Chapter 869

The party in the bar broke up because of the dispute between Su Yi and Hu Yifei.

Hu Yifei was in a bad mood and kicked the trash can at the door when leaving the bar.

Su Yi was not affected by it, he knew that a woman is always unreasonable for a period of time, it doesn't matter, just ignore it.

Anyway, I don't want to grab his eggs.

Sing the song, dance the dance.

Early the next morning, Su Yi took the letter and embarked on a journey of sending love.

The kid who wanted to change his mother to an easier job lived in the Eisen Apartment not far from the Love Apartment, which was also on the sixth floor.

When Su Yi came to the door of this house, he realized that things were not simple.

The shoe cabinet of this family is placed at the door, almost blocking the door next door.

Su Yi opened the shoe cabinet and saw that it was full of brand-name shoes.

Is this the home of poor children?
Su Yi thought for a while, and knocked on the door of the next room.

It was an old man who opened the door.

"Come here, Uncle, I'm here to show my love to the neighbor," Su Yi directly explained the purpose of coming, "But I found that there is something wrong with this family, so I want to know something about it with you first."

The uncle looked around vigilantly: "Come in! Come in and say!"

After letting Su Yi into the house and pouring Su Yi a glass of water, the uncle began to complain.

"Young man, you are the first one to take the initiative to come to me to find out about the love activities every year."

"What kind of destructive activity are you doing? You can't help the bad guys by showing love! Yes, the single mother next door has a child. The child is pitiful, but also hateful!"

"This woman was a small white-collar worker in the company at the beginning. She loved vanity and sugar daddy. She wanted to use her children to tie down a man. She didn't want the man to immigrate directly. That's why they left their orphans and widowed mothers."

"When she was a junior, this woman was used to big hands and feet, and she refused to live the life of an ordinary person, so she relied on her beauty to seduce men everywhere, and almost every once in a while she would go home with a different man, defrauding everyone After getting the money, she dumped others, so as to maintain her extravagant life of drunkenness and dreams."

"Four years ago, your iPartment started to organize love activities. The first person who came to show love was a business executive. At that time, the child's wish was to change his mother's job. Then this woman hooked up that executive I went to bed by myself, and took advantage of his position to change myself a decent and leisurely job."

"With this job, this woman seems to have a beautiful package. She walks among different men and mixes like a fish in water. And she tasted the sweetness. In the second year, because of this dedication A painter was involved in the love activity and became the artist's agent. In the third year, because of this love activity, she transformed into an assistant to the president. By the way, young man, what is your identity?"

"Me? I'm currently unemployed." Su Yi said.

"Hehe, then you will be returned by others." The old man said with a smile, "They don't look down on vagrants. They will let you go directly, and will continue to write letters to the people who organize activities, and help them find new ones again. Uncle LF. Don’t believe me? You’ll find out later!”

Su Yi pointed to the door: "That shoe cabinet blocked your door, and you just let it go?"

"Hehe, I'm getting old, and my children are all abroad, what else can I do?" The old man said helplessly, "The property management has called, and the police have also called, but they just don't care, they don't listen to anyone, and they even scold me. I can't do anything about old things. Well, I won't live for many years anyway, so let's just..."

After leaving the door next door, Su Yi still knocked on the door of this house.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

In fact, this shoe cabinet has made Su Yi 90.00% sure about the situation of this house.

It was a little girl who opened the door. She was quite cute, but her face was dirty, and her clothes looked a little worn.

She tilted her head and looked at Su Yi and asked, "Are you Uncle LF?"

Very naive look.

But it's too fake.

Don't think that children can't act, and don't think that children must be innocent.

Su Yi cut to the chase and said, "Little girl, do you want to change your mother's job?"

"Yes, my mother leaves early and returns late every day. She works very hard and has no time to accompany me." The little girl opened her eyes and said innocently, "Uncle, can you help my mother change jobs? By the way, you What do you do?"

"Me? I just lost my job not long ago. I'm a vagrant." Su Yi said with a smile, "But I can help your mother find a job as a cleaner. The monthly salary is 2000 yuan, and you only need to go to work for four hours a day. In this way, your mother can There will be a lot of time to play with you. How about the kid? Are you happy?"


