Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 918 Straightforward

Chapter 918 Straightforward
"Are you ashamed to be complacent? Do you really think it's a good thing that the three of us with supernatural abilities can't even kill a traitor?" Hu Xiaofei was furious when she saw Zeng Xianer's beaming expression.

"This time we faced such a good opportunity and couldn't kill him, the reason is that the three of us couldn't work together!" Hu Xiaofei said heartbrokenly, "Obviously we each have unique skills, but we didn't know each other's secrets at all before, and treated our companions as Ordinary people look at it, which led to our assassination operation this time clearly having the upper hand but still facing a disastrous ending, because we didn't cooperate at all, and we fought on our own!"

"President Zeng! You, the president, are to blame for such a thing!" Hu Xiaofei suddenly changed the subject and pointed the arrow at Zeng Xian'er, "We went to the battlefield and found out that soldiers don't know generals, and generals don't know soldiers." , there is no plan, let alone unified action, how do you become a leader? Being an official does not make decisions for the people, why not go home and sell sweet potatoes!"

"I..." Zeng Xian'er was anxious, "Student Hu Xiaofei, you seem to have forgotten one thing! Who said it yesterday - no plan is needed, let's rush into the Lihua Palace nightclub tonight and kill this traitorous dog !"

He pinched his throat to imitate Hu Xiaofei's speech.

Hu Xiaofei looked embarrassed, rolled her eyes, and argued, "That's your fault too! You are the leader, but you can't restrain your subordinates, and let her make decisions for you. This at least shows that you are a leader. Those who are weak are incompetent!"


"Why am I speechless!" Zeng Xian'er looked at Tang Xiaoyou with a dull expression.

"Because Miss Xiaofei's words are indeed very reasonable." Tang Xiaoyou said, "President Zeng, why don't you think about abdicating the throne and making way for the virtuous?"

"That's a good proposal!" Hu Xiaofei's eyes lit up immediately.

"Hey, now you guys have made it clear that you want to usurp the throne!" Zeng Xianer said dissatisfied.

"Forget it, forget it, you should continue to be your president." Hu Xiaofei waved his hand, "The top priority now is to better integrate our team and launch the next assassination operation against Mr. B as soon as possible. important!"

"That's right!" Zeng Xianer smiled immediately, "It's Xiaofei who understands righteousness."

Tang Xiaoyou rolled her eyes and said, "But having a pig-like leader is really unbearable! Sister Xiaofei, can you really bear it?"

"It doesn't matter!" Hu Xiaofei said with a smile, "Anyway, I am the one who makes the final decision, and it doesn't matter to me whether I have a leader or not."

"Wow, Miss Fei, you are so handsome!" Tang Xiaoyou made a gesture of admiration.

But in the next second, he suddenly turned his head and asked Zeng Xianer seriously: "It's clear that I'm trying to make you stand up, President Zeng, can you bear this?"

Zeng Xianer thought for a while, then nodded seriously: "I can bear it."

"Well, pretend I haven't said anything!" Tang Xiaoyou's shoulders slumped.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door suddenly, and the three of them immediately became alert.

After looking at each other, Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xianer hurriedly drew their guns.Tang Xiaoyou asked "who".

"I'm looking for classmate Tang Xiaoyou." A young man's voice came from outside the door.

Tang Xiaoyou hesitated for a moment, and opened the door, while Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xian'er hid behind the door to cover Tang Xiaoyou.

"You are..." Tang Xiaoyou didn't know the person coming.

"It doesn't matter who I am!" The visitor said with a serious face, "The important thing is that Mr. B has found out your identities, and he will come to arrest you soon! You must leave immediately and find a safe place to hide stand up!"

Tang Xiaoyou's complexion changed, and he said, "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

"..." The visitor looked at her speechlessly, "Tang Xiaoyou, you don't have to pretend to be innocent, right? The top singer of Lihua Palace, the female devil who asks people to shit, no one in the entire magic city knows about you now. Your name? The headlines on the front pages of the major newspapers tomorrow must be you."

"What? I'm going to be famous?" Tang Xiaoyou instantly became ecstatic, "I'm finally ahead, hahaha! I'm finally famous!"

\ (◎ o ◎) /!
"Student Tang Xiaoyou, I think you should first consider the situation of being wanted and hunted down by Mr. B." The visitor persuaded seriously, "Mr. B is cruel, if he catches you, he will definitely kill you."

Tang Xiaoyou's expression froze, and he said, "That's right."

The visitor handed her a note, and continued: "This is Mr. Lu's number, he asked me to tell you that if you are desperate, you can call him, and he will help you, Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people! "

"Mr. Lu?" Tang Xiaoyou was startled.

