Chapter 919
The happy beating passed by in a daze, how much happiness is hazy here...

after a long time...

Drenched in sweat, the two lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling together, entering the sage time.

Both of them had their own concerns and remained silent.

After a long time, Qin Xiaomo suddenly turned over and pressed on Su Yi's body, staring into Su Yi's eyes and asking: "Is what you said before true?"

"As long as I say what I say, there will be no falsehood." Su Yi said.

"Including the sentence that you said you would give me a title?" Qin Xiaomo asked.

"Of course." Su Yi said.

"Okay! I want you to marry me, eight palanquins to marry me in!" Qin Xiaomo gritted his teeth.


Su Yi looked at her, reached out to touch her face, and said, "OK."

At this moment, Su Yi's tenderness made Qin Xiaomo intoxicated. She lay on Su Yi's strong chest, feeling his powerful heartbeat.

"Aren't you afraid of marrying a traitor?" Su Yi asked suddenly.

"Will you not be a traitor for me?" Qin Xiaomo asked.

"No." Su Yi replied without hesitation.

Qin Xiaomo was silent for a moment, then quietly said: "Then I will have to marry a traitor."

"Even if someone scolds you?" Su Yi asked.

"Yes." Qin Xiaomo smiled, "It's like a small stream. I know that I will lose myself if it merges into the sea. I have no complaints or regrets, and I will keep flowing forward forever."

These words made Su Yi quite moved.

He remained silent for a while, and said, "Break the relationship with Lu Xiaoqiao."

The soft and warm body in his arms froze.

"You won't let me break off all friends of the opposite sex, will you?" Qin Xiaomo joked nonchalantly, "You want me to stay at home and care for my husband and children?"

"You know what I mean." Su Yi said calmly, "I caught Zhang Xiaowei today, and he recruited everything."

Qin Xiaomo's body froze again.

Su Yi continued: "A party that achieves its goals by selling women is not trustworthy at all. The mountains and rivers are broken and the wind and rain are precarious. The happiest woman in this era is to marry a man who can keep her behind, not to rely on a The party that needs her sacrifice at any time."

"You know I'm the commander of the military, but you're still like me? You still tell me these things? You still say you're responsible for me?" Qin Xiaomo's voice trembled a little.

"You are Qin Xiaomo first, then you are a woman, and finally you are a military commander." Su Yi said, "The first two will never change, that's why I like you. And the military don't have to be."

"I can negotiate a condition with Lu Xiaoqiao, the condition is to let you go, and never pester you again." Su Yi said, his hands started to play tricks

"Hmm~" Qin Xiaomo made an unnatural voice from his nasal cavity.

"You don't have to carry so many things, and you don't have to do things you don't want to do." Su Yi said, "If you want a pure and beautiful relationship, think about it carefully."

He fiddled with his fingers.

Qin Xiaomo had a feeling and began to cooperate with his movements.

Five thousand two hundred and thirty-one characters are omitted.

Maybe this moment really doesn't have to think too much.

No, there is nothing to think about, nothing to say.

At the same time, at the other end of the city, Guan Gu Miracle also hugged Tang Youyou and entered the time of the sage.

"Guan Gu-jun, I wanted to provoke Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xian'er to fight for power and profit, but unfortunately I didn't succeed. I also regret that Mr. Yi was not killed." Tang Xiaoyou said regretfully.

"It's okay, Xiaoyou!" Guan Gu said with a smile, "You can't do it once, but you can come a second time or a third time. Su Xiaoyi will never escape from my grasp. But to provoke Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xian'er, you Don't do it again. What I need now is not them killing each other, what I need is Su Xiaoyi, who must die!"

After a pause, he said to Tang Xiaoyou: "Although I didn't come to the scene today, I have heard about everything that happened on the scene. Unexpectedly, Hu Xiaofei and the others are also people with special abilities. In this way, Xiaoyou, you You have to be more careful and lurk beside these two people."

Tang Xiaoyou sighed and said, "Guan Gu, I'm afraid that if I stay with them again, I will have more feelings for them. I really don't want to live the days of betraying my friends."

"Xiaoyou, even if it's for me, you must persevere!" Guan Gu Miracle said seriously, "The more powerful Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xian'er are, the more dangerous they are to the empire! I want you to keep an eye on them, and Properly guiding them to be used by the empire is actually for their own good!"

