Chapter 881
"I bought these bags and never used them. Anyway, I'm idle, so why don't I take them out to show my love!" Qin Yumo said with a smile.

Guan Gu looked at Qin Yumo in horror with magical eyes, and then looked at Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou outside the door.


"Don't worry! I'm fine!" Qin Yumo said with a smile, humming a song and walking outside.

"I am a small stream, flowing forward bravely, small stream, small stream, never stop..."

She bounced past Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou, and returned to 3601.
"She even gave away her bag?" Tang Youyou's eyes widened, "This is worth hundreds of thousands!"

"Mr. Guan Gu, should I take these bags?" The middle-aged woman from the orphanage also panicked.

"Take it!" Hu Yifei sighed and waved her hand, "Selling it for the children to exchange for something to eat is considered charity. Those bags were bought by Richard for her, and keeping them is also a source of pain." , it’s good to donate.”

"Then you can take it away, it's fine." Guan Gu said helplessly.

"Thank you, thank you! Thank you so much, and thank you to the lady just now!" The middle-aged woman said excitedly, "Don't worry, we will definitely register these things, and when we have a chance, we will arrange a charity auction to raise [-] yuan. All the donations are used for the daily expenses of the orphanage, and these accounts are open and transparent to the society."

The middle-aged woman left with gratitude.

"Yifei, with so many valuable things, if Yu Mo returns to normal in the future, will she regret it? Will she blame us for not stopping her?" Tang Youyou said with a sense of gain and loss.

"Don't worry! If spending money can relieve pain, there are countless people in this world who are willing to do that." Hu Yifei said, "However, if you think Yumo even donated her most beloved bag, she is considered a Are you sensible?"

"I think so." Tang Youyou said.

"Then - wait and see?" Hu Yifei said.

"En!" Both of them nodded in unison.

An hour later, Qin Yumo found Zhang Wei, holding two boxes in his hand, which contained her two diamonds.

"Zhang Wei, I want to donate these two diamonds to the orphanage. You are a lawyer and an orphan. Can I entrust you to help me with this matter?" Qin Yumo said with a smile.

"Donate?" Zhang Wei's eyes widened. "You want to give away such a valuable thing for nothing? You loser—Bai Fumei, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Money is like floating clouds to me. Besides, I have never been the owner of these two rings. I have never been the owner of them, and I will never be in the future." Qin Yumo looked disillusioned, "Donate it, Zhang Wei, you will help me, right?"

"I've never taken an order with such a large amount, I, I'm a little nervous." Zhang Wei tremblingly said.

"It's not a list, it's just a favor between friends." Qin Yumo smiled at him, "Then please, please!"

"Okay, you go first, don't worry about me!" Zhang Wei supported the wall behind him, "I'll wait until my legs are not so soft, and then I will go."

Zhang Wei didn't dare to decide on such a big matter by himself, so he hurriedly summoned everyone to discuss countermeasures together.

"Yu Mo is nothing but..." Lu Ziqiao's eyes widened, "First luxury bags, then diamond rings, what's the next step? Is she planning to sell herself to a rich chief in Africa, and then Donate the money to the orphanage?"

"It's really possible!" Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou said in unison.

"Has she completely lost her mind?" Tang Youyou asked.

Hu Yifei slowly shook her head: "At least one thing Yu Mo said is right, these two diamonds never really belonged to her, so donate them."

"Yifei, do you think this is an irreversible stupid thing?" Tang Youyou asked, "Didn't Xiao Yi say that if Yu Mo did something irreversible stupid or something dangerous, we still have to Stand up and stop her."

"Money is something outside of the body, so why is it irretrievable?" Hu Yifei had a different opinion, "If Yu Mo wants to donate, let her donate! I want to see what tricks she can do!"

"Then I'll donate?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Go!" Hu Yifei frowned, "I think, let's wait and see."

Zhang Wei couldn't sleep with such a valuable thing, so he sent the two diamond rings to the orphanage overnight.

Early the next morning, Qin Yumo gave Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou a large box of cosmetics.

These cosmetics are all expensive top-notch cosmetics, only Qin Yumo, a rich woman, can afford them. Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou usually dare to think about them.

"Is this - is it hysterical and completely irrational?" Tang Youyou asked.

"I don't know this time." Hu Yifei frowned, "But I feel that she is quite calm, and it seems that she really just wants to say goodbye to her past self."

"Bags, diamond rings, cosmetics..." Tang Youyou said thoughtfully, "After she has finished delivering these things, she has nothing to give away. Do you think her excitement period is coming to an end, and she is about to enter the second stage?" stage?"

"It's possible!" Hu Yifei suddenly thought of something and became nervous, "No! We have to divide up these cosmetics quickly. I'm afraid that Yu Mo may go back on his word and change his mind at any time!"

"Okay!" Tang Youyou immediately agreed.

The two hurriedly shared the cosmetics, but at this moment, they found a CD in the cosmetic box.

When I opened it, I saw "Upup Breast Enhancement Exercise Tutorial" written on the CD.

"Who is this for?" Tang Youyou's eyes widened.

