Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 926 Expansion

Chapter 926 Expansion
"I can understand you." Su Yi looked at Qin Xiaomo and said, "You are very nervous, confused, and lack understanding of me, and don't know whether you should trust me or rely on me, so you use this method Come and observe me, whether it is worth your entrustment."

Su Yi paused at this point, took a sip from his teacup, put down the cup and said with a smile: "But I hope this kind of test is only this time, and there won't be a second time."

He looked at Qin Xiaomo: "The establishment of trust is a very complicated process. We can take it slowly. But respect each other, we might as well do it well from the beginning. Your test like this lacks the minimum respect for me."

"I..." Qin Xiaomo was about to defend in a hurry, but Su Yi smiled and reached out to stop her.

"From last night to now, I have experienced two assassinations. Logically speaking, I should command my subordinates to track down the murderer who assassinated me under the protection of heavy soldiers. But with your phone call, I will come to the appointment alone and wait here for a long time. It took you three hours!"

Su Yi looked at Qin Xiaomo: "The reason why I am willing to do this is not to complete your test, but because I respect you and I am willing to give you a sense of security. But have you ever thought about what I will face when I go to the appointment alone? Risk? Did it ever occur to you that if I don't come, maybe it's because my life is in danger, not because I don't want to come?"

"If I really can't come due to objective reasons, what conclusion do you want to draw for me? What label do you want to label?"

"Timid? Cowardly? Selfish? Or not loving you enough? Unreliable?"

Su Yi smiled and said to Qin Xiaomo: "I think if you test me a hundred times, it's better to ask me for the answer to explain the problem better."

Qin Xiaomo stared blankly at Su Yi.

"Juntong approached me because of that batch of munitions." Su Yi continued, "I can tell you clearly that I will not hand over that batch of munitions to Juntong, and of course I will not hand it over to Zhe Peng. Feelings should be pure, without any extra or additional conditions and factors."

"You like me, I like you. You are willing to marry me, and I am willing to marry you. Simple, isn't it good?" Su Yi spread his hands, "Or do you want the relationship between us to be mixed with various things? All kinds of messy things, interests, beliefs, positions, all have to be taken into consideration?"

"I want to be pure!" Qin Xiaomo said excitedly, "I want our relationship to be without any impurities, as pure as a six-carat diamond!"


"So is this a hint?" Su Yi asked.

"No, it's just a metaphor!" Qin Xiaomo stood up suddenly, walked around the table quickly, sat next to Su Yi, and hugged Su Yi tightly with his arms around him.

"Xiao Yi, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tested you like this!" Qin Xiaomo put his face on Su Yi's chest, and said in a guilty tone, "I should respect you and our feelings instead of using feelings to treat you. Tempting you, threatening you. I'm really sorry, I was thinking of using our feelings to threaten you to hand over the munitions, I was really stupid..."

Su Yi yelled in his heart that it's fortunate that he blocked Qin Xiaomo with words in advance, otherwise Qin Xiaomo really spoke, and he couldn't refuse...

That would be a lot of fun.

"Do you want to use this batch of munitions to make a cut with the military command, completely get rid of that side, and be Mrs. Su with peace of mind in the future?" Su Yi asked.

"How do you know?" Qin Xiaomo's eyes widened in surprise.

"Actually, I should be happy that you have such an idea." Su Yi smiled, "But you are too simple, you can't get rid of the military order by doing this, it will only make them think that they should hold you firmly and not let you break free from them network. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Qin Xiaomo blurted out.

"Because you can influence me, and even make me sacrifice huge interests and give up my position." Su Yi said, "You are so useful, why are they willing to let you go?"

"That's right." Qin Xiaomo was a little dumbfounded, "So, if I persuade you to give them the ammunition, it will be self-defeating instead?"

"Yes." Su Yi smiled, "They will definitely use all kinds of despicable methods to threaten you. At that time, you and I will really have different dreams in the same bed."

Thinking of the scene described by Su Yi, Qin Xiaomo shuddered: "Fortunately, you told me this, otherwise, otherwise I would be really stupid enough to destroy our future with my own hands! Xiao Yi, you must not give those arms to the military commander! "

Su Yi nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will never give it."

You see, it's really easy to convince a woman to change her mind.

And Su Yi hasn't said even half a lie.

