Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 922 Miscalculation

Chapter 922 Miscalculation
An assassination started beautifully and ended unreasonably. It's a pity to think about it.

For Hu Xiaofei and the others, they were almost able to kill the traitor Mr. B.

Just a little bit.

Su Xiaoer danced two pieces in a row, and now her legs were so sore that she couldn't lift them up.

As for the other bodyguards...

It can only be said that they are still alive, but all of them are useless.

Su Yi doesn't plan to keep them——

It's not that Su Yi is cold-blooded, but that these people are all traitors. Although they are all small traitors, they are genuine traitors.

So even if these people were injured at work to protect Su Yi, Su Yi would not be grateful to them.

This is what they should do.

"Send this woman and this man to Zhe Peng Gendarmerie Headquarters." Su Yi pointed to Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xian'er who were unconscious.

Su Xiaoer was a little surprised: "Cousin, they are probably from their hometown! Send them to Zhe Peng, and they will die!"

"Who is dead?" Su Yi sneered, "Zhe Peng must be dead!"

After thinking about it, Su Yi said, "Find me two pairs of handcuffs first."

Su Yi personally handcuffed Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xianer, then opened Hu Xiaofei's mouth, and stuffed the keys of the two sets of handcuffs between her gums and lips.

The reason why it is stuffed here is to prevent her from accidentally swallowing the key in a coma.

If the key is swallowed, she can only ask Tang Xiaoyou for help.

Su Xiaoer nodded thoughtfully and said: "I understand, cousin, these two people are hot potatoes after waking up, especially this fitness man, once her special function is activated, the entire gendarmerie has to jump up .As long as she doesn't want to stop, these people can jump to death."

"Yes, so we can't arrest them and take them to No. 76." Su Yi smiled, "But we can't let them go, let them harm the Zhe Peng people, kill two birds with one stone."

Su Xiaoer couldn't help grinning when he thought of the scene where the Zhe Peng people were harmed.

"The key in her mouth was stuffed by you." Su Yi pointed to Su Xiaoer and said, "After this incident, you can contact her. This incident must be reported to the organization, otherwise she will always come to kill her." Me, how can I bear it?"

Su Xiaoer nodded: "Okay, I understand what you mean, uncle."

After a pause, he asked again: "Where is Shitman? Why don't you send her to the Zhepen people?"

"She..." Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, "It is confirmed that she is from Guan Gu, you can disclose this to Hu Xiaofei and the others. I will take her back to No. 76 to see Guan Gu's reaction."

He looked at Su Xiaoer and said, "Hurry up. With the weight of my attack, Hu Xiaofei will wake up in about half an hour. Zeng Xian'er is weaker. It may take an hour. It takes about ten minutes to drive from here to the Gendarmerie Headquarters." , you send the person, leave immediately, don't stay for more than 1 minutes!"

Su Xiaoer hesitated slightly: "Will Zhe Peng people kill them?"

Su Yi shook his head: "Don't forget that they are people with special abilities, and they were finally captured alive. Are Zhe Peng people willing to kill them so easily?"

"Okay! I'll do it now!" Su Xiaoer didn't hesitate anymore.

He quickly drove the car that hit the tree over, Su Yi helped Zeng Xian'er and Hu Xiaofei into the car, and watched Su Xiaoer drive away.

This place is far away from Hongkou, so there is such a big commotion, but Zhepeng soldiers who used to be dispatched at the slightest sign of trouble have not reacted at all. If there is nothing tricky about it, even if Su Yi is killed, he will not believe it.

This verified Zhang Xiaowei's statement that Miracle Guan Gu really wanted to kill him and replace him with an obedient, unsuspicious and honest man.

"It's really a headache to leave the traitor devils alone... (Note)" Su Yi scratched his head.

As the friends showed their respective abilities, Su Yi already felt the pressure and the difficulty of the task.

With his mind, of course he can come up with some strategies to kill people with a knife, so that no one will notice, but the problem is that he doesn't know whether people who died in the second world will also die after returning to the world of iPartment.

If this is the case, it is definitely not what Su Yi wants.

So to be on the safe side, he still decided not to be murderous, and focused on mediation.

As for traitors and devils...

Such an outrageous subworld should be regarded as a role-playing game.

Su Yi didn't go far, just waited on the spot, and soon Su Xiaoer came back, along with some Zhe Peng soldiers, they came to finish the work.

Su Yi had no intention of communicating with them at all, so he threw Tang Xiaoyou into the car, got in the car and left directly.

What happened here quickly reached Guan Gu Miracle's ears.

