Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 882 It's Really Nothing

Chapter 882 It's Really Nothing

Women, if you can't coax them well, you can scold them, if you can't scold them well, you can beat them, if you beat them well, you can go to jail by yourself, what's the big deal?
This is of course a joke, but Su Yi's simple and rude approach shocked everyone present to the point where they couldn't talk to themselves for a long time.

"So we've been tossing and tossing for the past few days, and it's not as effective as Xiaoyi scolding?" Tang Youyou said in disbelief.

"It would have been better if I had known this earlier, so I should have come!" Zeng Xiaoxian angrily took out the "Complete Book of Dirty Words" that Su Yi gave him, "My scolding skills have just entered the room, and I need a real battle to test the results, but unfortunately, heroes are useless The Land of Martial Arts! There are no heroes in this era, yet let Shu..."

"Huh?" Su Yi made a nasal sound, and glanced at Zeng Xiaoxian lightly.

"Hahaha!" Zeng Xiaoxian laughed flatteringly in a clever way, nodded and bowed down, and invited Su Yi to the sofa, "Sit down, Brother Yi, what do you want to drink, Brother Yi? I'll pour it for you!"

"Teacher Zeng, do you think anyone who scolds Yu Mo will work?" Lu Ziqiao said sourly, "If you scolded Yu Mo, he would come up with a slap."

"But I think I can try!" Guan Gu said confidently, "If anyone breaks up in love next time, please leave it to me!"

After Hu Yifei was shocked, she couldn't hold back anymore.

In the past two days, she messed around and tried everything, but she couldn't stop Qin Yumo, but it worked after Su Yi cursed a few words?

"Qin Yumo is a typical heavy-colored relative!" Hu Yifei exclaimed angrily, "It's too disgusting, don't think of me helping her again in the future!"

Su Yi said: "Didn't I tell you not to interfere with her?"

"She's leaving!" Hu Yifei's eyes widened, "You said it lightly, do you dare to let her go alone?"

"I mean before." Su Yi said, "She wants to donate bags and rings, and you let her handle everything by herself, and don't let anyone help her. You don't want cosmetics from her, and you don't accept anything. Let her figure out a way to deal with it by herself, throw it away or give it away to others, it's up to her, in this way, all her energy will be involved in competing with her pile of things."

"This process will almost exhaust all her energy, because she will be very entangled in how to deal with these things, worrying about gains and losses, and at a loss. When she exhausts all her energy, she will naturally enter a period of decadence, let alone travel at that time , she doesn't even bother to come out of this living room!"

"But your help not only didn't make her spend any energy on these things, but she also regarded your help as a recognition of her behavior. In your recognition, she will feel that what she is doing is right." Su Yi spread his hands and said helplessly, "It means that you support her to continue to vent and indulge her emotions. You have released a lot of her energy and have nowhere to vent. At this time, she wants to go further and do something bigger. Isn't it an inevitable choice?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"So, we were wrong from the beginning?" Tang Youyou said dejectedly.

"It's all your fault! Who told you not to make it clear from the beginning!" Hu Yifei began to cheat, "And why do you retreat at such a critical time! If you have been here, wouldn't so many things happen? "

"Hehe." Su Yipi smiled.

"Anyway, the current result is good." Guan Gu smiled miraculously, "Yu Mo won't go out, we can rest assured, everyone is happy!"

"Yes, yes, as long as the result is good, the process is not important!" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile, he glanced at Su Yi and then at Hu Yifei with a strange expression.

He knew how proud Hu Yifei was, she would never mess with outsiders.

This outsider used to refer to someone other than Zeng Xiaoxian.

But now there is another Su Yi.

"You are all happy, but what about me!" Zhang Wei yelled with grief and indignation, "Not only have I spent all my savings, but I also owe credit cards! If I had known that Brother Yi could stop Yu Mo with a few words of scolding, I would have Why don't you give all the money to Little Brother B!"

Hu Yifei was a little embarrassed, and said: "You should think so, at least all your money has helped those poor orphans, and you have done good deeds."

"Doing good deeds should be done within one's ability. Where can you use a credit card to do good?" Su Yi shook his head, "Yifei, you can help Yumo if you want to, but you can't sacrifice Zhang Wei as a prerequisite. How pitiful is this child? On the day of the wedding, the bride escaped from the marriage, and finally saved some money, which was wiped out in two nights."

