Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 933 Zhang Wei's Ability

Chapter 933 Zhang Wei's Ability

When Hu Xiaofei and the others arrived at the train station, they found that Miracle of Guan Gu was heading southwest along the railway track.

"Why is this happening!" Hu Xiaofei and the others were dumbfounded.

"Guan Guan!" Tang Xiaoyou ran forward anxiously, trying to stop Guan Gu's miracle, but it was useless, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get close.

"Don't bother, Xiaoyou." Guan Gu Miracle shouted from the city until now, his voice was hoarse, but he also calmed down.

"This is Su Xiaoyi's supernatural ability. Unless he tells me to stop, there is no way for me to stop!" Guan Gu Miracle said dejectedly.

Along the way, he and his disciples tried various methods, and he even activated his own abilities.

Of course it wasn't aimed at Su Yi, because he couldn't even see Su Yi's face.

He randomly selected some passers-by, and wanted to see if he could stop when he activated his skills.

It works!
When the music of "Listen to Me Say Thank You" started, he did stop, but when the music stopped, he couldn't help but kept going.

Tried several times after that, same thing.He could use his own ability, but he couldn't make his own ability and Su Yi's ability cancel each other out.

"Su Xiaoyi still has this skill?" Zeng Xian'er was inexplicably horrified, "Why didn't he use it on us?"

"That's right!" Tang Xiaoyou was also terrified, "If he used this trick with us before, wouldn't we all be the same as Guan Gu now?"

"Where is Mr. Guan Gu going?" Lu Xiaoqiao asked.

Zhang Xiaowei groaned, and said seriously: "Follow the railroad should be looking for shit."

"Shut up Zhang Xiaowei! Don't be disrespectful to the master!" Zeng Xianer scolded with righteous words.

"Xiaofei! Come and try your shuttlecock drill!" Guan Gu Miracle's eyes filled with hope, "Maybe you can help me stop!"

"Okay! I'll try it!"

Hu Xiaofei stepped forward without hesitation and activated her own ability.

As the music of "Compendium of Materia Medica" sounded, everyone present danced together.

Including the Miracle of Guan Gu.

"Success!" Hu Xiaofei exclaimed in surprise,

Although everyone was speechless while dancing, they were very excited to see this scene.


After the song ended, Miracle Guan Gu still walked forward uncontrollably.

"How could this happen!" Don't say Guan Gu's miracle is hopeless, Hu Xiaofei has a hard time accepting this reality.

With such a powerful ability, she can't cancel Su Yi's ability!

"I knew it! I knew it!" Guan Gu Miracle's eyes were filled with despair, and he roared in a trembling voice, "Even my ability can't be removed, how can your ability be removed?"

"What do you mean by that?" Hu Xiaofei raised her eyebrows suddenly, "You mean I'm not as good as you?"

"Shut up! Don't be disrespectful to the master!" The rest of the people shouted in unison.

Hu Xiaofei curled her lips and immediately stopped talking.

"How about, let's try our abilities one by one to see if we can stop Guan Gu!" Tang Xiaoyou suggested, "Teacher Zeng, try it first."

"Me?" Zeng Xian'er was taken aback, looking very unconfident, "I can't do it, can I? My ability is very weak."

"Believe in yourself! President Zeng!" Lu Xiaoqiao patted him on the shoulder, "Is there anyone in this world who deserves more beating than you?"

"Yes! Maybe you will make Mr. Guan Gu stop and beat you up." Zhang Xiaowei said, "Try it, you won't suffer anyway."

"Don't suffer?" Zeng Xian'er cried out in grief and indignation, "It hurts to be beaten!"

"I mean I don't suffer." Zhang Xiaowei said.


"For the master! Come on, President Zeng!" Tang Xiaoyou looked passionate, his eyes full of encouragement.

Zeng Xian'er looked around, gritted her teeth and said, "Okay! For Mr. Guan Gu, I will fight! But please step back, I don't want to be beaten by gangs!"

"We can hold back as much as possible..." Hu Xiaofei said.

