Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 925 Meeting

Chapter 925 Meeting
Hu Xiaofei quickly received a notice from her superiors asking her to immediately meet a very important comrade in the organization.

The superior told her that this meeting was very important, and she was required to ensure the safety of the contact person and keep the identity of the contact person strictly confidential.

Even Zeng Xianer couldn't disclose this matter.

Such mysteriousness aroused Hu Xiaofei's great curiosity.

So in a sparsely populated and very secluded place, she met Su Xiaoer.

"I recognize you!" Hu Xiaofei pointed at Su Xiaoer in surprise, "You are the person next to the traitor Su Xiaoyi, and you are his driver!"

"Let's get to know each other again, I'm an underground party agent, a nail lurking in No. 76, codenamed Song Bingyi." Su Xiaoer said with a smile.

"Hi! You've worked hard!" Hu Xiaofei said respectfully, "It must be humiliating to commit yourself to being a thief, right?"

"..." Su Xiaoer said quietly: "Hu Xiaofei, this idiom is not used in this way."

"Whatever it is, it's fine as long as it makes sense." Hu Xiaofei waved his hand nonchalantly, "Mr. Song Bingyi, the organization insists that I come to see you. There must be something urgent, right?"

"Of course, if there is no urgent matter, I will not take the initiative to reveal my identity to see you!" Su Xiaoer said seriously.

"I have three things to say, and these three things are very important!" Su Xiaoer said, "First, there is a traitor in your team!"

Hu Xiaofei's expression immediately became serious: "It's Zeng Xian'er, right?"

Su Xiaoer was startled, and said, "Why do you suspect it's him?"

"Based on what I know about this bitch, he is only one time away from being arrested!" Hu Xiaofei gritted his teeth.

"But the traitor is not him." Su Xiaoer said.

"Could it be me!" Hu Xiaofei's eyes widened in horror, "Have I betrayed the revolution?"

"Why are you the same as someone else, always making things difficult for yourself!" Su Xiaoer's forehead was full of black lines, "Aren't you sure if you rebelled or not?"

"Hehe, just kidding, liven up the atmosphere, don't be angry!" Hu Xiaofei said with a smile, "It's not me, it's not Zeng Xianer, who could it be? Could it be Tang Xiaoyou?"

"Is there anyone else in your team?" Su Xiaoer asked.

"Listen to this first!"

He took out the miniature tape recorder and played it for Hu Xiaofei to listen to.

"One of my own, brother! I'm an agent of the Fish Agency, Guan Gu Miracle's subordinate, Mr. Yi, we are colleagues! It's really flooding the Dragon King Temple, and my family doesn't know my family!"

Hu Xiaofei's eyes widened immediately, and she blurted out, "This is Xiaoyou's voice!"

"Who is your family member? Yesterday and today, you wanted to put me to death, but you didn't show mercy! When you killed me, why weren't you from my family? Or is Mr. Guan Gu telling you to kill me?" Come to kill me?"

Hu Xiaofei was also familiar with this voice, her eyes widened: "This is Su Xiaoyi!"

"Of course not, Mr. Yi, I'm just playing with those two underground parties. I'm loyal to the Great Zhe Peng Empire, Mr. Yi!"

"You traitor and running dog!"

"Aren't you too?"


Su Xiaoer turned off the tape recorder, and said to Hu Xiaofei who was stunned: "Yesterday the three of you were all caught by Mr. B. Mr. B sent you and Zeng Xian'er to the Gendarmerie Command, but brought Tang Xiaoyou back to 76 alone. No. This is the conversation between him and Tang Xiaoyou in the interrogation room. I have confirmed that Tang Xiaoyou is an agent of the Yu Agency who broke into our party, codenamed Difficult to Conceive a Child."

"Tang Xiaoyou! You traitor! I trust you so much! Treating you as one of my own, you are actually a Zhe Peng spy who has been playing tricks on me!" Hu Xiaofei was furious, "Don't let me see you again, or I will tear you apart Q!"

"Tang Xiaoyou has been taken away by Guan Gu Miracle." Su Xiaoer said, "She still doesn't know that she has been exposed, and she will come to you soon."

"What does the organization mean?" Hu Xiaofei exclaimed angrily, "Get rid of this traitor?"

"No, you can't do that!" Su Xiaoer shook his head, "An exposed traitor is no longer a threat to you. On the contrary, you can use her exposure to do many things. The key is, you can't let her know you It is already known that she is a mole."

Hu Xiaofei nodded seriously: "I completely understand."


