Chapter 867 Yifei exploded in anger
Hu Yifei lost.

The point is that she also conceded defeat.

Although she left with a smile, both Tang Youyou and Su Yi could tell that her mentality had actually collapsed.

Only the three of Zeng Xiaoxian were heartless, cheering, jumping, and circling.

"Little Brother Yi, you are so awesome! From now on, you are the god in our hearts! Please allow us to respectfully call you - Tyrant Terminator!" Lu Ziqiao stood at attention exaggeratedly and beat his chest, bowed and said loudly.

"We finally don't have to endure Zhang Wei's torture anymore! It's so good!" Guan Gu Miracle almost burst into tears.

"Yeah! Yeh! Yeh! Freedom!" Zeng Xiaoxian shouted excitedly, smiling very happily, "Hahaha! I finally saw that Yifei lost, God has eyes!"

Tang Youyou couldn't help reminding Zeng Xiaoxian: "Mr. Zeng, why don't you go and see Yifei?"

"I don't want to go!" Zeng Xiaoxian immediately refused, "She just lost the game and she was in a bad mood. I sent her to the door just to court death. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Tang Youyou couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and looked at Su Yi: "Xiao Yi, why don't you go?"


Su Yi shrugged: "Okay."

He looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and the other three, and issued an order to evict the guests: "Hey, you three can move Zhang Wei's bed and bedding over there. In order to help you, I didn't take a nap at noon."

"Let's go, let's go, little brother Yi recharges his batteries, see you at the bar tonight, I'll treat you!" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.


Su Yi nodded: "OK."

After the three of them left, Tang Youyou approached Su Yi with a strange expression, stared into Su Yi's eyes and asked, "Brother Yi, I have a question and I don't know if I should ask it or not."

"That's definitely not the time to ask." Su Yi said.

"But I can't hold back if I don't ask." Tang Youyou held her heart exaggeratedly.

"Then find a place where no one is around and shout." Su Yi stood up and walked to the study.

Hu Yifei went to the study just now.

"Xiaoyi! What the hell are you..." Tang Youyou finally couldn't help but still wanted to ask.

"I've loved, don't make an appointment, protect my mother, save my mother, know Amway." Su Yi landed on the beach, pushed open the door of the study and walked in.


Tang Youyou was messy in the living room alone.

Hu Yifei was sitting on the desk, staring at the bookshelf in a daze.

"Facing the wall and thinking about it?" Su Yi smiled and closed the door.

"Cut, how is it possible?" Hu Yifei turned around as if nothing had happened, "Isn't it just a few brain teasers that I lost? What's the big deal? I, Hu Yifei, can't afford to lose. Before I won you, I planned to live in the study! As for my room—it's up to you!"

After a pause, she asked Su Yi: "You didn't come in to comfort me, did you? Don't be funny! Do you think I need comfort? Haha! Don't worry, such a small matter is nothing to me, Hu Yifei. what!"

"And if I lose to you today, I will win back sooner or later!"

Su Yi looked at her, and said slowly: "You said that being a slave and handmaid is at my disposal, does that count?"

"Of course, but you'd better not go too far!" Hu Yifei warned with staring eyes, "I will never accept any messy things!"

Su Yi smiled and said: "I don't need you to be a slave, as long as you do one thing for me, the debt between us will be written off."

"You don't want to pity me in a disguised form, do you want to let me go?" Hu Yifei snapped, "I tell you, I don't accept any form of sympathy or release! If you lose, you should pay the price, and the weak are not qualified to accept it." Sympathy! This time it is only a temporary defeat for me, next time you fall into my hands, I will not show mercy to you!"

Hu Yifei jumped off the table, leaned forward and approached Su Yi, and said word by word: "So, you must not be merciful to me! What is the bet, you want what you want! No discount is allowed!"


Su Yi sighed.

"Why do you have to force me?" He shook his head and sighed, "I just want to be a good person, why don't you give me a chance?"

Hu Yifei sneered: "Infernal Affairs? Andy Lau?"

"Since you are so persistent and want to be my slave, then I have no choice but to satisfy you." Su Yi shook his head and sighed, "From today onwards, every day except your normal working time, all spare time must be given to me. Arrangements. You follow me wherever I go, serve tea, pour water, wash your feet and squeeze your back, and do whatever I tell you to do. I am your heaven, your land, and your god-like master.”

