Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 878 I am a small stream

Chapter 878 I am a small stream

On the way back, Su Yi received a call from Guan Gu Miraculously.

"Brother B, we are in the bar, you and Mr. Zeng come over directly!" Guan Gu said magically.


"...Okay." Su Yi shrugged helplessly. In fact, he wanted to go home.

"Brother Yi, just accept me! I'm really talented! When I was young, I won the first place in the rope skipping competition!" Zeng Xiaoxian pestered Su Yi and begged, "My dream since childhood was to become a Hero, please accept me as your apprentice!"


Su Yi glanced at Zeng Xiaoxian expressionlessly, and said, "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in. Teacher Zeng, is it not good to live?"

Zeng Xiaoxian shrunk his neck subconsciously, and smiled apologetically, "Brother Yi, what... what does this mean?"

"Learning martial arts is very hard, are you sure you can bear it?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course!" Zeng Xiaoxian waved his fist vigorously, "This is my dream, and I will fight for it."

"Two punches, two kicks for me to see." Su Yi said.

"Okay, Master, take care!" Zeng Xiaoxian roared.

"Tianma Meteor Fist! Hahahaha!" He swung wildly, his whole body convulsed like Wu's second child next door.

"Nanquan never leaks!" Suddenly, he let out a strange cry, and kicked it up again.


The next moment he let out a scream, and fell heavily to the ground.

Su Yi watched this scene with a smile, without any disturbances or surprises in his heart.

As for Zeng Xiaoxian's fragile physique who doesn't work hard, he may be injured if he stays properly, let alone punching and kicking?
"Brother B, where's my waist? Why can't I feel my waist anymore?" Zeng Xiaoxian exclaimed in horror, taking in the cold air.

I once dreamed of walking the world with my sword, but because of a flash in my waist, I canceled the original plan.

As the saying goes, there is no separation between medicine and martial arts, and Su Yi has no pressure to deal with such minor ailments and pains due to bruises.

After some massaging, Zeng Xiaoxian was able to walk normally from the level where he screamed when he moved.

"Brother B, even if you don't write, with your skill, you can still go to massage for the blind! You can definitely make a lot of money!" Zeng Xiaoxian stretched his waist, feeling that he seemed to be doing it again, and grinned in compliment.


"What a great idea!" Su Yi smiled, "When I can't think about it any longer, I'll poke my eyes blind and open a massage for the blind. What do you think?"

Zeng Xiaoxian's expression froze, and he was silent for a moment before hesitating to say: "Massage for blind people—does it mean that blind people are massaging?"

"Otherwise? Could it be that he is deaf?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"I always thought it was dumb." Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile, "Ah bah! I mean, I always thought that massage for the blind was the name of a brand, like Shaxian snacks, Ma Yinglong hemorrhoid ointment, and Wangmazi kitchen knife. "

"I think it's good, don't think so next time." Su Yi chuckled.

The two chatted for a while, then walked to the bar.

"Little brother B! This way!" Guan Gu miraculously saw Su Yi from a distance, and hurriedly stood up and waved.

"Yifei said, you are negotiating with Richard, what is the result?" Tang Youyou asked curiously before Su Yi and Zeng Xiaoxian sat down.

"Negotiation?" Zeng Xiaoxian was startled, subconsciously looking at Hu Yifei.

"That's right! Aren't you guys negotiating?" Hu Yifei frantically winked at Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Oh, yes, yes, negotiation! We are negotiating!" Although Zeng Xiaoxian didn't understand why Hu Yifei said that, he still chose to cooperate.

"We know you are negotiating, but what is the result of the negotiation?" Guan Gu rolled his eyes miraculously.

"This..." Zeng Xiaoxian rolled his eyes and resolutely blamed him, "Brother Xiaoyi is mainly in charge of talking with Richard. I am just an assistant. Yes, I am just a soy saucer. Let Brother Yi tell you about it, haha !"

All eyes fell on Su Yi again.

"Huh? Su Yi? Didn't you call for a drink just now? Let's go, go to the bar and order a drink first, I'll accompany you!" Hu Yifei said before Su Yi could speak.

Then she stood up and dragged Su Yi's hand to the bar without any explanation.

Zeng Xiaoxian stared blankly at this scene, and suddenly said sourly: "I haven't ordered anything to drink..."

Upon hearing the words, Guan Gu Miraculously yelled to Hu Yifei and Su Yi who had already walked towards the bar: "Yifei, by the way, ask for a bottle of beer for Teacher Zeng!"