He was shocked.

"No, this is impossible! How is this possible!"

He thought about many endings, such as Su Xiaoyi being killed, Su Xiaoyi escaped with serious injuries, Su Xiaoyi repelled the assassination and retreated completely, etc...

He even thought that Tang Xiaoyou and the other three would die in this assassination, but he never thought that Su Xiaoyi would capture Tang Xiaoyou and the other three people with special abilities alive!

One must know that killing Hu Xiaofei and the others might have to pay some price, but there is still a way.

But to capture them alive...

The difference in difficulty between the two is not even a little bit.

The person who called Miracle Guan was someone from Zhepeng Gendarmerie Command. Miracle Guan thought for a while, and specially ordered: "Gag that man's mouth, then lock them up first, and leave them within 100 meters. Don't come near them!"


After hanging up the phone, Miracle Guan Gu hurriedly asked his subordinates to prepare a car and go out, rushing to No. 76.

Su Yi took Tang Xiaoyou to No. 76 alone, which made him very anxious.

He didn't want Tang Xiaoyou to be hurt in the slightest.

Guan Gu Miracle can be regarded as a high-ranking person, and the Zhe Peng Gendarmerie Headquarters really dare not disobey what he ordered.They imprisoned Zeng Xianer and Hu Xiaofei in a separate room with open surroundings, and deliberately gagged Zeng Xianer's mouth.Then the door is locked, and everyone stays away from the room, 100 meters away from here.

It can be said that the arrangement is very proper.

But be on guard, it's hard to guard against house thieves, how could they guess that Su Yi stuffed the keys of the two handcuffs into Hu Xiaofei's mouth.

When Hu Xiaofei woke up from the coma, she immediately felt uncomfortable in her mouth, as if she had something in her mouth.

Then I felt my hands were handcuffed behind my back and my legs were tied together.

She looked around vigilantly, and found that she was locked in an empty room with only one tall, small window.

She spat out what was stuffed between her gums and her upper lip, only to realize that it was the keys to two handcuffs.

She looked at the key in a daze for a while before realizing it. Although she was full of doubts, she couldn't think too much at this time. She hurriedly moved her body, took the key from behind her hand, and began to try to unlock it.

Soon she opened her handcuffs, then untied the rope that bound her legs, and hurriedly released Zeng Xian'er and woke him up.

"W-Where are we?" Zeng Xianer asked with a confused face.

"Obviously, we were arrested!" Hu Xiaofei said, "I just don't know where Xiaoyou went."

"We haven't seen Xiao You before!" Zeng Xian'er was startled, and immediately woke up, "Is there something wrong with Xiao You?"

"Bah! Crow's Mouth!" Hu Xiaofei glared at him, "She didn't get caught with us, she probably escaped first because she saw the situation was not going well."

"Xiao Fei, we have to find a way to get out!" Zeng Xian'er said anxiously, he looked around in fear, as if enemies would pop out from all around at any time.

"Nonsense, am I just thinking about it?" Hu Xiaofei waved her hand impatiently, "I said you should calm down a little bit, okay? Although you owe it to me to be a hero, I still have the character of a hero, so don't embarrass me with that word, okay? "

"Why are you so calm? We've been arrested, and we're in danger of being killed anytime!" Zeng Xian'er exclaimed in panic.

"It's not sure who will kill who!" Hu Xiaofei sneered, "Don't worry, I will definitely take you out! But you have to listen to me!"

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you!" Zeng Xianer immediately said, "As long as you can go out, I will give you the position of president immediately, and you will be the leader of our team from now on!"

"That's what you said, I didn't force you!" Hu Xiaofei snorted coldly.

She first walked to the door, checked it and said depressedly: "As for what, hang such a thick big iron chain?"

Then he walked to the window and looked out through the iron railing. After looking at it for a while, he leaned in and said, "We should have been caught in the devil's territory. There are all little devils standing outside, but they Standing too far away, roughly by visual inspection, they should all be outside the attack range of my skills!"

"Then what should we do?" Zeng Xian'er was in a hurry.

"Don't panic!" Hu Xiaofei said, "I have a solution!"

"What way!" Zeng Xian'er suddenly cheered up.

"Shout first to lure them all over!" Hu Xiaofei said, "They are desperate to beat you, and they will definitely try to open the door, and then rush in to beat you. When they open the door, I will activate my skills, and then Let them dance, and I'll take you away!"

Zeng Xianer stared at her vigilantly: "I don't! As soon as I shout, you will rush over and beat me, it hurts!"

