Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 883 Fashion Stylist

Chapter 883 Fashion Stylist

Su Yi's exit finally allowed Qin Yumo to successfully walk out of the excited stage of the first stage of broken love, and directly entered the late stage of the decadent stage of the second stage.

All her rings and bags were returned by the orphanage, and Su Yi told her that if she still didn't want these things after a year, she should donate them all.

But out of guilt for having set up the orphanage for Huang, Qin Yumo, like Su Yi, donated 100,000 yuan to the orphanage.

She is a little rich woman herself, this amount of money is really not much to her.

Zhang Wei also suffered heavy losses in this turmoil. The bar drinks venue fee of more than [-] yuan, I don't know how many CDs he will have to burn to earn back.

But compared to the original, his loss has been much smaller.

After Su Yi dealt with all the matters, he retreated again, and he clearly told everyone not to ask him to leave the seclusion again if there is a big event this time.

But in fact, everyone knows that this is impossible.

Because big things happen every now and then in the iPartment.

Ever since Zeng Xiaoxian noticed that Hu Yifei's emotional tendency was showing signs of being wrong that day, he began to intentionally launch a stalking offensive against Hu Yifei, which made Hu Yifei very annoying, and finally even forced her to start a flash, so that Zeng Xiaoxian, a cowhide The sugar subsides.

Tang Youyou is not in a good mood recently, and she finds that the relationship between Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo in the apartment has also become weird.

such as--

"Yifei, eat this apple first."

"No, no, you should eat first."

"No, you need it more, you should eat first."

"I'm fine, I think you need it more than me, you eat first!"

"You come!"

"No, it's you!"


Tang Youyou finally couldn't bear it anymore, and broke down and shouted: "Isn't it just an apple? As for letting it go like this? If you don't want to eat it, let me come!"

"No!" Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo said in unison.


"Why!" Tang Youyou exclaimed in disbelief, "It's just an apple! And you two have given up everything recently, even a napkin for half an hour, what the hell are you giving up!"

"Get out of here." Hu Yifei smiled coldly.

Qin Yumo chuckled: "Yifei, let the small ones let the big ones go. You are five months older than me, so I should be the one who let you go."

Hu Yifei forced a smile and gritted his teeth, "It's because I'm older than you that I should let you go!"

"No, you leave!"

"You leave!"

"But it's not a pear, it's really just an apple!" Tang Youyou said blankly.

"Shut up!" Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo Qiqi shouted.

Tang Youyou was clever and frightened.

"I still have class, I'm leaving first!" Hu Yifei suddenly turned around and left.

Qin Yumo looked at Hu Yifei's back and hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't say anything, his expression was gloomy.

"Yu Mo, what happened to you two!" Tang Youyou's eyes lit up, his face full of gossip.

"It's nothing?" Qin Yumo looked at her inexplicably, "It's you, why do you stay at home and rarely go to the next door?"

Tang Youyou's face suddenly became a little unnatural, and he forced a smile: "It's nothing."

"Huh? Did you quarrel with Guan Gu?" Qin Yumo pointed at Tang Youyou, with a "don't lie to me" expression on his face.

"No!" Tang Youyou stamped her feet, looked around, lowered her voice and said to Qin Yumo: "I found out that Guan Gu is in an online relationship!"

"Online dating!" Qin Yumo's eyes widened in horror.

"Hush!" Tang Youyou was nervous and made her whisper, "Guan Gu is next door, our voice can float over from the balcony!"

"Guan Gu is so rigid, he doesn't seem like someone who knows how to date online?" Qin Yumo looked puzzled.

"But he's really in an online relationship!" Tang Youyou said bitterly, "How complicated is the online world now? I'm worried that Guan Gu will be deceived, but I can't remind him directly, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, are you afraid that this layer of window paper will be punctured?" Qin Yumo said with a smile.

"Oh, I hate it!" Tang Youyou stomped her feet, a little shy.But soon there was a sad expression on his face, "I feel that Guan Gu has really fallen, you don't know how obscenely he smiles at the screen."

"Then what are you going to do? Just watch like this?" Qin Yumo asked.

"I don't know, but I think..." Tang Youyou's eyes fell on Su Yi's door, "Xiao Yi will definitely give me a correct suggestion!"

"You want to disturb Teacher Liangchen?" Qin Yumo's eyes widened, and he immediately shook his head like a rattle, "No, no, this is absolutely not possible. He said that unless the sky falls, he must never be disturbed."