"Then how can I get rid of this identity?" Qin Xiaomo frowned.

"Let me worry about this kind of thing." Su Yi said, "If Lu Xiaoqiao contacts you and wants you to connect, I will go for you."

Qin Xiaomo looked at Su Yi affectionately: "Xiao Yi, it's good to have you."

She bit her lip, and suddenly leaned into Su Yi's ear and said something.

Su Yi showed a surprised expression: "Here?"

"Of course not!" Qin Xiaomo showed a shameful expression, "I mean, go to the car and find a place where no one is there!"

"Now?" Su Yi smiled.

"Right now, I can't wait!" Qin Xiaomo took out a banknote and slapped it on the table, then pulled Su Yi and walked out.

But in the middle of the journey, she turned back again, walked up to the waitress who had always had a bad attitude towards Su Yi, and said in English with an unfriendly expression: "Since my boyfriend walked into this coffee shop until now, your eyes are full of tears." I don’t know where the disdain and sense of superiority came from. You deliberately bypassed him when you went around with the coffee pot to refill your cup. He is generous and doesn’t care about you, but I will not spoil you! You must You have to pay the price for your behavior of looking down on people!"

"Ma'am, I don't know what you're talking about!" The waitress was flustered and pretended to be calm.

"You don't have to pretend to be confused! I don't intend to go to your boss or manager to complain about you. Although you will lose your current job immediately if you do so, for me, such a punishment is too light for you!" Qin Xiao Mo sneered, "It's not just your job that I let you lose! You can go out and find out who we are! See if I'm scaring you!"

After all, she dragged Su Yi, who was interested in watching the play, out the door.

After getting in the car, Su Yi said with a smile: "What are you fussing about with an insignificant person?"

"I can't see my man being wronged!" Qin Xiaomo snorted coldly, "Of course that waitress is a small person, but if a small person does something wrong, don't you have to pay the price? I just saw that some customers in the coffee shop recognized you , I guess she will soon find out who you are. With your notoriety, I am afraid that she will be so scared that she will take the initiative to resign and hide, lest you will find her to settle accounts. This is the price she has to pay!"

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

Qin Xiaomo looked at his side face, and suddenly put his hand in.

"Hiss..." Su Yi gasped.

"I'm driving!" he said.

"I know." Qin Xiaomo said with a smile, "I'll put it in gear for you. How about putting it in second gear? How about third gear? How about fourth gear..."

"You goblin!" Su Yi cursed, stepped on the gas pedal hard, and the car rushed out crazily.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped in an empty place, and soon began to shake rhythmically.

In the Japanese Concession, the meeting room of Zhepeng Garrison Headquarters.

Guan Gu Miracle is facing accusations and reprimands from all senior military officers. They blame all the faults of Hu Xiaofei's troubles at the headquarters on intelligence issues, so as to attack Guan Gu Miracle.

Unanimous opinions made Miracle Guan Gu unable to argue.

Just when the special representative of the military department was about to announce the suspension of Miracle Guan Gu's post on the spot, Miracle Guan Gu sighed and stood up.

"Gentlemen, may you forgive me?" he said.

"Guan Gu Miracle, you are dreaming!" Someone sneered disdainfully!
"Forgive? Go to the military court and tell the judge!" Someone laughed.

"You don't deserve to be forgiven! You shamed the great philosopher Peng Huangjun, you should kill yourself!" Someone roared.

Guan Gu Miracle looked at them with a smile, and the sound of music suddenly sounded...

"Listen to me, thank you, because of you, the four seasons are warm..."

Guan Gu miraculously bowed to the end.

Five minutes later, he was surrounded and walked out of the conference room. Everyone looked at him with guilt and remorse.

"Guan Gu-jun, I'm really sorry for making you suffer the pain you shouldn't have to bear. Don't worry, I'm completely at fault for this matter. I'll commit seppuku when I go back!"

"Guan Gu-jun, I'm really inferior to a beast, and I actually want you to take the blame for this. Don't worry, I will fly back to Edo overnight and surrender myself to the military court!"

"Guan Gu, in order to compensate you, I will definitely suggest to the Army Department to promote your position and give you higher honor and status after I go back!"

The stinky shit that was stinky before has become a favorite in everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye.

Guan Gu miraculously bid farewell to everyone.

When he got home, Tang Xiaoyou was already waiting for him.