The second daughter almost subconsciously looked down at her murderer.Then he turned his head to look at the other party's fierce, and finally shifted his gaze hurriedly, pretending to be nonchalant.

"I don't need this thing!" Hu Yifei pretended to be disdainful and waved his hands, "It should be for you."

"I'm okay, I guess it's for you!" Tang Youyou declined with a dry smile.

"Impossible, Yu Mo knows me best, she knows I don't need it." Hu Yifei smiled falsely, "I think it's for you."

"I'm quite satisfied with my current situation, I really don't need it." Tang Youyou also showed a plastic smile.

"Hehe, why don't you put it aside for now?"


After the two finished distributing the cosmetics, they separated soon.

But after a while, Tang Youyou sneaked back and wanted to take the CD, but was caught by Hu Yifei who had the same idea.

"It's so unkind, you want to eat alone?" Hu Yifei asked dissatisfied.

"I'm just curious, just curious." Tang Youyou smiled.

"Me too!" Hu Yifei raised her eyebrows suddenly, showing a "you know" smile.

The two laughed knowingly.

Soon, they got together and played the disc on the computer with great anticipation.

However, to their surprise, what jumped out of the disc was the scene of Qin Yumo talking to the camera.

"Hey, Yifei, Yoyo, when you see this video, I want to congratulate you for getting all my cosmetics." Qin Yumo faced the camera, smiling very quietly, a little strangely peacefully.

"If this happens, there are only two possibilities. First, I am dead. Please donate my retina to those in need."

(,, #Д)!

Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou's eyes widened in horror.

"Second, if I'm not dead yet, but I offer these things to you, it means..." At this point, Qin Yumo's smile suddenly froze on the screen.

Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou's hairs stood on end, and they held their breath subconsciously.

"I must have suffered a major blow and lost the ability to control myself!" Qin Yumo in the video burst into tears, "Please be sure, save me!"

Next, Qin Yumo explained her strange behavior in the past two days with tears, including her learning to cook, growing flowers, donating bags, rolling diamond rings, giving away cosmetics, etc...

These behaviors were all extreme reactions made by her under the extreme emotional collapse. Qin Yumo asked Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou to rescue her, otherwise she would die.

While Qin Yumo was crying, the screen went black.

The two girls were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe, each of them looked terrified.

"Yifei, I feel like I watched a horror movie." Tang Youyou said with lingering fear.

"Me too." Hu Yifei also widened her eyes in horror, panting slightly.


The notebook that had been blacked out suddenly lit up again, and Qin Yumo's voice came out again.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The two girls hugged and screamed in shock from the abrupt voice.

In the video, Qin Yumo squinted slightly, waved the kitchen knife in his hand, and said with a serious face: "I forgot to tell you, there is no upup breast enhancement exercise at all, I made it up! If you really need it, pad it!" Silicone is king!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yumo showed a strange smile and waved his hands: "Goodbye!"

The screen went black again.

The second daughter was so frightened that she was speechless for a while.

"Sister Yifei, I feel that things are completely out of control!" Tang Youyou said tremblingly, "We can no longer grasp the situation, we should call Xiaoyi out. Only he can solve this matter!"

Hu Yifei was quite scared at first, but after hearing Tang Youyou's words, she immediately became unwilling to admit defeat.

"Without Zhang Butcher, do we have to eat pigs with hair?" She snorted coldly, "Don't worry, I know Yu Mo best, with me around, there will be no trouble! Besides, Yu Mo can record this video to ask us for help. That means she is still sensible! Just wait and see, just wait and see!"

At noon, everyone gathered in 3601, Zhang Wei complained to everyone, he went to donate two diamond rings of Yu Mo, but was mistaken by the director of the orphanage for rich and famous people, needless to say, the orphanage held a charity party The task was given to Zhang Wei.

"How can you agree to such a thing?" Hu Yifei said speechlessly.

"No one has ever asked me if my opinion is good!" Zhang Wei said angrily.

"What are you guys talking about?" They were talking when Qin Yumo suddenly walked out of his room pulling the suitcase.

"Where are you going, Yumo?" Hu Yifei suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Going on a trip, I just bid farewell to you." Qin Yumo said with a smile.

Everyone's eyes widened.

At this time, in Qin Yumo's state, who would dare to let her go out and run around?

"You, you can't go!" Hu Yifei stopped in panic.

"Why?" Qin Yumo showed a puzzled expression.

"Because... because Zhang Wei is going to hold a charity gala tonight!" Hu Yifei was in a hurry and found an excuse, "How can this charity gala be done without you?"

"Really?" Qin Yumo looked at Zhang Wei in doubt.

Zhang Wei was dumbfounded, and Tang Youyou grabbed Zhang Wei's soft waist.

"Oh oh oh..." Zhang Wei let out a cry of ecstasy, straightened his back suddenly, and showed a smile uglier than crying, "Yes! I did it!"

"Okay, I just happen to have a few bags left, so I won't leave for now." Qin Yumo smiled and went back carrying the suitcase.

After Qin Yumo left, everyone gave Zhang Wei a thumbs up.

Zhang Wei collapsed and covered his face: "You guys kill me with one sword!"

