Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 874 Perfect Lover Richard

Chapter 874 Perfect Lover Richard

"Love makes people blind, even the smartest person will be as stupid as a pig in front of love." Su Yi sighed.

"It's obviously a very romantic thing, why is it so annoying when you say it out of your mouth?" Qin Yumo said angrily, "Mr. Liangchen, Ziqiao said that you are omnipotent, we all think so, that's why I I came to you to be my confidant sister, you won’t disappoint me and return home?”

"I thank you for valuing me so much!" Su Yi said angrily.

"Let me ask you, do you think Richard has any shortcomings?" Su Yi asked.

Qin Yumo thought for a while, and said: "He is humorous, handsome, and knowledgeable..."

"Stop it, I'm talking about shortcomings!" Su Yi rolled his eyes.

"Shortcoming?" Qin Yumo curled his lips, "His only shortcoming is that he is always so busy and can't spare time to accompany me! From the time we got engaged last year to now, the two of us have only met five times in total. !"

"That is to say, in your eyes, apart from not being able to accompany you, he has no shortcomings at all, right?" Su Yi asked lightly.

"There is a little bit, but it's just some minor problems in life, it's harmless!" Qin Yumo said with a smile, "After all, no one is perfect!"

Su Yi nodded: "Next, we will enter the quick question and answer session. What are Zhang Wei's shortcomings?"

"Stingy." Qin Yumo said immediately.

"Where's Zeng Xiaoxian?" Su Yi continued to ask.

"Wretched hanging silk!" Qin Yumo reacted quickly.

"Lu Ziqiao?"

"Scumbag with a playful heart!"


"Stereotyped and grumpy!"


"At first, I just thought you were cold and out of place, but now you have another shortcoming, machismo!" Qin Yumo pouted.

"Where's your ex-boyfriend?" Su Yi asked again.

"Which one are you talking about?" Qin Yumo was taken aback.

"The last one!" Su Yi said.

"There are so many shortcomings, selfish, rude, unmotivated, stupid..."

"Okay!" Su Yi stopped her, "I asked you to talk about the shortcomings of so many people, do you know why?"

"You want to tell me that no one is perfect? ​​Let me give Richard a little more time?" Qin Yumo asked.

Can this girl be saved?
Su Yi shook his head and sighed: "I really want to tell you that no one is perfect. As long as it is someone you have known and been in contact with for a period of time, you cannot fail to tell his shortcomings. This is a very real thing."

"But Richard has no shortcomings at all in your heart! Don't say that he is busy - what kind of shortcoming is being busy? If I have been busy all the time, would you think this is my shortcoming?"

Qin Yumo suddenly realized: "I got it! You want to tell me that a man like Richard who has no flaws is a good fortune to meet, and you must hold him firmly, right?"


Su Yi shook his head and said: "As the saying goes, you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, but you are not, you are really asleep."

"How can there be people without flaws in this world?" He looked at Qin Yumo, "If a person has no flaws in your heart, there are only two possibilities!"

"First, you are stupid, you can't see it!"

"Second, he is playing you!"

"You asked me why he didn't respond to the topic of your marriage? I can tell you the answer to this question directly, but you will never believe it! Because you have been dreaming and refused to return to reality!" Su Yi said, "But if you really If you have the courage to wake up and want the truth, it is actually very easy to do!"

He looked at Qin Yumo, and finally said: "As long as you assume that everything Richard said is false, and then observe carefully, you can get the truth. Because those actors who are not very good have a common problem, that is, they are very concerned about the truth. His own personality, and then he will try his best to show others these settings that he thinks are brilliant."

The smile on Qin Yumo's face finally disappeared slowly, and he couldn't say a word for a while.

Women can be stupid, but they can also be smart.Stupid or smart, it depends on what they want.

That afternoon, Richard hosted a banquet for everyone in the love apartment. Zhang Wei was absent because he had to catch up with a paper. Lu Ziqiao said that he couldn’t come because he had something to do, but in fact he was unhappy that a beautiful woman like Qin Yumo had a famous woman, and he was even more unhappy. Present himself as a foil.

So the only people present were Guan Gu Miracle, Tang Youyou, Hu Yifei, Su Yi and Zeng Xiaoxian, plus the "husband and wife" Richard and Qin Yumo.