"It's Mr. Lu Xiaoqiao, the tycoon of the devil's capital." The visitor explained, and clasped his fists together, "Heroine, farewell!"

"Farewell!" Tang Xiaoyou hastily clasped his fists in return.

After closing the door, Zeng Xian'er immediately said solemnly: "Too bad, Lu Xiaoqiao, a tycoon in the magic capital, actually found out our details so quickly! Isn't he always close to Zhe Peng people? How could he be so kind to warn us? Among them Is there some kind of conspiracy?"

"Whatever conspiracy he has! The key is that we have to leave the school quickly, so as not to implicate other students and teachers." Hu Xiaofei said, "I will talk about other things later!"

Tang Xiaoyou still looked dazed: "Did you hear that? He called me a heroine just now, but he actually called me a heroine..."

Zeng Xianer patted her on the shoulder: "A heroine who asks someone to shit? Hahaha!"

"Believe it or not, I invite you to shit too?" Tang Xiaoyou rolled his eyes and said.

Zeng Xianer was startled, and hurriedly waved her hands: "No, no, no."

"I also think we have to avoid the limelight first," Tang Youyou said sternly, "It's better for us to break up into parts and hide each other, which is safer. But we'd better agree on a time and place to meet again, so as not to lose contact Not good."

On the other side, Qin Xiaomo finally walked into the gate of Su Yi's villa after passing through several sentry posts and checkpoints.

Su Yi stood in the living room, smiling as Qin Xiaomo walked in.

"Mr. B, I didn't bother you by visiting rashly, did I?" Qin Xiaomo said in a timid tone, "I wanted to come back tomorrow, but I thought you were so busy, and I was afraid that you would have trouble with me because of what happened tonight. Because of the misunderstanding, I was so anxious that I couldn't stay for a moment, I just wanted to see you quickly and explain the matter clearly to you."

Su Yi looked at Qin Xiaomo.

She changed into a dark green cheongsam, her makeup was clearly well-groomed, and she also put on flesh-colored silk stockings again. Her body smelled very strong, and it was obvious that she had just sprayed perfume.

If a woman wears perfume before meeting you, if not to seduce you, at least she is interested in you.

"Have a drink with me." Su Yi smiled, "I'll open a bottle of red wine, drink and talk."

Qin Xiaomo was stunned for a moment, and said: "I...I don't hold a lot of alcohol, so it's okay to drink red wine, but...Is there any vodka?"

"...Yes." Su Yi said with a smile.

He quickly fetched a bottle of vodka, invited Qin Xiaomo to take a seat, and poured a glass for each of them.

"Mr. Yi, let me offer you a glass of flowers first to present a Buddha to you, as a way to shock you." Qin Xiaomo said earnestly, holding up his wine glass.

"Okay." Su Yi followed suit.

After drinking one glass, Qin Xiaomo immediately picked up a second glass of wine.

"This cup is for apologizing. I met Mr. Yi tonight through the introduction of Mr. Lu. I thought it was a good thing that 'meeting you for the first time is like returning from an old friend'. I didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen. This matter Blame me, if it wasn't for me to get acquainted with Mr. B, maybe Mr. B would have left early and would not have experienced those dangers at all."

In fact, what does someone assassinate Su Yi have to do with Qin Xiaomo?
But Qin Xiaomo piled all the faults on his own head with guilt. At this time, even a man can't help but persuade her not to blame herself, and tell her that she is not to blame for this matter.

"You don't have to blame yourself too much." Su Yi persuaded, "I can't slap you. If I hadn't been greedy for your beauty, I wouldn't have stayed there. It can only be said that you have intentions, I have intentions, and responsibility We are one and a half."

Qin Xiaomo was stunned for a long time, not knowing how to answer the conversation.

"Mr. B—that's really humorous, hehehe..." After a long time, she smiled awkwardly and raised her glass to signal Su Yi to clink together.

After drinking the second glass of wine, Qin Xiaomo's train of thought picked up again.

"Mr. B, the third glass of wine is to explain to you." Qin Xiaomo said sincerely, "Mr. Lu and I are also victims of the assassination tonight, so don't doubt us, especially me, I'm just yours." An admirer who wants to get acquainted with you, I really didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"You admire me?" Su Yi smiled.

"Yes, I admire it very much." Qin Xiaomo made a gesture of admiration.

"So you approached me to sleep with me?" Su Yi asked.

\ (◎ o ◎) /!
"Mr. Yi, have you always spoken so directly and sharply?" Qin Xiaomo asked embarrassingly, blushing slightly.

