Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 921 Assassination

Chapter 921 Assassination
This was a premeditated attack, launched by Tang Xiaoyou, the most famous poop man in today's Shiliyangchang, Hu Xiaofei, a fitness man, and Zeng Xianer, a beating man.

These three nicknames were not made blindly, but the voice of the masses.

The righteous deed of the three of them to assassinate Mr. Yi, the traitor, has long since spread throughout the entire Demon City.The big commotion they created in the Lihua Palace last night was widely praised and talked about by the citizens of Shanghai.

No one could have imagined that after a failed assassination last night, they would dare to commit crimes against the wind today.

When the car came within 100 meters of Hu Xiaofei, the music sounded suddenly!
bang bang bang...

One of the three cars counted as one, and all of them hit a tree.

Because at the moment when the music started, everyone was tense and unable to move, and the car suddenly lost control.

"If Hua Tuo is reborn, Chongyang will be healed, and foreigners will come to learn Chinese characters, which will stimulate my national consciousness..."

When the singing sounded, only the sound of bones breaking came from the crooked car.

They couldn't stretch their bodies in the car, but they had to start doing shuttlecock exercises. The space inside the car was small, and there were various obstacles such as seats, but their arms and legs were uncontrollably making shuttlecock exercises.

This jump could be fatal.

Forcibly standard movements directly broke the bones of the people in the car, but they still couldn't stop, and continued to jump with their broken limbs.

Even Hu Xiaofei didn't expect this result!
Her original purpose was to control the field, and then find Su Xiaoyi himself while singing, ready to kill.

After the singing stopped, Zeng Xiaoxian, who was riding a motorcycle, immediately activated the skill "Nen Room Tender Stack" seamlessly, leading everyone to run a marathon.

During this process, Hu Xiaofei and Tang Xiaoyou cooperated to easily kill Su Xiaoyi who was running while running.

That's their whole plan.

But unexpectedly, the first step of the plan went wrong.

But this mistake seems to be developing in a good direction...

"I have a leisurely expression, I dance roughly, and my movements are relaxed and comfortable. You can't learn..."

Once the singing sounded, even Hu Xiaofei couldn't stop the skill.

Everyone can only stop after three minutes and 29 seconds.

During this process, only Hu Xiaofei can move!

She quickly arrived at the place where three cars were hit and stopped on the side of the road.

Glancing at the first car, the horror inside made her, the instigator, feel her scalp numb and her face turn pale, she couldn't bear to take a second look.

But Su Xiaoyi was not in this car, she hurried to check the second car.

"Yam Angelica Goji Berry GO, Yam Angelica Goji Berry GO..."

The singing continued, and the five people in the second car had almost all their limbs broken, but they were still struggling to shake their broken and twisted limbs, dancing the shuttlecock, and three of them fainted from the pain, but their bodies were still following The beat of the music moves.

Hu Xiaofei looked a little disgusted.Feeling fuzzy.

There was no sign of Su Xiaoyi in this car, so she hurried to look in the third car.

There was no one in the third car!

The door of the driver's seat of the car was wide open, but not far from the car, there was a man standing on the side of the road struggling to dance the shuttlecock. His body was covered with dirt!

It's a pity that this person is not Su Xiaoyi, but the driver Su Xiaoer!
With Su Yi's reminder, he jumped out of the car before it entered Hu Xiaofei's 100 meters range, allowing the car to lose control and crash into a tree.

At the beginning, Su Xiaoer didn't get hit because he was 100 meters away from Hu Xiaofei.

But he didn't expect Hu Xiaofei to come over!

As soon as Hu Xiaofei came, he immediately jumped up with a "bass" and started jumping on the spot.

It was in vain.

"Not here?" Hu Xiaofei was stunned, and then her heart began to sink.

Su Xiaoyi is not in the car!
At this time, Zeng Xian'er and Tang Xiaoyou were standing a hundred meters away, ready to wait for Hu Xiaofei's skills to end, and immediately seamlessly connect to the master.

But none of them expected that Su Xiaoyi was not there!

Hu Xiaofei looked around reluctantly, but there was no sign of Su Xiaoyi at all.

Not even a hair!

"Squatting down again as a little zombie, chanting a spell, blah blah blah..."

The song had come to an end, but Hu Xiaofei still couldn't find Su Xiaoyi.

Her expression changed drastically, thinking of Su Xiaoyi's extraordinary skill last night, she had an extremely bad premonition in her heart.

She suddenly ran towards the direction where Zeng Xiaoxian was hiding, shouting loudly while running: "Get out! Get out! This is a trap!"

Zeng Xiaoxian over there's expression changed, and he immediately started the motorcycle.

At the moment Tang Xiaoyou was standing on the other side, and she was also looking at Hu Xiaofei the whole time. Seeing Hu Xiaofei's reaction like this, she was also taken aback.