Qin Yumo's expression was a little dazed, and her complexion was so ugly that anyone could tell that she had something on her mind.

Before sitting down, Richard whispered a few words to her, but it didn't seem to have any effect, instead it made Qin Yumo more irritable.

It was supposed to be Qin Yumo who introduced Richard to everyone, and then introduced everyone to Richard one by one, but Qin Yumo kept a dark face and said nothing, so Richard had to introduce himself.

"I'm Richard, Yu Mo's fiancé. I'm in the jewelry business. I'm glad to meet you all." Richard's voice is magnetic, and his demeanor is very gentle and refined, especially when Qin Yumo suddenly put down the pick , he didn't mean to be angry or blamed at all, and embraced Qin Yumo pamperingly.

This made Hu Yifei and others feel good about him.

"Hello Richard, I'm Hu Yifei, Yumo's classmate from childhood to adulthood." Hu Yifei introduced herself with a smile.

"Can I call you Yifei?" Richard said with a smile, and after receiving Hu Yifei's affirmative answer, he said with a smile, "I often hear Yu Mo mentioning you, saying that you take good care of her, like a caring big sister. "

The word "intimate big sister" seemed to have stimulated Qin Yumo, she subconsciously looked up at Su Yi, and Su Yi smiled at her.

"Yu Mo really said that about me? Haha, it should be! We are the best girlfriends!" Hu Yifei said happily.

Originally, the cheerful greetings were good, but at this moment Qin Yumo suddenly spoke.

She looked at Richard and said, "When did I tell you that Yifei took good care of me, like a caring big sister?"

Richard was startled for a moment.

"Not only did I never say that, but I also told you that Yifei looks strong on the surface, but in fact there is a little girl who is not big enough to live in her heart, and I have to take care of her more!" Qin Yumo stared into Richard's eyes , "Why are you lying?"

The scene froze instantly.

Everyone looked at Qin Yumo in surprise, not understanding why she reacted like this to a casual politeness.

Only Su Yi couldn't help but smile.

"! So Yumo, you look at me like that!" Hu Yifei was the first to react, and hurriedly laughed dryly to smooth things over, "Actually, I am ever-changing, but Yujie and Lolita are all right haha! Li Chad, let me introduce you, this is Tang Youyou, she is an actor; this is Guan Gu's magic..."

Hu Yifei hurriedly introduced everyone to Richard.

Richard didn't change his face, and greeted everyone.

After everyone was introduced, Li Chade looked at Qin Yumo with a wry smile and apologized, "Okay my dear, I shouldn't use the fake business politeness in dealing with real friends, you are right to criticize me , I apologize to you. I hope you can forgive me this time, and I promise to treat your friends sincerely in the future, can you stop being angry with me?"

That's pretty cool!
Even Su Yi couldn't help giving Richard a thumbs up in his heart.

No wonder you can be a scumbag, how many women can stand up to this kind of speaking skills?

At least Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou couldn't stand it, their eyes melted on the spot.

Even Guan Gu Miracle and Zeng Xiaoxian showed amazed expressions, feeling that this man is really gentle.

Qin Yumo was about to fall again.

This man was so perfect, he was like a prince in a fairy tale.

Is he really acting?

If he is really acting, let him keep acting, that would be great.

Qin Yumo's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and his heart was struggling violently.

But Richard scratched her nose dotingly and said with a smile: "If you don't speak, I'll take it as if you forgive me for the time being?"

He smiled, and without waiting for Qin Yumo to reply, he continued, "Yu Mo, I never thought that all of your friends are so handsome and graceful..."

"Madman playing music?" Guan Gu was stunned for a moment, then looked back at the restaurant band playing not far away, "Why is he swearing?"

"Hush..." Tang Youyou gave him a blank look, motioning him to shut up.

Richard went on to smile and said: "Thank you very much for taking care of Yumo for me during this time. Here are some small gifts I brought back from South Africa. Please don't laugh at me."

As he spoke, he took out the small gift boxes that he had prepared earlier from the bag behind him, and signaled Qin Yumo to distribute them to everyone.

Qin Yumo looked a little distracted, and did so without saying a word.

When giving Su Yi a gift, she dodged her eyes, a little afraid to look into Su Yi's eyes.