Hu Yifei gave an OK gesture without looking back.

Guan Gu miraculously grinned, proudly claiming credit for Zeng Xiaoxian: "Mr. Zeng, do I understand you? You don't need to thank me!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said angrily: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" Guan Gu Miraculously said happily.

Qin Yumo sat on the side blankly holding a bottle of beer, looking isolated from the world.

By the bar.

Hu Yifei lowered her voice and said to Su Yi: "When you didn't come just now, Yu Mo asked if Richard had some difficulties to do this? She wanted to ask Richard! But based on what I know about her, once she Goodbye Richard, there is a high probability that I will fall into that bastard's sweet talk again!"

"I tried to persuade her. At this time, I must not give her any excuse to go to Richard. So Xiao Yi, please don't say that Richard was beaten by you. In case Yu Moyi feels distressed, Aren’t things going to end? Just say you’re staying to negotiate with Richard, and say more bad things about Richard!”

Su Yi stared at Hu Yifei with strange eyes.

Hu Yifei blushed, waved her hands and said, "Okay, I admit, I was there when you beat Richard's bodyguard just now, I have to say, well done!"

Hu Yifei patted Su Yi's shoulder with a grin, and said with a smile: "It's quite hidden, I've lived here for so long, and I don't know that you are also a practicing family! Let's learn from each other if we have a chance?"


"Okay." Su Yi nodded helplessly, "I see you this way because you actually taught me to lie. I never lie in this world."

In fact, it was more than that, Su Yi was also surprised that Hu Yifei asked him to lie, but there was no reminder to enforce it.

This is the first time Su Yi has encountered such a situation, which shows that Su Yi does not have to pay attention to not only unreasonable demands, but also some demands that violate principles, such as lying and doing illegal things.

"This is a white lie!" Hu Yifei was stunned, and immediately argued, "Don't be so rigid! Besides, I don't believe that you have never lied since you were a child!"

Su Yi said: "A white lie is also a lie."

Before Hu Yifei could speak, he changed the subject: "But I think you underestimated Qin Yumo, she wouldn't jump on him knowing that Richard is married. What you said should be just venting the pain after breaking up in love, it's just talk, don't take it seriously."

Hu Yifei said angrily: "Hey, do I know Yu Mo, or do you know Yu Mo?"

Su Yi smiled: "Don't worry, if she really wants to find Richard, I will definitely stop her."

"Okay!" Hu Yifei nodded.

As long as Su Yi spoke, she would be relieved.

The two returned to their seats, and Su Yi handed Zeng Xiaoxian a glass of milk.

"Brother B, what I want is beer!" Zeng Xiaoxian shouted.

"You twisted your waist. If you think about it quickly, if you don't want to take the risk of a stroke, you'd better drink this glass of milk." Su Yi said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Zeng Xiaoxian immediately compromised and took the milk.

"Xiaoyi, you haven't said yet, how did you negotiate with Richard?" Tang Youyou asked curiously.

"I used physical negotiation methods." Su Yi said honestly.

Zeng Xiaoxian, who just took a sip of milk, sprayed milk directly.

He choked and coughed again and again, tears streaming down his face.

God damn physical negotiation.

Hu Yifei also couldn't help laughing, Su Yi is usually serious, but from time to time he would say this kind of cold humor, which is quite contrasting.

"What physical negotiation?" Guan Gu was puzzled, "Is there still chemical negotiation?"

"In short, Richard deeply realized his mistakes and felt that he was sorry for Yu Mo, but he didn't admit that he was a shameless bastard. He just felt that he made a mistake that any man would make." Su Yi shrugged.

"This is completely stupid!" Hu Yifei couldn't help complaining, "Men make mistakes? Do all men in the world step on two boats?"

"I definitely won't!" Zeng Xiaoxian was the first to express his opinion.

"I won't either!" Guan Gu Miracle immediately cast aside himself, "I'm very dedicated to my feelings!"

All eyes fell on Su Yi.


Just as Su Yi said three words, Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou pointed at him and said in unison: "Don't change the subject!"

Even Qin Yumo, who was still isolated from the world just now, looked at Su Yi.

"Tell me, will you step on two boats in the future!" Tang Youyou pointed at Su Yi and said, eyes full of gossip.


Su Yi sighed: "It has been said that I am a celibate, as long as you don't seduce me, I will definitely put my hands in my pockets and love no one."

