Chapter 891

"Of course I don't mind. In fact, Guan Gu and Yu Mo kindly invited me to have lunch. I can already feel everyone's enthusiasm." Shen Linfeng laughed.

"That's good." Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Hu Yifei, "Mr. Shen doesn't mind, Yifei, is it okay?"

"There's something to do!" Hu Yifei pushed Tang Youyou in front of Zeng Xiaoxian, "I'll leave Youyou to you, I really can't stand her anymore!"

"What happened to her?" Lu Ziqiao asked curiously.

"Ask her." Hu Yifei gave Tang Youyou a speechless look, and the latter shrank her neck in guilt.

"I'll take Linfeng to Yumo and Guan Gu, and then I'll go to school. It takes about three hours to go back and forth." Hu Yifei said, "Eat slowly and don't bother me. By the way, Zeng Xiaoxian, congratulations on getting out of the order, Come on!"

Hu Yifei took Shen Linfeng away.

Zeng Xiaoxian's expression was a bit ugly, and Zhang Wei's expression was even worse.

"Didn't you agree, she's mine!" Zhang Wei gritted his teeth.

"I... regret it." Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"Sally, sit here!" He smiled and made a gesture of invitation to Sally.

"Uh, okay." Sally hesitated slightly, and then followed suit.

"Hmph, you don't even invite me to dinner!" Tang Youyou pretended to be angry, "Mr. Zeng, you don't introduce me after you have a girlfriend, do you not regard me as a friend?"

"How come?" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile, "Let me introduce, this is Tang Youyou, and this is Seri."

"Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Tang Youyou!" Tang Youyou shook hands with Seri enthusiastically.

Then he looked at Zhang Wei strangely: "Zhang Wei, why do you look like you are going to eat Teacher Zeng?"

Lu Ziqiao motioned her to come over and whispered in her ear.

Tang Youyou's eyes gradually widened, and when she looked at Zeng Xiaoxian, Zhang Wei and Sai Li, her eyes were full of weirdness.

This Lu Ziqiao, if he doesn't kill Zeng Xiaoxian, he won't give up.

Seeing it, Su Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

"Yuyou, what did you do to Yifei so that she can't stand you?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

As soon as he said this, Tang Youyou immediately regained his spirits: "That's right, I think there is a secret between Yifei and Mr. Shen."

"Secret?" Zeng Xiaoxian raised his eyebrows.

Just when they were about to discuss further, Su Yi suddenly raised his hand and said: "I declare in advance that I will not participate in the discussion. Later, you can play freely and pretend that I don't exist, but no one should ask my opinion."

Everyone stared at him blankly for a while, then——

"Cut!" Qiqi waved his hand and gave him a contemptuous expression.

Su Yi smiled and toasted, not paying attention.

Get a shot so they don't ask themselves questions they shouldn't ask later, that's not good.

On the other side, Tang Youyou and the others continued their discussion.

"I heard Yifei and Mr. Shen clearly say that they were going to announce something at the dinner in the afternoon, but when I asked them, they didn't say anything, just talking..."

"Could it be that Mr. Shen's visit this time actually has another purpose?" Zhang Wei guessed as his attention was attracted.

"As a lawyer, how do you reason?" Tang Youyou asked.

"I think..." Zhang Wei was about to speak when he was interrupted by Lu Ziqiao.

"I think the matter is very simple. Maybe Yifei and Mr. Shen have secretly registered their marriage." Lu Ziqiao said.

"What?" Everyone's eyes widened.

"This is impossible!" Zeng Xiaoxian reacted the most strongly and excitedly, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Yifei is a very stable person, she would never do such a childish and impulsive thing!"

"Who told you that getting married in secret is childish and impulsive?" Lu Ziqiao disagreed with him. "It's just the opposite. The more secret it is, the more it means that they have thought about it carefully. The real childish impulse will often cause troubles in the city. And out of control."

"I agree!" Tang Youyou raised his hand.

"I don't agree!" Zhang Wei expressed his objection, "What kind of logic is this? Since the certificate was obtained in secret, why did you suddenly disclose it to us all?"

"Exactly! This is illogical at all!" Zeng Xiaoxian responded immediately.

"It's two to two now, is there any disagreement?" Tang Youyou said excitedly.

The four of them were taken aback for a moment, then looked at Su Yi.


Su Yi said helplessly: "Hey, I have something to say first, so I won't participate in the discussion."

"Four votes rejected!" Tang Youyou waved his hand, "Now the debate has reached a stalemate, this contestant, you must express your opinion!"

"Agree!" The remaining three said in unison.


