Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 873 The Almighty Su Yi

Chapter 873 The Almighty Su Yi

A person's psychological quality must be stronger, so that he can handle all kinds of situations with ease, and even if he is caught in a social situation, he can get out of it.

Just like now, if someone with a weak mental capacity were to be in Su Yi's situation, there would be no place to put his face on.

But Su Yi's cheeks still grew on his face, calm and composed.

On the contrary, the three women felt that the atmosphere was a bit weird.

Su Yi in turn wanted to appease them.

"I told you a long time ago, it's just the idea of ​​instant disillusionment, everyone has it!" Su Yi sighed, "In fact, you also have it, but you don't admit it. There are too many such thoughts that appear and disappear instantly. , and even you must have fantasized about killing yourself, does that mean you are murderers?"

"We are definitely not murderers, but you must be an LSP!" Hu Yifei said angrily.

"I don't explain, but I'm sure not." Su Yi shrugged.

"Oh, let's continue the previous topic!" Qin Yumo was a little shy, "Mr. Liangchen, go on, how did you guess that my ring is on the hook at the door?"

"Where did I go?" Su Yi was stunned.

"Speaking of you excluding restaurants," Tang Youyou reminded, "You said that Yu Mo only wears jewelry every time before going out."

"Yes!" Su Yi cleared his mind again, and continued, "Yu Mo's habit is to get up, wash his face, brush his teeth, have breakfast, then go to rinse his mouth, make up and change clothes, and finally put on jewelry to go out."

"Therefore, when she eats, it is impossible to wear jewelry on half of her body, and the restaurant can temporarily exclude it."

"Yu Mo said before that because she was going to show her love, she took off the ring on purpose. From this sentence, it can be judged that she actually put the ring on her finger that morning, but took it off later."

"According to the order in which she goes out every morning, when she puts on the ring, she usually only goes to two places-her room and the living room."

"In fact, the bathroom is also possible, but the possibility is not high. Unless Yu Mo wants to go to the bathroom before going out, the probability of her wearing jewelry and then going to the bathroom is not high. My third question is whether you have looked for the bathroom. , just to exclude the bathroom. Because if it is in the bathroom, the ring is most likely to be in a very conspicuous place such as the table next to the toilet or the shelf on the sink. If there are no such places, it should not be in the bathroom. "

"Then all that's left is the living room and her room."

Speaking of this, Su Yi paused, "If the ring was taken off in Yu Mo's room, she would most likely put it in a conspicuous place such as the dressing table. Even if she accidentally knocked it off, it should be on the ground or Under the bed or something, but you must have looked for those."

The three women couldn't help nodding when they heard this.

"The first place we looked for was Yu Mo's room. We searched all the places." Tang Youyou said.

"Including under the bed, in every corner, even in the trash can." Qin Yumo added.

"Go ahead!" Hu Yifei urged.

"So Yu Mo's room can also be excluded temporarily, and the rest is only the living room." Su Yi smiled and stretched out his palm to draw a semicircle, "The only thing left in the living room is the floor, which has not been removed by you, but in fact it is the most The suspicious place is in the hall."

"Yu Mo saw the ring on his hand before going out, so he took it off and put it at the door. This was a very smooth thing. So I went directly to the door to look for it."

"You have looked for the shoe cabinet. The only place where the ring can be placed at the door is the hook on the other side. Where is this ring, isn't it coming out?"

The three women looked at Su Yi as if they were looking at a fairy.

Then Qiqi stretched out his thumbs and said in unison: "Strong!"

"So, can we have breakfast?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Oops! My bread is burnt!" Qin Yumo remembered the breakfast in the kitchen, shouted and hurried away.

"Well, your reasoning is indeed invincible, but it still can't clear up your suspicion of secretly paying attention to Yu Mo." Hu Yifei said, "You know Yu Mo too well, don't you? You even know what she does when she gets up every day!"

Su Yi sighed and said, "Yifei, you just left your period yesterday afternoon, and you go to the bathroom five to eight times a day at home. You must be a little constipated, so every time you spend more than ten minutes in the bathroom..."

