"

Su Yi thought for a while, and said, "How about the rooms of the three of them? If I lose, you can change 3602 into a chess and card room."

"That's a good idea!" Hu Yifei's eyes lit up, "We can play mahjong and poker next door together!"

"Hey, did you make a mistake! Why use our room as a bet?" Lu Ziqiao said dissatisfied.

"You don't have to gamble..." Su Yi smiled and spread his hands, "Anyway, I can do it, you choose."

"The room of the three of us is the room of the three of us!" Zeng Xiaoxian waved his hand, "Brother Yi, we believe in you!"

"That's right! We shrews cook porridge, let's fight!" Guan Gu miraculously gritted his teeth and punched.

"That's called breaking the boat!" Hu Yifei rolled his eyes.

"Wow wow wow, is it going to be a competition again?" Suddenly, Tang Youyou ran in from the outside like a gust of wind, his eyes lit up, "Ok, ok, ok, when will it start?"

"Right now!" Hu Yifei was full of fighting spirit, she was deeply obsessed with defeating Su Yi, Da Dao was already a little hungry and thirsty, "How do you want to play?"

"I can do it, as you like!" Su Yi spread his hands.

"Did you see? What is domineering, this is domineering!" Zeng Xiaoxian immediately yelled to warm up the fire, "Hu Yifei, as the saying goes, there is a strong hand in the strong, and a mountain is higher than a mountain. Don't always think that you are love. The smartest person in the apartment, hehe, let me show you today, what is the king of wisdom!"

"Hey, it's not your competition, why are you so excited?" Hu Yifei said angrily.

"But Brother B represents us! It's equivalent to us participating in the competition!" Zeng Xiaoxian gave a strange smile, "Jie Jie, are you scared?"

"Damn!" Hu Yifei sneered, "Afraid? You wait for your room to become a chess and card room! Xiao Yi, I don't take advantage of you. Today we will find an impartial third party to come up with questions for us and act as a teacher. referee!"

"Actually, it doesn't matter, you can come." Su Yi said.

"That won't work! I want to convince you!" Hu Yifei waved her hand, her eyes fell on Tang Youyou who was on the side, "Yuyou, you come to ask questions and be the referee!"

"You think of me now? Why are you doing it so early?" Tang Youyou said arrogantly.

"If you don't want to, I'll go find Yumo!" Hu Yifei pretended to stand up.

"Oh, I'm teasing you, I really want to play!" Tang Youyou couldn't hold back immediately, and hugged Hu Yifei's arm flatteringly and shook, "Give me half an hour to prepare, and I will definitely present you both with a wonderful show Unforgettable - game!"

After all, Tang Youyou ran away like a gust of wind.

"Wait for half an hour?" Lu Ziqiao was dissatisfied. He rolled his eyes and suddenly suggested, "How about we use this half an hour to play an exciting game of flying chess?"

"Cut, I don't want to play!" Hu Yifei said disdainfully.

"I don't play, flying chess is the most boring." Zeng Xiaoxian said.

"Zi Qiao, the game I hate the most is flying chess, especially your flying chess, so don't mention your flying chess anymore." Guan Gu miraculously waved his hands again and again.

Lu Ziqiao shrugged and looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi rolled his eyes: "I follow the trend."

Half an hour later, when Tang Youyou changed into a small suit, put on white gloves, and brought the scoreboard, he found that these five people were having a good time playing flying chess.

"Watch me roll a six, six six six!" Hu Yifei stepped on the coffee table, and threw the dice onto the flying chessboard like a golden sword.

The dice stopped shaking for a few weeks, and it turned out to be a six.

"Oh..." Everyone uttered an unbelievable cry, mixed with Hu Yifei's triumphant laugh.

"Didn't you say you want to compete? Why are you playing flying chess?" Tang Youyou was dumbfounded, "Then you guys can't compare?"

"Of course there is a competition, but little aunt, why don't you compare after playing this game of flying chess." He raised his eyebrows at Tang Youyou, "Do you want to join?"

"I'm here to be the referee! I don't want to join!" Tang Youyou shouted angrily.

After 10 minutes——

"It's my time, it's my time, get out of the way, and watch me, the God of Gamblers come on stage!" Tang Youyou made a full posture and threw the dice on the table.

But shake it out a little.

"No..." She yelled in despair, covering her face and knelt down, while the others laughed mercilessly.

The referee and the players from both sides played flying chess until lunch time, and then everyone ordered takeaway and had lunch together. After drinking and eating, the game officially started.

The contestants on both sides were calm and calm, but the three spectators were even more nervous than the contestants.

"Brother B, you must win, if you lose, we will sleep on the street!" Zeng Xiaoxian said tremblingly with tears.