The little girl suddenly turned her head and shouted: "Mom! Mom!"

Su Yi smiled and looked at the little girl.

Soon a woman appeared at the door. This woman was not bad looking, and her face was quite pure.

That's right, if the villains all have mean faces, aren't those who were fooled all fools?

"Sir, please go back. My daughter is just being naughty. In fact, we don't need any help. I'll trouble you to make another trip. I'm really sorry." The woman also bowed and apologized to Su Yi sincerely.

"So, you don't need my help?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"I'm sorry, you are a good person, but we really don't need it. I'm really sorry for causing you trouble." The woman smiled at Su Yi, her smile also looked very clean.

"Excuse me." Su Yi took two steps back, nodded to her and turned to leave.

When Su Yi entered the elevator, he saw the old man next door opened the door at some point and looked at him with disappointment.

Su Yi smiled at him and waved his hand.

Sorry old man, if you want someone to help you, first of all you have to show your attitude.You lie down and let others go to thunder?
Isn't it the benefit that I come and send you to death?
There was no forcible slap in the face during this trip, nor was there any upholding of justice to eradicate evil and promote good.

That woman was undoubtedly a bad person, but she wasn't so bad as Su Yi, on the contrary, she was very polite to Su Yi, so why did Su Yi slap her in the face?
But this is not the case.

He was disgusted by this charity event for nothing, and he wasted half an hour early in the morning to come here. Doesn't someone need to pay this responsibility?
There is an injustice and a debtor, whoever disgusts Su Yi, Su Yi will find him.

The event was planned by the Love Apartment Neighborhood Committee. Su Yi went directly to the door, explained the situation he encountered, and also mentioned the situation encountered by Zhang Wei by the way.

But the director of the neighborhood committee tried to muddle this matter in an official tone.

"Ma'am, there is a problem with the event you planned. You are consuming our love. The problem I just reported to you, you just want to dismiss me by saying that you will verify the situation?" Su Yi frowned.

"Sir, I can't listen to your one-sided words. I have to verify the situation before I can give you an answer." The middle-aged woman said impatiently.

"Director, the reporter has already arrived, we have to help the target's house to take pictures." Someone came to report.

The middle-aged woman stood up: "Sir, I have other things to do, we will follow up on your matter, you go back first."

"All the support objects of the event were selected by you, do you still need to verify?" Su Yi shook his head, not intending to talk nonsense with her, "You guys, just to make news for the higher-ups to see, so as to make some political achievements. It’s fine to come out of the movement, and the rest doesn’t matter to you.”

"Sir, you have to be responsible for talking nonsense." The middle-aged woman's expression changed.

"Of course I will be responsible, and I hope you will be responsible as well." Su Yi smiled and turned around and walked away.

When getting on the elevator, Su Yi ran into Hu Yifei and the others. Except for Guan Gu Miracle and Lu Ziqiao, the rest of them were here.

Hu Yifei was a little embarrassed when she saw Su Yi, and lowered her head unnaturally.

Su Yi looked normal, and greeted them with a smile: "Why are you together so early in the morning, where did you go?"

"We went to give our love together." Tang Youyou said with a smile, "Except for Zhang Wei, all of us have already given our love. My stationery, Yifei's comic books, Yumo's plush toys, and Teacher Zeng's The computer desks are all sent out."

"It's not that I don't want to give it away, but... I need to brew my love!" Zhang Wei looked mournful.

"Where are you, Mr. Liangchen? Did you go to show your love too? What did you give?" Qin Yumo asked curiously.

"A lesson." Su Yi said, "But I haven't had time to send it out yet."

Everyone was puzzled.

"Mr. Zeng, do you have time? Let's go and chat?" Su Yi looked at Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Okay." Zeng Xiaoxian said happily.

"Brother B, I also want to chat with you!" Zhang Wei suddenly raised his hand and said, "I, I have something to ask you."

"Let's come together!" Su Yi thought for a while, and walked to the side first.

The three women looked at the backs of the men leaving with puzzled eyes.

"What does Xiaoyi want to tell them?" Tang Youyou asked curiously.

