Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 884 sisters love

Chapter 884 sisters love
"In fact, fashion is not about wearing famous brands, but about making yourself the most ideal person, the most self-conscious, and the most fashionable." Neo explained to Zhang Wei with a smile.

Qin Yumo smiled and said, "Neo has a very keen sense of fashion. Yifei, do you want to become Neo's client? Let's see if he will make one of us look better?"

When Hu Yifei heard the word "bi", she raised her eyebrows: "Okay, I also want to try what it's like to be a big star."

"I'll sign up too!" Tang Youyou smiled and raised his hand, looking harmless to humans and animals.

Neo smiled reservedly: "I am happy to serve all the beauties."

Seeing this scene, Lu Ziqiao on the side was particularly displeased.

He smelled a similar message from this Neo.

Is this guy here to mess things up?
He was very upset, and couldn't help sneering: "Speaking of fashion styles, who doesn't know that I, Lu Xiaobu, is the fashionista known as the Caesar in the world? Where did the wild path come from?"

"Just you? Still fashionable?" Qin Yumo's eyes mocked, "Ziqiao, do you know how to write the word fashionable?"

"Iron your clothes first and then talk about fashion!" Hu Yifei said disdainfully.

"Ha, you guys are challenging me..." Lu Ziqiao frowned, "Very good, compare my looks? Hehe, I'll let you know who is the most fashionable person in iPartment!"

After that, he stood up and turned around to leave.

Neo was a little worried, and asked, "He, is he okay?"

"It's okay, he's just jealous that you're more handsome than him, don't worry about him!" Tang Youyou said to Neo with a smile.

"Neo, tell everyone quickly. From your professional point of view, can the few of us become more fashionable?" Qin Yumo asked impatiently.

"Of course, in fact, everyone is a potential stock of fashion..." Neo smiled warmly and talked eloquently.

On the other side, Lu Ziqiao quickly found a new outfit.

The bar hosts a few cosplay parties a year and has a lot of fancy costumes in storerooms.

Lu Ziqiao found a cosplay Karl Lagerfeld outfit and changed into it for herself.

Karl Lagerfeld claims to be the Lafayette of the fashion industry, but he doesn't believe it, who can be more fashionable than him!

Wearing a snow-white hair-colored headgear with a short ponytail, long black sunglasses, and a black suit, Lu Ziqiao walked over from a short distance with slow steps.


Everyone seemed to have swallowed an egg, staring dumbfounded at his shocking outfit.

However, Lu Ziqiao felt good about himself, with pride and superiority, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said slowly: "When it comes to fashion, of course it has to be the Caesar of the fashion world, Karl Lagerfeld! My style will definitely be popular Thousands of girls."

At this point, he frowned and suddenly changed his words: "No, not just girls, but all women!"

Neo said with a half-smile, "I'm afraid your style is not only popular among women, right?"

Lu Ziqiao only knew one thing but not the other. He knew that he cosplayed with Chanel's "Lafayette" Karl Lagerfeld, but what he didn't know was that Karl Lagerfeld was actually gay.

So he didn't even understand Neo's taunt.

The women, on the other hand, knew better about this and couldn't help laughing.

Disadvantages of apprenticeship!

Lu Ziqiao felt that he seemed to have made a joke, but he still held on to the scene and waved to Zeng Xiaoxian: "Teacher Zeng, come with me!"

He pulled Zeng Xiaoxian aside, and asked with displeasure: "Mr. Zeng, you are not as vulgar as them, are you?"

"What's wrong?" Zeng Xiaoxian was a little puzzled.

"Didn't you see that all the women were fascinated by him?" Lu Ziqiao said angrily, "Is there still order in this world?"

"But he is really handsome." Zeng Xiaoxian felt a little inferior.

"Idiot!" Lu Ziqiao hated iron for being weak, "Forget about Qin Yumo, haven't you seen that Hu Yifei was also seduced by this man? Once upon a time, Hu Yifei belonged to your teacher Zeng's back garden alone, but now? She first became Little Brother Yi's private plot, and now she is contracted by an inexplicable Neo to grow greenhouse vegetables, Teacher Zeng, when will you stand up?"

"I..." Zeng Xiaoxian blushed, "Of course I'm going to stand up! But it's not for Yifei, but to defend my dignity as a man!"