"And!" The three women all made disdainful voices.

"Xiaoyi, you are too narcissistic!" Tang Youyou shouted dissatisfied, "Then if there are really two girls chasing you together, what will you do?"

"No rejection, no initiative, no responsibility." Su Yi said.

"Scumbag!" The three women all despised him.

"You can't blame me for this. If you want to blame it, blame it. Being a scumbag in this world is not against the law." Su Yi spread his hands, "Hey, do you want to talk about business?"

"Speak!" Hu Yifei said angrily, "But before you speak, please accept our deep contempt for you again!"

After all, the three girls stretched out their hands together and made a thumbs down gesture to Su Yi.

"Received!" Su Yi thumped his chest, and continued the previous words: "Richard felt sorry for Yu Mo, so he decided to leave the two diamonds he gave Yu Mo as compensation. That's it."

"Here, the diamond is here, Yu Mo, it's back to its original owner." Su Yi took out two boxes containing diamonds and handed them to Qin Yumo.

"Throw them away for me." Qin Yumo forced a smile.


"Okay." Su Yi casually threw two diamonds to the ground beside him.

"Hey! Throw it away!" Hu Yifei hurried to pick it up.

Qin Yumo was also taken aback, and then smiled and said: "Sure enough, I still can't compare to Teacher Liangchen's mentality, so let it go as soon as you say it."

"If you say let it go, it usually refers to farts, right?" Guan Gu asked suspiciously.

"Can you stop interrupting?" Tang Youyou said with a dark face.

"Can you all stop interrupting!" Hu Yifei also yelled with a dark face, "Why is it so difficult to talk about a serious matter? Can't Yu Mo and Su Yishun finish talking smoothly?"

Everyone looked at each other, Tang Youyou raised his hand to remind her: "Yifei, it seems that you are the one who interrupts most of the time."

"Then I won't talk anymore, is it okay for the head office?" Hu Yifei said angrily.

"Okay, stop arguing, there is nothing to talk about this matter." Qin Yumo smiled, "Don't worry, I'm fine, everything is over, I won't be sad anymore. I even want to I can't remember what that man looks like! It turns out that time can really dilute everything."

\ (◎ o ◎) /!
"But Yumo, this happened just less than an hour ago." Hu Yifei said quietly.

"I know, this is me, the representative of outstanding white-collar women in the new century!" Qin Yumo smiled sweetly, "Forget about the past and keep moving forward! How do you sing that song?"

"I am a small stream, flowing forward forever, small stream, small stream, never stop!" Qin Yumo shook his head and beat the beat, singing with a pure and lovely voice, "Hey Bazahei!"

At the end of the song, Qin Yumo actually made a forward gesture.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Yu Mo, if you feel wronged, you can vent it." Tang Youyou said with a smile.

"That's right, we can all understand." Zeng Xiaoxian said.

"Don't be wronged, what is there to be wronged?" Qin Yumo smiled and said, "Isn't it just being fooled? Who hasn't been fooled before? Besides, didn't Teacher Liangchen help me vent my anger? Isn't that all right?"

"Speaking of this, I haven't thanked you yet, Teacher Liangchen!" Qin Yumo frowned slightly, with a distressed look, "How should I thank you?"

"Ah, I thought of it!" Her eyes lit up, she asked herself and answered, "Wait for me, Teacher Liangchen, I will use the most unique way to thank you right away!"

After all, she stood up and ran towards the bar.

Everyone frowned as they watched her leave.

"Do you think she is normal?" Tang Youyou asked.

"I think she is quite, very abnormal!" Hu Yifei said firmly, "This is not the reaction that a normal person should have at all!"

"Then what do you think normal people should do?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

Hu Yifei sneered: "Drive a tractor to completely level the house of Richard and his wife! Then put a tombstone there, which reads - once upon a time there was a man who stepped on two boats, and later, he died very very ugly!"

"Actually, I also find it very strange that Yu Mo didn't shed a single tear after being hit so hard. Why didn't she cry?" Tang Youyou asked suspiciously.

At this moment, two coughing sounds suddenly came from the bar, everyone followed the reputation, and saw Qin Yumo smiling and said: "Everyone, I will sing a song for you next, and this song is for my dearest friend." Dearest teacher Liangchen, I wish him forever young and always confident!"

Along with the cheerful music, Qin Yumo shook his head again and sang in time: "I am a small stream, flowing forward forever, small stream, small stream, never stopping..."

(End of this chapter)

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