Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 890 Lawyer Seri

Chapter 890 Lawyer Seri
Zeng Xiaoxian was rare and generous, the lunch he invited was not rice bowls, but that delicious Sichuan restaurant.

"Cheers to Little Brother Yi's exit!"

The four wine glasses collided, and everyone took up the wine in their glasses and drank it down.

"Brother B, I'm actually curious, what kind of masterpiece have you concocted in seclusion for so long?" Zhang Wei asked curiously after putting down his wine glass.

"It's not a masterpiece, it's an internet novel written for bad money. It's the kind of novel that has no logic and is just for fun." Su Yi complained while pouring himself a drink, "Honestly speaking, This stuff almost made me vomit, and I will never write another similar thing in my life."

"Internet novels?" Zeng Xiaoxian said, "I know! I've seen it, for example, how are villains made? I'm not a hero, I have unparalleled eyesight! I'm a villain, infinitely arrogant!"

"Better than that." Su Yi sighed.

"I know! The domineering president is in love with me?" Zhang Wei said.

"Hehe, I need to be a little more Xiaobai." Su Yi laughed.

"Then you can only be very pure and ambiguous!" Lu Ziqiao said.

"Hehe, I still need to be Xiaobai again." Su Yi said.


"Is there really such a novel as Xiaobai?" Zeng Xiaoxian expressed doubts.

"That's right, I've never seen any more idiot online novels than the ones we've talked about," Lu Ziqiao said.

"Hey, you'll see it soon!" Su Yi smiled, "Because I'm too novice, so I didn't sign this book with my name, but a random online name. Only you know about this , don’t talk nonsense.”

"Don't worry, we're not Tang Youyou's big mouth!" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"Hey, how can you say that Tang Youyou is also my little aunt, is it really okay for you to say that about her?" Lu Ziqiao said displeased.

Zeng Xiaoxian was a little embarrassed, and immediately apologized: "Sau Rui, Sao Rui..."

"Lend me 500 yuan, and this matter will be cancelled!" Lu Ziqiao made a condition.

"No!" Zeng Xiaoxian resolutely refused.

"Don't be so stingy!" Lu Ziqiao smiled, "I know you are very troubled about the dinner this afternoon, maybe I can give you a good suggestion."

Zeng Xiaoxian said disdainfully: "I won't go at all, and I don't need your advice."

"If you don't go, it won't make any sense except that everyone will say that you are petty and out of place. If you don't believe me, ask Brother Yi and Zhang Wei."

Su Yi and Zhang Wei nodded together: "That's true."

Zeng Xiaoxian's expression was a little shaken: "Okay, 500 yuan, but you have to pay me back on time!"

"Don't worry! I, Lu Xiaobu, travel the rivers and lakes, relying on my reputation!" Lu Ziqiao vowed.

Zeng Xiaoxian counted five hundred-yuan bills from his wallet to him, and complained, "Reputation? What about the last time you lent me money? How long has it been?"

"That's the money that Lu Xiaobu borrowed from you. What's the matter with me, Lu Ziqiao?" Lu Ziqiao smiled and put the money into his pocket.


"Did he just say he was Lu Xiaobu or Lu Ziqiao?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked Zhang Wei.

"Just kidding. Don't take it seriously!" Lu Ziqiao achieved his goal and said to Zeng Xiaoxian with a smile, "Although you have decided to retreat in spite of the difficulties, Mr. Zeng, whether you turn around decently or leave in embarrassment, are completely different. Concept. You don’t want everyone to see you as a Luther, do you? Especially Yifei, at least let her know that you didn’t leave the stage sadly, but have a better choice!”

"What do you mean?" Zeng Xiaoxian was confused.

"It means that you need a beautiful girlfriend to join you at the dinner tonight, so it will be Yifei's turn to feel uncomfortable." Lu Ziqiao said with a smile, "Even, she will feel like you have been abandoned by you all the time. , and look at you from now on!"

Zeng Xiaoxian hesitated: "Girlfriend?"

"That's right!" Lu Ziqiao said confidently, "The four things that girls care about most now are prettier, younger, and fuller breasts!"

Zhang Wei asked suspiciously, "Aren't there only three?"

"Count it again." Lu Ziqiao smiled and pointed at her chest.

The other three men looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"I think Ziqiao is fooling you, Teacher Zeng." Zhang Wei said, "There are only six hours left before the afternoon dinner, where are you going to find a beautiful girlfriend?"

"What's so difficult about it? Money can make Motui ghosts!" Lu Ziqiao said.

