Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 868 Fall Out

Chapter 868 Fall Out
Lonely Corner Bar.


The wine bottles in the hands of the five men bumped into each other, and they all drank "ton ton ton".

"Hic!" Zhang Wei burped, looking very happy, "I really didn't expect that you would challenge Yifei for me, and even win Yifei! Thank you, especially Xiao Brother B, good buddy! Enough loyalty!"

Su Yi laughed and said, "You're welcome, we have no other choice."

"Ah?" Zhang Wei was stunned.

"Little Brother Yi means that, as a brother, doing these things is only part of our duty!" Lu Ziqiao hurriedly answered, "Zhang Wei, if you really want to thank us, I have a proposal."

"No borrowing money!" Zhang Wei said vigilantly.

"Damn!" Lu Ziqiao rolled his eyes, "Then I have nothing to say."

"Brother B, are you really going to let Hu Yifei fulfill his promise?" Guan Gu asked curiously.

"She's already planning to cheat!" Su Yi spread his hands.

"You can force Hu Yifei to play tricks, Brother Yi, you can do it!" Zeng Xiaoxian smiled cheaply and raised his eyebrows at Su Yi.

Before he finished speaking, Zeng Xiaoxian's phone rang.

He answered "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Not long after Zeng Xiaoxian left, Tang Youyou ran over.

"Everyone, I need support!" Tang Youyou said in a hurry, "Didn't there be a case of robbery and injury at the entrance of the bar two days ago? I talked to the bartender just now, and he agreed to give me an anti-robbery safety education in the bar Demonstration, now I need to recruit a handsome guy to be my hero! This person must be handsome enough and strong enough!"

Zhang Wei immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: "There is no doubt that the person you are looking for is me."

"You?" Tang Youyou looked carefully, then waved his hand: "Okay, okay, it's you!"

The rest of the men stared blankly.

"Zhang Weishuai?" Guan Gu raised his eyebrows miraculously.

"Is he strong enough?" Lu Ziqiao sneered.

"You two are just jealous of me!" Zhang Wei snorted coldly, "Even Yoyo agrees that I'm the most handsome, and Brother B also acquiesced, right Brother B?"

"Zhang Wei is quite handsome." Su Yi said.

"Look!" Zhang Wei grinned triumphantly.

"It's just that he's very handsome." Su Yi added, "If you want to find out how handsome he is, you have to assume that there are no men in the iPartment, and all women's aesthetics are generally wrong."

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed unscrupulously.

"You... are all jealous of me!" Zhang Wei snorted coldly, "You are just jealous that Yoyo chose me, but not you! By the way, Yoyo, is the character I want to play a handsome guy?"

Tang Youyou showed a sincere smile: "Zhang Wei. Don't worry, I will definitely let you perform in your true colors!"

"You understand me!" Zhang Wei beamed, pointing at Tang Youyou.

"Then let's go to a quiet place over there to play against each other?" Tang Youyou suggested.


The two walked over there quickly.

"Yuyou actually chose Zhang Wei as the protagonist instead of me, hum! She really has no vision!" Guan Gu said angrily.

"No, her choice of Zhang Wei just shows that she has vision." Su Yi said with a smile, "Guan Gu, don't forget, what play is Yoyo going to play?"

"Anti-robbery security demonstration, what's the matter?" Guan Gu wondered.

"A robbery scene, do you think Yoyo can act as a robber?" Su Yi asked.

Guan Gu's eyes lit up suddenly and he laughed loudly: "I understand! I understand! No wonder she wanted Zhang Wei to act in his true colors, hahaha..."

Just when he was laughing, Guan Gu's miraculous expression suddenly changed.

He turned around in a panic, and hurriedly picked up the wine bottle, using alcohol to hide his nervousness.

After fidgeting for a while, he suddenly gritted his teeth and stood up and said, "I have something to leave, Brother Yi, Zi Qiao, I'm sorry!"

Then he ran away.

"There is a problem!" Lu Ziqiao narrowed his eyes, "Brother Yi, don't you think something is wrong with Guan Gu?"

"Does it have something to do with us?" Su Yi said that he didn't care.

"Of course it does. As a friend, shouldn't you care about him?" Lu Ziqiao stretched his neck and followed Guan Gu miraculously away.

Suddenly his eyes widened: "Damn! Guan Gu actually went to strike up a girl?"

Su Yi looked back subconsciously, and sure enough, Guan Gu was talking and laughing with a girl sitting by the bar counter.

"Zhe Peng people are really boring, and they do practical things without making a sound!" Lu Ziqiao's eyes were full of gossip, "Brother Yi, let me investigate the situation and see how this guy Guan Gu is picking up girls."