"You, you spy on me!" Hu Yifei jumped up as if his hair was blown.

"Yuyou likes to eat takeaway under the covers, so she washes the sheets very frequently. She treated us to oden last night, but in fact she secretly ordered a pan-fried bun for herself, around twelve o'clock When it was time, I hid in my bed and ate it secretly." Su Yi continued.

"You, how do you know!" Tang Youyou turned pale with fright.

"You installed a surveillance camera in our room?" Qin Yumo trembled.

"Pretend you are big-headed ghosts!" Su Yi said angrily, "I just want to say that I don't need to observe these things secretly, and I don't even need to pay extra attention! I just have this ability, and I can pay attention to things that others can't notice. Details, so as to speculate a lot of things! This is my ability, not some bad habit of mine! Let me explain clearly to you now, so that you won’t misunderstand me about this kind of thing in the future.”

"Moreover, this is enough to show that I am not secretly paying attention to Yu Mo alone!"

Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou looked at each other in a daze.

"How do I feel, you might as well pay attention to Yumo secretly..." Tang Youyou said with a bitter face, "Now I feel like I'm standing in front of you with my clothes off, I have no secrets at all!"

"Aren't you tired of living like this?" Hu Yifei asked.

"So I'm trying to make my life easier." Su Yi smiled.

Hu Yifei's heart suddenly twitched violently. At this moment, she suddenly wanted to hug this man and ask him what he went through.

"Dinner is ready!" Qin Yumo put a plate of charred toast on the dining table.

This is the end of a morning of chicken and dog jumping.

At noon, Guan Gu miraculously entertained everyone in the Chinese restaurant downstairs, including Xinling, the girl with heart disease.

This was a very successful party. From the very beginning, Guan Gu Miraculously told Xinling that Tang Youyou was his fiancee. The reason why he said he was married before was because he didn't want Xinling to think too much.

Guan Gu miraculously apologized to Xinling in public.

The difference between a fiancée and a wife is not too big for Xinling, so she doesn't find it unacceptable.

And then, Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou showed their affection frequently, and the two showed a very good relationship.

The "acting skills" of the two are completely online, and even the love and shyness in their eyes seem so real.

The development of the matter was as expected by Su Yi. Although Xinling was very disappointed, this situation was in her expectation, so she could bear it.

What Su Yi didn't expect was that Lu Ziqiao played a big role in comforting Xinling. This guy turned into a warm man, encouraged and comforted Xinling, and moved the latter to tears.

The sincerity and friendliness of the friends in the iPartment also warmed Xinling's sensitive and inferior heart. In the end, the girl blessed Guan Gu with tears and completely let go of her obsession with Guan Gu.

The perfect resolution of the Xinling incident gave the friends in iPartment a more intuitive understanding of Su Yi's abilities.

Almighty Su Yi, this is the nickname given to Su Yi by Zeng Xiaoxian.

This nickname has been unanimously recognized by everyone.

Everyone was surprised to find that none of the things they asked Su Yi to do was unsuccessful.

You may refuse a successful person to be your friend, but you will never refuse a friend who can help you succeed.

In such a short time since Su Yi came to Love Apartment, he has become everyone's good friend.

After the noon meal, Qin Yumo stopped Su Yi alone.

"Teacher Liangchen, I have some things that I want to consult with you." Qin Yumo looked pitiful and blinked his big eyes, "Can you give me some advice?"


Su Yi sighed and said: "Yu Mo, let's talk about the matter directly next time, so don't pretend to be pitiful."

"Hee hee, this is not pretending to be pitiful, but acting like a baby!" Qin Yumo said with a smile.

"As a person with a fiancé, is it really okay to act like a baby with other men?" Su Yi said.

Qin Yumo glared at Su Yi: "No wonder you can't find a girlfriend. It's really confusing and spoiling the scenery! You're still machismo!"

"Let me ask you, if you really have a girlfriend, what will happen if she acts like a baby with other men?" Qin Yumo asked.

