Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 923 Fitness Demon Hu Xiaofei

Chapter 923 Fitness Demon Hu Xiaofei

Hu Xiaofei had a good plan. First, Zeng Xianer used her taunting skills to attract Zhe Peng's soldiers, and then she opened the stage to control and let everyone dance in place. During the process, she took Zeng Xianer to take the opportunity to escape.

But what she didn't expect was that success also has skills, and failure also has skills.

When the music was playing, she couldn't touch Zeng Xianer at all.

How could he escape with Zeng Xian'er?

Could it be that he wanted to abandon Zeng Xianer and run away by himself?
She can't be so disrespectful.

But as soon as the music stops, the Zhe Peng people will shoot and kill people. How can this be broken?
At this time, on the periphery a hundred meters away, the officers of the Zhe Peng headquarters were directing the soldiers to aim their machine guns and cannons at the area covered by Hu Xiaofei's skills.

As soon as the music stops, they will attack.

Seeing this scene, Hu Xiaofei felt that her situation was getting worse, and she was helpless.

At this moment, the surrounding snipers shot at Hu Xiaofei.

But as soon as the bullet entered within [-] meters of Hu Xiaofei, it immediately fell down.


The sniper was dumbfounded, and fired a second and third shot in disbelief...

Without any accident, all the bullets fell to the ground immediately after entering the [-]-meter range of Hu Xiaofei, losing their effect.

The sniper reported the situation to the officer in a panic, and the officer tried to shoot himself, and it was true...

"Kill the chicken!" The officer became furious and ordered the soldiers to cover the front with full firepower.

da da da da...

Boom boom boom...

Machine guns and cannons were fired together, and grenades and explosives were scattered freely.

But no matter what it is, as long as it enters the range of 100 meters around Hu Xiaofei, it will all misfire and fall to the ground, becoming useless garbage.

Officer Zhe Peng was not reconciled, and even asked his soldiers to experiment with flying knives and crossbows, but it was still useless.

He tried to send soldiers to rush in with motorcycles, but as soon as the people entered the range of [-] meters, they started kicking before they got off the motorcycle. The motorcycle lost control and rushed out and hit people on their backs. Get up and jump.

One unlucky devil's leg was broken, and he couldn't stop jumping with one leg swinging.

Officer Zhepeng still didn't give up, and sent the tank to rush in, but the tank turned off as soon as it entered the [-]-meter range, and the devils in the car happily danced the shuttlecock in the cockpit.

People can't, what about dogs?

Officer Zhe Peng tried to let the vicious dogs in, but the dogs were so frightened that they dared not approach.

Several dogs were forcibly thrown in by their masters, and they immediately stood up and jumped into the shuttlecock.

Officer Zhe Peng drove the two horses in again.

So, these devils feasted their eyes.

Because they became the first batch to see the wonderful scene of a creature like a horse jumping a shuttlecock.

Within a radius of 100 meters of Hu Xiaofei, it seems to have become an absolutely peaceful place where martial arts are forbidden. All people or animals who enter this area happily dance together, without exception.

It doesn't even matter if you faint, as long as you are still alive, you have to dance!
Even the insects and birds that flew in flapped their wings and danced the shuttlecock.

The most frightening thing was that some centipedes were jumping and playing on the shuttlecock, and as a result, their feet and feet were all twisted into twists, and their bodies were still twitching.

Seeing such a strange scene, Officer Zhepeng no longer dared to act rashly.

He asked the soldiers to surround the area, point their guns at the center, and wait for the music to stop, and immediately cover with full firepower, killing Hu Xiaofei, a monster.

But his testing just now greatly boosted Hu Xiaofei's morale.

Seeing that the devils had nothing to do with him, Hu Xiaofei was overjoyed.

"Can't hit me? Then I'm sorry! If you don't come to me, I will come to you!"

She ran forward without saying a word.

The encirclement in front of her immediately entered her "shuttlecock exercise area", and the soldiers who were raising their guns threw down their guns in unison, and jumped into the shuttlecock exercise.

Hu Xiaofei continued to run forward, and rushed to within 100 meters of the devil commander's horrified eyes, so all the devils including the devil commander immediately jumped into the shuttlecock drill.

But as she ran forward, Zeng Xianer was thrown behind her by 100 meters.

Zeng Xian'er, who was thrown out of the shuttlecock exercise area, and the devils around him all collapsed on the ground, crying and rolling all over the ground hugging their sore legs.

"Xiao Fei! Help me! Help me!" Zeng Xianer, who realized her situation, immediately yelled in horror.

