Chapter 920
"You think it's you?" Guan Gu frowned, "You mean, you betrayed yourself and you were assassinated? Susan, this joke is not appropriate at all, because we are discussing serious work!"

"No, I'm not joking, I'm just discussing with you who is suspected of being a traitor." Su Yi smiled, "Knowing that I went to the Lihua Palace Nightclub, there are five people on the surface, and I am one of them, so I am at least suspected of betraying myself."

"It's possible for me to direct and act in a scene where I was assassinated, so I beg Mr. Guan Gu to check me out and see if I did it this time."

"Self-directed and acted? Fake assassination?" Guan Gu Miracle was a little dazed, "But you don't have to do that at all."

"So, you ruled out my suspicion?" Su Yi asked.

Guan Gu Miracle didn't know what Su Yi wanted to do, so he nodded hesitantly: "Of course, I don't think you are directing and acting on your own."

"If it's not me, then it's you." Su Yi pointed at Guan Gu's miracle, "Mr. Guan Gu, you are the one who wanted to kill me! You led the assassination last night, right?"

Guan Gu Miracle's face changed, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Susan, what nonsense are you talking about! You are my most capable assistant, the best friend of the Great Zhe Peng Empire, and our hero, how could I kill you? Why should I kill you?"

"Then it's not you." Su Yi changed his words immediately, and said with a smile, "It's not me, and it's not you. The people who knew I went to the Lihua Palace Nightclub last night, and Lu Xiaoqiao and Qin Xiaomo."

"These two people didn't dare to kill me, and they wouldn't be so stupid as to ask me out to kill me again, and they had no reason to kill me, I think their suspicion can be ruled out, what do you think, Mr. Guan Gu ?”

Guan Gu Miracle nodded slightly: "Yes, they should not be the ones who want to kill you."

"Then there is only the last suspect left." Su Yi smiled and looked at Guan Gu Miracle, "Zhang Xiaowei! He is the only one who knows my whereabouts besides the four of us."

"Your secretary?" Guan Gu frowned miraculously, "You actually doubt your secretary? He is your closest assistant and most trusted person. Do you have any evidence to prove that he betrayed you?"

"Throwing aside all the impossibilities, the remaining one is the only possibility, no matter how impossible it is." Su Yi said lightly, "Mr. Guan Gu, I don't need any evidence. If it wasn't him, who else would it be?"

Guan Gu Miracle frowned: "Such a judgment is too arbitrary. After all, he is your secretary. You should give him more trust. Maybe you should listen to his explanation."

"No, it doesn't need to be so troublesome." Su Yi shook his head, "I'm very busy with work and have to deal with many dangers. I don't have the time or energy to play guessing games with my secretary. I decided to use the most straightforward way... ..."

Su Yi paused, staring at Guan Gu Miracle: "I decided to kill him, once and for all."

Miracle Guan Gu was taken aback: "No! You can't do that!"

"Why?" Su Yi frowned, "I don't remember his background, I won't have any trouble if I kill him."

"I mean, what if you kill the wrong one?" Guan Gu wondered.

"Then he's unlucky." Su Yi smiled, "People are always going to die, and it's his honor to die for me."

"However, killing your secretary will also affect your reputation." Guan Gu Miracle persuaded again.

"I'm already notorious, and the word reputation has no effect on me." Su Yi said.


"No but, I'd rather kill the wrong than let it go, this is the code of conduct that you Zhe Peng people taught me!" Su Yi smiled, "Mr. Guan Gu, I just want to kill my secretary, it's just insignificant to you You should not care about such trivial things, seem to care about Zhang Xiaowei's life and death?"

Guan Gu frowned, did not reply, but stared at Su Yi and asked again: "Do you really have to kill him?"

Su Yi nodded: "I have to kill him, I'll kill him when I get back."

Guan Gu Miracle couldn't help but sighed: "But I can't let you kill him."

With that said, Guan Gu Miracle stood up and walked across to Su Yi.

Su Yi tensed up all of a sudden.

"I want you, forgive Zhang Xiaowei." Guan Gu wondered, staring at Su Yi's eyes.

As soon as Su Yi raised his eyebrows, he was about to say "why", but at this moment, the music sounded——

"Listen to me, thank you, because of you, the four seasons are warm..."

Guan Gu miraculously bowed to the end, and began to perform gesture dance.