Hu Xiaofei squeezed out a kind smile: "I will try to be as gentle as possible."

"Stop coming!" Zeng Xian'er said angrily, "You won't be able to control it at all, unless..."

"Unless what?" Hu Xiaofei asked.

"Unless you let me tie you up first." Zeng Xian'er said, "If you want to hit me, you must at least break free from the rope first."

Hu Xiaofei thought for a while, "Alright."

So it was a happy decision.

Zeng Xian'er connected the ropes that bound the two's legs just now, and then tied up Hu Yifei's limbs.

"Hey, don't tie the knot!" Hu Xiaofei yelled dissatisfied, "Otherwise, when the devil rushes in and you can't untie the rope on me, it will be miserable!"

"Don't worry, I'm just attracting monsters, you are the master of field control!" Zeng Xianer said while tying him up, "If monsters attract you but you can't use your fists, then I will die the worst, I You can tell the seriousness..."

The two quickly made preparations. Zeng Xian'er stood at the window and nodded heavily at Hu Xiaofei. After turning his head, he had a serious expression and sank into his dantian.

Taking a deep breath, he yelled out: "Nenshi Nengdie!"

"The nest is tender!"

"The den is tender..."

A distance of 100 meters cannot isolate such a loud sound at all.

Following Zeng Xianer's shout, Hu Xiaofei's eyes suddenly burst into flames, struggling with the rope on his body, and was about to rush towards Zeng Xianer.

But she was tied tightly, and there was no way to break free from the rope.

At the same time, Zhe Pengbing from the outside world heard the sound and rushed towards the house roaring like crazy.

"The nest is tender!"

"The nest is tender!"

"The nest is tender..."

Zeng Xianer kept shouting.

But at this moment, Zhe Pengbing, who was running the fastest, suddenly drew his gun and shot at the window.

Zeng Xian'er's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, his face changed drastically and he threw himself onto the ground with all his strength.

Bang bang bang!
The next moment, the dense bullets passed through the fence, shattered the glass, and all of them shot in, smashing the brick wall into pieces.

Zeng Xian'er was so frightened that he couldn't help yelling, but he yelled at least [-] times just now, and a single yell would have the effect of pulling hatred for three seconds.

More than twenty sounds, the hatred will last at least a minute!
He was so frightened that he lay on the ground screaming, and although Hu Xiaofei wanted to kill Zeng Xian'er, at least she knew how to dodge bullets. She also lay on the ground and crawled towards Zeng Xian'er like a chrysalis.

Soon the Zhepeng soldiers rushed to the gate of the house, and they began banging on the door frantically.

Although the gate was locked with thick chains, the gate and its frame were knocked to the ground by so many people crashing wildly. More than a dozen Zhe Peng soldiers fell into the house together and rolled into a ball.

But soon they each struggled to get up and rushed towards Zeng Xian'er.

Zeng Xian'er was so frightened that he yelled for mercy. Seeing that these people were about to rush to Zeng Xian'er, the next moment, music started.

Including Zeng Xianer, everyone within a 100 meter radius suddenly jumped on the spot, their legs and arms spread out.

"If Hua Tuo is reborn, Chongyang will be healed, and foreigners will come to learn Chinese characters, which will stimulate my national consciousness..."

When the singing sounded, everyone provoked the shuttlecock exercise.

Hu Xiaofei gritted her teeth, cursed and struggled, trying to break free from the shackles of the rope.

Zeng Xian'er's words are better than her singing, and she can tell the importance of what she says, and she will definitely help Hu Xiaofei solve it...

What now?
Doesn't she have to rely on herself?

So as long as a man is usually unreliable, then don't doubt anything, he must be unreliable at critical times.

It took Hu Xiaofei 10 minutes to break free from the rope, so she made Zhe Pengbing and Zeng Xianer dance three times in a row.

The amount of exercise is very large, and ordinary people can't bear such high-intensity exercise. Zeng Xianer even jumped to the side and foamed at the mouth.

She managed to untie the rope, and was about to rush up and drag Zeng Xianer away, but she found out in horror that she couldn't do it!
Before the music stopped, she couldn't even touch Zeng Xian'er!
This result was obviously a bit of a miscalculation. In this case, how could she pull Zeng Xian'er away?

Note: Main task 1 is changed to: Completely resolve all hostile forces' assassinations on you, but you are not allowed to kill your seven friends.The reason for changing the setting to not be able to kill friends is because it is a nonsensical comedy, and to find another excuse for not being so hostile.

 This is the debt owed

(End of this chapter)

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