"You!" Hu Yifei immediately wanted to explode.

Su Yi sneered: "What are you? What is your attitude towards your master? Are you what a slave should look like?"

Hu Yifei's chest rose and fell violently, her willow eyebrows stood on end, and she said through gritted teeth, "Okay! Isn't it just serving tea and pouring water? I'll do it!"

"It's not just about serving tea and pouring water." Su Yi stretched out a finger and waved it, "From today onwards, you must invite me to offer you tea every morning and evening, and you must also change your address, just call me Xiao Father."

"What?" Hu Yifei wanted to explode again.

"What attitude!" Su Yi immediately pointed at her nose and scolded, "Is this the attitude of a slave to his master? Shouting all the time, is there any more rules?"

"Su Yi, don't go too far!" Hu Yifei suppressed his anger.

"So you're going to play tricks?" Su Yi said indifferently, spreading his hands, "Okay, you can do whatever you want."

Hu Yifei's face turned blue and red, and suddenly burst into a bright smile for a while, pinching his throat and said delicately: "Master, it was all my fault just now, you don't remember villains, don't bother with me."

"You can bend and stretch." Su Yi praised, "But how can I call myself 'I' in front of the master? From now on, when you talk to me, you will always call yourself a slave!"

Hu Yifei raised his eyebrows again.

"Huh? Are you planning to play tricks?" Su Yi immediately asked lightly.

Hu Yifei swallowed her breath and squeezed out a smile: "No, slave—I got it!"

"Very good." Su Yi nodded in satisfaction, "As for your room, I plan to change it into a foot washing room. You can go downstairs to the foot washing city to find the boss there, and buy me two sets of foot bath equipment from him. , find two more beautiful footbath ladies, and let them live in your room in the future. I will pay them on a monthly basis! In the future, I will be the one who washes feet in your room, and I will entertain the four footwashers next door. place."

Hu Yifei's fists were already clenched, and her face was flushed red.

She gritted her teeth and said with a smile: "Okay, as long as your money is burning too much, I don't care!"

"Who doesn't care?" Su Yi squinted at her.

Hu Yifei's chest rose and fell quickly, and he jumped out word by word: "It's a slave, it doesn't matter if it's a slave!"

Su Yi nodded in satisfaction: "Oh, yes, after the pedicure lady arrives, she will be considered my guest, and you must respect them, and you must also call yourself a slave, and call them—Young Mistress."

Su Yi looked at Hu Yifei with a smile.

Hu Yifei has already smoked from all seven orifices.

"Su Yi, you are playing with fire!" She said every word.

"Hu Yifei, do you want to play tricks?" Su Yi asked lightly.

"Don't go too far!" Hu Yifei glared at Su Yi and growled.

Su Yi smiled, took two steps forward, poked Hu Yifei's left shoulder with his finger, and said word by word: "I do things like this. Not convinced? You bite me."

Convex (fuck dish f*ck)!

Too embarrassing!

Hu Yifei was furious and could no longer contain it.

"Su Yi, you are looking for death! Play, one, flash!"

One second before Hu Yifei made a move, Su Yi escaped from the study like a gust of wind, and then ran out of 3601.
Tang Youyou in the living room was tidying up the coffee table. When she looked up, she felt a shadow disappear in a "swish", and her eyes widened and she froze in place.

Before he could react, the door of the study room was knocked open with a "bang".

Hu Yifei with an angry face rushed out, looked left and right, glared at Tang Youyou and asked, "Where's the bitch named Su?"

Tang Youyou shook his head blankly.

"He and the four bastards next door are all of the same breed!" Hu Yifei yelled with her hands on her hips, "And asked my old lady to serve him tea and water? Wash his feet and pinch his back? Want to change my room into a footwashing room? Be his age Go to the big dream! I am not serving my old lady anymore!"

Facing Hu Yifei who turned into a tyrannosaur like a god mother, Tang Youyou was terrified: "Yifei, don't you plan to fulfill your bet?"

"I will fulfill the reasonable bet, but do I also have to satisfy the demand that I put my nose on the face?" Hu Yifei said angrily, "He is almost riding on my head to shit! If I still agree, then I will be a fool! "

"Surnamed Su, don't let me see you again, or I'll beat you every time I see you!"

After all, Hu Yifei went back to the room angrily, and slammed the door with a "bang".