Why do I feel like you don't understand anything?
Su Xiaoer looked at her suspiciously for a while, and said: "Second thing, you acted without authorization, the assassination of Mr. B must stop!"

"Why!" Hu Xiaofei's eyes widened, "I'm almost killing him! This time I was only a little bit close, and I'll kill him! Once again, this traitor will definitely die in my hands! I have already planned Alright, tomorrow I will prepare a week's dry food and go to No. 76 to find Su Xiaoyi, and then let him dance the shuttlecock for a week, I don't believe he can't kill him!"


Su Xiaoer wiped off his cold sweat, and said in his heart that his cousin really guessed it right, this witch really planned to do this!

"Listen to me, Hu Xiaofei, you can't kill Mr. B, absolutely not!" Su Xiaoer said.

"Why? He can't be one of us, right?" Hu Xiaofei asked in surprise.

Su Xiaoer really wanted to say yes, but neither organizational discipline nor Su Yi's orders could make him tell the truth.

"It's because Su Yi's life is more beneficial to us!" Su Xiaoer said, "Bai Gouzi bought a batch of arms from the lighthouse, and wanted to transport them to Wudu through Shanghai. But the batch of arms was intercepted by the Zhe Peng people." gone."

"The people in Wudu are really trash!" Hu Xiaofei cursed.

"But the Zhe Peng people also lost this batch of goods." Su Xiaoer said.

"Zhe Peng people are also trash!" Hu Xiaofei continued to scold.

"Can you shut up and listen to me first..." Su Xiaoer said depressedly.

"Say it!" Hu Xiaofei spread her hands.

"Anyway, this batch of arms was hidden by Mr. B, and now only he knows where this batch is." Su Xiaoer said, "He is now planning to sell this batch of goods to fill his own pockets, and our people have already connected with him. I want to buy this batch of goods at the lowest price. This batch of munitions is very important to us, Hu Xiaofei, at this critical moment, you must not ruin the organization's major affairs!"

Hu Xiaofei frowned and said, "Why do you have to go to such trouble no matter what? Does it take much effort? If there is a traitor, it will be fine if it is slaughtered? If there is ammunition, it will be over? If you have to go around, it is not refreshing at all! "

"Hu Xiaofei! You are bandit thinking!" Su Xiaoer criticized, "In short, this is an order from the organization, and you must obey it!"

"Okay, okay!" Hu Xiaofei waved her hands impatiently, "I won't kill Su Xiaoyi, right? What's the third thing?"

"The third thing is that Mr. Yi recently had a quarrel with the Zhe Peng people. He plans to deal with the Zhe Peng people. In this regard, our goal is the same for the time being. Maybe we can cooperate." Su Xiaoer said.

"Cooperate with a traitor? Are you crazy!" Hu Xiaofei blurted out.

"As long as he is willing to deal with Zhe Peng people, you don't care if he is a traitor!" Su Xiaoer said angrily, "Can you be more open-minded?"

"But isn't he a running dog of the Zhe Peng people? Why did he deal with his master?" Hu Xiaofei frowned.

"Because the Zhepeng people think he is disobedient and want to kill him!" Su Xiaoer said, "He doesn't want to die, so he can only deal with the Zhepeng people. Their internal fighting is good for us, but Su Xiaoyi is alone and helpless. If we don't help him, he will definitely be killed by the Zhepen. We need him to fight more fiercely with the Zhepen, so that the situation will be more favorable to us."

"Then how can we cooperate? Why can't I come and recommend myself?" Hu Xiaofei frowned.

"That's not necessary." Su Xiaoer said, "He will find you soon and take the initiative to mention this matter to you. At that time, you can go along with the flow and agree to come down, but you might as well open your mouth and ask for more benefits. Specifically, what do you want? Discuss with your superiors when you go back."

"Okay." Hu Xiaofei thought for a while, and reluctantly agreed, but her face was full of displeasure.

Obviously none of the three things went her way.

"One last piece of advice!" Su Xiaoer said solemnly, "Don't think that you are invincible in the world. If the enemy really wants to kill you, there are still many ways. This time you were captured alive by Su Xiaoyi, it is a lesson!"

Hu Xiaofei recalled the scene when she was knocked out, her expression was a little unnatural.

"It's just me being careless this time, don't worry, it won't happen next time!" Hu Xiaofei said, "Su Xiaoyi wants to catch me again!"

"What if we get caught again?" Su Xiaoer asked.

"Nothing happens!" Hu Xiaofei said decisively, full of confidence.

Su Xiaoer took a deep look at her: "Okay, that's all I want to say. In the future, it's best not to have any direct contact between the two of us if there is no urgent matter. You protect yourself."

