Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 916 Zhang Wei is a hero

Chapter 916 Zhang Wei is a hero
Surrounded by bodyguards, Su Yi jumped into the car as quickly as possible as soon as he went out, and the bodyguards also got into the car one after another.

Just when Su Yi was about to order Su Xiaoer to drive away, Lu Xiaoqiao activated her skills, rushed out of the nightclub like a gust of wind with Qin Xiaomo on her back, and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

"What!" Su Xiaoer didn't even see what it was, only felt something swish past and then disappeared.

He was startled.

But Su Yi's eyes were sharp, and he saw clearly that it was Lu Xiaoqiao who was carrying Qin Xiaomo on his back, and he found that Qin Xiaomo's legs were thin, white and long.

Of course, it wasn't because he was lustful, but because he noticed that Qin Xiaomo's stockings were missing.

Su Yi thought of a certain scene, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

At the same time, the terminal also popped up an introduction to Lu Xiaoqiao's abilities.

"Chasing love? If this thing is paired with Zeng Xian'er's nest, it will be perfect." Su Yi immediately thought of this question.

And once these sand sculpture skills of these people are combined, what is Su Yi?

Can't even run!
So he really doesn't have the qualifications to be crazy now.

"This is impossible, don't really capsize in the gutter! You have to find a way to break their skills..."

Just when Su Yi was in a trance——

A gunshot rang out suddenly, but the shot only blew out the tires of the car.

Su Yi and Su Xiaoer were startled, including the bodyguards.

Unexpectedly, when he went out, someone still shot him.

This is the gunman from before!

The shooter related to Lu Xiaoqiao, he is still there, he hasn't left yet!

Su Yi hadn't triggered an evil fire tonight, but at this moment he was completely enraged by this shot.

He opened the door and got off the car, pointed to the roof opposite the nightclub and shouted, "Please, Pan Zhoudan!"


In the night, there was a bone cracking sound that was very clear, followed by a scream from the top of the building: "Ouch, my mother!"

"Zhang Wei! It's you!" Su Yi suddenly recognized the guy's voice, shouted in shock and anger, pointed to the roof and continued to shout:
"I invite Pan Zhoudan!"


"I invite Pan Zhoudan!"


"I invite Pan Zhoudan!"

"Ouch my..."

"I invite Pan Zhoudan!"

"Ah, stop shouting! Surrender! I surrender!" Zhang Xiaowei screamed on the roof begging for mercy.

"I invite Pan Zhoudan!"


Su Yi yelled again, and then he waved his hands to the bodyguards around him, "Give it to me! Catch him alive!"


The bodyguards rushed into the building in a hurry.

After a while, Zhang Xiaowei, who was wailing with his neck crooked, was taken down by them.

Su Yi activated his skills one after another, and Zhang Xiaowei's neck was almost twisted into a twist.

"Easy, light! Ouch, my neck is broken!" Zhang Xiaowei cried and was carried to Su Yi by two people, one on the left and one on the right.

"Send me to the hospital, send me to the hospital..." Zhang Xiaowei cried with snot and tears.

That's it?

Su Yi looked behind him speechlessly.

A bodyguard ran down with a rifle: "Mr. B, this gun was found on the roof."

It seemed that Zhang Xiaowei was undoubtedly the one who shot.

This guy actually colluded with Lu Xiaoqiao?
He is also a military commander?
Double agent?

Su Yi thought of many things in an instant.

He sneered at Zhang Xiaowei, and ordered: "Search him, don't leave a hair in his pocket! Take him to my car."


After 2 minutes, the car started and left the spot at high speed.

Speechless all the way.

Zhang Xiaowei was taken directly to Su Yi's villa.

The two bodyguards ignored him and kept screaming, and escorted him to Su Yi's living room.

Su Yi went to the bathroom to take a shower first, changed into clean clothes, and then came to the living room to meet Zhang Xiaowei.

The hygienist at Su Yi's home had already put a splint on Zhang Xiaowei's neck and put his waist up.

This guy had a loveless expression, when he saw Su Yi, his complexion suddenly changed, and he said in a trembling voice: "I want to betray!"


Su Yi looked at him speechlessly: "Don't talk about torture, I haven't even started the interrogation. Are you in a hurry to rebel now?"

"Don't think I don't know the rules!" Zhang Xiaowei said with a breath of air, "The sooner you rebel, the better it will be. In addition to survival, you will also be rich, rich and beautiful, but if you are late, you will lose everything."

"You're thinking of farting, and you're still a girl?" Su Yi rolled his eyes, stepped forward and sat opposite Zhang Xiaowei.