At this time, the devils next to him realized that a husky had sneaked in among them, so how could they be polite to him?
Without saying a word, he punched and kicked Zeng Xian'er captive.

At this time, Hu Xiaofei ran all the way to the front yard of the headquarters, where the devils in the front yard were gathering, as if preparing to retreat urgently.

Apparently, the devils have realized that Hu Xiaofei's perverted skills are invincible at all, and they decided to retreat strategically.

But when they were running around and making a mess, Hu Xiaofei ran over.

So, the little devils, whether they were driving, moving things, or running around, counted one by one, and started kicking in unison.

"I have a leisurely expression, I dance roughly, and my movements are relaxed and comfortable, you can't learn..."

I don't know how many times the song has been played. Every time the music stops, it will be seamlessly connected to the second time.

Some devils who are good at Chinese have already learned to sing this song.

"It's the light, it's the light, let's sing together..."

Hu Xiaofei quickly found a car. This was the car the little devil was planning to evacuate. The key was still in the keyhole, but the driver stood aside and kicked his legs.

"It's you!"

Hu Xiaofei jumped into the car and tried to start the ignition, but the car couldn't start anyway.

"Broken?" Hu Xiaofei slapped the dashboard suspiciously, shattering the glass with a slap.

Just then, the music suddenly stopped.


The car was started immediately.

Surrounded by screams one after another, mourning everywhere.

The devils fell to the ground holding their legs.

Hu Xiaofei was clever and hurriedly continued to activate her skills.

All the devils in the field got up and stood still, jumped, and kicked again in unison.

At the same time, the car turned off again.

Hu Xiaofei's eyes widened, realizing the problem.

As long as she activates the skill, no car can be activated in the Shuttlecock Exercise area!

Her eyes rolled sharply, and gradually, she looked around, and her eyes began to burst out with evil spirits.

She waited quietly in the driver's seat, ready to start the car at any time.

On the other side, Zeng Xian'er, with a bruised nose and swollen face, was pulled in front of a Zhe Peng officer.

"Your Majesty, we have captured this captive, he is the servant of that Gymnasium!" Devil Soldiers reported.

"Great!" Da Zuo was pleasantly surprised, "We can take him as a hostage and threaten that female devil to stop immediately! Otherwise, we will kill him!"

"The female devil ran to the front yard!" The soldier reported.

"Not good!" Da Zuo's face changed drastically, "Your Excellency General is in the front yard, hurry up! Go and rescue him! But you must pay attention to keep a distance from the female devil, and don't go into her area."

Da Zuo led his men and ran towards the front yard.

When we were about to arrive, the music in the front yard suddenly stopped, and a song ended.

At the moment when the music ended, Hu Xiaofei quickly started the car, stepped on the accelerator with a sharp look, and rushed towards the road she had just come along.

Bang bang bang!

He knocked over an unknown number of people and crushed an unknown number of devils along the way.

The devils just danced two songs, and now they are generally unable to stand up, unable to stop Hu Xiaofei at all, and can only watch Hu Xiaofei drive a car into a mountain off-road vehicle, crushing or hitting devils one after another, rampaging rushed to the backyard.

Da Zuo, who held Zeng Xian'er hostage in the backyard, ran all the way to the front yard with his men, and when he turned a corner, he saw a car rushing towards them like a wild horse that had run loose.

Da Zuo blinked vigorously, and saw clearly that the person driving was Hu Xiaofei.

He suddenly felt hairy all over his body, and shouted in panic and despair: "Don't come here!"

da da da da...

Some ghosts behind have picked up their guns and started shooting at the speeding car.

Hu Xiaofei stepped on the gas pedal in the direction of Colonel, and then activated the skill again before the gunshots became dense.

Everyone jumped in place, and threw all the guns they had just picked up on the ground.

Hu Xiaofei's car also turned off, but the car's huge inertia still rushed forward for a while, bumped into someone and flipped over, and stopped not far from Zeng Xian'er.

"If Hua Tuo is reborn, Chongyang will be healed, and foreigners will come to learn Chinese characters, which will stimulate my national consciousness..."

The singing sounded, and everyone started kicking again.

Hu Xiaofei jumped out of the car, looking at Zeng Xian'er, who was dancing happily, slightly distressed.

How can I get this thing into the car and take it away?

She thought about it, looked around, and found that it was only a dozen meters away from the dormitory of the Zhepeng military camp. She immediately went to the dormitory building, and soon began to hug the quilts from the inside one by one, and piled up all the quilts in the dormitory. In the back seat of the car, there is only room for one person.