"Money?" Zeng Xiaoxian showed a disgusted expression, "You don't want to find that kind of woman, do you?"

"Hey, don't think so wrong!" Lu Ziqiao pointed at him, "This is a new kind of career, to accompany chatting, crying, and falling in love. Now there are many college students who can't find a job after graduation. If you are willing to give money, they will do anything!"

"Including being a girlfriend?" Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't believe it.

"Haha, only you can't think of it, nothing can't be done!" Lu Ziqiao smiled "you understand".

"I can testify to this!" Zhang Wei excitedly said, "Zi Qiao just helped me find one last week, a poor college student, 300 yuan a night!"


"Beast!" Zeng Xiaoxian gritted his teeth and cursed.

"Where do you want to go?" Zhang Wei frowned, "I asked her to line up to buy a train ticket for me overnight. Recently, train tickets are very difficult to buy, and I have to catch up on my thesis..."

Zeng Xiaoxian was stunned.

"It's not as good as a beast." Su Yi shook his head and sighed.

Lu Ziqiao laughed and said, "Does brother Yi need this kind of service? I can introduce one to you for free."

"I don't need it for the time being, but I will definitely find you if I need it. The agency fee should be charged. Brother is not short of money!" Su Yi said with a smile.

"Brother B, you are open-minded!" Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up immediately, "Come on, let me toast you!"

"Good talk, good talk!"


After taking a sip of the wine, Su Yi's expression changed, and he said, "Made, I was still influenced by the God of War..."

"What God of War?" Zhang Wei asked.

On the other side, Lu Ziqiao continued to attack Zeng Xiaoxian: "Mr. Zeng, I have a very suitable candidate to introduce to you now. She is passionate, sexy, and unrestrained. Her name is Seri."

"Where is it?" Zhang Wei didn't hear clearly.


The three of them looked at Zhang Wei with admiration. This legal pioneer has the ability to turn anything obscene.

"Mr. Zeng, you need a partner, otherwise you will lose your function soon!" Lu Ziqiao said earnestly, "What's more, the landing price is only 498!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said speechlessly: "Do you want me to eat at the same table with a woman hired for 500 yuan? Or do you want me to try my function with her?"

"Hey, you are discriminatory!" Lu Ziqiao warned, "He spends his time making money based on his ability, and every penny is worth it!"

"Anyway, no matter what you say, I will never go to that stupid party!" Zeng Xiaoxian said.

"So, if you don't believe me, you should trust Little Brother Yi, right?" Lu Ziqiao pointed at Su Yi, "Let Little Brother Yi tell you and see if he thinks you should go."


Su Yi put down the rice bowl, swallowed the food in his mouth, and said, "It's time to go!"

Then continue cooking.

"Look!" Lu Ziqiao spread his hands, "Besides, if you don't go, Sally will be very disappointed."

"What do you mean?" Zeng Xiaoxian was a little confused.

Lu Ziqiao's phone rang suddenly.

Lu Ziqiao answered "Hello" and immediately said with a smile, "Go inside, the Fuguironghua box, we are all here."

After all, I hung up the phone.

"Who is coming?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Sai Li." Lu Ziqiao said, "I was still talking about it just now, why did I forget it now? Zhang Wei, your memory is starting to deteriorate."

"Sai Li!" Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes widened in horror, "I haven't promised you yet, Lu Ziqiao!"

"Of course this kind of thing should be done early!" Lu Ziqiao said, "Don't worry, she is a professional!"

As soon as the words were finished, the door was pushed open, and a tall girl in a sexy dress with long wavy hair came in and greeted everyone generously: "Hi, everyone, I'm Seri, nice to meet you."


Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei's eyes straightened on the spot.

"Let me introduce you. She is the legendary Sally, a lawyer." Lu Ziqiao said with a smile.

"What a fucking lawyer!" Zhang Wei's eyes were full of peach blossoms, and he had his own beeper when he spoke.

"His name is Zhang Wei, and he is with you, but he is an assistant lawyer." Lu Ziqiao introduced.

"Hello." Sally held out her hand to him.

"Hello, hello." Zhang Wei took Seri's hand with both hands, "Actually, after half a year of recording the CD, our leader will let me become a regular, and then I will become a real lawyer." .”

"Hehe..." Sally lost her strength and pulled her hand out of Zhang Wei's hand, "That's really——that's great!"

"Hey, wipe off your drool first!" Lu Ziqiao said in disgust.

"Suck!" Zhang Wei turned around and wiped his mouth in a hurry, "Where is the saliva? Ziqiao, you lied to me!"

