Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 879 3601 Magic Event

Chapter 879 3601 Magic Event
Qin Yumo was broken in love, but she acted more normal than those who hadn't.

In the next few days, she got up normally every day, eating, drinking, going to work, and having fun.

She began to try to cook, and tried to raise some flowers and plants.

She is crazy about shopping and exercising, and is often out of home.

Everyone felt that Qin Yumo was using this method to divert his attention and relieve the pain caused by the broken relationship.

Everyone has their own work and life, and the earth cannot revolve around one person.

After the first few days of caring, everyone also took their attention away from Qin Yumo and focused on their own lives.

Su Yi has been "unemployed" for a while, and he decided not to let himself be idle anymore, and continue to find something for himself to do.

"The Return of the God of War" officially sets sail, and the crooked God of War will shine his unique brilliance in this world.

Hu Yifei is also working hard recently. Although she claims that she is only charging herself, Su Yi knows that the first female doctor in iPartment is about to be born.

Lu Ziqiao is still busy picking up girls everywhere every day, and Su Yi can't help but be amazed at this person's dedication to hunting beauty.

How can there really be a guy who can change women faster than changing underwear?

But the east corner is gained, and the mulberry elm is lost.

Lu Ziqiao, who is proud of her love scene, is in a mess in terms of personal financial situation.

He asked whether everyone in 3601 and 3602 had borrowed money, and even borrowed money from Su Yi four times, which was 20,000 yuan less after calculation.

The purpose of his borrowed money is also very strange. For example, yesterday he asked Su Yi to borrow 8000 yuan, and went to the Academy of Fine Arts to buy a personal sculpture.

Who knows what he's going to do with this sculpture!
Zeng Xiaoxian still did not give up his enthusiasm for martial arts, but whenever he moved, he would either twist his waist or sprain his feet.

In the end, he persevered and begged Su Yi to teach him martial arts that he could practice without moving his muscles and bones. Su Yi bought him a copy of "Complete Dirty Words" online, and told him that if he practiced his words well, he could hurt people invisible and cause internal injuries. .

Zeng Xiaoxian happily started his "martial arts" career.

Tang Youyou recently accepted another drama, and was bored at home every day reciting lines.

Everyone has their own busy affairs, and the iPartment fell into a rare peace.

Until this day, something happened that made Hu Yifei wonder whether he should be happy or annoyed.

On this day, Hu Yifei was listening to English materials with headphones on in the living room, while Tang Youyou was reciting her lines.

In a daze, Hu Yifei suddenly found that Tang Youyou had disappeared, replaced by Su Yi.

Su Yi was looking at her with a smile, winking at her constantly.

"Xiaoyi!" Hu Yifei was taken aback, her heart pounding wildly, "You, why do you look at me like this?"

"Yifei, don't you understand my heart?" Su Yi stepped forward and took her hand affectionately, "Your bright eyes, your high forehead, your red lips, your exquisite The feet, the straight calves, the elastic thighs and the part around the thighs, all fascinated me!"

Hu Yifei was shocked and ashamed: "No, you can't say that. If Shen Linfeng heard it, he would be angry."

Su Yi smiled and said, "It won't make him angry. He has already hid in the bushes, and has gone to the dewy night. Yifei, love is blind, let us grope for each other in the dark."

"No! Su Yi, Su Yi, why are you Su Yi?" Hu Yifei burst into tears, "deny your father, abandon your name! Maybe you don't want to do this, so as long as you swear to be my lover , I don???t want to be named Hu anymore.???

"No, I can't do this!" Su Yi was troubled.

Hu Yifei boldly held Su Yi's hands, and said affectionately: "Only your name is my enemy. Even if your surname is not Su, you are still such a you. What does it matter if your surname is Su or not? It is not a hand." , nor feet, nor arms, nor face, nor any other part of the body..."

"Oh, Yifei!" Su Yi hugged her emotionally.

"Little Yi!" Hu Yifei also hugged Su Yi.


"B B!"



The two got closer and closer, and finally their lips were about to touch each other.

Suddenly, with a piercing scream, Hu Yifei suddenly came back to his senses.

She found herself pouting, hugging Tang Youyou who was full of panic, and was about to kiss her.

Mi ?????????Mi! ! !
Hu Yifei was in a daze, wasn't it Su Yi?How could it become Tang Youyou?

She was so frightened that she cleverly let go of Tang Youyou, and her face turned red into a monkey's butt in an instant!
"Why are you?" She and Tang Youyou asked each other in panic.