Without waiting for Su Yi to agree, he also ran away in a hurry.

Looking at the empty sofa in front of him, Su Yi shrugged and continued drinking.

"Hey, what's wrong with someone? Don't you have so many good brothers? Why are you sitting here drinking alone?" Hu Yifei's sinister voice came from behind, and she and Qin Yumo walked over, in Su Yi Sit down opposite.

Su Yi smiled at the two of them, and raised the wine bottle in his hand as a greeting.

"Why are you alone, Mr. Liangchen? What about the others?" Qin Yumo asked.

"Everything left, why are you here?" Su Yi asked.

"If you can come, why can't we come? Your family owns the bar?" Hu Yifei sneered.

"It was Youyou who asked us to come down, saying that there was a show about her in the bar, let us watch it." Qin Yumo said with a smile.

Su Yi nodded: "What do you want to drink?"

"You don't have to worry about what to drink, you are the young master, how dare you bother?" Hu Yifei continued to be angry.

"Oh, Yifei!" Qin Yumo said angrily.

At this moment, Tang Youyou and Zhang Wei, who was wearing a hood, came over.

Zhang Wei's entire face was covered, only two eyes and one mouth were exposed.

"Yifei, Yumo, you are here!" Tang Youyou greeted them with a smile, "Huh? Xiaoyi, where are Guan Gu and the others?"

"Over there at the bar." Su Yi said without turning his head, "Zhang Wei, the shape is very unique."

"Yuyou said, I'm too handsome. When people see my face, they will make a show. They think it's an idol drama, so they need to cover it up." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

The three smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Yuyou, why did you say such things out of conscience?" Qin Yumo held back a smile.

"I'm not lying. When others see Zhang Wei's face, there will indeed be a show." Tang Youyou pretended to be innocent, "Okay, okay, let's get started!"

"Look at my performance!" Zhang Wei proudly waved his fist at the three of them.

Soon, the bartender shouted to the audience with a microphone. He first talked about the original intention of holding this anti-robbery safety education performance, and then announced the start of the performance.

Zhang Wei was very into the show, grabbed Tang Youyou's collar immediately, and held a knife in his hand to force Tang Youyou back again and again.

"Hit, hit, rob!" Zhang Wei shouted with wide eyes.

Tang Youyou was a showman, her whole body was trembling, her face was pale, and there were still tears in the corners of her eyes.

"I, I have no money!" She trembled, "I went out to borrow money!"

Zhang Wei looked Tang Youyou up and down, and let out a wretched laugh: "Beauty, I can't rob money, but I can also rob sex, hehehe..."

Tang Youyou hugged her arms in fright, and cried in a crying voice: "No, no..."

"Speak! What are you borrowing money for?" Zhang Wei asked aggressively, pretending to be vicious.

Tang Youyou wanted to cry: "I have AIDS, and I have no money for medical treatment..."

Zhang Wei was taken aback, and instead of being angry, he smiled: "Hehe, I really can't do anything about you?"

Tang Youyou nodded with a mournful face.

The two separated immediately, Zhang Wei took off his hood, looked around with a smile, and said loudly: "Everyone, the demonstration just now is to teach you, especially girls, the standard response plan when encountering robbers. No money, no sex, [-]% safe!"

Qin Yumo grinned and said, "Why don't you meet a gay robber next time, you should fight it out first. If you get away with it, we will popularize it."

"If I do meet, I will! I believe I will get out of it!" Zhang Wei said angrily.

"If you really meet such a robber who wants to rob you, are you really going to tell him that you have AIDS?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Of course, in this way, he will definitely retreat in the face of difficulties. This is the wisdom of a lawyer." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

Su Yi smiled lightly, and said leisurely: "Then if the robber said, 'What a coincidence, I also have AIDS, and we are still friends', what should you do?"

Zhang Wei: ┌(.Д.)┐!
"Hahaha..." The three girls laughed loudly.

"Why are you laughing so happy?" Zeng Xiaoxian ran back at this moment, still holding a stack of letters in his hand.

"What's in your hand, Mr. Zeng?" Tang Youyou asked curiously.

"Eight letters from the neighborhood committee to our two houses," Zeng Xiaoxian began to send. "There is a tradition in the iPartment, that is, every year on the LF day, we have to show love to many single-parent children from divorced families nearby. These children lack love. Every year on this day, they will write a letter to Uncle LF, write their address and the gifts they want, and then the neighborhood committee will hand it over to all the residents, and we will satisfy the wishes of these children."