"Break up! We must break up!" Su Yi was firm.

"Are you too domineering?" Qin Yumo's eyes widened, "acting like a baby is just a means used by girls to achieve their goals in social interaction, and it doesn't mean anything."

"Breakup is my punishment for my girlfriend acting like a baby with other men. Is there a problem?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"It's a good thing you're not my boyfriend, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stand your machismo!" Qin Yumo said angrily.

"Fortunately, you are not my girlfriend, otherwise I want to break up with you every minute because of your attitude towards acting like a baby." Su Yi said with a smile, "So we are definitely not suitable for being a couple. Are you the same? agree?"

"Agreed!" Qin Yu said in a puffy voice.

"Wait! That's not right!" After saying this, Qin Yumo suddenly realized, "Mr. Liangchen, you are giving me a vaccination by saying this, right?"

"It's just a precaution." Su Yi smiled coyly, "You've been looking for me too often recently. In order to prevent you from having unreasonable thoughts about me, I remind you that you are always right."

"Ah bah!" Qin Yumo laughed angrily, "Mr. Liangchen, are you too narcissistic? How afraid are you that I will fall in love with you? Besides, I have a fiance, okay? It's still in your heart , do you think she is the kind of watery woman?"

"That's not true." Su Yi shook his head and changed the subject, "Talk about what you want to consult with me first."

"I have one last question!" Qin Yumo raised his hand, "Let's get down to business after asking!"


"Ask." Su Yi shrugged.

"Do you like Yifei?" Qin Yumo pointed at Su Yi, suddenly looked closely at Su Yi's eyes, and sped up his speech, "Don't hesitate, speak quickly!"

"Of course not." Su Yi said, "I said, I am a celibate in this world."

"You really plan to become a monk?" Qin Yumo frowned.

"I have seen through the love and love in the world." Su Yi said, "I don't want any woman to be hurt by me and sad for me."

Qin Yumo stared at Su Yi for a while, then pouted and said, "When you are young, you can see through the world, why pretend to be deep?"

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Qin Yumo changed the subject, "Mr. Liangchen, it's like this. Didn't Richard want to invite us all to dinner tonight? Richard and I have been engaged for a year. The two of us After going through this cold war and quarrel again, and living apart from each other for a long time, I don't want to go on like this anymore, I think our relationship can go further."

She looked at Su Yi: "Last night, I vaguely mentioned my thoughts to Richard, but he deliberately interrupted and ignored it. Teacher Liangchen, you said that it was because of our conflicts during this time, he felt that I Immature, so you still plan to consider marriage? Or is he not planning to marry me at all?"

Su Yi was silent, looking at Qin Yumo quietly.

Qin Yumo was baffled by the look: " there something dirty on my face? Or is it my makeup?"

Su Yi shook his head: "This is what you want to consult me?"

"Yes." Qin Yumo nodded.

"Do you know why I just looked at you and didn't speak?" Su Yi asked.

"Why?" Qin Yumo asked.

"Your appearance is exactly the same as Xinling just now." Su Yi said, "It's very similar to when Xinling asked Guan Gu, 'Do I still have a chance'."

"Ah? I, am I so unconfident and humble?" Qin Yumo froze for a moment, a little unbelievable.

"According to what you said, you have known this man for almost three years, and you have been engaged to him for a year." Su Yi said, "But now you are not sure whether this man will marry you?"

"Do you think he didn't give you a sense of security? Or did you never trust him?"

Qin Yumo was stunned by these words.

She never considered these issues from this perspective.

"I...I don't know..." She was a little dazed, "Of course I believe him, yes, I believe him!"

"Since you believe that he will marry you, it means that this man didn't give you enough sense of security?" Su Yi smiled, "Have you ever thought about why?"

"Because, because we always get together less and leave more often, we meet very rarely; also because he is so good, he must face many temptations; and because of this quarrel, I feel that I may not be so important to him Otherwise, how could he think of looking for me and contacting me after I had a cold war with him for a month?"

"Isn't he afraid of really losing me?"

(End of this chapter)

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