"Since the traitor, let's talk about it." He said.

"Actually, Miracle Guan Gu asked me to kill you." Zhang Xiaowei hurriedly said, "He thinks you are not worthy of his trust anymore, and you are ambitious and disobedient, so he wants to kill you."

After a pause, he quickly explained: "But Mr. B, we have been working together for such a long time, and we have a friendship, so you see that when I shot, I only hit your tires and didn't aim at you at all. I This is actually done to warn you, to let you know that Guan Gu Miracle is going to kill you, and at the same time, I am also dealing with Guan Gu Miracle, not really wanting to kill you."

Su Yi couldn't help laughing: "It's ok, Zhang Xiaowei, you're good at talking, but you've left yourself clean."

"What I'm telling is the truth!" Zhang Xiaowei smiled apologetically, "Mr. B, I was wrong before, please bear with me. From now on, I will follow your lead. If you tell me to go east, I won't go west. If you tell me to catch dogs, I won't chase them away." chicken……"

"Okay!" Su Yi interrupted him lightly, took out the gun from the back waist, loaded the bullet with a "click", and pointed the gun at Zhang Xiaowei's forehead.

The latter's expression changed immediately.

"Come on, try dismantling my bullets again." Su Yi said with a smile.

Zhang Xiaowei froze and fumbled in his pocket, then squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, and stretched out his hand: "Can you - lend me an ocean first?"

Su Yi smiled and said, "What? You can't activate your skills without bullets?"

"There is no bet, how can I bet?" Zhang Xiaowei said with a mournful face.

Su Yi popped out a coin.

Zhang Xiaowei hurriedly caught it.


Su Yi moved the tip of his gun, signaling him to hurry up.

"I bet an ocean, you have no bullets in your gun!" Zhang Xiaowei said hastily.

clap la la...

The bullets in Su Yi's gun fell to the ground.

"It's amazing!" Su Yi laughed.

"No, it's not as amazing as your supernatural power." Zhang Xiaowei hurriedly said with a smile, "If you do it a few more times, my neck will be broken. But my supernatural power is only for people with guns. If you use that knife to kill I can't help it. And I can only target one person at a time. If a group of people point guns at me, I can only gamble one by one. I just don't know if they will give me time..."

"You can try it if you have a chance." Su Yi smiled half-smile, "But you are so self-proclaimed, I am too embarrassed to kill you."

"Sincerity! I want you to see my sincerity!" Zhang Xiaowei hurriedly said, "Like an animal on the African savannah, if I show my belly to you, it means that I have completely surrendered to you. I have absolutely no secrets in front of you."

"is it?"


"You answered so resolutely, it seems that you are not lying." Su Yi smiled.

"Of course, I guarantee it with my character!" Zhang Xiaowei swore.

"Why don't you guarantee it with your life." Su Yi picked up the fruit knife on the table and skillfully swung it around, "Just say, if you lied to me, let me stab you to death."

Zhang Xiaowei's eyelids twitched, he forced a smile and said, "If I say that, will you believe me?"

"No." Su Yi said with a smile, "but I promise to do what I say."

Zhang Xiaowei's expression froze immediately.

"Okay, I plan to rebel further!" Zhang Xiaowei immediately confessed again, "Actually, besides being a member of Guan Gu Miracle, I am also an agent of the military command who broke into No. 76 and Fish Agency, code name-Snake!"


"You just recruited so easily, which made me feel very unfulfilled." Su Yi sighed, "I'm already planning to let the bodyguards get the hammer and saw, why don't you take back what you just said and let's play for a while?"

"You have to have a bottom line!" Zhang Xiaowei yelled sternly, "Mr. Yi, it's so late, it's immoral to disturb the people!"

"Really?" Su Yi asked the bodyguard on the side.

"Yes, Mr. Yi, it's really immoral to disturb the people at night." The bodyguard replied.

"Good brother, I give you a thumbs up!" Zhang Xiaowei quickly gave the bodyguard a thumbs up.

Immediately smiled and said to Su Yi: "I think I am fully capable of completing a complete rebellion in a friendly and peaceful atmosphere. In fact, the buddy I talked to just now was bought by me, and he is also mine, so he always speaks for me. When you were young, he also helped me monitor your every move and tipped off to me at any time."


The bodyguard's expression froze on his face.

"What the hell..." The bodyguard opened his mouth to scold, but at this moment Su Yi clapped his hands, and two more people came in immediately.

"Mr. B, what should we do?" the person who came in asked.