"I want to know, you can ask yourself!" Hu Yifei said blankly, "Hey, can you go up? Stand here at the door of the building, and be the door god?"

After the three women went upstairs, they were stunned again by the scene before them.

I saw all kinds of women standing in the corridor, some were circling, some were stretching their legs, and some were hanging their throats.

Hu Yifei and the other three were stunned.

"Wow! What's going on?" Tang Youyou said dumbfounded.

"Did you go to the wrong floor?" Qin Yumo looked back in confusion, "That's right."

"Lu Ziqiao! It must be him!" Hu Yifei was already in a bad mood, and seeing the chaos, he suddenly became furious, "This bastard must have lent the apartment to someone else to drive Patty!"

"Hush!" At this moment, a tall woman walked over with swaying waist and hips, and said with a slight frown, "Keep your voice down, there is an interview inside."

After a pause, she looked at Hu Yifei and the other three, and asked, "Are you also here to sign up?"

When looking at Qin Yumo and Hu Yifei, his eyes were slightly wary.

Tang Youyou felt that she seemed to be despised by some kind of unknown.

"What interview?" Qin Yumo was puzzled, "We are the masters here."

"Hehe!" The woman sneered, "You've entered the show so soon? But whether you can be the host or not is up to the judges!"

"Judges?" Tang Youyou looked confused, "What are you choosing?"

"The host here is called Guan Gu, and he is from Zhe Peng." Seeing that they really didn't know, the woman explained, "He posted on the iPartment website, saying that he wanted to audition for a wife."

"Miss audition?" The three of them raised their voices in unison.

"Guan Gu thinks women are crazy?" Hu Yifei's face turned dark.

"Next batch!" At this moment, a shout came from 3602.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Several women ran in immediately.

"Let's go and have a look!" Hu Yifei said angrily.

When the three of them came to the door, they saw Guan Gu Miqi and Lu Ziqiao sitting behind a table like dogs, and there were several women standing in front of them.

"No. 12, No. 5, you have good talents, but you have not passed the cultural knowledge level, so you will enter the waiting area!" Lu Ziqiao judged seriously, "No. [-]! Congratulations, take a break for [-] minutes, and go directly to the next round!"

Contestant No. [-] sneaked a wink at Lu Ziqiao, showing a knowing expression.

"Then me?" A woman who was not mentioned asked with a strong Sichuan accent.

"Unfortunately, you were eliminated!" Lu Ziqiao said.

The woman was a little unwilling, and directly talked to Guan Gu Miracle: "Mr. Guanggu, please give me another chance. I have been married before, and I have more experience than them."

"His name is Guan Gu, not Guanggu! You can't even pronounce your name wrong, and you still want to advance?" Lu Ziqiao said speechlessly.

"Oh, I know!" The woman said very dissatisfied, "Mr. Guanggu's light is the light of Guangxin, the light of Guangmen!"


"Out!" Lu Ziqiao shouted, pointing to the door.

The woman who lost the election left angrily.

But the woman who got promoted ran to Lu Ziqiao to act like a baby: "Oh, judge, you praised him for his talent last night. Didn't you agree to make an appointment? Why is there a second round?"

"I have to create an illusion of fair competition and prosperity, right?" Lu Ziqiao lowered his voice, "How about this, come to my room tonight, and I'll give you private tutoring."

"You're so kind, Mu!" The woman kissed Lu Ziqiao and ran away smiling.

Guan Gu on the other side is miraculously unlovable: "You don't really want to choose her, do you?"

"Don't worry, how is it possible? Didn't I soak her away in advance?" Lu Ziqiao patted Guan Gu's miraculous shoulder.

"next batch!"

In the end, it was Hu Yifei and the other three who walked in.

The three women stared at Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu Mimi with unkind faces.

Lu Ziqiao's face changed slightly, and he asked unnaturally, "Why are you here?"

"Zi Qiao, what tricks are you playing this time?" Hu Yifei asked with a dark face.

Lu Ziqiao saw that Hu Yifei seemed to be on the verge of breaking out, and hurriedly surrendered: "Don't get excited, don't get excited, I'll explain! In fact, this matter—it's all Guan Gu's doing!"

He brushed himself off.

(End of this chapter)

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