"Okay," Su Yi said helplessly, "What is the secret between Yifei and Mr. Shen? Who is Yifei? Who is Mr. Shen? What does the secret mean? What does their secret have to do with each other? Today I will help everyone to understand this matter together. There is no doubt that Yifei is a female doctor, and Mr. Shen is a businessman, the so-called secret is something that cannot be said!"

"Their secret must be the secret between the female doctor and the businessman. The secret of the female doctor and the businessman is related to major events in the academic and business circles. This is not a small matter, so, do you understand?"

"The above is the secret between Yifei and Mr. Shen. I hope that the content I have carefully organized can solve everyone's confusion. Understand, applause!"

Su Yi spread his hands in satisfaction, waiting expectantly for everyone's reaction.


"Listening to what you have to say is like listening to what you have to say!" Lu Ziqiao gave Su Yi a thumbs up.

"No, why don't you put it here?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Hehe, the last time I heard such nonsense was the last time." Zeng Xiaoxian's expression was dull.

"As long as your words have a little meaning, they don't mean nothing at all!" Tang Youyou continued.

Seri looked at everyone, eager to answer: "In fact, if you spend a little more time listening to Mr. Su, you will find that we spent a little more time."

"Yes!" Su Yi smiled and extended a thumbs up to them.

"Oh little brother B, we want you to give us some advice. If you say that, it's clear that it's a mess!" Tang Youyou said with a bitter face.

Su Yi laughed and said: "How about this, you gossip, I take care of new friends. Hey, it's not easy to put new friends aside, no one cares, right?"

"I'm fine!" Sally was flattered.

"Mr. Zeng, how do you take care of your girlfriend?" Lu Ziqiao immediately criticized us, "We talk about ours, but how can you ignore your girlfriend? You want Brother Yi to do it for you? Hey, Yifei, you have already lost Give it to Little Brother B, are you going to give it up to Seri now?"

Zeng Xiaoxian covered his heart, and said to Lu Ziqiao: "What kind of hatred, what kind of resentment, you want to kill me like this?"

"Zi Qiao, you can't speak! How could you hit Mr. Zeng like this?" Tang Youyou blamed.

She looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and said seriously: "Teacher Zeng, if you lose Saili, it must not be you who gave it up, but Brother Yi who won it over."

As if struck by lightning, Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly stretched out his hand and said, "I'm leaving! I'm quitting the discussion!"

Su Yi smiled and took out a deck of cards: "They talk about them, how about the three of us fighting the landlord?"


Then the three really started fighting the landlord.

On the other side, Lu Ziqiao and the others looked away and continued the discussion.

"Anyway, things must be exactly as I said!" Lu Ziqiao said with certainty.

"Hehe, your reasoning is completely illogical!" Zhang Wei disagreed at all.

"Oh?" Lu Ziqiao raised his eyebrows, "This little lawyer seems unconvinced, do you dare to bet?"

"Anything is fine!" Zhang Wei sneered.

"Nonsense, you have nothing!" Lu Ziqiao rolled his eyes.

"Then what do you want me to bet?" Zhang Wei spread his hands.

"Unless..." Lu Ziqiao narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered again and again.

"Oh no!" Tang Youyou's eyes widened in horror, and she started to play, "Could it be the legendary Tathagata..."

"God's Palm!" Lu Ziqiao jumped out every word, full of murderous intent.

Zhang Wei's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "I've heard this before. People I know are slapped ten times. How much does it cost? Okay, I bet, but you are not allowed to wear rings!"

Even the three people fighting the landlord here were shocked by the gambling game over there.

"Hey, do you want to play so big?" Su Yi said speechlessly.

"Okay, then just hit one!" Lv Ziqiao sneered and made a Tai Chi push palm movement, "Then I will use mine, Depressed Ecstasy Palm!"

Zhang Wei did not show any weakness, and made a movement similar to eight trigrams turning palms: "My Xuanming palm is not a vegetarian either!"

Sparks sizzled in the air.

"Do you usually joke like this?" Sally asked with horror.

"It's not us, it's them." Zeng Xiaoxian smiled disdainfully, "I wouldn't make such a boring bet."

"Teacher Zeng, do you want to gamble on the periphery?" Lu Ziqiao suggested.

"Okay, count me in!" Zeng Xiaoxian immediately threw down the cards and greeted him with a smile on his face, "The loser should also try my Tianshan Liuyang Palm!"


Su Yi smiled politely at Seri: "If you can get used to these, you can get along with them for a long time."

"Little Brother B..."

As soon as Lu Ziqiao said three words, Su Yi interrupted him: "If I slap down, people and animals will not be distinguished. Are you sure you want me to come?"

Everyone showed horror expressions.

"Pretend I never called you!" Lu Ziqiao immediately surrendered.

The Sao Langjian trio invited Tang Youyou to be a slap notary, and Tang Youyou immediately ran to find Shen Linfeng for news.