Su Yi smiled coldly: "Neyzut!"


The bodyguard struggled in horror and was dragged out by the other two.

"Forgive me! Forgive me, Mr. B! Zhang Xiaowei, you are a fucking dog..."

With a gunshot, the shouting stopped abruptly.

Zhang Xiaowei was clever, and made a sign of the cross on his chest with a heavy complexion: "May God bless him to rest in peace."

"Do you believe in God?" Su Yi asked.

"I don't believe it." Zhang Xiaowei said, "But among the gods in the sky, God is the only one who can't understand Chinese. If he goes to complain to God, God won't understand."


"You are a real dog." Su Yi praised sincerely.

"Tell me about your superiors, your accomplices, and your actions tonight." Su Yi said, "Remember, as long as I realize that you have half a lie..."

Su Yi's expression turned cold, and he said solemnly: "A team special!"

"Understood! I understand..." Zhang Xiaowei wiped his cold sweat and hurriedly apologized.

"My superior is Lu Xiaoqiao who met you today. He is the stationmaster of the Juntong Demon City Station. Qin Xiaomo is also his subordinate. He is known as the flower of the Juntong. The reason why they approach you is because..."

People like Zhang Xiaowei really can only live in peaceful times, at least he will be considered by many people as a good person who is not worthy of him.

But in this day and age——

This guy is 100% a traitor.

Too obscene.

So wretched that Su Yi really wanted to beat him up.

But because he usually said everything that should be said and should not be said, Su Yi decided to forget it.

"Do you know Hu Xiaofei, Zeng Xianer and Tang Xiaoyou?" Su Yi asked.

"I don't know the first two, but Tang Xiaoyou seems to be Guan Gu's miraculous horse." Zhang Xiaowei said, "The two of them often date Che Zhen secretly, and once I spied on them—ahem, I accidentally saw it! It's really immoral Humph, I watched it for half an hour, and I don’t want to watch it anymore!”


Su Yi automatically filtered out the obscene elements, and then asked: "What is the special function of Guan Gu's miracle?"

"I don't know about that." Zhang Xiaowei shook his head, "He never showed it, because he never needed to do it himself."

Su Yi pondered slightly, Tang Xiaoyou, Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xian'er were obviously in the same group, but Tang Xiaoyou had been in contact with Guan Gu Miracle for a long time.

There are three possibilities -

First, these three people are all working for the Guan Gu Miracle, and they are lackeys of the Zhe Peng people;

Second, Tang Xiaoyou worked for Guan Gu Miracle, and was a Zhe Peng spy who broke into Hu Xiaofei's organization;
Third, Tang Xiaoyou is the agent that Hu Xiaofei and the others organized to break into Guan Gu Miracle.

The first possibility can be ruled out directly, the second and third...

Su Yi thought it was possible.

"We have to find a way to divide them, break them one by one, and never let them unite!" Su Yi secretly made up his mind.

Just imagine, Lu Xiaoqiao is carrying Zeng Xianer on her back and dragging herself for a long-distance run at a speed of [-] mph, spraying shit while running.After finally stopping, I started to dance the shuttlecock, and after I finished the dance, I started running and spraying shit...

If the cycle continues like this, he will go around the city for three weeks, and eventually he will be able to spit out all his intestines and die by spewing feces.

Just thinking about it makes me shudder...

Just when Zhang Xiaowei "abandoned the light and surrendered to the dark" and surrendered to Su Yi, on the other side, in that luxurious villa, Qin Xiaomo, who had just showered and changed, came to the living room on the first floor, frowned, looked at Lu Xiaoqiao and said, : "Why haven't you left yet?"

"Hey, don't you need to cross the river and tear down the bridge like this?" Lu Xiaoqiao said speechlessly, "At least I carried you back. It's been several kilometers. I ran wildly all the way. Is it easy for me?"

"Huh, Tang Xiaoyou!" Qin Xiaomo would think of what happened before, and his teeth itch with hatred, "I didn't provoke her or provoke her, but she activated her skills on me, our hatred is over! Wait, I Make her pay the price!"

"How to pay?" Lu Xiaoqiao smiled and spread her hands, "As far as I know, your 'distressed giegie' seems to only be effective for men. I advise you to forget it, so that you don't have to say a word and you..."

"Shut up!" Qin Xiaomo yelled frantically!

Thinking of her shitting under the horrified eyes of a French woman today, and pooping in the bucket of cake embryos, Qin Xiaomo felt that the whole world had become bleak.

This was the darkest moment in her life, and it was a stain she would never mention again in her life!
(End of this chapter)

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