"Sooner or later, the empire will rule the entire country of Hua. At that time, all rebels will be liquidated. Rebels like Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xian'er who are enemies of Dazhe Peng will definitely be punished most severely." Punishment! But Xiaoyou, you are now leading them to make meritorious service for the empire, and in the future, these can be counted as their credit, which can offset their crimes, you are saving them, Xiaoyou!"

Tang Xiaoyou hesitated: "...Really?"

"Of course." Guan Gu said miraculously, "Xiaoyou, what you are doing now may not be understood by others, but in the end history will prove who is right and who is wrong."

Tang Xiaoyou's expression gradually became firm: "Guan Gu, you are right, I am actually helping them!"

"Very good, you're right to think so." Guan Gu miraculously said happily, "Tomorrow, I will ask Su Xiaoyi to come to my residence in person and explain to me about the Lihua Palace nightclub. Attack him again on the way. The three of you have unique skills, as long as you work together, Su Xiaoyi will definitely not be your opponent!"

"Do it again tomorrow?" Tang Xiaoyou frowned, "Could it be too hasty?"

"No, it's not hasty at all." Guan Gu said miraculously, "It's just the opposite. Su Xiaoyi would never have thought that you would launch a second attack on him so soon. If you attack him tomorrow, he won't be too well prepared. , On the contrary, it will be easier to succeed! Moreover, I will make Zhe Peng’s military police never rush to the scene within half an hour, creating excellent convenience for your actions and retreats.”

Tang Xiaoyou frowned, hesitated to speak a few times, and finally nodded slowly: "Okay, I'll go and convince Hu Xiaofei and the others as soon as possible, and continue to do it."

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Su Yi kissed Qin Xiaomo's forehead who was still asleep, got up and left the bedroom.

As soon as he left, Qin Xiaomo opened his eyes.

Her eyes showed a series of complex expressions such as disappointment, satisfaction, entanglement, and confusion. Suddenly Hong Guoguo stood up, walked to the window and opened the curtains.

The bright red sun shines on her in the early morning.

After a brief wash, Su Yi went directly to No. 76.

"The house is deserted, please hire an old lady to be the nanny," Su Yi told Su Xiaoer who was driving, "You can transfer one from the organization, but you and I cannot be exposed."

"You want to keep an eye on Miss Qin?" Su Xiaoer guessed.

"No, don't take any precautions or restrictions on her." Su Yi said lightly.

"Why?" Su Xiaoer wondered, "Because of love?"

"No," Su Yi shook his head, "because I won't use this method to deal with my own woman."

"The matter between you and Ms. Qin has to be reported to the organization..." Su Xiaoer said quietly.

Su Yi glanced at him and said, "I am your leader, come on, report to me."


Before Su Yi entered the gate of No. 76, he was stopped by Zhang Xiaowei.

"Mr. Guan Gu said he wants to see you." Zhang Xiaowei said seriously to Su Xiaoyi while lying outside the car window, he glanced at Su Xiaoer, hesitant to speak.

"Say, one of my own." Su Yi said.

Zhang Xiaowei nodded and said: "He specifically told me not to follow, and even found an excuse for me not to go with you,"

Su Yi's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly.

"Good job." After a while, Su Yi came back to his senses and gave Zhang Xiaowei an encouraging look, "I have a task for you, find some sponges, cotton, toilet paper, cotton cloth and elastic, and send them to me within five minutes." to the office."

Zhang Xiaowei looked confused, and just wanted to ask why he wanted these things, but Su Yi had already asked Su Xiaoer to drive into the No. 76 compound.

At the same time, after dressing up, Qin Xiaomo went out to meet Lu Xiaoqiao at the agreed place.

Lu Xiaoqiao's car was parked by the side of the road, she opened the door and got into the car, and the car started immediately.

In the slowly driving car, Lu Xiaoqiao looked at Qin Xiaomo expectantly: "How is it?"

"How about what you asked?" Qin Xiaomo asked back.

"Of course it's information!" Lu Xiaoqiao excitedly said, "Where is that batch of ammunition? You stayed with him all night, and you didn't ask anything useful, did you?"