"That's right!" Lu Ziqiao nodded with satisfaction, "I've given you an important task, and I've sent you to be an undercover agent, so I'll despise him if I find a chance!"

"Neo? Why do I despise him?" Zeng Xiaoxian wondered.

"From his appearance to his accent, to his inexplicable fashion style, which one is not worth despising?" Lu Ziqiao sneered, "If you succeed in despising him, I promise to give you the title of the most handsome man in the Jianghu!"

Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes lit up immediately: "Deal!"

That night, Neo had a good chat with the women in the iPartment. Qin Yumo also made an appointment with Neo to come to her house at noon tomorrow to create a new image for her.

At noon the next day, Hu Yifei was making a salad in the kitchen. Zeng Xiaoxian plucked up the courage and came over and said, "Yifei, I've thought about it for a long time. Although this Neo can help Yumo get back to normal, we don't even know who this person is." I know, would it be too hasty to accept him rashly?"

Hu Yifei rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "But he is very handsome, even more handsome than a cricket."

"Please, haven't you always only paid attention to the connotation of men? When did you become so superficial?" Zeng Xiaoxian dissatisfied.

"Since Su Yi came here." Hu Yifei said with a smile, "In the past, you people were not good at appearance, so you had to look at the inside, but when you meet a handsome guy of this level, everyone will be full of girlish feelings!"

Zeng Xiaoxian was stunned for a moment, and said anxiously: "But please calm down a little bit! He is Yumo's prospective boyfriend! I don't want to hear that the girls in our love apartment are a group of girls who have never seen the world! Then How embarrassing are you?"

"Hasn't Yu Mo and him established a relationship yet?" Hu Yifei's eyes showed a strange light, "Have you noticed the way Neo looks at me?"

"Then did you pay attention to the look in my eyes!" Zeng Xiaoxian said angrily, "Small eyes also have eyes!"


Hu Yifei rolled her eyes and asked, "What are Neo and Qin Yumo doing in 3602 now?"

"I don't know." Zeng Xiaoxian said unhappily, "When I came out, he was carrying a big box and said he was planning to change Yu Mo's look, but I don't know what style to make."

"Hehe, that's a good relationship." Hu Yifei laughed.

While opening his own suitcase, Neo said to Qin Yumo who was sitting on the sofa: "I don't think every friend of yours likes me, but I will slowly influence them."

Qin Yumo smiled and said, "Actually, it's because you are so handsome, and handsome guys are often more controversial."

She blinked, and suddenly approached Neo, asking, "Neo, what do you think of Yifei people?"

Neo was taken aback, and said, "She's very nice, straightforward, and pretty."

Qin Yumo's eyes lit up, and he said, "You think so too? That's a hero who sees the same thing! Let me tell you, Yifei actually has many, many advantages, such as she is gentle and cute, and has a kind heart..."

Ten minutes later, Neo interrupted the eloquent Qin Yumo with a strange expression: "Yumo, our date, why do you keep telling me about Yifei's advantages and things to pay attention to when getting along with Yifei?" ? Are you going to introduce me to Yifei?"

"Of course not!" Qin Yumo smiled guiltily, "I knew you first, how could I hand you over to others, stop joking!"

"Hehe, come and see the clothes I prepared for you!" Neo stood up and took out a set of red skirts to show Qin Yumo.

Qin Yumo's eyes widened in horror: "Gypsy red dress?"

What the hell kind of fashion is this?

She almost scolded on the spot.

"How about it, do you like it?" Neo asked confidently, "I picked this one especially for you. It suits you very well. If you wear it, it must be very charming!"

"I..." Qin Yumo was about to refuse, but suddenly his eyes rolled, thinking of something, he smiled and said, "Okay."

Twenty minutes later, Hu Yifei received a call from Qin Yumo.

"Yifei, Neo has prepared a new outfit for me. I think it suits me quite well. Do you want to compare it?" Qin Yumo said with a smile.

Hu Yifei sneered: "Of course it's a comparison, I'd like to see what shape you can make!"

"Then come to the next door quickly, I'll wait for you." Qin Yumo smiled.

"Come on!" Hu Yifei hung up the phone and walked to the next door.

As soon as she opened the door of 3602, she found that the curtains next door were all drawn, and the lights were all turned off, and the light inside was very dark.

Suddenly, a beam of light shone in the middle of the living room, and Qin Yumo, who was wearing a red gypsy dress, stood there in a pose.