But she was interrupted by Zeng Xianer in the middle of her speech: "Come on! Don't think that I don't know that you just want to take this opportunity to beat me up! I won't give you this opportunity!"

"Okay, I saw it through you." Hu Xiaofei shrugged, "You follow Mr. Guan Gu and walk forward for a while, and then activate your skills.

"Okay!" Zeng Xian'er gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, "For Mr. Guan Gu, I will fight!"

Zeng Xianer tragically followed Guan Gu Miracle along the railway tracks, while Hu Xiaofei and the others stayed where they were.

"Do you really believe that Zeng Xian'er's skills can make Mr. Guan Gu stop?" Hu Xiaofei sneered, "I don't think there is any need for him to try. It's a waste of everyone's time!"

Lu Xiaoqiao laughed and said, "Miss Hu, don't you want to see the scene where President Zeng is being beaten? Be happy, decompress, and be in a good mood!"

Hu Xiaofei's eyes lit up immediately: "If wasting time can make me feel happy... then it's not wasting time!"

The four looked at each other, and they all let out "hehe" laughter with no clear meaning.

Not far away, Zeng Xian'er, who mustered up his courage, approached Guan Gu Miracle, struggled over and over again and finally said that sentence: "The nest is tender!"


Miraculously, Guan Gu bounced on the spot, kicked Zeng Xianer away with one kick, and continued walking.

As if nothing had happened.

Zeng Xianer fell heavily in the grass not far away.

The four people on the other side looked at each other and subconsciously shrunk their necks.

This foot-

"President Zeng! Are you okay, President Zeng! My God! You are so great, President Zeng!" Lu Xiaoqiao yelled and ran towards the grass.

"President Zeng! You are sacrificing yourself to illuminate others! President Zeng! I'm proud of you!" Tang Xiaoyou also shouted "excitedly" and ran over.

"President Zeng, you are my idol!" Zhang Xiaowei froze for a moment, raised his arms and shouted, and hurriedly followed.


Hu Xiaofei was dumbfounded, and for a long time gritted her teeth and cursed: "Three sluts! Too cheap! You're just a hypocrite!"

"and many more!"

But she soon realized a problem: "Why am I the only cold-blooded villain?"

Having figured this out, Hu Xiaofei immediately put on a concerned face, and cried out sadly: "Xian'er! Are you okay, Xianer!"

Joined the ranks of the remaining three.

Zeng Xian'er is fine, but he just vomited a couple of mouthfuls of blood, and he can still hold on.

"I didn't expect that everyone cares and loves me so much. There is true love in the world! I am very touched! I am so touched!" Zeng Xianer looked at the three faces surrounding her with tears in her eyes, "Everyone, rescue me!" The heavy responsibility of the master is entrusted to you!"

"Don't worry, Xian'er!" Hu Xiaofei patted him on the shoulder with a painful face, "You can go at ease, we will inherit your legacy and save Mr. Guan Gu!"

"President Zeng, you will always live in our hearts!" Tang Xiaoyou sobbed.

"Oh! Heaven is jealous of talents! Heaven is jealous of talents!" Zhang Xiaowei clapped his hands regretfully.

"Don't worry, President Zeng!" Lu Xiaoqiao held Zeng Xian'er's hand, "After you leave, we must behave ourselves!"

Zeng Xian'er hesitated and said: "I was just kicked, everyone, I'm not at the level of a heroic sacrifice, are I?"

"Really?" Hu Xiaofei smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Let's rehearse it, it's like getting familiar with the process in advance."

"Ah bah! Crow's mouth!" Zeng Xian'er jumped up angrily, "Why don't you try it on yourself? Isn't it too wicked?"

"Huh? President Zeng, I don't like to hear that!" Zhang Xiaowei sternly said, "Everyone is a traitor, and their moral standards are equally low. The word wicked is a bit self-inflicted, right?"

"That's right, the attack area is too wide!" Lu Xiaoqiao nodded in empathy.

"Okay, okay, then I take this back!" Zeng Xian'er saw the public outrage for the first time, and resolutely confessed, "By the way, I tried it to no avail, do you want to try again? Boss Lu, yours What is the ability? Do you want to try it?"