After a pause, the two of them spoke together again: "Who do you think it is?"

"Fuck!" Again in unison.

Only then did Hu Yifei realize that Tang Youyou's face was also frighteningly red, and her chest heaved violently.

The two women looked at each other, and they both sensed that something was wrong with the other, and they couldn't help showing strange expressions.

"Don't you also..." The two spoke at the same time and shut up at the same time.

"Ahem!" Hu Yifei coughed dryly twice, and said unnaturally vaguely: "Just now???I seemed to be hallucinating."

"Me too!" Tang Youyou looked strange.

"I thought you were someone else!" Hu Yifei said shyly, "He confessed to me suddenly, and then we..."

"I also see you as another person." Tang Youyou laughed silly, "He also confessed to me suddenly, and said that if I didn't kiss him, he would cut it every minute???cough cough cough!"

Tang Youyou suddenly shut up and coughed vigorously, pointing at Yifei and asked, "Who do you think I am? Tell me the truth!"

Hu Yifei rolled her eyes and blurted out, "Shen Linfeng! My boyfriend Shen Linfeng!"

"Mr. Shen!" Tang Youyou was a little disappointed, "Well, I forgot that you have a boyfriend."

"Yes! I have a boyfriend, and it's normal for me to have such hallucinations!" Hu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, "But you are different, Tang Youyou, you are single, how could you have sex with other people? What about the illusion of a man kissing? Who is that man?"

"Oh, don't ask, I'm shy!" Tang Youyou stamped her feet shyly.

Hu Yifei smiled and raised her eyebrows: "Don't think I don't know if you don't tell me, the window paper of the two of you has not been pierced, and I feel anxious for you!"

"Oh, sister Yifei, don't say it!" Tang Youyou was so ashamed, "Can you keep this matter a secret for me? I don't want to be so unreserved, and I don't want to be known, this kind of fantasy is simply too embarrassing !"

"Okay, but in exchange, you can't say anything about me!" Hu Yifei said immediately.

"Why?" Tang Youyou asked suspiciously, "You and Mr. Shen are decent boyfriend and girlfriend. It's normal for the two of you to do anything, let alone you are just fantasizing?"

"You don't understand!" Hu Yifei rolled her eyes, "I have always been tall and decent in everyone's eyes. I don't want others to know my feminine side, so??????you understand!"

Tang Youyou smiled strangely: "I understand, you are afraid that Teacher Zeng and the others will laugh at you, right?"

"Yes!" Hu Yifei immediately hit the snake with a stick, "Zeng Xiaoxian, a bitch, will definitely seize every opportunity to laugh at me, and he and Lu Ziqiao are extremely wretched! Yoyo, you don't want to be the object of their ridicule, do you? As long as you don't say , I will not say!"

"Okay!" Tang Youyou thought for a while, gritted his teeth and agreed, "If you don't say it, I won't say it either!"

Hu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, questions came to mind.

"The two of us are fine, how could we have hallucinations?" Hu Yifei asked Tang Youyou, "Isn't this too abnormal? And that hallucination is too real, except that the lines are a bit nonsense."

Tang Youyou chuckled: "That's Romeo and Juliet's line."

"No wonder I want him to give up his name." Hu Yifei was stunned, thinking of the plot in the fantasy, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, are you still thinking about it? Mr. Shen is so charming?" Tang Youyou reached out and shook Hu Yifei's eyes.

Hu Yifei woke up immediately, coughed twice unnaturally, and changed the subject: "In short, the probability of the two of us hallucinating at the same time is too small! Something must be wrong!"

Tang Youyou was terrified: "Do you suspect that someone drugged us?"

"Aside from this explanation, is there any other explanation?" Hu Yifei looked serious.

"Who could that be?" Tang Youyou's eyes widened in horror.

Both of them stared wide-eyed, then turned their heads together, and their eyes fell on Su Yi's door.

"This guy is the only man in our house!" Hu Yifei gritted his teeth.

"And only he has the chance to give us medicine!" Tang Youyou said bitterly, "He's gone too far! How could this be? What does he want to do?"

Hu Yifei said angrily: "Have you forgotten his dirty dream?"

Tang Youyou covered her mouth in surprise: "It's too evil!"

"But Su Yi doesn't look like such a wretched and despicable person?" Hu Yifei frowned again.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Tang Youyou hurriedly nodded in agreement, "Although Xiaoyi always thinks about unhealthy things in his mind, his character is still very trustworthy, so it shouldn't be him."