"Thank you, thank you, the world is more beautiful..."

Miracle Guan Gu then bowed and danced.

At this time, Su Yi suddenly had various thoughts, such as——

"It's not easy for Zhang Xiaowei. He also has difficulties. I should forgive him."

"Zhang Xiaowei is worthy of my trust. I should not blame him, but thank him."

"Zhang Xiaowei is not wrong, what is wrong is this world..."

"I want to thank you, because with you, love is always in my heart..."

The Miracle of Guan Gu has already bowed three times. At this time, Su Yi's heart is full of gratitude and "pity" to Zhang Xiaowei, and he has no bad thoughts about this life.

"Thank you, thank you for having you, and passing on happiness."

Guangu Miracle bowed four times, smiled and straightened up, ending his dance.

Su Yi said to Guan Gu with a face full of remorse: "Zhang Xiaowei is so great, I still doubt him, I'm not as good as a beast!"

This is Su Yi's heartfelt thought at this time.

Guan Gu Miracle smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, Zhang Xiaowei is a very generous person, he will definitely forgive you, but you have to trust him more in the future, even if you doubt his compensation this time."


"Okay, Mr. Guan Gu!" Su Yi nodded and agreed, "Don't worry, I will treat Zhang Xiaowei well!"

"Yuxi." Guan Gu Miraculously nodded in satisfaction.

"Mr. Guan Gu, if there is nothing else, I will leave first." Su Yi bid farewell.

"Go." Guan Gu Miracle nodded.

After watching Su Yi leave, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"If you die, naturally I don't have to worry about anything. But if you still can't die this time...I can't make you doubt Zhang Xiaowei, let alone kill him." He smiled, "Zhang Xiaowei, he is a good dog who is more obedient than you."

Su Yi's face immediately became extremely serious when he left the door.

He was forced to change his attitude towards Zhang Xiaowei by Guan Gu's miraculous "Listen to me, thank you"!
In Su Yi's current memory, he originally wanted Zhang Xiaowei to escape by feigning death at Guangu Miracle, because although Zhang Xiaowei took refuge in him, Su Yi doubted that Zhang Xiaowei would still be two-faced and choose both ways.

So Su Yi decided to let him fake his death and become a card that he hid in the dark.

That's why he used words to hold Guan Gu Miracle back, and decided to force Zhang Xiaowei to feign death, and see if he could test out Guan Gu Miracle's true attitude.

Unexpectedly, this test really produced a big thunder!
"Special function: Craftsman spirit - you dance the gesture dance of "Listen to me, thank you", which can make the set goals (single or multiple) change their views on someone or something, and generate forgiveness, sympathy, and emotion empathy."

This is the special function of Guan Gu's miracle. If it weren't for the reminder sent by the terminal, Su Yi really wouldn't have realized that he had been tricked!
Because he felt that everything that happened was reasonable, smooth, logical and common sense.

It was reasonable for him to want Zhang Xiaowei to fake his death, it was reasonable for Guan Gu Miracle to persuade him to dance "Listen to me thank you" for him, he thought everything through, and felt that Zhang Xiaowei was great and pitiful, and also very reasonable!

In the end, he forgave Zhang Xiaowei and decided to give Zhang Xiaowei more trust, which was logical and reasonable!

If it wasn't for the prompt from the terminal, Su Yi wouldn't have noticed anything wrong!
This special function is too heaven-defying!It may seem tasteless, but it can actually affect people's thinking and mind!
That is to say, Su Yi has a terminal prompt message, what if he doesn't?
Su Yi will feel from the bottom of his heart that Zhang Xiaowei really deserves to be forgiven, and that he is great, he will not notice anything, and will give Zhang Xiaowei more trust and understanding from now on, even if he is betrayed by the other party again, he will feel that Zhang Xiaowei must have Sorry, I have to forgive this person...

How terrible is this?

This ability to unconsciously change other people's thoughts and opinions is nothing short of black magic!It's black magic!

On the return bus, Su Yi no longer let himself entangle himself in this matter, he had more important "top priorities" to consider.

What Guan Gu Miracle never expected was that Zhang Xiaowei had already betrayed him first.

He specifically told Zhang Xiaowei not to follow Su Yi to see him this morning, what does this mean?
Even a fool can guess that this is a sign that he is going to attack Su Yi again.