"No." Su Yi looked at Qin Xiaomo, "But tonight, I hope to be honest with you."

"I... I do have a crush on you, but I hope we can take it slowly and step by step. Mr. B, what you said just now was too rude, I'm not a casual girl!" Qin Xiaomo faintly typical.

"I'm not a casual person either." Su Yi smiled, "But I'm a decisive person."

He raised his glass to gesture to Qin Xiaomo, then raised the glass and drank it.

Qin Xiaomo hastily drank it with him.

Su Yi picked up the wine bottle on the table and began to pour the fourth glass of wine.

Then he picked up the wine glass, pondered slightly, and said with a smile: "I also have a crush on you. In this world, in this era, I can give you a title. This glass of wine can be regarded as an expression of my heart. But I am not with you. Same,"

He paused, pointing at Qin Xiaomo: "I know you have other intentions in approaching me, but what I just said is pure."

After speaking, Su Yi picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

Qin Xiaomo didn't know why her heart was beating so fast, seeing Su Yi staring at her with piercing eyes after drinking, she hurriedly picked up the wine and drank it down.

Su Yi continued to pour the wine, and said with a smile: "I chose to go straight to the point, which should be unfair to you, because I can guess that you are looking forward to a relationship that will come naturally. This glass of wine is an apology, because I can only do it first. Get on the bus and make up for the fare later.”

"What do you mean?" Qin Xiaomo's heart was beating even harder, and his mouth felt dry.

Su Yi smiled at her, picked up the glass and drank it down again, and then gave Qin Xiaomo a light on the bottom of the glass.

Qin Xiaomo hesitated slightly, but also picked up the wine and drank it down.

Su Yi continued to pour the wine.

"The third glass of wine is also to explain to you." Su Yi said, "You came to my house so late to find me, and you agreed to invite you to drink. We are alone and widowed."

"Mr. B, I..."

"Needless to say!" Su Yi smiled and stretched out his hand to stop her, "I know you are not a casual person, I understand you. But tonight, you can be casual, because I will be casual too."

He picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in the glass again.

Qin Xiaomo's heart was in a mess, seeing Su Yi smiling and looking at her again, she wanted to say something, but she didn't know where to start, so she just went on drinking.

After drinking six glasses of wine in a row, Qin Xiaomo felt a little tipsy.

At this moment, she saw Su Yi on the opposite side put down his wine glass, and suddenly strode around the coffee table and walked towards her.

Qin Xiaomo was startled, and subconsciously stood up.

Seeing Su Yi's fiery eyes, she already realized what was going to happen.

She wanted to stop it, but there was eager anticipation in her heart.

Just when he was struggling, Su Yi had already walked in front of her, put his arms around her slender waist, and kissed her without hesitation!
"Uh...uh..." Qin Xiaomo was half-pushing and entangled with Su Yi at first, but suddenly struggled violently.

Su Yi let go of her, frowning slightly: "Is it so difficult?"

Qin Xiaomo panted quickly, her whole body was bound by Su Yi's powerful arms, and her two fiery bodies were tightly pressed together, tightly fitting.

"Do you like this?" Qin Xiaomo asked him, her eyes were burning with fire, she pressed Su Yi's shoulder, "Sit down...sit down!"

Su Yi half pushed and half sat down.

Qin Xiaomo took two steps back, fixed her eyes on Su Yi, bit her lip lightly, and stretched out her hand to unzip the side zipper of the cheongsam, revealing her underwear and stockings.

Then she began to take off her stockings, bent down, and stretched out a perfect arc.

Then there are cheongsams, corsets, and underwear until you can be honest.

She grabbed the vodka bottle on the table, took a big gulp and put it in her mouth, then strode forward, sat on Su Yi's lap, and kissed Su Yi without hesitation.

The throats of the two were surging at the same time, and the spicy wine was swallowed by them at the same time.

The hot taste instantly ignited everything, and Su Yi's hands seemed to be caressing the warm silk, slippery without holding back.

Suddenly he got up, carried Qin Xiaomo on his shoulders, and strode towards the second floor.

Qin Xiaomo exclaimed, but soon twisted his neck like a snake, found Su Yi's lips, and kissed frantically.

The two stumbled up the stairs, Su Yi kicked open the door of the bedroom, and threw Qin Xiaomo on the bed.

He spewed flames from his eyes, quickly tore off his clothes, and rushed forward.

Outside the window, a dark cloud secretly covered the crescent moon, as if shyly refusing to look at it.

 Don't be Commander Four...

(End of this chapter)

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