Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 915 Supernatural Brawl 2

Chapter 915 Supernatural Brawl 2
Zeng Xiaoxian's dream of having everyone pay attention to him has come true, but the focus of attention is a bit off.

As he activated his skills by calling out "Nests", everyone present felt uncontrollable anger and disgust, and rushed towards Zeng Xian'er uncontrollably, trying to beat this guy to death.

Including the bodyguards who were about to rush to the toilet, Qin Xiaomo who was going down the stairs, Tang Xiaoyou who was about to sneak away, and Lu Xiaoqiao who was standing upstairs watching the fun.

Everyone present, even the uncle playing the accordion on the stage and the cleaning lady who was sweeping the floor, shouted angrily and rushed towards Zeng Xian'er.

1, 2, 3...

Three seconds later, the skill expired, and everyone came back to their senses.

Looking at Zeng Xianer again, he was curling up with his head in his arms, his face trembling with fear, the person who was closest to Zeng Xianer even stretched out his hand in front of him.

But after the skills expired, their sanity returned, and they stopped their "impulse" for life.

It seems that there is no need to kill a person for a sentence, right?
"Stinky boy, if you keep yelling, I'll kill you!" Someone pointed at Zeng Xian'er and cursed.

"Whose unlucky child is missing a great virtue!"

"Who are you fathering? I am your uncle!"

Some of the crowd cursed, some were baffled, some were resentful, and some were dumbfounded.

There were also some who couldn't swallow the bad breath in their chests, and even without the bonus of skills, they came to trouble Zeng Xian'er with a sullen expression.

If you don't beat him to death, you can just give him a good beating.

The bodyguards were also baffled, but they all had business to do, so they continued to turn around and run to the bathroom.

"President can do it!" Tang Xiaoyou has supernatural powers, and immediately saw through Zeng Xianer's activation of her own skills just now, her eyes widened, "It's hidden deep enough..."

Qin Xiaomo also saw this, and looked at Zeng Xian'er in surprise, wondering what kind of god this is, and what is the purpose of calling this voice?
And Lu Xiaoqiao was furious at first, and was about to urge his subordinates to take down this outrageous lunatic, but suddenly he was taken aback, thought of something, and then ecstatically pointed at Zeng Xiaoxian and shouted: "He, he and I are a perfect match!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around looked at him with strange expressions.

On the first floor, Zeng Xianer sees that the danger is over for a while, how dare he stay where he is?
He jumped off the table as if he was electrocuted, and ran to the gate as fast as he could.


"Don't run!"

The person who didn't give up trying to beat him hurriedly caught up.

"Cover me!" Zeng Xianer yelled in horror.

Although Zeng Xian'er didn't look at her or call her name, Tang Xiaoyou knew that he was talking to herself.

Can't save?
Tang Xiaoyou immediately made a decision.

Yu Gong, she will continue to lurk, and saving Zeng Xian'er will help her continue to lurk.

In private, although she became Zhe Peng's lackey because of love, she has always felt guilty about Zeng Xian'er and Hu Xiaofei, her conscience is still lingering, and she can't help but see death.

Seeing someone smirking and about to stop Zeng Xian'er who was running away, Tang Xiaoyou had no doubts and acted decisively!
"You're here to shit!" She pointed at this person and activated her skills.


As soon as the man's face changed, he turned around and was about to run to the toilet, but he stopped after just two steps.

That's too late……

The brown liquid soaked his white trousers in a blink of an eye, and the stench began to permeate.

However this is just the beginning.

Tang Xiaoyou followed closely and continued to point out those who intercepted or chased Zeng Xianer.

Just say the last sentence when referring to a person——

"You're here to shit!"

"You're here to shit!"

"You're here to shit!"


She seemed to be addicted to speaking, and she couldn't stop pointing and talking. In the blink of an eye, more than [-] people were recruited, and several of them were "innocent people who eat melons."

The "swipe within ten seconds" in the skill does not mean that you have to wait ten seconds before you can escape, but it means that it should not exceed ten seconds at most.

A person with strong willpower like Su Yi can wait until the tenth second before spraying, and the average person can take two or three seconds at most.

So, the good Lihua Palace Nightclub, a good place where luxury and luxury, becomes a big shit scene in seconds.

The sounds of "cuckoo" and "puff puff" accompanied by horrified screams can be heard endlessly, but Tang Xiaoyou, the big devil, has no intention of stopping at all, and still keeps pointing at people, repeating like a machine gun in his mouth That frightening statement——

"You're here to shit!"

Some aristocratic ladies who were recruited pulled their trouser pockets and couldn't help squatting on the ground and crying loudly.