Su Yi's expression was normal.

Everyone opened the box face to face, and each made a surprise sound.

Each gift box is filled with diamonds!
Women received diamond stud earrings and men received a diamond brooch.

The diamond is not big, about sixty or seventy, but the clarity of the diamond is very high, and the cut...

Well, Su Yi doesn't understand this stuff either, but it's worth it.

There are five people here, five diamonds, and it is conservatively estimated that the value of a gift is at least tens of thousands of yuan.

This is the first time Richard met, he gave everyone diamonds worth more than [-] yuan as a meeting gift, which is not insignificant.

Gentle and delicate, generous and rich, such a man is simply the prince charming in every woman's heart.

Even a man would feel ashamed in front of such a character.

For example Zeng Xiaoxian.

On the contrary, Guangu Mimi was a little bit upset, but for the sake of his messing up diamonds like pebbles——

Guan Gu can be overcome.

Richard's phone rang, he said sorry, and ran to answer the phone.

As soon as he left, Hu Yifei said excitedly: "So this is the real diamond king!"

"It turns out that there really is Santa Claus in the world, and he is so handsome!" Tang Youyou also shouted excitedly.

"Actually, I can also grow a beard!" Guan Gu looked at Tang Youyou miraculously, and smiled at her, "Because my face shape is exactly the same as Richard's!"

Tang Youyou curled her lips and turned her head.

"Yu Mo, what did you do today? Why are you out of your mind?" Hu Yifei took the opportunity to ask Qin Yumo, "Are you and Richard fighting again?"

Qin Yumo came back to her senses, she looked at Su Yi, and said with a mournful face: "Teacher Liangchen, why do I feel more and more that what you said is right?"

"Maybe it's because I was right." Su Yi smiled faintly.

Everyone looked at each other.

"What charades are you playing?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked doubtfully.

"If I choose to continue to deceive myself, will you be disappointed in me?" Qin Yumo's eyes were foggy, and Baba looked at Su Yi.

"Why should I be disappointed in you?" Su Yi smiled, "I won't get hurt."

"What do you mean?" Hu Yifei sensed something was wrong, and his expression finally changed.

"Who is injured? Is Yu Mo injured?" At this moment, Richard walked over from the side.

Everyone looked at each other without speaking.

The atmosphere was a bit strange for a moment, Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly made a joke when he saw this: "No, we are talking, the diamond is so hard, will it accidentally hurt yourself if you wear it on your body?"

"Of course not." Richard said with a smile, "Every corner of a good diamond has been carefully polished, and it will never hurt anyone. By the way, do you still like the things I gave you?"

"Of course I like it! Who wouldn't like diamonds? Isn't that crazy?" Guan Gu smiled miraculously.

Tang Youyou kicked Guan Gu's magical kick under the table, and explained with a smile: "What he meant was that he liked the gift you gave him very much."

Richard chuckled, and looked at Su Yi: "Mr. Su, maybe I should call you Teacher Liangchen. I have read the article you wrote, and I am both honored and ashamed."

"I'm very glad to have a friend like you to help Yu Mo when she is sad, and thank you very much for your encouragement and criticism. Please rest assured, I will definitely treat Yu Mo even better in the future."

Su Yi said lightly: "Whether you treat Yu Mo well or not has nothing to do with me."

Richard was startled, but quickly smiled and said: "I can understand that you have some misunderstandings about me, but please believe me, in fact, I am a very easy-going person, maybe as time goes by, you will change opinion of me."

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

The protagonist tonight is not him, he doesn't want to steal the show.

"In fact, most of Yumo's resentment towards me is because I'm too busy and don't have time to accompany her." Richard said with a wry smile, "There's nothing I can do about it. In charge of such a big company, the pressure I have to face is beyond ordinary people's comprehension Yes. I admit that I owe Yu Mo, so I try to make up for it in other ways."

"I know Yu Mo likes diamonds, so I searched for the best diamonds for her all over the world." Richard looked at Qin Yumo, "Yu Mo, show everyone the diamond I bought for you." ?"

"Why should I show it to everyone?" Qin Yumo looked at Richard with a complicated expression, "To prove to everyone how much you love me? Or to prove to everyone that you are a very generous person?"

(End of this chapter)

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