The outfit was stunning, but only on stage.

With a brisk flamenco music, Qin Yumo danced lightly.

Exotic, side to side.

She jumped out of a world full of charm, and out of a world that seemed like a world away.

Hu Yifei was dumbfounded.

At this moment Qin Yumo, even a woman would be moved by her.

Not because of her style, but because of her style.

When the music stopped, Qin Yumo froze in place like a proud red peacock.

Neo's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help clapping.

"You are the most attractive gypsy girl!" he admired sincerely.

Qin Yumo smiled reservedly, looked at Yifei, and raised his chin provocatively: "Yifei, why don't you just forget about it?"

"Count?" Hu Yifei raised her eyebrows, "In my dictionary, the word count has never been used before!"

She walked up to Neo, raised her neck and asked, "Handsome guy, would you do me a favor?"

Neo froze for a moment and hurriedly said, "I'm willing to help."

"That's good!" She smiled and looked at Qin Yumo, "Yu Mo, I'll borrow your Neo for a while, don't you mind?"

"No, of course not!" Qin Yumo said with a smile, "Then I'll wait for you next door first."

As she spoke, she lifted her skirt and walked out the door lightly like an elf.

When only Neo and Hu Yifei were left in the house, Hu Yifei smiled and asked Neo: "Neo, are you dating Yumo?"

Neo shook his head and said, "Don't get me wrong, Yumo and I are just ordinary friends."

"But Yu Mo seems to like you quite a bit." Hu Yifei laughed, "You still smile at her three times!"

Neo smiled and said, "Smiling is just my language, it doesn't represent anything."

He suddenly looked at Hu Yifei, and said softly: "In comparison, I like your frankness and straightforwardness better. You have a unique talent for feeling art, and your gestures exude charming charm."

Hu Yifei was overjoyed by the praise, and said pleasantly, "Neo, you don't seem to be doing well, right? Hahaha..."

Neo looked at Hu Yifei and was about to strike while the iron was hot, but Hu Yifei suddenly turned serious and said seriously: "Actually, you may not really understand Yu Mo, Yu Mo has many advantages, he is mature and elegant, intellectual and gentle, her advantages , even if I can’t finish talking for a day and a night! Come on, listen to me carefully and come to you..."

Neo's expression froze, for this scene, he had a feeling of déjà vu.

Ten minutes later, when Hu Yifei talked about Qin Yumo's nineteenth advantage, Neo couldn't help interrupting her anymore and asked, "Yifei, we are alone now, don't you mean Introduce me to Yu Mo?"

"How could it be?" Hu Yifei hastily denied, and said with a dry smile, "I just want to tell you how wonderful Yumo is, and how lucky I am to meet her!"

"Yu Mo told me that too." Neo said with a strange expression, "She told me that meeting you is also a blessing from Sansheng Xiu."

"What!" Hu Yifei raised her brows upside down, "I knew she was just as ungrateful as I am! You Qin Yumo, play with me and we'll see who comes out on top!"

Neo looked confused: "You, what are you talking about, Yifei?"

"Nothing!" Hu Yifei hurriedly said with a smile, "By the way, Neo, where is the look you prepared for me?"

"I'm ready." Neo took out a white slim suit and a bowler hat from the box, handed them to Hu Yifei, and said expectantly, "Try it on."


Hu Yifei was dumbfounded: "This is - Michael Jackson?"

"Neutral beauty is the most suitable for you." Neo said confidently.

How is this fashionable?

Do you really think that I am from the countryside and have never seen the world?
Hu Yifei had a strange face, almost wanting to swear.

But thinking of Qin Yumo's gypsy girl outfit, she finally smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'll change it right away!"

Twenty minutes later, Qin Yumo also received a call from Hu Yifei.

"Yu Mo, come and see God."

"Received!" Qin Yumo next door smiled and got up, and was about to leave.

"Take me, take me!" Zeng Xiaoxian said expectantly.

The two went to the next door together, still the same as before, a beam of light suddenly hit Hu Yifei's body, and Hu Yifei danced vigorously.

She jumped out of a heroic figure, jumped out of a skyrocketing!
What a handsome word?
At this moment, Hu Yifei can kill both men and women, with infinite charm!
 I still owe a chapter, I will make it up tomorrow, it’s too late today, I can’t stay up late, I’m old...

(End of this chapter)

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