Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 908 The Kitchen Has Been Destroyed

Chapter 908 The Kitchen Has Been Destroyed
The director laughed, and said, "Yuyou, your friend has the same advantages as you!"

"Advantages? What are the advantages?" Tang Youyou asked curiously.

"Do you know why I chose you, Yoyo?" the director asked.

Tang Youyou smiled and shook his head.

"Because you wore a low-cut dress and a miniskirt in such a fiercely competitive interview." The director said with a smile, "This is the first time I have seen such an actor who has the courage to expose his own shortcomings."

Everyone's expressions were stunned.

"Shortcomings?" Tang Youyou smiled a little stiffly.

"Yeah, hehe, actually the interview is the most fake." The director laughed, "All the actors will be fully prepared before they come. They will wear makeup if they have facial features, and they will wear all kinds of slimming clothes if they have body problems." Clothes, but you are different from them!"

"You wore a low-cut dress and a miniskirt, and told me all the shortcomings of your figure immediately. For example, you are not plump enough, your thighs are too short, your calves are too thick..."


Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help laughing.

"Haha! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I remembered something funny." Zeng Xiaoxian ran out with a suppressed smile, "The director is sorry, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, hahaha..."

He laughed wildly and rushed out the door.

Tang Youyou's face turned red into a monkey's butt.

Su Yi also couldn't help laughing, but Guan Gu was a bit annoyed.

"Director, I don't think you're right... woo woo woo..."

Su Yi covered Guan Gu's miraculous mouth and dragged it out: "Director, you chat with Youyou, we'll excuse you first."

Before going out, he also closed the door by the way.

The director froze for a moment and said, "Your friend... don't you think I'm criticizing you? I'm actually praising you, Yoyo."

"Hehe, is that so?" Tang Youyou smiled awkwardly.

"Of course!" the director said as a matter of course, "Can't you hear it? Didn't I exaggerate enough?"

"Hehe...Maybe there is something wrong with their understanding..." Tang Youyou said awkwardly.

Not long after, the HR Manager of Zeng Xiaoxian Radio Station also came. He came to investigate Zeng Xiaoxian after reading Zeng Xiaoxian's disgustingly flattering cover letter.

This time Zeng Xiaoxian didn't make any mistakes like in the original plot, and completed the assessment respectfully.

The manager of the personnel department is very satisfied with Zeng Xiaoxian, and congratulates Zeng Xiaoxian in advance for getting the position of deputy director.

In fact, regardless of his qualifications or age, Zeng Xiaoxian should have been the deputy director long ago, but this person has never slipped away, and he doesn't know how to make money, so he is still an ordinary employee until now.In his case, he is the only one in the entire radio station.

But what has changed is the position, the position is still the original position, Zeng Xiaoxian is still the host of "Your Moon, My Heart", just in charge of part of the management work.

The job he is in charge of is-cleaning.

"Su Xiaoyi, I want to fight you hard! Don't stop me! I must fight him hard!" Zeng Xiaoxian jumped up and down, yelling at Su Yi.

Guan Gu, who was several meters away from him, looked at him as if he was mentally retarded: "Mr. Zeng, no one stopped you at all."

Zeng Xiaoxian's face turned bitter, and he said with tears: "Why do I have such a hard life! I was finally promoted to the deputy director, but let me also take care of the cleaning work! The problem is, there is only one cleaning staff in our radio station, and she always asks for leave! So my deputy director is equivalent to only getting an extra salary of 300 yuan per month, but I have to do part-time cleaning work! Is there still a law of heaven? Is there any law of the king!"

"But you can't blame Little Brother B, why did you fight him so hard?" Guan Gu asked curiously.

"Ask him! What kind of crap article did he write!" Zeng Xiaoxian said angrily, "He wrote a story in one of his articles, saying that in Microsoft's job fair, many highly educated people were eliminated because they didn't go to the job fair. The examiner deliberately threw the paper ball on the ground, only one person picked it up, so he got the job."

"Ah, I've heard this story too! It's very educational." Guan Gu said magically.

"Education ass!" Zeng Xiaoxian became more and more angry, "I just acted according to the story in order to show off. When Manager Zheng was speaking, I wiped the table and swept the floor, and vacuumed the sofa. I thought Manager Zheng will see my sense of responsibility, who knows, who knows that he said that I am born to do cleaning!"

