Chapter 909
As the saying goes, it is a blessing in disguise, but Zhang Wei cooks.

Although Zhang Wei seriously overestimated his hands-on ability, his sincerity still moved Moran.

In particular, Moran had a very good impression of the friends in the apartment, and he almost made friends with Hu Yifei, which in turn promoted the relationship between Zhang Wei and Moran.

Zhang Wei successfully got rid of his single status and started dating Moran.

Although everyone blesses Zhang Wei, they are generally not optimistic about the relationship between them.

Because Moran looks rough, but she is actually an ordinary woman with a normal brain circuit.In other words, it means that this woman will be more realistic and rational when thinking about problems.

Zhang Wei is a good man, but he has no money and is not romantic, his advantages are hidden too deeply, ordinary women will not find him, let alone real women.

Sure enough, five days later, the lost Zhang Wei announced the bad news that he and Moran had broken up.

The reason was that Moran didn't think he was a second-payer——

His salary can't afford neither the mortgage nor the car loan.

The matter of Zhang Wei's broken love didn't bother Su Yi, and only Hu Yifei had nothing to say and kept asking Su Yi to ask: "Didn't you say that after a broken love, there are periods of excitement, decadence and healing? Why Zhang Wei? Decadent right away?"

"Yifei, you misunderstood a concept." Su Yi explained to her in this way, "Breakdown refers to breaking up with the person you love, no matter how bad it is, it is breaking up with the person who loves you or the person you love, and this can be called lovelorn."

"But have Zhang Wei and Moran reached this stage of love? It's not even a liking, is it? This guy is just not liked by others, so how can he be broken in love?"

"It makes sense!" Hu Yifei suddenly realized, and then changed the topic: "Do you have time at night? Go to the movies?"

Su Yi quietly said: "Yu Mo..."

"Don't worry, Yu Mo has to see a client tonight, so he doesn't have time to come back!" Hu Yifei smiled and put her hand on Su Yi's shoulder.

"...Then I'm even more worried!" Su Yi said, "Let's talk about it first, watch the movie when you watch the movie, can you stop meddling with me?"

"I'll try my best!" Hu Yifei said with some uncertainty.

After the incident of the two daughters competing for husbands, Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo reached a new agreement. The two promised never to engage in such untechnical things as bullying and cooking raw rice, but they can take the initiative Launch a limited pursuit of Su Yi.

Su Yi hasn't found out what the specific restrictions are, but Su Yi has figured out the method the two used.

Hu Yifei's modus operandi is "touching", and the location of the crime is usually chosen in a dark place like a movie theater. It seems that he intends to figure out a future.

Qin Yumo's modus operandi is "tea", and the crimes are committed everywhere. With her good looks and figure combined with her cute and coquettish tricks, she seems to be sure that Su Yi will fall under her pomegranate skirt sooner or later.

Hehe, I can only say that they are too naive, and Su Yi told them his attitude very early on, the three no principles are not so easily broken.

Zeng Xiaoxian became the deputy director of the radio station, which was a big step forward in his career.

Do you really think he doesn't want to do cleaning work?
That's a big mistake. This guy was complaining and looking for life before. In fact, he was in Versailles. Whether it was ridicule or comfort from his friends, he could greatly satisfy his vanity, because everyone would mention The fact that he is already the deputy director.

As long as he can be called the deputy director, let alone cleaning, he is willing to do both cleaning and security!
So Zeng Xiaoxian has been very motivated recently, spending more than half of the day in the radio station, "supervising" the environmental sanitation work of the radio station, and personally fulfilling his duties as the deputy director.

Moreover, Zeng Xiaoxian's new official took office, and three fires have been burned!

The first fire was because I didn't know how to deal with garbage and decided to use fire, and the garbage station was burned down.

The second fire was caused by pouring water into the socket, which caused a short circuit, and the fire and smoke started in the power distribution room. Fortunately, the fire was not too big, and it quickly extinguished itself.

The third fire was that he thought that the last time he burned the garbage, he accidentally set the garbage site on fire because of his inexperience.So he set fire to the newly built garbage station and burned it down.

After Zeng Xiaoxian finished the fire three times, he burned his deputy director.

After burning the garbage station twice in a row, the radio station leader judged that he was maliciously venting his dissatisfaction with the work assignment, which caused extremely bad influence, so he was directly slapped as the deputy director.