I was about to run over in a hurry to meet them.

But just after two steps, a figure suddenly appeared from the grass on one side, and threw Tang Xiaoyou to the ground.

Tang Xiaoyou turned pale with shock, and blurted out the words that had been on her lips a long time ago: "You're here to shit, huh..."

Cuckoo, puff...

The person who sprang out was Su Yi!
Although he moved quickly, Tang Xiaoyou still jumped out of that fatal sentence as quickly as beans poured from a bamboo tube.

Feeling the warmth and humidity in the crotch quickly soaked the buttocks.

With a dark face, Su Yi covered Tang Xiaoyou's mouth with one hand, and turned his palm into a knife with the other, and fell down suddenly, knocking her unconscious.

Then, while spraying shit, he quickly tore Tang Xiaoyou's clothes, quickly bound her hands and feet, and gagged her mouth.

After he finished these, the uproar in his stomach also stopped.

Fortunately, the quality of the diapers he made was not bad, and there was no leakage in the test.

But it was impossible for him to fight with his poop in his pants, so under the cover of the bushes, he quickly stripped off his lower body on the spot and started to clean up the mess.

The music had stopped, and on the other side, Zeng Xian'er, who had started his motorcycle, and Hu Xiaofei, who was sitting behind him, were anxiously waiting for Tang Xiaoyou's arrival.

But wait and see, Tang Xiaoyou didn't come out.

"Is there anything wrong?" Zeng Xian'er trembled.

"Shout!" Hu Xiaofei gritted her teeth and ordered, "Shout and everyone will come! Let's wait for the opportunity."

"Okay!" Zeng Xian'er gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and shouted in his dantian, "The nest is tender!"

"I'll go to your uncle..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hu Xiaofei knocked him to the ground with a round and round punch.

Hu Xiaofei didn't wait for him to react and catch up to him, and then stomped on his face!

"Don't hit! Don't hit! Spare me!" Zeng Xian'er howled miserably.

Hu Xiaofei came back to her senses with a quick wit, and was startled when she realized what she had done.

"Uh... Saori!"

She casually said that Zeng Xianer hurriedly looked around, and then saw Su Yi running towards this side with his lower body naked.

When she looked over, Zeng Xianer's "taunting" effect had just passed, and Su Yi hurriedly stopped and quickly put on his pants.

Hu Xiaofei's eyes widened in horror.

Ass is so white...


The messy thoughts were instantly emptied, she pulled up Zeng Xian'er whose face was covered with blood and hurriedly shouted: "Su Xiaoyi is here, run!"

"Ah, why did you hit me!" Zeng Xian'er covered her nose and yelled in grief and indignation.

"Bastard! It's too late!" Hu Xiaofei was sweating profusely, took out the pistol at his waist and shot at Su Yi.

Su Yi predicted in advance that Tumbling was lying in the grass.

Seeing this, Hu Xiaofei's eyes lit up and shouted: "Zeng Xian'er, hurry up, call him out!"

"No! Don't shout! If you shout, you will hit me!" Zeng Xian'er held her nose and yelled in horror.

"I promise not to fight! Hurry up! Call him out, and I'll just shoot him!" Hu Xiaofei said anxiously, "Don't miss this opportunity, Zeng Xian'er!"

"Okay, die or die, fight!" Zeng Xian'er gritted her teeth and hid behind a tree, shouting loudly: "The nest is tender!"

Hu Xiaofei and Su Yiqiqi, who was hiding in the bushes, changed their expressions, and they got up at the same time and shot at the big tree where Zeng Xianer was hiding.

bang bang bang...

As the sawdust fell and flew, Zeng Xian'er was so frightened that she covered her head and screamed.

"Hu Xiaofei, you lied to me!" He yelled in horror.

Su Yi and Hu Xiaofei emptied all the bullets in the gun, still not relieved, they gritted their teeth and rushed towards Zeng Xian'er.

Fortunately, the mocking time was only three seconds, and the three seconds passed quickly, and Hu Xiaofei and Su Yi woke up at the same time.

Without saying a word, Su Yi threw the gun in his hand towards Hu Xiaofei, who hurriedly turned his head to one side.

But Su Yi on the opposite side pointed at Hu Xiaofei almost at the same time and shouted: "Please Pan Zhoudan!"


Hu Xiaofei moved her neck like a snake, her eyes widened in horror, and she found that her face was facing the flying gun again.

At the last moment, Hu Xiaofei barely raised her arm to block the flying gun, but after a delay, Su Yi had already arrived in front of Hu Xiaofei, and jumped up and kicked Hu Xiaofei.

"Please Pan Zhoudan!" Su Yiren shouted again in mid-air.

Hu Xiaofei dodged to one side in embarrassment, but her neck snaked to the other side. She heard a thud, and she screamed in pain.


