Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 917: One Arrow and Two Eagles

Chapter 917 Two birds with one stone

"I didn't notice it before, but when I met Tang Xiaoyou today, I realized that she looks like my little aunt who had been lost for many years." Lu Xiaoqiao frowned.

Qin Xiaomo was startled, and asked later, "Is this a role-playing game that has become popular recently?"

"Of course not!" Lu Xiaoqiao rolled her eyes, "I mean she might really be my little aunt! My mother's real sister!"

"If this is the case..." Qin Xiaomo cheered up, "Will you kill my relatives for my righteousness?"

"Hey, don't be too impulsive, okay?" Lu Xiaoqiao said angrily, "Today Tang Xiaoyou killed the entire Lihua Palace by himself. We have no time to win over such a ruthless person. How could he still hurt her and offend her?"

"You still want to win her over?" Qin Xiaomo's expression was not good, "You mean, my humiliation today was in vain?"

"You can think about the problem from a different angle!" Lu Xiaoqiao persuaded, "For example-you just did a gastrointestinal maintenance today..."

"Get out!" Qin Xiaomo was so angry that her pretty face turned blue.

"Okay, since you are so resistant to this matter, let's not discuss this for now, let's talk about Su Xiaoyi." Lu Xiaoqiao forcibly changed the subject, "You also saw him today, what do you think of this person? How confident are you in your mission?"

Qin Xiaomo glared at him, and didn't hold on to Tang Xiaoyou's affairs any longer.

She pondered slightly, and said: "This person is different from what I imagined. I thought he was a bald middle-aged man with a big belly, or a greasy old man with a greasy face, but I didn't expect him to be so young, so handsome, and The body is still so strong..."

Qin Xiaomo held his heart in both hands, peach blossoms glowed in his eyes.

"Hey, he's a traitor! Remember your mission, don't be a nympho!" Lu Xiaoqiao warned with an emphatic tone.

"I can't just flirt!" Qin Xiaomo's shoulders drooped suddenly, and he pouted, "I know, good and evil can't coexist!"

"Just know!" Lu Xiaoqiao warned again, "You'd better not have any feelings for him, remember, you approach him only for work, for the righteousness of the country, and has nothing to do with anything else!"

"But today he has already suspected us!" Qin Xiaomo said, "If it wasn't for Tang Xiaoyou and the others who suddenly appeared to disrupt the situation, he would have already escaped by going to the bathroom with an excuse."

Lu Xiaoqiao smiled confidently: "No, he never doubted us!"

"Why are you so sure?" Qin Xiaomo asked.

"It's very simple," Lu Xiaoqiao said with a smile, "If you are Su Xiaoyi, I invited you to meet me at the Lihua Palace Nightclub. When you met, you sensed that we might be making some small moves. Out of vigilance, you decided to leave first, but just now Then you are suddenly attacked. Who will you suspect first?"

"Of course it's you, because you're too suspicious!" Qin Xiaomo said without thinking.

"Okay, then after you are out of danger, will you let me go?" Lu Xiaoqiao continued to ask.

Qin Xiaomo was stunned, and said: "No, but Su Xiaoyi let you go. To be precise, he left by himself and didn't talk to you at all. This just shows that he didn't suspect you at all!"

"It's not just me, it's actually us." Lu Xiaoqiao said, "Today, the three people who came out of nowhere to assassinate him all had special skills, and they made a sudden mess. As long as he is not an idiot, he should be able to think that if I really want to kill him He, I can definitely use these three people to do better, instead of being anticlimactic like tonight, with a lot of thunder and little rain."

"The most important point is that the two of us were also attacked tonight! This directly eliminates our suspicion!"

"Will he think this is our bitter plan to get rid of our suspicion of killing him?" Qin Xiaomo still asked worriedly.

"There is a possibility, so we have to take the initiative to dispel our suspicions." Lu Xiaoqiao said, "Especially your suspicions!"

"What do you want me to do?" Qin Xiaomo asked.

"You go to him now!" Lu Xiaoqiao said, "Tell him the news!"

"What's the secret?" Qin Xiaomo asked suspiciously.

"The origins of the identities of the three attackers tonight!" Lu Xiaoqiao looked at Qin Xiaomo, "I have already traced the identities of the other two people along the vine of Tang Xiaoyou. These three people are all students of Nanyang Public School. The drama is very famous in their school."

"The identities of the three of them can't be hidden from Su Xiaoyi, an old fox, and they will be exposed sooner or later. So instead of waiting for Su Xiaoyi to find out about them, why don't we tell him first, or sell him a favor, and show our innocence by the way, killing two birds with one stone."

Qin Xiaomo looked at him with strange eyes: "Are you sure you want to do this? Then what about your little aunt? Are you ignoring her life or death?"

Lu Xiaoqiao sighed and said, "For the sake of righteousness, we can only sacrifice her. Besides, don't you dislike her?"

"Didn't you say that talents are rare, and you still want to win them over?" Qin Xiaomo continued to ask.

"But I still have to test them." Lu Ziqiao said, "It depends on whether they can escape Su Xiaoyi's arrest this time. If they can, I will go to win them over. If not, it will prove that they are not worthy of being caught by me." win over."

"You are really cold-blooded." Qin Xiaomo sarcastically said, "I can't imagine what it would be like to hand over the country to someone like you after the victory of the war? Maybe it's not as good as it is now?"

"How could a person like me survive until the end of the war?" Lu Xiaoqiao laughed at herself.

Qin Xiaomo suddenly fell silent.

After a while she said: "You can send a car to take me there, if it's too late, I'm afraid Su Xiaoyi has already rested."

"Okay!" Lu Xiaoqiao nodded seriously to her, "Xiao Mo, don't worry, your sacrifice will not be in vain!"

After Qin Xiaomo left, Lu Xiaoqiao's complexion changed immediately, and she found a confidant and said, "Go to Nanyang Public School immediately, find a person named Tang Xiaoyou, and tell him that No. 76 already knows their identities and addresses, and let them Hurry up and find a place to hide!"

The subordinates took the order and left, while Lu Xiaoqiao showed a smug smile and murmured: "Now I have sold both Su Xiaoyi and Tang Xiaoyou, this is the real killing two birds with one stone!"

Nanyang Public School Auditorium.

The escaped Hu Xiaofei, Tang Xiaoyou and Zeng Xianer looked at each other with strange expressions, as if they were meeting their companions for the first time.

"Yuyou, I didn't expect you to be a person with supernatural powers who can't hide it? You can hide it very deeply." Hu Xiaofei opened the mouth with a half-smile.

"Aren't you the same?" Tang Xiaoyou said with a smile, "And President Zeng, today really impressed me."

"Hehe, everyone is mutual." Zeng Xianer raised her eyebrows triumphantly.

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(End of this chapter)

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