Zeng Xiaoxian became the shortest-lived deputy director of their radio station—six days!
This duo formed a decadent duo with Zhang Wei, and was dragged into training by an unscrupulous guy like Lu Ziqiao.

Qin Yumo told Su Yi the news at the first time, and faintly expressed his worries: "Brother Xiaoyi, Ziqiao is actually just looking for fun with them, let them serve as his wingmen, and play them around. These two stupid geese are also quite pitiful..."

"There's nothing wrong with fighting poison with poison." Su Yi said, "After being tricked by Joe, they should be able to revive with full blood."

"Okay." Qin Yumo's eyes rolled, "Brother Xiaoyi, there seems to be a cockroach in my bedroom, can you help me, I'm so piapia..."


"……How to help?"

"Why don't you be my guardian angel, and you will stay by my side when I sleep at night. If a cockroach comes, you will chase it away, okay?"


"Haha, good! That's great!"

It's useless, how can Hu Yifei tolerate this kind of thing happening?

That night, he posted a photo of himself holding a tiger-head chiseled golden gun on the door of Su Yi's room, and wrote three large characters on it - Hu Shubao!

"Hmph, from now on, I will be your door god!" Hu Yifei warned Su Yi with a grim expression, "Not only the door of the room, but also your door! Do you understand?"

Su Yi looked at the photo on the door with a strange expression, and said, "Yifei, I can understand that you want to cosplay Qin Shubao, but your surname, plus this about reading it twice yourself?"

"What happened to Uncle Hu?" Hu Yifei asked.

Su Yi sighed: "It's not like guarding my door, but rather guarding the gate for you."

"Hu Shu Bao... Hu Shu Bao..." Hu Yifei read it twice, and suddenly his eyes widened.

Her face turned red all of a sudden.

He kicked Su Yi's calf viciously.

Fortunately, Su Yi had a flash.

"Dirty!" She gave Su Yi a hard look, then tore off her own photo and ran away in a hurry.

"What the hell, you wrote it yourself, what does it matter to me?" Su Yi spread his hands innocently.

Five minutes later, the photo was still the same photo, but the name was obliterated and it became Hu Chigong.


The drama played by Tang Youyou had good ratings, and her acting career seemed to have reached a new level.

But she, a young actor without any background and background, became the heroine of a hit drama, and she was bound to be jealous and coveted by some people.

So, when Tang Youyou was about to embark on the road to fame, she was pushed by someone!

Guan Gu Miracle was the first to know about this, panicked and came directly to Su Yi for help.

But this time the system judged that this was an unreasonable request.

Because it's simply not realistic.

"Guan Gu, why did Yoyo get the heroine's resources for this drama? Let me tell you, it's because no one pays attention to this drama. A drama that can let the director of a radio station be the producer, you can imagine this drama In fact, it is not favored at all, and it is probably a drama about flushing warehouses or money laundering. This can be seen from Yoyo's two low to explosive competitors before. When did you hear that the heroine of a drama is only Three people competed?"

"If this drama is not popular, the heroine Yoyo will definitely continue to do it. But unfortunately, this drama has become popular. At this time, Yoyo, a young actor with no background and identity, seems very out of date. Why should she be the heroine of a hit drama? A hit drama can be popular with many people, but the others can't do it, so why should you praise an outsider?"

"So Yoyo must be replaced. This is a suspense drama, the main plot is confusing and confusing. As for who the heroine is, it doesn't really matter. Replacing Yoyo will not affect the follow-up plot at all."

"Guan Gu, this is the operation of capital, I am an outsider, what can I do to stop it?"

Guan Gu miraculously lost his mind: "Is there really no other way?"

"Actually, it's a good thing to think about it from a different angle." Su Yi said, "You have to know that it's luck that Yoyo got this job opportunity. Although she only worked as the heroine in a few episodes, it's considered her qualifications. In the future, she will have good experience on her work resume, which will be of great benefit to her in the future."

Guan Gu Miraculously cares about Tang Youyou, unwillingly, he went to Lisa Rong through Zeng Xiaoxian, and then to the director.

But there are excuses and reasons for others, and when it comes to interests, no one can be lenient.

In the end, Guan Gu miraculously won a fake ending of "successful curtain call performance" for Tang Youyou, which was regarded as a consolation prize for Tang Youyou.

These two people are in a state of not being full lovers. After this incident, their relationship has naturally sublimated, and they have become the first public couple in the iPartment.