"But for me, the sky is about to fall!" Tang Youyou cried.

"Hasn't this collapsed yet?" Qin Yumo said, "Yuyou, Guan Gu may not be dating online, maybe you made a mistake."

"Oh, I hope!" Tang Youyou was sullen, "Yu Mo, I'm not in a good mood, and you are not in a good mood, why don't we go to the supermarket to make instant noodles and vent?"

"It's so perverted!" Qin Yumo's eyes widened, "Can you really let off steam by doing this?"

"I don't know either. Guan Gu told me the method. I've never tried it." Tang Youyou said, "Why don't you accompany me to try it and see if it will relieve the pressure?"

"Me? I'm not going. I don't have any makeup on, and I don't even have clothes to go out." Qin Yumo immediately refused.

"Oh, let's go, you have to go out, how long have you been out? If you don't go out, you should grow mushrooms!" Tang Youyou pushed Qin Yumo out the door without any explanation.

"Walking in the supermarket is really boring, Yoyo, I really don't want to go out!" Qin Yumo begged, but Tang Youyou had already pulled him to the elevator.

"You have to go out with me today, Yu Mo, you should be back to normal, right?" She said while pressing the elevator, "Go out more, maybe you can meet a Prince Charming who will save you or something, I think The fish seller in the supermarket is pretty good, at first glance, he looks like Jay Chou."


"Come on, that's so cute!" Qin Yumo looked unbearable, "Don't seduce me with this fake affair!"

At this moment, the elevator door slowly opened, and a tall, handsome sunny boy was standing in the elevator, looking at them with a smile.

The eyes of the two of them straightened instantly!

There is one thing to say, this man is really handsome, in line with all women's aesthetic concepts.

Su Yi is also handsome, but he is a bit unkempt. He stays at home all year round, and he doesn't even bother to shave his beard unless he goes out.

And the man in front of him has exquisite makeup, well-dressed clothes, and most importantly, he is very eye-catching.

"I am!" Tang Youyou opened and closed his eyes.

"I'll start again!" Zai suddenly opened and closed his eyes.

"I'm still new!" Come again.

She wanted to try if this man was only so handsome at first glance.

But no matter how you look at her, she is indeed handsome.

Qin Yumo performed the stunt of changing clothes in six seconds, and then decisively dumped Tang Youyou.

"Yuyou, I'll bring back the things you need to buy at the supermarket. Bye bye, don't send me away!" Qin Yumo suddenly jumped into the elevator with lightning speed, waved at Tang Youyou, and was stunned by the latter's eyes. During this time, the elevator door slowly closed, leaving her alone and messy at the elevator entrance.

At around eight o'clock the next night, except for Qin Yumo, Guan Gu Miqi and Su Yi, the rest of the iPartment gathered at the bar.

"What? Yu Mo has a new affair?" Lu Ziqiao looked very surprised.

"Yu Mo really deserves to be a fighter among women, you haven't seen her transformation speed is super fast!" Tang Youyou complained.

"Guan Gu engages in online dating, Yu Mo has an affair, why are these good things not happening to me!" Zhang Wei said depressedly.

"What does Yu Mo's Aventure look like?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked, "Am I handsome?" He raised his eyebrows wretchedly.

"Pfft!" Tang Youyou, who was drinking water, sprayed water on his face directly.

"I'm sorry..." Tang Youyou held back a smile, "Mr. Zeng, who told you to suddenly tell a joke to make me laugh?"

(o ェ 'o)!
Zeng Xiaoxian felt deeply offended.

"Yifei, what do you think about this?" Zeng Xiaoxian noticed that Hu Yifei had been silent, so he couldn't help but strike up a conversation with her.

"Me?" Hu Yifei seemed to be distracted, "I think it's great! This is what Yumo should look like!"

"Look!" Tang Youyou suddenly exclaimed, pointing to the door.

Everyone looked in the direction and saw Qin Yumo walking towards this side with a tall and sunny man on his arm.

Wherever he passed, everyone looked sideways.

The two walked to the booths where everyone stood and stood still. At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on the man beside Qin Yumo.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my friend Neo." Qin Yumo introduced with a smile.

"Hi, everyone." Neo greeted everyone with a smile.

"Hi!" Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou acted like idiots.

The men looked at him with scrutiny and hostility.

After greeting everyone, Neo smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom first."