Seeing that Su Yi was going to activate his skills endlessly, Hu Xiaofei was terrified, and immediately activated his skills first.

The music sounded, and Su Yi, who was about to catch up, suddenly jumped on the spot, spreading his legs and arms.

There was an extremely depressed look on his face.

"If Hua Tuo is reborn, Chongyang will be healed, and foreigners will come to learn Chinese characters, which will stimulate my national consciousness..."

He and Zeng Xianer danced the shuttlecock on the spot.

Hu Xiaofei clutched her neck and climbed up from the ground in pain and embarrassment, glared at Su Yi fiercely, began to pick up the gun on the ground, then loaded the gun with bullets, and pointed the muzzle at Su Yi.

She stood right in front of Su Yi, pointed her gun at Su Yi, and only waited for the moment when the music stop skill ended, then immediately pulled the trigger, killing Su Yi.

"Yam Angelica Goji Berry GO, Yam Angelica Goji Berry GO..."

The music continued, and Su Yi couldn't stop dancing.

Hu Xiaofei approached with a sneer, the muzzle of the gun was less than a foot away from Su Yi's head.

According to the characteristics of her special function, when the music is playing, no one can hurt the dancers, including Hu Xiaofei herself.

But the dancers couldn't move either. Once the music ended, at such a close distance, if she hooked her fingers, Su Yi would be killed on the spot.

Su Yi is still dancing, facing such a desperate situation, his expression is still very calm, as if he doesn't care about his own life or death at all.

He has lived to this day, and he has experienced countless life and death crises, big and small, but he has never experienced such a weird situation.

Could it be that the moment the music stopped was the moment when he died?

Su Yi is betting!

Bet he's faster than Hu Xiaofei pulling the trigger!
He has confidence in himself, because it is not uncommon for him to dodge bullets.

"Squatting down again as a little zombie, chanting a spell, blah blah blah..."

The song finally came to an end, Hu Xiaofei saw sweat on his forehead, pointed the pistol at Su Yi's head, put his finger on the trigger, as if waiting for the first moment to shoot.

She looked at Su Yi's calm eyes, and for some reason, her heart throbbed.

She suddenly found that she couldn't do anything.

When the last note resounded in the world, Su Yi suddenly moved, and his figure flashed to Hu Xiaofei's back, and then he slashed on Hu Xiaofei's neck with a palm knife, and snatched the gun from Hu Xiaofei's hand.

The action was done in one go, without the slightest pause.

Hu Xiaofei behind her rolled her eyes and fell to the ground.

She never pulled the trigger or reacted at all.

At this moment, Su Yi raised his gun and aimed it at Zeng Xian'er.

The latter was panting from exhaustion, and when he saw this, he immediately showed panic and raised his hands subconsciously: "Brother, don't shoot!"

"Who ordered you to kill me?" Su Yi asked.

"No one instructed us, we did it spontaneously." Zeng Xian'er trembled.

"Who is the mastermind?" Su Yi asked again.

"Her!" Zeng Xianer decisively pointed at Hu Xiaofei.

"I'm just a big brother who plays soy sauce, as you can see, I paddled the whole way and was beaten by my own people." Zeng Xian'er pointed to her black eyes and red and swollen face, and said in a crying voice, "Actually, I am very Lovers of peace, brother..."

Su Yi smiled and said to him, "I invite Pan Zhoudan."


Zeng Xianer's neck snaked around.


"Ouch..." He wrinkled his facial features in pain.

Su Yi stepped forward and slashed at the main artery on the left side of his neck with his palm, knocking him unconscious.

Looking around and seeing the mess, Su Yi heaved a long sigh of relief.

But when his eyes fell on Hu Xiaofei, he couldn't help but sigh again.

In fact, he could always keep a distance of 100 meters from Hu Xiaofei, so that Hu Xiaofei's skills would not be able to cover him.

After all, Hu Xiaofei's skills are really too powerful!
But he still chose to take the risk, because he knew very well that as long as Hu Xiaofei didn't give up the idea of ​​killing him for a day, he would have to face Hu Xiaofei's skill sooner or later, and he would not really kill Hu Xiaofei in this world.

Face it late, it is better to face it early.It is better to face it actively than passively.

When Hu Xiaofei pointed a gun at him just now, although Su Yi had confidence in his speed, he still risked his life after all.

But in the end, Hu Xiaofei didn't even fire the gun. When she wanted to kill Su Yi, she obviously hesitated.

Didn't it mean that in this world, apart from Su Yi, there is no one sober?

Then why would Hu Xiaofei hesitate?Will hesitate?
If she is really a "patriotic righteous" Hu Xiaofei, she should not hesitate to shoot and kill herself, a big traitor...

(End of this chapter)

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