"You too! Mr. Song Bingyi!" Hu Xiaofei said solemnly with a straight face.

The two said goodbye immediately.

At the same time, on the 76th, Su Yi, who was busy with ordinary affairs, received a call from Qin Xiaomo.

"Little B."

"Why did you call here?"

"I want to talk to you," Qin Xiaomo said on the other end of the phone, "you come to the Ande Café on Joffre Road by yourself, it's best not to bring your bodyguard and driver, I don't want us to be disturb."


"Okay." Su Yi agreed to come down and looked at his watch, "Wait for me for twenty minutes."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

Is Qin Xiaomo trying to harm himself?
Su Yi didn't think so.

If she really wants to harm herself, there are too many ways, and there is no need to use this most stupid way.

Qin Xiaomo's words just now sounded on the surface as if he was persuading Su Yi to go to the appointment alone, but in fact it was more like reminding Su Yi that he might be in danger.

So this is a test?


This should be a test.

Su Yi was determined.

Eileen Chang said that the shortest path to a woman's heart is indescribable.

But she didn't say that you may face a locked heart door if you pass this road.

If you want to open a woman's heart, you need a key.

Only a woman has this key, and she has to hand it over to you.

Regardless of whether Hu Xiaofei will cause trouble or not, Su Xiaoer will temporarily stabilize her.

Guan Gu Miracle couldn't figure out the situation, and the assassination of himself should have died down for the time being.

Tang Xiaoyou was timid, so she should have been frightened by herself.

It is not impossible for Qin Xiaomo to want to kill himself, but it is negligible.

Only Lu Xiaoqiao was left.

According to Lu Xiaoqiao's identity and background, his purpose should not be to kill himself.

So there is a high probability that it is absolutely safe to go out this time.

Having figured this out, Su Yi no longer had any worries, settled down with his work casually, rejected the suggestion of his subordinates to accompany and protect him, and drove straight to Xiafei Road by himself.

Arriving at the cafe that Qin Xiaomo mentioned, Su Yi parked the car on the side of the road, opened the door and entered.

A Huaguo waitress greeted her, but she greeted Su Yi in English with a little scrutiny in her eyes.

Su Yi frowned, but didn't care about anything.

"Someone asked me to meet here." He said in Chinese, "Miss Qin, have you made a reservation?"

The Huaguo waitress still replied in English: "Sir, Miss Qin has reserved a seat, this way please."

Su Yi shook his head and followed her to the seat by the window.

He casually ordered a cup of coffee, dismissed the waitress, and Su Yi sat here quietly waiting.

There was very soothing music on the record player, and Su Yi could feel that a pair of eyes were observing and staring at him.

These eyes belonged to Qin Xiaomo.

She was on the second floor opposite, which couldn't be hidden from Su Yi.

But Su Yi pretended not to know, just sat on the spot and waited quietly.

I was so bored, I just closed my eyes and rested my mind.

About three hours later, Qin Xiaomo opened the door and walked into the coffee shop.

She seemed to be in a good mood, walked straight to Su Yi and sat down, giggled at Su Yi and said, "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Su Yi smiled: "It's been a long time, but it's okay."

There was nothing impatient or complaining in the tone.

He wasn't angry, and he really didn't think it mattered to wait, because he knew very well that what he had wasted was just three boring hours, while the woman in front of him had to use these three hours to make a decision that was related to a lifetime.

Qin Xiaomo ordered coffee and looked at Su Yi with curious eyes: "Are you so patient with every woman?"

Su Yi shook his head: "Only for my woman. If it was any other woman, ten minutes would be too much for me."

"Who is your woman!" Qin Xiaomo pretended to be ashamed and annoyed, "I didn't promise to marry you."

Su Yi smiled, but didn't speak.

"Are you really here alone?" Qin Xiaomo said.

"I'm afraid that if half a person comes, it will scare you." Su Yi said.

"Pfft!" Qin Xiaomo giggled, "You are quite funny, but you are not afraid that this is a trap? You are not afraid, I tricked you out to kill you?"

Qin Xiaomo's eyes deliberately made a sharp look, and his expression became serious.

"You are not that kind of person." Su Yi said.

"What kind of person?" Qin Xiaomo asked.

"Cold-blooded, ruthless." Su Yi smiled, "Believe me, I understand you better than you think."

Qin Xiaomo's eyes instantly melted.

"Actually, I asked you out today to test you and see what I am in your heart." Qin Xiaomo suddenly confessed, "I will give you full marks for the answer you give me."

(End of this chapter)

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