After Tang Youyou left, Lu Ziqiao and the three of them were still chatting about betting.

Seri wanted to talk to Zeng Xiaoxian several times, but Zeng Xiaoxian prevaricated him indifferently, which made her very embarrassed.

Su Yi couldn't stand it anymore.

The people in the iPartment say they are bad, but they are really not bad.

But call them okay, they "hurt the innocent" on a regular basis.

For example, Seri, who was treated as an escort in the original version, was disgusted by Zeng Xiaoxian after using it all, and finally was teased by Zhang Wei, a salty bastard. No matter how she explained that she was a lawyer, it was useless.

In fact, this is all because Lu Ziqiao thought it was fun and wanted to see the "laughing fruit" of this misunderstanding.

As long as he made things clear, such a thing would never happen.

"Sai Li, I heard you said that you specialize in divorce cases," Su Yi smiled and took the initiative to provoke the topic, "Have you ever received clients from Love Apartment?"

These words made the trio of Sao Langjian stunned.

Sai Li smiled and said: "There is really a couple. The two divorced because they ate salty or sweet bean curd. I actually wanted to persuade them to make peace, but later I found out that this couple is not easy, so I decisively cut the mess and helped each other. They left."

"Are you really a lawyer?" Zeng Xiaoxian said dumbfounded.

Zhang Wei also widened his eyes.

"Of course." Seri looked at them strangely, "Didn't Zi Qiao tell you?"

"Then how did you, how did you..." Zhang Wei stammered, unable to speak.

"How can you help Teacher Zeng, right?" Sai Li smiled, "Because I am a loyal listener of "Your Moon, My Heart", I have always paid attention to Teacher Zeng. This time, Ziqiao told me that Teacher Zeng needs One person pretended to be his girlfriend, and I thought I could get close to the idol, so I agreed to help."

"You are still Zeng Xiaoxian's fan!" Zhang Wei's expression changed.

And Zeng Xiaoxian blushed instantly.

"Lu Ziqiao!" He glared at Lu Ziqiao angrily, "Why do you say that Sally is, is..."

"What is it?" Lu Ziqiao took the time to relax and spread her hands innocently, "I told you, she's a professional, and it's up to you to figure it out."

"You're clearly misleading me!" Zeng Xiaoxian complained sadly and angrily, "It's hard for me to meet fans, is it easy for me? I was almost killed by you!"

After finishing his expression, Zeng Xiaoxian immediately turned back in a serious manner, and said to Seri: "Seri, please forgive my rudeness before, but the one you met just now is not the real me, now, please allow me to introduce myself again, a good man is me, I am--"

Zeng Xiaoxian raised his eyebrows.

"Zeng Xiaoxian!" Seri jumped up in surprise, and excitedly gave Zeng Xiaoxian a big hug, "So you were so handsome when you said this! You are much more handsome than I imagined!"

"Hehe, reserved, reserved!" Zeng Xiaoxian beamed with pride, and raised his eyebrows at Zhang Weiyao in a mighty way.

Zhang Wei was dumbfounded.

What they didn't notice was that Seri, who was hugging Zeng Xiaoxian, winked at Su Yi and silently said "thank you".

Obviously this girl is still very smart, knowing that Su Yi helped him.

Su Yi smiled and drank, hiding his achievements and fame.

"Zi Qiao, why didn't you introduce me to a girl like Seri?" Zhang Wei complained angrily, "She is a lawyer, and I am also a lawyer. Obviously we are more compatible!"

Lu Ziqiao spread his hands, "But Sally doesn't need a crappy colleague."

Zhang Wei: (︵`)!

"Okay, I'm wrong!" Lu Ziqiao smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Actually, Sally is free, she doesn't necessarily belong to Teacher Zeng, Zhang Wei, you still have a chance."

"That's right!" Zhang Wei's eyes lit up, "If they don't confirm their relationship for a day, I still have a chance!"

After saying this, Zhang Wei rushed over excitedly.

"Sai Li, please allow me to introduce myself again. My name is Zhang Wei, my name is Yida, and my English name is—snake!"

Seeing this scene, Su Yi couldn't help but sighed deeply: "Zi Qiao, you must be bad!"

Lu Ziqiao put his hand between his lips, smiled and leaned closer and lowered his voice, "Little Brother Yi, you have already ruined my job once, so don't do it a second time."

"Are you taking revenge on them by doing this?" Su Yi was a little stunned, "How did they offend you?"

Lu Ziqiao sneered: "In the Neo incident last time, Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei betrayed me successively! Traitors should be punished as they should be, shouldn't they?"

"As long as it doesn't hurt the innocent, I think it's okay." Su Yi laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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