Qin Yumo suddenly said: "I see, this is similar to applying for a credit card, filling in the information, and sending gifts."

Everyone took an envelope, including Su Yi.

Su Yi opened it directly and saw that it was written in a little girl's delicate handwriting——

Uncle LF, my wish is to let my mother change to a lighter job, so that she doesn't have to be so busy every day, and can spend more time with me.Can you grant my little wish?


Su Yi pursed his lips and shrugged.

He now hopes that this girl's mother is not the kind of high-level white-collar worker or a strong woman, otherwise this wish is really not easy to satisfy.

Zhang Wei was very cautious about this kind of thing, hesitating and not daring to accept the envelope.

"The things these children want are not outrageous, right?" Zhang Wei said vigilantly.

"This is not a robbery, it won't kill you!" Qin Yumo said.

"Children usually want candies, stationery and so on," Zeng Xiaoxian said, "The most greedy ones will want a plush toy at most."

"Don't worry Zhang Wei, this is an offering of love, and it's definitely worth the money." Hu Yifei said.

Zhang Wei hesitated for a while, but still did not accept the envelope, but said: "Do you think there will be criminals who want to take the opportunity to defraud?"

Hu Yifei and the others rolled their eyes together.

"Zhang Wei is no longer a mother-in-law, isn't it just a matter of spending a little money? As for this?" Hu Yifei couldn't see Zhang Wei's stinginess at all.

Zhang Wei was a little embarrassed: "I'm just more cautious."

He finally picked up the envelope.

When he took it apart, his eyes widened, and his face was full of horror.

Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

Seeing that he seemed to be frightened, Qin Yumo snatched the letter from his hand without speaking for a while.

"Uncle **, I got the third place in the class this year, and I want the following gifts..." Qin Yumo read out, "PSP game console, LCD TV, Nokia N97 Mini Collector's Edition..."

Qin Yumo's eyes widened.

Zhang Wei snatched the letter back and said in a hurry, "Are you sure it was written by those children?"

He went on to read the rest: "I also want a DVD player, a gas stove, and a four-piece bed set...Is this a gift, or a dowry?"

Hu Yifei rolled her eyes and said, "This is Zhang Wei's offering of love! Love doesn't depend on how much money you have."

"You said it lightly, this is dead..." Zhang Wei was anxious.

"Huh?" The three girls stared at him together, with questioning voices in their noses.

Zhang Wei paused for a moment, then continued: "Sophisticated kid, it's clear that he wants to eliminate the big family!"

Zhang Wei clutched his heart, looking like he was about to die.

"I said you are a big man, why do you have to put on such a bear every time? Can you be a bit promising?" Hu Yifei said angrily.

"The things this kid wants are really too much," Qin Yumo said, "If you can't afford Zhang Wei, then forget it, don't force it."

"I, can't afford it?" Unexpectedly, this sentence stimulated Zhang Wei, his eyes widened, "I am a lawyer, a high-income group, can I not afford it?"

"Aren't you a quasi-lawyer?" Qin Yumo asked doubtfully.

"A prospective lawyer is not a lawyer?" Zhang Wei blushed and defended, "A rotten egg is not an egg? You wait, I will brew my love, isn't it just a gift? I will give it!"

Su Yi saw that this guy was really going to complete this outrageous wish list after being provoked by someone, and couldn't help but said: "Zhang Wei, it's not a question of whether you can afford it or not, it's a question of whether you have a good brain or not! You're not so stupid as to be taken advantage of, are you?"

Before Zhang Wei could speak, Hu Yifei immediately sneered: "How can you be taken advantage of by showing love? Maybe this child's family lacks these things. What can the child think? Some people make excuses for those who refuse to show love. What do you think?"

Su Yi frowned and said, "I still lack a Rolls-Royce at home. Can I also write letters to ask others to fulfill my wishes? The original intention of this activity is to help poor children fulfill some small wishes, not to become Some greedy child's way of satisfying their greed."

"I don't agree with your statement!" Hu Yifei snarled, "Children are the most innocent. He just wants what he wants. What's wrong with him? It's the adult's fault that adults can't afford it. Don't make excuses and make mistakes. Push it on the child!"

"So Zhang Wei should be taken advantage of?" Su Yi's brows tightened.

"I'll say it again, this is called showing love, not being taken advantage of!" Hu Yifei sneered, "Some people should not make excuses for their own selfishness!"

"The ways are different, so we don't conspire with each other." Su Yi stood up suddenly, shook his head and walked out.

Hu Yifei looked at Su Yi's leaving back, and suddenly froze.

(End of this chapter)

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