Su Yi couldn't help being amused by this living treasure.

"Mr. Zeng, the leader is talking to you. You frankly clean up the housework. The leader didn't just slap your ass and leave!" Su Yi complained, "Isn't that how you express your sense of responsibility? My that The short stories in the article are to make people pay attention to details, not to make people pay attention to environmental hygiene, your reading comprehension ability... how did you become the host?"

"You!" Zeng Xiaoxian was inexplicably sad and angry.

"Ah!" He yelled in grief and anger, "God! Why do you want me to do part-time cleaning for 300 yuan a month! Why!"

"The matter has come to this, Mr. Zeng still wants to open something." Su Yi smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "At least you are considered an official."

"I'd rather not be an official, whoever wants to be!" Zeng Xiaoxian exclaimed.

Su Yi could see that the group of people in the iPartment all had unique skills, no matter how straight he made things, they would still go astray in the end.

"Everyone! I've already studied how to cook!" Zhang Wei walked out of his room in high spirits, "Everyone wait for a hearty dinner! What about the others? What about Yifei and the others?"

"Yifei and Yumo will be back in about half an hour," Su Yi said.

"Zi Qiao will be back in 10 minutes." Zeng Xiaoxian said.

"Yuyou is leaving in 10 minutes." Guan Gu said magically.

"Well, except for Yoyo who can't participate, everyone else is fine?" Zhang Wei clapped his hands, "Are you all ready!"


"Are you ready?" Zeng Xiaoxian said, "It's you who want to date, not us."

"A date? What date?" Zhang Wei was confused.

Zeng Xiaoxian looked doubtful about life: "Could it be that I remembered it wrong? Isn't today your date with Moran?"

"Mo Lan..." Zhang Wei's eyes widened, and he slapped his thigh suddenly, "I almost forgot if you didn't tell me, I don't cook for cooking, but for dating!"

"This... can you forget?" Zeng Xiaoxian doubted life even more.

"I was confused after watching how to cook all afternoon." Zhang Wei smiled sheepishly, "After counting the time, Moran will be here soon. I'll go down to pick her up now. You just wait."

The three of them watched Zhang Wei go out like a god.

"This is the best!" Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head and sighed.

"You don't think you are?" Su Yi sneered, "Don't joke about bare buttocks and open crotch pants, you are similar."

Guan Gu miraculously said to Su Yi: "Zhang Wei even forgot what he was doing, Brother Yi, you are right, we really can't have any expectations for Zhang Wei's dinner. I think we should order takeaway as soon as possible."

"Now I suspect not only that he will screw up the dinner, but he may even screw up his date!" Zeng Xiaoxian said.

"How do you say it?" Su Yi frowned, "Remove the word "possible" and say it again!"

"Ha ha……"

The three laughed.

"Let me order food." Su Yi shook his head. "How about the Chinese restaurant downstairs? Let them deliver the food at [-]:[-]."

"Will it be too late?" Guan Gu asked miraculously.

"You have to give Zhang Wei enough time to toss around," Su Yi said while dialing the phone, "If he doesn't make the matter completely unmanageable, how can he admit his failure?"

"It makes sense!" Zeng Xiaoxian and Guan Gu Miraculously gave Su Yi a thumbs up.

Before Zhang Wei and the others came back, Su Yi ordered a sumptuous dinner.However, he, Zeng Xiaoxian, and Guan Gu Miracle had a tacit understanding that neither of them mentioned this issue, just pretending that nothing happened.

Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo arrived first, and an interesting phenomenon was that when they were with Su Yi at the same time, these two people were reserved like ancient ladies.

But when they get alone with Su Yi——

Everyone saw what happened in the cinema and this morning.

Everyone talked and laughed for a while, and Zhang Wei quickly brought people back.

What about the girl Moran?

It can be described in eight words - tall and strong, strong and strong.

You can't say she's not good-looking, or that she's not womanly.


Let's say that.

Generally, when you first see a girl, you will think that she is pretty, or she is not good-looking.

But where Moran stops, the first thought that pops up in the minds of most men will be——I might not be able to beat her.


Moran's temperament is relatively straightforward, and the friends in iPartment intend to make a good impression for Zhang Wei, and chat with her in a friendly and active manner, so she and everyone quickly become one.

I have to say that Zhang Wei's move is still very good.