"Little Brother Yi, you are the hope of our whole village, you must live up to it!" Lu Ziqiao clenched his fists and cheered.

"Brother B, if you lose, I'll show you seppuku!" Guan Gu pretended to hold a knife and stabbed himself in the stomach.

"You guys are enough!" Hu Yifei squinted at them, "It's not you who are competing, why are you so excited? The emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry!"

"What's none of your business? You're just jealous that you don't have a support team!" Lu Ziqiao retorted.

"That's right! In the past, under your tyranny, everyone dared not speak out, but now that there is someone who rises up, we ordinary people will naturally choose to follow him and resist your tyrant!" Zeng Xiaoxian shouted.

"Down with Hu Yifei!" Guan Gu miraculously raised his arms and shouted.

"Down with Hu Yifei!" The three shouted in unison.

"Hey, these three people have seriously disturbed the order of the arena, don't you care about the referee?" Hu Yifei said to Tang Youyou, who was watching the fun, dissatisfied, "Isn't it your responsibility as a referee to maintain order in the arena?"

Tang Youyou, who watched the "giggle" joy, suddenly came back to his senses, cleared his throat, and warned Zeng Xiaoxian and the others: "You are the first offender, so I will warn you once, not to disturb the order of the arena, otherwise, you will be invited Get out of the arena and deprive you of your spectator qualifications!"

The three of them immediately spread their hands and shrugged their shoulders, looking indifferent, and stopped talking.

"I announce that the game has officially started!" Tang Youyou said seriously, "The rules of the game are as follows. The two teams take turns answering [-] questions. Each question is timed for [-] seconds. One point will be awarded for correct answers, and no points will be deducted for wrong answers. have you understood?"

Hu Yifei smiled and said, "Yuyou, you're quite professional!"

Tang Youyou sternly drank lightly: "It is forbidden to get close to the referee!"

Hu Yifei: (°ー°〃)!

The stern and selfless referee Tang took out a coin: "Next, we will decide who will answer the question first by tossing a coin."

"I want flowers!" Hu Yifei said first.

"The other side." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Oh no! Hu Yifei took the opportunity!" Lu Ziqiao slapped his legs angrily.

"What chicken?" Guan Gu asked in surprise.

"The first opportunity means that the one who answers the questions first will have a better chance of winning!" Lu Ziqiao said nervously.

"I said, since we chose to let Xiao Yi represent us, all we have to do is trust him, don't worry too much?" Zeng Xiaoxian said.

"You don't understand! Off-court factors have to be considered in any game," Lu Ziqiao waved his hand, "With us, Little Brother Yi will have a better chance of winning!"

"That's right, I support Zi Qiao on this point!" Guan Gu said magically.

On the field, Tang Youyou tossed a coin, showed it, and announced the result: "It's a word."

"Damn, I said that Hu Yifei shouldn't be the first to choose!" Lu Ziqiao said angrily, "Who chose the word?"

"I don't know, anyway, Hu Yifei chose Hua, not him." Zeng Xiaoxian also sighed.

Guan Gu was miraculously downcast.

Three seconds later, the three of them suddenly realized that they all raised their arms and cheered!
Su Yi: (_)!

Aren't these three all fools?
"Warning!" Referee Tang took out a yellow card and warned solemnly, "Audience in the audience, please don't make loud noises and disturb order! If you commit another crime, two yellows will turn into one red, you will be expelled from the field, and your spectator qualifications will be cancelled! Unpredictable!"

The three of them shut up immediately, but they all silently gestured "yeah" and laughed happily.

Hu Yifei showed a caring and mentally retarded expression, and said to Tang Youyou: "Let's start, I'm afraid that seeing the three of them again will affect my IQ."

"Okay, the game starts now!" Tang Youyou cleared her throat, "The first to answer the question is Team B, please choose the type of answer!"

"I'll choose!" Lu Ziqiao raised his hand again and yelled, "We choose European and American fun!"

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"There is no such category!" Tang Youyou was furious, "We only have animal, life, film and television and science!"

"Lifestyle." Su Yi picked one at random.

"Please listen to the question!" Tang Youyou was serious, "Excuse me, what games can't a little boy and a little girl play together?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present except Su Yi was stunned.

The three audience members looked at each other and laughed obscenely.

"Of course it's such a shameful thing!" Lu Ziqiao laughed.

"Children can't learn to be bad!" Zeng Xiaoxian raised his eyebrows wretchedly.

"Was it so exciting at the beginning?" Guan Gu was a little shy.

On the other side, Hu Yifei also looked at Tang Youyou with a strange expression.

Tang Youyou stared at Su Yi intently and urged: "This contestant, you only have [-] seconds, please answer as soon as possible!"

"Guessing," Su Yi said with a smile, "You can't play guessing."

(End of this chapter)

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