The scene can only be described in four words - can't bear to watch!
Lu Xiaoqiao, who was about to go downstairs, was so frightened that she immediately retreated to the second floor. Qin Xiaomo took up the cheongsam and ran to the second floor with a face full of horror.

But her movement alarmed Tang Xiaoyou who was talking non-stop. Seeing someone running away, she almost reflexively pointed at Qin Xiaomo's back and said, "You are here to shit!"

goo goo...

Qin Xiaomo's whole body froze, with an extremely terrified expression on his face, he screamed and ran frantically to the second floor.

"This way!" Lu Xiaoqiao went forward, grabbed Qin Xiaomo's hand and led her to run for a few steps, then quickly opened a door and pushed Qin Xiaomo in.

"Go away!"

The door closed with a bang.

"You're welcome!" Lu Xiaoqiao yelled through the door refreshed, feeling that the red tie around her neck was a little more colorful.

There were two women's screams in the room, followed by an indescribable "cuckoo poop" sound.

Lu Xiaoqiao shivered with aversion to the cold, and subconsciously looked at the house number of this room - Western-style pastry production room.

His expression immediately froze, and he swore in his heart that he would never take another bite of the pastries here.

But thinking about the large-scale poop scene below, Lu Xiaoqiao felt that there was a high probability that this nightclub would not be able to continue.The French boss can consider converting this place into a paid public toilet to recover the loss.

bang bang bang...

Finally, someone downstairs couldn't help but shoot Tang Xiaoyou, a witch.

Zeng Xian'er grabbed Tang Xiaoyou and ran out: "Let's go!"

The two ran out of the gate with their heads shrunk, leaving behind a chaotic mess.

As soon as Tang Xiaoyou went out on the front foot, Hu Xiaofei ran out from the bathroom with her neck crooked on her back foot.

Hu Xiaofei was stunned by the smoky and stinking scene in front of her.

"Has the septic tank exploded?" She looked confused.

She froze for a few seconds, then covered her neck with one hand and her nose with the other, and ran towards the door.

"This woman is with the Shit Witch!"

"You can't let her go!"


Someone shouted indignantly, and the crowd immediately became angry.

The bodyguards closest to Hu Xiaofei were Su Yi's bodyguards, they didn't care too much at the moment and immediately attacked Hu Xiaofei, planning to take down this woman first.

But Hu Xiaofei reacted very quickly, and immediately pre-empted, rushed to the bodyguard closest to her, grabbed the gun, and fired a bullet.

The bodyguard immediately screamed and was sent flying.

Hu Xiaofei skillfully loaded the bullet, and began to shoot while moving flexibly.

bang bang bang...

The sound of gunshots, screams, the fleeing crowd, the recruits who were still spraying, the bodyguards who fought back frantically...

Why is the word "chaotic" in the whole scene?

But the bullets in a gun are limited, Hu Yifei quickly emptied the bullets in the gun, and was forced to the bar by the dense rain of bullets, not daring to stand up.

Lu Xiaoqiao on the second floor had a sudden change of mind, suddenly pointed at the bar and shouted, "Seal the door and capture that woman alive!"

Lu Xiaoqiao's subordinates immediately moved into action. They surrounded the bar in a fan shape, approached slowly, and narrowed the encirclement.

And here, Su Yi's bodyguards met Su Yi in the men's restroom. When Su Yi walked out of the bathroom, his legs were a little weak, with a look of lingering fear.

Tang Xiaoyou, a witch, don't let me see you, or I will beat you every time I see you!
"Mr. B! Mr. B, are you okay?" Lu Xiaoqiao shouted from the second floor.

"No shit, no shit..." Su Yi hurriedly waved his hand and looked at the bar surrounded by everyone.

Surrounded by the bar is Hu Yifei. Today he has seen Tang Xiaoyou's "Dumping All Beings" and Zeng Xianer's "Nenshi Nengyi", but what special abilities does Hu Yifei have?
What wish did Hu Yifei make?

World Peace?

He was a little flustered and didn't dare to approach.

Tang Xiaoyou's supernatural ability has already left him with a serious psychological shadow.

"Listen to the woman inside!" Lu Ziqiao didn't dare to approach, and stood on the second floor and shouted, "Put down your weapon, stand up with your hands high, I promise I won't kill you! Surrender is your only way out!"

"Ah bah!" As soon as the words finished, Hu Xiaofei's disdainful voice came from the bar, "Good dogs don't get in the way, and those who get in the way are all roadblocks!"


"You're still young! Don't seek death!" Lu Xiaoqiao shouted with a dark face, "You won't be able to escape, you'd better not take any chances."

"Hehe, I want to leave, who can stop me?" Hu Xiaofei said proudly.

Hearing this, Su Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he groaned inwardly that it was not good.