Lu Ziqiao smiled and continued to introduce: "This is Teacher Zeng."

"Hello, Teacher Zeng." Sally's eyes lit up, and she immediately reached out her hand.

"You can just call me Xiaoxian!" Zeng Xiaoxian raised his eyebrows and quickly straightened his hair with one hand.

"When are you going to eat? What do you need me to do?" Sally asked with a smile.

"This...I..." Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't answer, he didn't know how to answer.

"Finally, I would like to introduce this one grandly, Su Yi, little brother Yi!" Lu Ziqiao smiled and pointed at Su Yi.

"Hello, Seri." Su Yi stood up and shook hands with her generously.

Apart from Lu Ziqiao, he was the only one who knew at this table that Seri was actually a real lawyer.

And she also has an identity, that is, a fan of Zeng Xiaoxian's show.

Don't be surprised by this, any program, any public figure is likely to have fans.Seri is one of Zeng Xiaoxian's few fans.

"Hi Mr. Su, nice to meet you."

After introducing everyone, Zeng Xiaoxian smiled awkwardly at Seri: "Excuse me."

Then he took Lu Ziqiao and ran out.

"I'll go and have a look!" Zhang Wei couldn't wait to follow out.

Only Su Yi and Sai Li were left in the room.

"These unreliable people..." Su Yi sighed secretly, smiled at Seri, and started talking, "Lawyer Seri is young and promising. Being a lawyer at such a young age is very promising."

"Where is it? It's just luck." Sally said politely, "Mr. Su, what kind of business do you do?"

"Unemployed, earn some quick money that doesn't break the law. I haven't decided which line to do yet." Su Yi said with a smile, "Is there anything I can take care of, Lawyer Sai Li?"

"Me? Stop joking, Mr. Su, how can I take care of you?"

"My friends may be a little weird," Su Yi smiled and vaccinated her, "If their behavior is offensive, I hope you don't mind, they are not bad people."


Soon the slutty trio came in.

The three of them laughed unnaturally, and when they were seated, Su Yi discovered the problem. Zhang Wei actually sat next to Seri, while Zeng Xiaoxian sat on the other side.

Sally was a little surprised and a little displeased, but she didn't say anything.

Fortunately, Lu Ziqiao worked hard to liven up the atmosphere, and Su Yi also smiled and said a few words at the right time. The atmosphere at the dinner table was not bad.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and Hu Yifei hugged Tang Youyou with his arms, with an unfriendly expression on his face, almost dragging her into the private room.

"It hurts, it hurts, Yifei, you hurt me!" Tang Youyou exclaimed exaggeratedly.

As soon as the words were finished, Shen Linfeng also followed in, greeting everyone with some embarrassment.

"Zeng Xiaoxian, hello Zeng Xiaoxian, why didn't you bring Linfeng to treat you? Are you so stingy?" Hu Yifei scolded angrily, "Is that how you treat my friends?"

"Yifei, that's actually not the case. I'm not used to Sichuan cuisine..." Shen Linfeng hurriedly explained.

"Don't explain it for him!" Hu Yifei said angrily, "An explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is a storytelling!"

Shen Linfeng smiled wryly, spread his hands and stopped talking.

"Su Yi, they are ignorant, and you are fooling around with them?" Hu Yifei looked at Su Yi angrily, "Linfeng came here a long time ago to get acquainted with you all, and he has good intentions."

Su Yi sighed and said, "Yifei, you women are not the only ones who can act in The Legend of Zhen Huan."

Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, she didn't know what she thought of, her face suddenly turned awkward, her eyes were a little dodgy, and her tone softened: "That can't be like this?"

Zeng Xiaoxian's complexion was very bad, at this moment he stood up suddenly, walked up to Hu Yifei, smiled slightly: "Okay, I apologize, but there is a reason why we didn't call Mr. Shen when we came for lunch. .”

"What's the reason?" Hu Yifei asked.


Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly pulled up Seri, who was sitting next to Zhang Wei, and said with a smile: "Of course I want to introduce my beautiful and sexy new girlfriend to everyone! Her name is Seri, and she is a lawyer. "

Hu Yifei froze for a moment, looking at Seri.

"Nice to meet you." Sally quickly responded without denying it.

"Okay, Zeng Xiaoxian!" Hu Yifei said with a smile, "Hold a big move in silence."

"Hehe, it's because I want to introduce my new girlfriend to my friends, that's why I didn't call Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen, I didn't tell you clearly before, do you mind? Hehe..." Zeng Xiaoxian laughed road.

(End of this chapter)

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