Guan Gu miraculously said to Tang Xiaoyou excitedly: "Xiaoyou! I found that I underestimated my own ability, and my ability has not been developed by me at all. I want to do an experiment. If possible, I can use my ability. Rule the entire Demon City, and even rule the world!"

Tang Xiaoyou was stunned for a moment: " you still want to kill Su Xiaoyi?"

"No! I've changed my mind!" Guan Gu miraculously said, "I won't kill him, but I want to conquer him! I want him to be my most loyal subordinate! Whatever I ask him to do, he has to do ! I want him to obey me 100%!"

"Not only him, but also Lu Xiaoqiao! Hu Xiaofei! Zeng Xian'er, and everyone in the whole magic city, I want them to obey me! Hahaha..." Guan Gu Miracle became more and more excited as he spoke, and couldn't help but put his hands on his hips and let out a loud voice laugh it out.

Tang Xiaoyou looked at him as if he was insane.

"Hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at? Do you think I'm crazy?" Seeing this, Guan Gu immediately shouted dissatisfied.

"How come!" Tang Xiaoyou laughed, "But speaking of neuropathy, I know a very good neurologist, a Frenchman, should I ask him to come with me?"

"What did you call a neurologist for?" Guan Gu Miracle said expressionlessly.

" rule the world?" Tang Xiaoyou rolled her eyes and said with a smile.

"You still think I'm crazy!" Guan Gu Miracle suddenly yelled angrily, "Even you don't believe me, you—— believe it or not, I'll show you by harakiri every minute!"

"Xinxinxin..." Tang Xiaoyou hurriedly pulled him back, "As long as you don't let me assassinate Su Xiaoyi, it's fine!"

"Why? Did he do anything to you?" Guan Gu Miracle's expression immediately changed when he heard the words, forming bad associations.

"Of course not!" Tang Xiaoyou knew that he was thinking too much when he saw him, "It's just that I really don't want to assassinate this person! He's too scary!"

"Are you talking about his supernatural power?" Guan Gu Miracle sneered disdainfully, "A supernatural power that makes people sprain their necks is as boring and useless as a child spitting on his toes in a fight. What's so terrible about it? ?”

"Guan Gu, I think you underestimate Su Xiaoyi too much!" Tang Xiaoyou said seriously, "The scary thing about him is not his abilities, but his own abilities! Think about it, me, plus Zeng Xianer and Hu Xiaofei , The combination of the three of us is strong enough, right? But the three of us combined, were still captured alive by him alone!"

"If it's you, can you do it?"

Guan Gu miraculously said proudly: "If it were me, I wouldn't need to arrest you at all, you would become my subordinates! Of course Xiaoyou, I won't do this to you. In my heart, you will always be mine. My lover, my equal lover!"

"Guan Guan, you're so kind..." Tang Xiaoyou was instantly intoxicated by the sweet words.

"But Su Xiaoyi is still terrifying!" Tang Xiaoyou immediately turned to the topic again, persuading him again, "Guan Guan, you don't know how terrifying this person is, I think we should never make enemies with him. Really, he He is the scariest man I have ever seen, maybe you can conquer the world, but you must not conquer him!"

What Tang Xiaoyou didn't notice was that the more she talked, the darker Guan Gu Miracle's face became.

In the end, his face had turned black into the bottom of a pot.

"Enough!" He interrupted Tang Xiaoyou's persuasion, and sneered, "You think he's scary? Hehe, Xiaoyou, I'll let you see how he stands in front of me and bows to me!"

"Guan Guan, what are you going to do?" Tang Xiaoyou realized later that her persuasion had backfired, and couldn't help but widen her eyes in horror.

She really didn't want to be fed shit by Su Yi in front of Guan Gu.

Or pull and feed.

"What to do? Conquer the world, of course!" Guan Gu Miracle said proudly, "However, before that, I must first conquer these people with supernatural powers!"

He looked at Tang Xiaoyou: "Xiaoyou, go and join Hu Xiaofei and the others immediately, and then find a way to report your location to me."

Tang Xiaoyou's complexion changed: "Guan Guan, you promised me not to kill them!"

"Don't worry, they will all be my good subordinates, how can I be willing to kill them?" Guan Gu smiled strangely, "I just want them to stand with us!"

(End of this chapter)

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