"If it's not him, who else could it be?" Hu Yifei frowned even tighter, "Could it be one of the four bastards next door?"

"Teacher Zeng is timid, it's impossible!" Tang Youyou said.

"Zhang Wei is stingy, he is reluctant to spend money on drugs, so we can rule it out!" Hu Yifei said.

"It's possible for Lu Ziqiao, but I'm his little aunt!" Tang Youyou's eyes widened.

"That's exciting! Otherwise, why would you use medicine?" Hu Yifei sneered, "Guan Gu is also possible. Zhe Peng people have abnormal genes in their bones. A person who is about to have a caesarean section at every turn, stunned the two beauties next door with the intention of doing something evil. Things are very possible!"

"That is to say, it's not Guan Gu, or Zi Qiao?" Tang Youyou asked.

"What's wrong with the two of them?" A voice suddenly came out from behind the two of them.

"Ahhhhh..." The two girls jumped three feet high in fright, screaming and hugging each other.

Su Yi frowned and covered his ears, and said speechlessly, "What are you doing? I was surprised!"

"Why are you standing behind us without making a sound?" Hu Yifei said angrily, "Don't you know people are scary?"

"Xiao Yi, do you make no sound when you walk?" Tang Youyou yelled in a crying voice, still in shock.

Su Yi said helplessly: "I opened the door and walked over with such a loud voice, can you blame me for not hearing it?"

He looked at the two of them and asked, "I heard you scolding Guan Gu and Zi Qiao, and they are all restricted-rated explosive content. What kind of tricks are you two playing?"

Hu Yifei said seriously: "Xiao Yi, we suspect that someone has drugged us!"

Su Yi was thoughtful after hearing this, and said: "Is it because you have been in a trance for the past two days, and you are prone to hallucinations?"

The two women looked at each other, Qiqi took a step back, stared at Su Yi vigilantly, and asked in unison: "Could it be you who did it?"

"I need medicine to deal with you?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows, "Who are you insulting?"

"Then how do you know our symptoms?" Tang Youyou asked vigilantly.

"Because I also have such symptoms." Su Yi spread his hands, "I have been having difficulty concentrating for the past two days, and I often have hallucinations, thinking that there is a white fox running around the house."

"White Fox?" Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou looked at each other in surprise.

"You actually had such hallucinations?" Hu Yifei looked strange, "Have you never had other hallucinations?"

Su Yi frowned calmly and said: "I think this matter needs to be brought to our attention, this is not a..."

"Stop changing the subject!" Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou shouted excitedly.


"Say, what other hallucinations did you have?" Hu Yifei asked excitedly.

"Is it the unhealthy kind?" Tang Youyou's eyes lit up.

Su Yi sighed, rubbed his face vigorously, and said, "Is it interesting for you to keep asking these questions?"

"Interesting! Very interesting!" The two said in unison.

"Hurry up! Stop talking nonsense!" Hu Yifei said impatiently.


"I also dreamed that you peeked at me taking a shower." Su Yi said.

"Us? Peeping at you in the shower?" The second daughter's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yes." Su Yi shattered, "You coveted my body crazily and coveted my beauty. I wanted to refuse, but I couldn't. In the end, the three of you took turns sleeping me !"

"Ah bah!" The two daughters spat at him in the face.

"How could this happen!" Tang Youyou yelled speechlessly, "Why does he imagine that we are all female hooligans? Why is he always so narcissistic?"

"That's right! Don't think that everyone is greedy for your body, Su Yi, you are too narcissistic!" Hu Yifei exclaimed angrily.

Su Yi looked at them and said, "Why don't you swear?"

The expressions of the two girls froze instantly.


After a moment of silence, Hu Yifei coughed lightly and said, "Since you also have hallucinations, it means that we must have been drugged."

"But what is the purpose of his drug?" Tang Youyou wondered, "What good does it do him to have our hallucinations?"

"Maybe it's not intentional, but unintentional." Su Yi said while searching around, "If the three of us are all poisoned, there are only two ways to give the medicine, the first is water, and the second is smell. There are only these two things, It???s something we all touch on together.???

"Compared to water, I think the possibility of smell is greater."

Having said that, Su Yi's eyes have locked on a potted plant.

There are weird little flowers blooming in this potted plant, which continue to emit a faint fragrance.

"What kind of flower is this?" Su Yi asked, "Do you recognize it?"

The two girls shook their heads together.

???Yesterday's update, three chapters are finished, and by the way, I will push the new book "Amazing My Leader", the new book asks for all kinds of support!Call for support!

(End of this chapter)

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