"Brother B, you understand me!" Zhang Wei howled.

"Okay, okay! The big man is cowardly all day long, crying every now and then!" Hu Yifei waved his hands with a stinky face, "I'll pay for your loss, is this okay? Don't cry, I'm sorry, okay? ?”

Zhang Wei stopped crying, and looked at the crowd in astonishment: "I vaguely heard Yifei say—I'm sorry? Did I hear wrong?"

Everyone looked at Hu Yifei very strangely, because apart from Zeng Xiaoxian, who had Hu Yifei apologized to?

Oh, and there is Su Yi.

Now add another Zhang Wei.

But Hu Yifei apologized to Zhang Wei also because of Su Yi!
"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm worth it." Zhang Wei wiped away his tears and smiled, "No one's money came from the wind, why should I ask you to pay me? I'm a man! Besides Yes, Yu Mo is also my friend, and it is right to pay for her."

Everyone was stunned.

"Zhang Wei, your words impress me!" Tang Youyou exclaimed.

Zhang Wei smiled reservedly, but his expression collapsed the next moment: "But you really have to give me a hand this month, otherwise I won't even have instant noodles!"

"Don't worry, I'll help you with friendship, you don't need to pay it back!" Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and patted Zhang Wei on the shoulder.

"And me!" Guan Gu raised his hand miraculously, "Zhang Wei, I can also sponsor you, but I have to wait a week before I pay the publishing fee! Besides, I don't need you to pay it back!"

"Good brother!" Zhang Wei applauded each of them gratefully, and then looked at Lu Ziqiao eagerly.

Lu Ziqiao, who was watching the excitement, suddenly froze.

Look left, look right, and finally raise your hands in surrender: "Okay, I will sacrifice my appearance to hook up with a rich woman tomorrow, and I will take you to dinner every day this month, but you have to pretend to be my brother who has been mentally retarded for many years... Sigh, I Who should I go to? Aunt Nancy? Grandma Louise? Aunt Kerry?"

Zhang Wei patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "You don't need to make such a big sacrifice. If you have this heart, I am very satisfied."

"Zhang Wei's food, I'll take care of it!" Hu Yifei waved his hand, "Anyway, someone is going to retreat, and I have to help him order three meals a day. I'll bring you one by the way. One more is not more, and one less is less." Quite a few!"

"Then wouldn't I become a softie?" Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows.

"Then do you want to eat?" Hu Yifei was getting impatient.

"Eat! And I eat a lot, so I want double servings!" Zhang Wei said firmly.


Su Yi couldn't help laughing and said: "Actually, Zhang Wei, the money you donated is an abnormal donation, and you can get it back. You don't need to eat chaff later."

Everyone was stunned.

"Forget it, the money has been donated, and you want to come back? I can't afford to lose this person!" Zhang Wei insisted.

This person may have blood in his heart, but he just slaps his face swollen and pretends to be fat, and he wants to save face and suffer.

Su Yi laughed and said, "Give me the phone number of the head of the orphanage, and I'll talk to him."

"Don't you want it?" Zhang Wei handed the phone to Su Yi with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Brother Xiao Yi uses my phone to make calls."

Su Yi shook his head and took the phone, the call had already been dialed.

He didn't avoid the crowd, and explained everything straight to the point in front of everyone. The general meaning was that Zhang Wei was a child who didn't know how to refuse. Got in and maxed out my credit card.

In addition, Qin Yumo's ring was also an impulsive donation. Now the owner has repented and needs to take it back.

However, as an apology and compensation to the orphanage, he decided to donate [-] yuan to the orphanage in the name of a good day, which can be regarded as a successful conclusion to this matter.

I don't know if Liangchen's name played a role, or 100,000 yuan played a role, or it was a combination of the two reasons. After a little consideration, the dean agreed to all of Su Yi's requests, and expressed two After hours, I will come to the love apartment to get these things done.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi smiled at the excited Zhang Wei: "It's done, in fact, the director of the orphanage is eloquent, so good at judging the situation, how can he not see that you are slapping your face to make yourself fat? He has played you Suspected of moral kidnapping."

It can be regarded as a small reminder to Zhang Wei.

But Zhang Wei is full of excitement at the moment, how can he listen to this?
His face was flushed, he stepped forward and hugged Su Yi excitedly: "Little Brother Yi, from now on, I will be your reborn parent!"