Tang Youyou was stunned for a while, then scratched her hair in doubt, and muttered to herself: "It shouldn't be... Xiaoyi is a very stable person, how could he be so angry with Yifei?"

Su Yi who ran downstairs ran into Qin Yumo who was walking back with a wooden box in the community.

"Teacher Liangchen? What are you doing here?" Qin Yumo looked at Su Yi who was dressed at home strangely, especially noticing the slippers he was wearing on his feet.

"Don't mention it, I made Yifei angry, so come down to avoid the limelight." Su Yi said.

"Ah? Why did you provoke her again?" Qin Yumo laughed, "Are you trying to scare her again? Mr. Liangchen, I didn't mean you, Yifei is still a girl no matter what you say, you are a big man, just Be generous and let her go!"

Su Yi sighed: "If I don't want to let her go, I won't be angry with her."

Qin Yumo was a little confused, is this a human speech?
"What is this in your hand?" Su Yi asked.

"What are you talking about?" Qin Yumo immediately got excited, "This is a trick box, a magical little wooden box that requires effort and wisdom to open! To open it, at least 24 very complicated steps are required. Normal people It will take at least ten hours to open it!"

"Oh!" Su Yi nodded, "What are you going to use it for?"

"My current address is 3601," Qin Yumo said with a smile, "Richard has come back from South Africa, he also saw the article you wrote, and now he is looking for me like crazy. But I changed the phone , I didn’t tell him my current address, and he doesn’t have any clues, so I’m sure he won’t be able to find me. So I plan to leave some clues for him, but he can’t easily get this clue!”

"So I bought this magical little wooden box! I'm going to write the address of Love Apartment 3601 on a slip of paper, put it in this little box, and put it on the steps at the door of our villa. How about it, am I smart? whee!"

Su Yi looked at her like looking at a fairy, shook his head in disbelief and said: "I never imagined that the little love apartment has gathered two great talents, Wolong and Fengchu, at the same time, you can do it."

"Is there anyone else in the iPartment who is as smart as me?" Qin Yumo asked curiously.

"Of course, the legal pioneer, Zhang Wei." Su Yi said with a smile.

Qin Yumo's face suddenly collapsed: "Well, it seems that you are mocking me. Teacher Liangchen, do you think my method is inappropriate?"

Su Yi reached out to take the wooden box from her hand, cushioned it twice, and said with a smile: "You said it will take more than ten hours to open this wooden box?"

"Yes, it's complicated." Qin Yumo said seriously.

"I only have one question." Su Yi said.

"What's the question?" Qin Yumo asked curiously.

"Is this thing capable of falling?" Su Yi asked leisurely.


He smiled and said to Qin Yumo: "Actually, you don't need to leave any clues. Your social relationship is not complicated, and you also entrusted me to write that article. If Richard really wants to find you, even if it is through me, He can find you too."

"But he doesn't know where you live." Qin Yumo said.

"Some time ago, there were so many reporters stuck in the love apartment every day. If Richard really wanted to know, just ask any media to find out." Su Yi said with a smile, "Really, if I were Richard, I would like to know It really shouldn't be too easy to find you."

Qin Yumo was thoughtful: "So, I just have to wait for the sudden appearance in front of me?"

Su Yi smiled and nodded: "That's right."

Qin Yumo suddenly heaved a long sigh of relief, and threw the mechanism box in his hand into the trash can beside him, and smiled at Su Yi: "Thank you, Teacher Liangchen, when Richard and I reconcile as before, we will definitely invite you You have a big meal!"

Su Yi smiled and said: "I really want to thank me, so please help me appease Yifei, I don't want to hang out in pajamas and slippers all the time."

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me!" Qin Yumo took it easy, "Wait for my news, at most ten minutes, and I will definitely help you get Yifei!"

Qin Yumo was quite reliable in his work. About five minutes later, Su Yi received a text message from Qin Yumo, telling him that Yifei had been calmed down and he could go upstairs.

Su Yi shook his head, and then walked back.

In order to avoid being pestered endlessly by Hu Yifei, he took great pains.

After such a commotion, he and Hu Yifei will have a cold war at least for a while, and he may have a day to be quieter.

Sure enough, after returning home, Hu Yifei pretended not to see him.

Su Yi smiled and didn't care.

In the evening, Zeng Xiaoxian called to invite Su Yi to the bar. This was an appointment made in the afternoon. Su Yi changed his clothes and went to the appointment happily.

(End of this chapter)

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