After several dates, the two decided to go to "second base", but they were disrupted by an abandoned baby girl who appeared out of nowhere.

The appearance of this abandoned baby girl did not cause any trouble to everyone like the original plot. Su Yi quickly went out to find her mother and returned the child to the original owner. A small episode was resolved invisible by Su Yi .

Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei quickly cheered up under Lu Ziqiao's "crash therapy", and Lu Ziqiao also played new tricks. He pretended to be Zhang Wei's name and flirted maliciously everywhere, but was condemned and chased by many women. Girls from the acting school also set up a website called "Zhang Wei is a bastard", calling on victims from all over the Internet to come to this website to denounce "Zhang Wei".

As a result, the real Zhang Wei suffered a misfortune and was forced to go out by the turbulent public opinion, so he had to come to Su Yi for help.

This is not a difficult task, Su Yi asked Zhang Wei to upload Lu Ziqiao's photo on the website, and all troubles were solved immediately.

In fact, the reason why this incident caused such a big commotion on the Internet is because the name Zhang Wei is too popular, and almost everyone knows a guy named Zhang Wei.

So the stalk of "Zhang Wei is an asshole" has just been played around.

But when Lu Ziqiao's photo was posted, the name Zhang Wei didn't matter because the bastard had already been found out.

Lu Ziqiao quickly fled back home in embarrassment, accusing Zhang Wei of being cruel and ruthless, and killing him all.

"I'm just fighting back reasonably! It was you who used my name first, which caused me to be scolded by the whole network!" Zhang Wei fought a gorgeous turnaround, which was extremely enjoyable.

"Then you don't need to be so cruel, right?" Lu Ziqiao screamed and wailed, "I was recognized by five targets today and slapped five times. Look at my face, how swollen it is? Who is to blame for this?" of?"

"Of course it's yours! You deserve it!" Qin Yumo came down from the attic and interjected with a smile.

"By the way, Brother Yi, why is there no internet all of a sudden?" Qin Yumo asked.

"There is no internet in our room, so I came here with a disc, planning to use your TV to watch movies." Zhang Wei said.

"It is said that the optical cable of the network company was cut by construction and is being repaired." Su Yi said, "The official announcement said that the network will not return to normal until tomorrow morning."

"Ah? It's going to be so late tomorrow morning?" Guan Gu Miraculously and Tang Youyou also walked in, "Yuyou and I were watching dramas, and suddenly the internet went offline."

"Zeng Xiaoxian, you are simply a pig teammate! I thought you were a number between 1 and 3, but I didn't expect you to be a combination of 1 and 3!"

Hu Yifei hadn't come in yet, but she had already yelled angrily outside the door.

Soon she rushed in with an angry face, followed closely by Zeng Xiaoxian with an aggrieved face.

"Sister Yifei, why did Mr. Zeng provoke you?" Tang Youyou asked curiously.

"The residents of 102 downstairs expanded the patio without authorization, and it almost reached the crosswalk! Zeng Xiaoxian claims to be the vice chairman of the residents' committee. I came to the door with him to give advice, but his elbow turned outward! If I don't help, I still want to Accuse me!" Hu Yifei complained angrily.

"Can't you speak well? They didn't say no to rectification, but you are good enough to rush up and kick the iron door into a C shape! If I don't pretend to accuse you, do you think we can get out so easily?" Zeng Xiaoxian said aggrievedly.

"Hehe, we have visited three times today! If it weren't for me, the family would not have been able to see each other! You, Vice Chairman Zeng, finally met with them, but only talked about negotiations, adjustments and adjustments. Are you so useless!" Hu Yifei yelled.

"What else? Kicking someone's iron door and making things worse!" Zeng Xiaoxian also shouted angrily.

"Okay, okay!" Su Yi was fired tirelessly, "Why do you join in the fun? Find a property, if the property doesn't matter, call the police, if the alarm doesn't work, mobilize public opinion, what is there to negotiate with them? He built it randomly Don’t you know that you will affect others? He must know better than anyone else! But he still built it. Is this something that can be resolved through negotiation? Just come straight, don’t talk nonsense with him!”

Even if Zeng Xiaoxian and Hu Yifei don't deal with this matter, Su Yi is planning to make a move, and he has to make a detour to get out of the apartment building, is that okay?

(End of this chapter)

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