"No, I mean..." Zhang Wei reacted and changed his words immediately.

But Su Yi stopped him before he explained the worse.

"Okay, I understand what you mean, so there's no need to say any more!" Su Yi said, "But you only got a part of your money back. The drinks and venue fees you spent on the bar for the charity party must have been squandered."

Zhang Wei was heartbroken for a few seconds, and waved his hand boldly: "The big heads are back, do I still care about those little heads? Haha, isn't it just 24 yuan? I've forgotten it a long time ago!"

Su Yi gave him a thumbs up.

"Sorry, I still need you to clean up the mess." Hu Yifei said unnaturally, "How about 100,000 yuan..."

"Why, accumulate virtue for me?" Su Yi interrupted her with a smile, "I made a fortune writing a shocking article last month. The money is completely useless to me. Donating 100,000 yuan is a big deal for me. It doesn't matter. Besides, how much do you earn as a counselor in a month?"

"Hey! Don't take the counselor as a teacher! I only have more than [-] yuan a month, okay? A proper high-income group!" Hu Yifei raised her voice and widened her eyes.

"That's right! Brother Xiaoyi, that's your fault. Yifei is an intellectual. I can't bear to see you look down on her like this!" Zeng Xiaoxian spoke up suddenly, upholding justice with righteous words, and gave Hu Yifei a flattering smile after speaking, "Right, Yifei!"


"Okay, I'll go and see Yu Mo and put an end to this matter." Su Yi said to them, "What should you do?"

"Isn't Yu Mo well?" Guan Gu wondered suspiciously.

"She was just scolded back by me, it's not good." Su Yi said.

"Go, go, talk to her, don't scold her anymore! She is already pitiful enough." Hu Yifei said with concern.


"it is good!"

When Su Yi knocked on the door and came in, Qin Yumo was sitting by the bed in a daze, her suitcase was on the side.

She smiled and turned back to Su Yi and said, "How is it? Just enough to give you face? How can you thank me for not tearing down your stage to contradict you in public?"

"Let me tell you a story." Su Yi smiled at her.

"Actually, the reason why I came to Love Apartment is also to heal my wounds." Su Yi said, "I am sorry for a woman, and I want to make it up to her, but I will never have the chance."

Qin Yumo was moved, and said in surprise, "She..."

"She's not in this world." Su Yi smiled at her.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." Qin Yumo was a little flustered, and hurriedly explained.

Su Yi knew that she had misunderstood, so he didn't explain, but continued: "Actually, what I need to heal is not only emotional wounds, I have experienced some things, I lost myself in these things, and I can't get out."

Seeing Su Yi say these words in the most flat tone, Qin Yumo suddenly felt distressed, and there was mist in his eyes: "Then you must be in pain, right?"

"Yes," Su Yi said with emotion, "but I still have [-] miles to go, what can I do?"

Qin Yumo was moved by these words, and his heart was shocked.

"Being a human is a very lucky thing." Su Yi looked at Qin Yumo with a smile, "Don't lose hope in life, let the painful days pass quickly."

"You can't get out by yourself, so you still come to persuade me?" Qin Yumo was a little bit defensive, and said sobbing.

"Work together." Su Yi said, "I am trying to save myself, and I hope you are too. We two patients encourage each other."

"Pfft!" Qin Yumo laughed through tears, "You're the only one who is sick!"

But the tears could no longer be stopped.

"Teacher Liangchen, can I hug you?" She asked crying.

"Hey, don't make such jokes with me, what if we have feelings?" Su Yi said helplessly.

"Pfft!" Qin Yumo let out a snot bubble from laughing, but then couldn't help crying and threw himself into Su Yi's arms.

It's like a wronged child finally venting out.

Outside the door, people in the living room looked at each other when they heard Qin Yumo's cry.

"I'll go see what's going on!" Hu Yifei couldn't hold back the most, and ran to the door of Qin Yu's ink room first, quietly opened the door a crack, and looked inside.

Then her expression froze on her face.

After being stunned for a long time, Hu Yifei closed the door and turned around.

"What's the situation, Yifei?" Tang Youyou asked curiously.

Everyone looked at Hu Yifei eagerly.

"Ah?" Hu Yifei seemed to be in a daze, looking dazed.

"I mean, what's going on inside?" Tang Youyou asked again.

"It's... nothing inside." Hu Yifei said.

"It's really nothing." After thinking about it, she said with certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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