Zhang Xiaowei was not allowed to follow because he was afraid that Zhang Xiaowei would be implicated.

There was no danger on the way here, and Su Yi was sure that the attack would most likely happen on the way back.

If it was still the three people who did it last night, it can be predicted that they will cooperate more tacitly this time, and this attack will definitely be more lethal.

After the car left the road where Guan Gu Miracle's villa was located, Su Xiaoer asked, "Do you want to change the car?"

On the way here, Su Yi was worried about danger, so he deliberately changed cars with the bodyguards in the car behind.

Su Yi pondered slightly, nodded and said: "Change, our car is still the last one."

"The road back to No. 76 from here will pass through a section of coastal shrub land." Su Yi continued, "If someone really wants to attack me, it is an excellent place to attack. The rest of the road is either too crowded or not. Suitable for ambush."

"You mean..." Su Xiaoer asked.

"Slow down a little when we get there, I'll get off first." Su Yi made a decision, "Then you continue to move forward. If something goes wrong, remember to brake and stop immediately!"

"Understood!" Su Xiaoer nodded heavily.

The two did not notify the bodyguards under them, and the convoy moved forward as usual.

When approaching the coastal shrub land, Su Yi's car slowed down, Su Yi suddenly opened the door and jumped out of the car, rolling into the grass on the side of the road.

Su Xiaoer, who was driving, quickly closed the door and continued to drive forward as usual.

Su Yi, who jumped out of the car, checked his bullets and the "special weapon" he had prepared. Like a nimble leopard, he quickly shuttled forward in the forest.

At the other end of the forest, Hu Xiaofei, Zeng Xian'er, and Tang Xiaoyou were also lying in ambush in a ravine, anxiously waiting for the fish to enter the net.

"Xiaoyou, is your source reliable? Will Su Xiaoyi really pass by here?" Zeng Xian'er couldn't help asking again.

"Don't worry, President, my source of information is absolutely reliable!" Tang Xiaoyou swore, "Such a big thing happened last night, Zeng Xiaoyi will definitely report the situation to his master Zhe Peng today, and this is the nearest place from No. 76 to Hongkou If there is no accident, he will definitely go back here."

"Xiaoyou, you are very well-informed recently!" Hu Xiaofei said casually while staring at the road ahead, "Why didn't we know that you have such a well-informed source?"

"It's just... coincidence! Yes, coincidence!" Tang Xiaoyou smirked, "I just got the news by accident, plus a little reasonable speculation..."

"Quiet!" Zeng Xian'er's face suddenly changed, and she pressed her ears to the ground.

"I heard the sound of a car!" Zeng Xianer excitedly said, "Here they come! They are here!"

"Are you sure?" Tang Xiaoyou asked eagerly.

"I'm sure! It must be a car, and more than one!" Zeng Xianer swore.

"Is there a total of three?" Hu Xiaofei asked.

"It should be, your ears can hear it too?" Zeng Xian'er still pressed her ears to the ground.

"Is there still a flag on the first car?" Hu Xiaofei continued to ask.

Zeng Xian'er was suddenly shocked: "You can even hear the sound of the flag fluttering? Your ears are too sharp, aren't you?"

Hu Xiaofei said with a blank expression: "If you are not blind, please raise your head and have a look! The three cars are just ahead and you can see them at a glance. Do you still need to listen?"

Zeng Xian'er started talking, and looked at the three cars approaching not far away.

"Su Xiaoyi must be sitting in the car!" Zeng Xianer excitedly said, "We must succeed this time!"

Tang Xiaoyou clenched her fists to cheer up: "If you don't succeed, you will succeed..."

Hu Xiaofei covered her mouth and said angrily, "Can't you say something auspicious?"

Tang Xiaoyou hurriedly nodded like a chicken pecking rice, indicating that she understood.

Only then did Hu Xiaofei let go of her mouth, and said to the two with a solemn expression: "Everyone, this is not a drill! Repeat, this is not a drill! Whether you can kill Su Xiaoyi, a traitorous dog, depends on it!"

"We have already discussed the strategy before, and the time has come to test the results of our wisdom! At the critical moment, no one can lose the chain, remember, don't be afraid! gogogo!"

The three of them pumped their fists together to encourage themselves, and then looked at the car that was getting closer. They were ready to go, ready for a thunderous blow at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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