The next moment, dynamic music suddenly sounded out of thin air, resounding through this space.

Su Yi's body tensed suddenly uncontrollably and jumped out of thin air.

When he was doing this movement, everyone on the scene performed this movement together, jumping high, landing together, spreading his legs a step apart, and keeping his hands open and flat.

Some people were walking, some were squatting, and some still hadn't stopped spraying. Those noble women were still crying on the ground covering their faces...

But no matter what you are doing, as long as the people here are doing this action involuntarily!

Even Qin Xiaomo's exclamation came from the West Point production room on the second floor, and there was also a "boom" from inside.

And at this moment, Hu Xiaofei, who was hiding in the bar, clapped her hands and stood up, and walked out with her neck crooked and a sneer.

Everyone could only watch her, but their body could only maintain a straight posture, motionless.

But the motionless posture did not last long. With the end of the prelude, the music rang out of nowhere and began to sing the lyrics: "If Hua Tuo reappears, Chongyang will be healed. Foreigners come to learn Chinese characters and stimulate my national consciousness..."

When all the people present began to sing the first word, they all raised their left legs and patted the inside of the left arch with their right hands.Then lift your right leg and pat the inside of the arch of your right foot with your left hand.

Following the rhythm of the dynamic music, everyone present counted as one, and all danced Coach Liu's shuttlecock drill!

Special function: Peaceful Shuttlecock Dancing - When the skill is activated, everyone in the 100 meters radius except the skill initiator will dance Shuttlecock Dancing uncontrollably. During the dance, they cannot speak, move, do anything, or do anything If they hurt them, even the person who activates the skill cannot touch and hurt them, and they will be in a state of absolute safety.The effect lasts for 3 minutes29 seconds.

The reason why it is three minutes and 29 seconds is because the duration of this song is so long.

"I have a leisurely expression, I dance roughly, and my movements are relaxed and comfortable. You can't learn..."

All the people in the nightclub danced in unison, no matter what their status or age, there was no difference at this moment.

Some people were crying while jumping, because they were still in the state of spraying, and this jump was fatal, and they rushed out one by one...

Although some people stopped spraying, the dirty things in their pockets began to splash and shake out with this jump...

Even Su Yi couldn't control himself, and danced very rhythmically to the dynamic music.

Hu Xiaofei quickly passed through the dancing crowd, turned her head and smiled triumphantly, and pointed at everyone to be funny: "The short oil is good! Come on, everyone!"

"Yam Angelica Goji Berry GO, Yam Angelica Goji Berry GO..."

Everyone gritted their teeth and danced without saying a word, unable to respond to her at all.

"Su Xiaoyi, today is your fate! I will come to kill you some other day!" Hu Xiaofei sneered, threw down a harsh word, stepped out of the gate in a flash, and ran away into the depths of the night, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"It's the light, it's the light, let's sing together..."

Amidst the sound of music, everyone in the nightclub is still mechanically uniform.

After three minutes and 29 seconds, the music stopped, and the effect of the ability was finally lifted.

The long howls and screams came and went one after another in an instant. How could some rich young ladies who had never exercised last for more than three minutes?

After being forced to open the business, I felt that my legs were no longer my own. I screamed and fell to the ground, unable to stand up.

Those who can still stand in place at the scene are less than one-third.

"Withdraw!" Su Yi waved his hand with a black face, planning to take his bodyguards away first.

Lu Xiaoqiao on the second floor bared her teeth and took a deep breath, watching Su Yi go out with the bodyguards, hesitating and finally did not call Su Yi to stop.


The door of the Western-style pastry making room opened, and Qin Xiaomo, who had a numb face, limped out of it, followed by a French woman who was also in a state of despair.

This French woman is the pastry chef here.

"Xiaomo, you..." Lu Xiaoqiao looked Qin Xiaomo up and down, and found that her stockings and shoes were gone, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Qin Xiaomo looked over with a look of hopelessness, and begged him: "Take me away, please, the sooner the better! Otherwise, I want to bump my head to death here!"

"The sooner the better?" Lu Xiaoqiao asked.


"Okay!" Lu Xiaoqiao gritted her teeth, turned around and squatted down, patted herself on the shoulder, "Come up!"

Qin Xiaomo hastily jumped onto Lu Xiaoqiao's back and let him carry her on her back.

The next moment, Lu Xiaoqiao's expression turned bitter, tears burst out of her eyes, and she let out a piercing roar: "Swallow! How can I live without you, Swallow!"

In the next second, Lu Xiaoqiao disappeared in place like a gust of wind.

Special function: chasing love - crying out "How can a swallow live without you", you can run at a speed of 80km/h for 1 minute, no terrain can be an obstacle, and the skill cooldown time is 2 minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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