Qin Xiaomo stared at him for a while, then said: "He is very cautious, he doesn't trust me at all, I didn't dare to ask him."

Lu Xiaoqiao frowned, and said: "It's better not to rush, then weave this trap deeper..."


Qin Xiaomo interrupted him, and asked in a questioning tone: "You think this is a trap? What kind of trap? My body?"

Lu Xiaoqiao was taken aback, and said, "For the revolution..."

"I've heard of people throwing their heads and blood for the revolution, but I've never heard of people selling themselves for the revolution!" Qin Xiaomo said excitedly, "If a party really wants to achieve its goal by sacrificing a woman's innocence, is this party really willing to sacrifice its life for the sake of revolution?" Is it worthy of trust and expectation?"

"Qin Xiaomo!" Lu Xiaoqiao stared at her and pointed at her with a bad tone, "What you said just now is dangerous! It's also very rebellious, I want you to take back what you just said!"

"I can take back my words, but can I take back what I lost!" Qin Xiaomo was still very excited, "Who do you think I am? Who do you think he is? Do you think I only paid for my body? Not me Let me tell you, I still have my heart! Su Xiaoyi is either a good man with deep affection and sex, or a master at manipulating people's hearts!"

"He not only wants to get into my body, he also wants to get into my heart! Like a snake, it gets deeper and deeper! I have to let him in like Little Red Riding Hood who opened the door for the big bad wolf. Once he comes in, I Just get deeper! I don't know if this trap is for him or for me..."

"Shut up!" Lu Xiaoqiao said with a gloomy face, "As an intelligence officer, there is only one belief in my heart, and that is loyalty! Loyal to the leader, loyal to the party, and loyal to the country! Qin Xiaomo, you think too much, and It's all things you shouldn't be thinking about!"

Qin Xiaomo smiled miserably: "Maybe. But let me tell you, these are the things I shouldn't think about, and they are the things I care about the most! You can't give me these things, and you won't give them to me. Only he, he will Give it, and you are willing to give it to me."

"What do you mean?" Lu Xiaoqiao's face turned black.

"I will try my best to find out the whereabouts of that batch of ammunition for you." Qin Xiaomo suddenly lost his interest and said, "Let me get out of the car."

Two minutes later, Qin Xiaomo got out of the car and left under Lu Xiaoqiao's gloomy expression.

76 number.

In Su Yi's office.

Su Yi quickly made three "diapers" out of sponges, toilet paper, cotton cloth, cotton, etc. He put on one on the spot, and then went out with the other two.

Along the way, Su Yi was thinking about how to decipher Hu Xiaofei's supernatural powers, but it was not easy, and Su Yi didn't know what they would do with their supernatural powers.

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way, and Su Yi arrived at Guan Gu's miraculous mansion safely.

The guy was still painting in the yard, and when he saw Su Yi coming, he waved happily for Su Yi to enjoy his paintings.

"Susan, take a look, how is my painting?" He asked with a sense of expectation.

Su Yi stepped forward to take a look, and immediately frowned.


He identified it carefully for a while, hesitated for a while, and said honestly: "The painting is not very good, the trunk of this elephant is painted like a pig."

Guan Gu's miraculous expression disappeared immediately, and he said quietly, "This is not an elephant, this is Pinocchio!"

"Really?" Su Yi was taken aback, and said, "Then why are his ears so big?"

"That's not the ear, it's his two arms!" Guan Gu Miracle's face darkened a bit.

"Impossible!" Su Yi's eyes widened, "Why do the arms grow where the ears are?"

"It's because I'm drawing Pinocchio lying down and his body is hidden by his head, so it looks like the arms are over the ears."


Su Yi wondered to Guan Gu: "I think you should stop painting."

Guan Gu miraculously snorted: "Susan, your appreciation ability needs to be improved! Forget it, it's hard to find a bosom friend, let's talk about work."

He changed the subject: "I heard about the incident at the Lihua Palace last night. Do you think your attack was caused by the military command or the underground party?"

"I think there is someone colluding inside and outside to kill me." Su Yi said seriously without thinking, "Mr. Guan Gu, there is a traitor among us!"

Guan Gu Miracle remained calm: "Who do you think this traitor will be?"

Su Yi looked at Guan Gu's miracle, and said, "I think I'm suspected."

(End of this chapter)

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