Then she picked up two guns and aimed them at the devils closest to Zeng Xianer.

"Listen, get in the car as soon as the music stops! If you don't want to die, you have to climb up, do you hear me?" Hu Xiaofei shouted to Zeng Xian'er.

Zeng Xianer was still dancing, but her eyes rolled around, indicating that she understood.

At the end of the song, gunshots rang out suddenly.

bang bang bang...

Hu Xiaofei kept pulling the trigger, and the devils around Zeng Xianer fell to the ground like leeks. Although Zeng Xianer wanted to follow Hu Xiaofei's order and ran into the car, her legs didn't work at all. Limp on the ground, screaming and rolling all over the ground, not to mention standing up and running, he couldn't even crawl.

"What a waste!"

Seeing this, Hu Xiaofei swears and shoots while stepping forward, picking up Zeng Xianer and pulling towards the car.

The devils also reacted quickly and launched a counterattack against Hu Xiaofei again.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Hu Xiaofei activated her skills again, and the music sounded again.

These devils were going crazy, but their bodies jumped up again involuntarily.

As soon as the song was over, Hu Xiaofei took advantage of the fact that the devils couldn't stand up, took Zeng Xian'er and stuffed him into the back seat of the car, then wrapped his body with a quilt and closed the car door.

bang bang bang...

Someone shot at her again, Hu Xiaofei carefully hid her body, and resolutely activated her skills again.

In the midst of grief, the devils were forced to trade again.

Zeng Xian'er, who was stuffed into the car by Hu Xiaofei, was unable to move because her whole body was wrapped in blankets, so she could only wriggle around in the car, and the whole car swayed with his movements.

It looked like someone was shaking the car inside.

"It's done!" Seeing this, Hu Xiaofei's spirits immediately lifted, she finally saw the hope of saving Zeng Xian'er.

She hurriedly jumped into the driving seat of the car, waiting for the song to end.

After the music stopped, all the devils collapsed to the ground and screamed, none of them had the ability to fight back.

After more than ten minutes of high-intensity aerobics, they already felt that their entire bodies did not belong to them.

Hu Xiaofei took the opportunity to turn around and rush towards the gate.

Wherever they passed, the devils not only did not dare to fight back, but fled in all directions.

But when he got to the gate, Hu Xiaofei found that the gate was closed tightly.

She braked to stop, and decisively activated the skill again.

The devils who could no longer stand had no choice but to get up quickly and jumped again.

And Hu Xiaofei got out of the car and hurriedly took the opportunity to open the gate of the headquarters.

Outside the gate, the devils standing guard were also kicking their legs and couldn't stop jumping.

Some passers-by were also standing on the side of the road and jumping non-stop.

When the song ended, Hu Xiaofei started the accelerator and stepped on the accelerator to death, and the car rushed out.

None of the devils has the ability to chase them out.

So just like that, after turning the devil's gendarmerie headquarters upside down, Hu Xiaofei took Zeng Xian'er and swaggered away.

The car drove all the way out of the Japanese Concession and stopped in a remote place.Hu Xiaofei got out of the car and opened the back door, only to find that Zeng Xian'er had passed out at some point.

She woke up Zeng Xianer. Apart from the strained muscles in his legs, this guy didn't have any major problems.

But don't even think about running. In Zeng Xianer's current situation, being able to limp and walk slowly is already his limit.

The two set the car on fire, and then Hu Xiaofei helped Zeng Xian'er to leave.

There were no accidents along the way, and the two retreated to a safe place without any danger.

At this moment, Hu Xiaofei didn't know that because of the crazy actions of Zhe Peng Gendarmerie Headquarters, the entire Japanese Concession had become a mess!

For Zhe Peng people, what Hu Xiaofei's operation brought them was undoubtedly a great humiliation!
It is a frightening fantasy that the gendarmerie headquarters, which is heavily guarded, was turned upside down by a woman, causing heavy casualties.

What's even more outrageous is that thousands of Zhepeng soldiers suffered fractures, muscle strains and other injuries to their limbs, and dozens of them were paralyzed because they jumped more than ten times in a row.

This incident even resulted in the death of more than thirty Zhe Peng soldiers, including three Zhe Peng officers.

Among the more than [-] Zhe Peng people who died, most of them were shot dead by Hu Xiaofei when she rescued Zeng Xian'er.

But eight of them actually jumped to death because of the shuttlecock jumping exercise.

(End of this chapter)

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