After Neo left, Tang Youyou couldn't wait to say excitedly: "Yu Mo, we only saw him yesterday, and you two are hooking up today, isn't it too fast?"

"Alas..." Qin Yumo put on an affectated and reserved look, "The world of mortals is rolling in, where is the dust? Maybe this is fate. In the elevator yesterday, Neo smiled at me three times!"

( ̄▽ ̄")!

"Three Smiles—is there still mercy?" Lu Ziqiao scoffed at this, "I've heard of Three Smiles, I love a piece of firewood!"

"Dirty!" The three women scolded him in unison.

Lu Ziqiao curled his lips, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, with an innocent look: "Actually, the difference between the upper class and the lower class lies in whether you talk about it or not."

"In short, you will definitely like Neo very much!" Qin Yumo brought the topic back on track with a smile, "His smile released enthusiasm in warmth, elegance in enthusiasm, and a little bit of playfulness in elegance !"

Zhang Wei said with an "uh", "This reminds me of the expression Xiao Yi told me before - three points of ridicule, three points of coolness, and four points of indifference,"

Everyone was petrified, trying to figure out what kind of expression this is. Zeng Xiaoxian tried to do it, but he almost didn't make people ugly.

"This is not a human expression at all!" Hu Yifei said speechlessly.

"Xiao Yi also said the same thing!" Zhang Wei pointed at Hu Yifei and said, "He said that this kind of expression will always belong to the God of War!"

"God of War? What is this?" Everyone was confused.

Hu Yifei looked at Qin Yumo, pretending to be casual and asked: "So, you are going to start a new relationship?"

"That's not necessarily the case!" Qin Yumo's smile faded a bit, "Now it's just testing the waters, I'm very cautious about relationships!"

Hu Yifei chuckled: "Who isn't?"

There seemed to be sparks in the eyes of the two.

Even Zhang Wei, who was the slowest to react, felt the ultra-low pressure in the air, and looked around in surprise.

At this moment Neo came again. After greeting everyone with a smile, he sat next to Qin Yumo and said with a smile, "I didn't expect the environment here to be pretty good."

"Here?" Zhang Wei was taken aback, "Don't you also live here?"

"Oh, I don't live here," Neo explained with a smile, "but my clients live here."

"Customer?" Lu Ziqiao looked suspiciously at Neo, suddenly showed a look of surprise, and smiled knowingly: "Oh, so you are here for door-to-door service!"

Qin Yumo slammed the pillow on his face, and said displeasedly: "You should really install a toilet in your head to flush away those disgusting things!"

Hu Yifei sneered, "Then his brain will be completely washed out!"

Zeng Xiaoxian saw that Lu Ziqiao was about to get angry, so he hurriedly interrupted and changed the subject: "By the way, Neo, what do you do?"

Neo laughed, "I'm a fashion stylist."

"What kind of messy job is this?" Lu Ziqiao sneered.

Qin Yumo couldn't understand Lu Ziqiao's eccentricity today, so he said angrily, "Then, what do you do for work?"

"I am..." Lu Ziqiao paused, and said confidently, "I am a man-maker!"

The three ladies rolled their eyes in unison, while Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei secretly gave Lu Ziqiao a thumbs up.

"I see!" Zhang Wei exclaimed suddenly, "When I went to the barbershop, those Tony teachers, Mr. David and others, all called themselves fashion stylists."

"A haircut?" Zeng Xiaoxian smiled disdainfully.

"A dog can't spit out ivory, and a dog looks down on people!" Qin Yumo exclaimed angrily, "Neo is not the kind of barber in a non-mainstream hairdressing, cutting and blowing shop! He is a real fashion stylist!"

"But as far as I know, aren't the fashion stylist's clients all celebrities?" Tang Youyou asked doubtfully.

"I don't really like the flashy life in the entertainment industry." Neo smiled lightly. "I think fashion should serve the public. Life is the stage of fashion. Everyone should be their own protagonist. As long as you are confident enough, you will be fashionable enough."

A bowl of thick chicken soup caught everyone present full by surprise.

The last time they drank chicken soup of this level was the last time.

"Stylish looks, facing wages?" Zhang Wei smiled a little strangely, his expression was full of doubts about Neo, "But what if we can't afford famous brands?"

He had some doubts that this Neo was selling famous brand clothes, and he became vigilant in his heart.

Anyone, don't try to cheat a penny out of his pocket!

Don't even think about it!

(End of this chapter)

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