Zhang Wei was also very proud when he saw this, and said with a smile: "It seems that everyone likes Moran very much, so I am relieved. Moran, you chat with everyone first, and I will go to the kitchen to prepare a big meal for us first!"

"Go, go, don't delay the relationship between me and my new buddies and sisters!" Moran smiled and waved his hands.Very bold and authentic.

"Zhang Wei, I don't think your decision to cook is a little hasty?" Qin Yumo persuaded, "How about we go out to eat?"

"No, don't worry, I'll take care of it!" Zhang Wei smiled, "Don't worry, I'm a professional!"

Hu Yifei smiled dryly: "Every time Zhang Wei said that, he would screw things up."

"Why do these words sound so familiar to me?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously.

"Why don't I go and help Zhang Wei cook, and I'll fry two dishes, so everyone can try my cooking?" Moran rolled up his sleeves while standing up.

"How does this work? Is there anyone who cooks for the first-time guests?"

"That's right, Moran, sit down, no matter how bad it is, there are still us!"

"That's right, Moran, didn't you just agree to play an exciting game of flying chess? You won't go back on your word, will you?"

Everyone hurriedly persuaded Moran.

Zhang Wei, who had already reached the door of the kitchen, turned his head and warned: "The kitchen is my territory, none of you should come in!"

After speaking, he went in and closed the kitchen door.

"Okay, let's continue playing, Ziqiao, go get flying chess!" Hu Yifei told everyone to leave the kitchen alone.


Lu Ziqiao walked towards his room.


At this moment, everyone heard the sound of something breaking from the kitchen.

Everyone was stunned and looked at the closed door of the kitchen.

"Zhang Wei, are you okay?" Hu Yifei asked in surprise.

"It's okay! Of course it's okay!" Zhang Wei said, "Don't worry, I can handle it, I just accidentally broke a plate!"

"Do you want to help?" Qin Yumo asked worriedly.

"No! Not at all!" Zhang Wei immediately said, "I can handle it!"

Everyone was skeptical, so Lu Ziqiao went back to get flying chess.

As soon as he came out of his room, he heard another loud bang.

Everyone was startled.

"Zhang Wei?" Zeng Xiaoxian called out in surprise.

"I'm fine! You don't need to come in!" Zhang Wei yelled inside, "Don't worry, I can handle it!"

Before the words fell, there was a "boom" in the kitchen, and the flames suddenly burst into flames.

"Zhang Wei!" Everyone's eyes widened in horror.

"Ahem! It's okay! It's okay! I can... I can handle it!" Zhang Wei's stubborn voice came from the kitchen.

Because of the strange noises coming from the kitchen, everyone in the living room was frightened, and they were not in the mood to play or chat.

Everyone stared nervously at the kitchen, shaking from time to time with the sudden noise in the kitchen.

After half an hour...

The dirty Zhang Wei finally opened the kitchen door and ran out from inside in a panic.

He forced a smile to everyone, and said in a crying voice: "Let's... run away, this place is about to explode."


"Ah ah ah ah..."

Amidst the screams, Su Yi walked into the kitchen unhurriedly, walked around puddles of unknown liquid and obstacles on the ground on his heels, turned off the natural gas, and opened the window.

Then he went back the same way, and smiled at the people who had fled to the door: "Okay, the danger is over."

Almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, your kitchen is considered ruined." Su Yi said to Lu Ziqiao and the other three boys pityingly, "I can only describe the situation inside as horrible."


The three boys were stunned for a moment, and rushed to the kitchen together, then screamed in despair.

Zhang Wei rubbed his hands on the apron, smiled awkwardly and said to everyone: "Actually, I think the design of the kitchen is very inhumane. There are no instructions for use on almost everything. I think this is unreasonable and unprofessional."

dong dong.

Someone knocked on the door.

Hu Yifei, who was closest, opened the door backhanded.

There were two delivery men standing at the door, each carrying a large incubator.

"Hello, who is Mr. Su Yi? Your takeaway has arrived."

"Takeaway?" Everyone turned to look at Su Yi blankly.

Su Yi smiled and said: "The time is just right, why don't you go to eat next door?"

"Xiao Yi, is this the takeaway you ordered in advance? You knew that Zhang Wei couldn't handle it? You really have no plans!" Hu Yifei admired sincerely.

Everyone gave Su Yi a thumbs up, including Zhang Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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