"I think, do you want Brother Yi to come out and preside over the overall situation?" Zeng Xiaoxian raised his hand to propose.

"No!" Hu Yifei raised her eyebrows, "With so many of us combined, isn't it as good as a Su Yi? Isn't it just a charity gala? Do it!"

Under Hu Yifei's insistence, the Diamond Night Charity Gala was held at the Lonely Corner Bar as scheduled.

Celebrities from all walks of life attending the meeting——

All of them were extras that Tang Youyou hired at the price of 100 yuan per person.

It was decent, but the director of the orphanage didn't see the clue, and delivered a passionate speech at the party, telling a touching story, which made the atmosphere of the party more intense, and Qin Yumo was so moved that he cried.

In the next fundraising session, all the extras voluntarily donated their "remuneration", but all their remuneration was paid by the organizer Zhang Wei.

This night, Zhang Wei spent nearly 40,000 yuan including the cost of the bar.

He spent more than half of the money he had saved from living and saving all these years in one night!

Zhang Wei was so worried that he didn't sleep all night, and early the next morning, he wailed and asked everyone to split the bill and share the cost with him.

But at this moment, Qin Yumo came out with the suitcase again, and still wanted to go on a trip.

Hu Yifei used the same excuse to keep Qin Yumo again.

"Still holding a charity gala?" Zhang Wei almost collapsed, "Then can we make it AA?"

"Don't be mother-in-law!" Hu Yifei's mind is now full of Qin Yumo's affairs, and she is not in the mood to listen to Zhang Wei's complaints. stay!"

That night, Zhang Wei's charity dinner version 2.0 was held, and the dinner was very successful. Tang Youyou also personally directed a Korean drama plot, crying so hard that Qin Yu's eyes were splintered.

This night, Zhang Wei spent more than [-] yuan, and even overdrawn his credit card.

On the third morning, Zhang Wei collapsed directly.

"After working hard for more than ten years, I returned to the pre-liberation in two nights! No, I can't go on like this. If Yu Mo still wants to leave today, what should we do? Do we want to hold a charity party?" Zhang Wei cried Trembling, "If I still have to do it, then I can only sell my kidney!"

"Sister Yifei, I think the situation is completely out of control!" Tang Youyou said, "I think Xiaoyi should be asked to come out immediately, now only he can stop this from happening."

"Only he can save me!" Zhang Wei's eyes lit up, "Yes, there is also Little Brother B, how could I have forgotten him! Help, Little Brother B, help!"

Zhang Wei howled and knocked on Su Yi's door.

"No, he's in retreat!" Hu Yifei jumped anxiously, "I can handle it, trust me one more time!"

"Forget it Yifei, admit it, you have failed!" Lu Ziqiao spread his hands, "Just because I believed in you, Zhang Wei has gone bankrupt."

"But I also managed to stop Yu Mo!" Hu Yifei insisted, "Look, it's already this time this morning, and Qin Yumo hasn't come out yet. This shows that my method is still successful! You all count on Su Yi ——Even if he comes, what can he do? I don't believe he can do better than me!"

"Little Brother B! Little Brother B! Help!" Zhang Wei knocked on the door, and Su Yi was finally alarmed and came out.

He looked around and said helplessly, "I heard everything you said, isn't it just a trivial matter? As for the trouble like this?"

"You, you don't hurt your back when you stand and talk!" Hu Yifei snorted, "Yu Mo must go, we can only keep her in this way, do you have a better way?"

"Do you need a solution?" Su Yi looked puzzled, "It's a very simple matter, why make it so complicated?"

"Easy?" Hu Yifei was incredulous, "You don't understand the situation, it's already very difficult for this matter to come to this level!"

While everyone was talking, Qin Yumo came out again pulling the suitcase.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Qin Yumo in horror, except Su Yi.

"Why are you looking at me like that? It's weird." Yu Mo looked at everyone unnaturally, and then greeted Su Yi, "Mr. Liangchen, you're here too."

"Yu Mo, are you leaving again?" Hu Yifei broke down.

"Yes, go on a trip. Don't you all know about it?" Qin Yumo said with a smile.

"What's the trip?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows, and shouted in a deep voice, "You're used to it, try going out here today!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Qin Yumo looked at Su Yi in surprise: "Mr. Liangchen, you..."

"Don't you know what your state is? Why are you running around alone?" Su Yi frowned and continued to scold, "Traveling? There's no way to go shopping like you are! Don't even think about it. If something happens to you, the uncomfortable thing is Who? Don't you know?"


"What about me? What the fuck is this going on? Go back to your room and stay there, and you're not allowed to go anywhere!" Su Yi frowned and scolded, "If you dare to mention travel again, your legs will be discounted!"

Qin Yumo looked at Su Yi in horror, his eyes widened.

"Do you want me to emphasize it again?" Su Yi raised his voice.

"If you don't go, then don't go, what's so fierce!" Qin Yumo yelled aggrievedly, turned around and went back to the house carrying the box, and slammed the door with a "bang".

The whole house is quiet.

Everyone was stunned.

Su Yi spread out his hands and looked around: "Is it difficult?"

(End of this chapter)

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