"Me?" Lu Xiaoqiao was taken aback, "Okay, I'll try!"

He looked at Guan Gu Miracle, who had gone away again, his expression suddenly changed, tears welled up in his eyes, and he roared sadly: "Swallow! How can I live without you, Swallow!"

The next moment, he disappeared in place, catching up with Guan Gu Miracle!
He wanted to grab Miracle Guan Gu and see if he could drag him back.

But it was useless, he couldn't catch anyone at all, so he was directly ejected.

"Boss Lu!"

"Big nephew!"

"Little Joe!"

The four people here yelled "worriedly" and ran over again, and were about to ask about their health, but Lu Xiaoqiao stood up by herself, grinning and rubbing her head.

"Stop! Stop!" He said angrily, "I don't need to go through another process, right? Let's go straight to the next link! My ability is invalid, do you want to try again?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, then their eyes focused on Tang Xiaoyou.

Tang Xiaoyou's eyes lit up.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, and they all yelled, "No!"

But it's still too late!
"You're here to shit!" Tang Xiaoyou pointed at Guan Gu Miracle and shouted.

"Puff puff……"

Not far away, Guan Gu Miracle was spraying while walking, and the back of his butt was soaked in a big lump. Ollie had a shoe running down his trousers, and every step he took, he made a "squeaky" sound, just like the sound of eating.

"Tang Xiaoyou!" Guan Gu let out a desperate roar.

"Uh..." Tang Xiaoyou withdrew her fingers awkwardly, "It turns out that I can't do it either!"

"Is this still a fact? You don't need to try to know it!" Hu Xiaofei rolled her eyes and said.

"It's over now. I heard that many reporters have already rushed here. The story of Guan Gu pulling his pants will spread all over the world!" Zeng Xianer worried.

"Then what should we do? With Mr. Guan Gu's temper, wouldn't he commit seppuku for us to see?" Zhang Xiaowei said.

"Don't worry, if he wants to cut seppuku, he has to be able to move freely." Lu Xiaoqiao said, "But we have tried our abilities, but it didn't work. What should we do next?"

"Yes, what should I do?" Tang Xiaoyou looked very worried.

"I always feel like I forgot something." Hu Xiaofei frowned and thought hard.

"Me too!" Zeng Xianer said.

"I think the one you guys forgot, could it be me?" Zhang Xiaowei said faintly, "You have all tried it, but I haven't tried it yet!"

"Yes, there is also Zhang Xiaowei!" Lu Xiaoqiao suddenly realized.

"So there are five of us!" Zeng Xianer said in surprise, "I always thought it was four!"

"Is my sense of existence already so low?" Zhang Xiaowei yelled angrily, "Although I know that my ability is definitely useless, but in order to prove that I exist, I still have to give it a try!"

As he spoke, he took out a coin, pointed at Guan Gu's Miracle and said loudly, "I bet you that there is no bullet in your gun!"

Miracle Guan Gu stopped suddenly.


Everyone was stunned.

"No way!" Tang Xiaoyou yelled in surprise, and hurried over.

Everyone rushed over in a hurry.

But when they wanted to touch the miracle of Guan Gu, they were blocked again.

"Not untied yet?"

Everyone couldn't believe it, so why did Guan Gu's miracle suddenly stop?

"Guan Gu, why is your face so red?" Tang Xiaoyou asked in surprise.

"Guan Gu, why are you trembling all over?" Zeng Xian'er also noticed something unusual.

"Damn it!" Lu Xiaoqiao's gaze fell unintentionally, her expression froze, and her eyes widened.

"No way! Mr. Guan Gu, you..." Lu Xiaoqiao couldn't believe it.

"Huh~~" Hu Xiaofei hurriedly backed away in disgust.

At this moment, Guan Gu Miracle made a strange sound from his throat, with an extremely comfortable expression on his face, and then——

Guan Gu Miracle continued to walk.


Everyone's eyes widened in horror.

"Guangu, actually..." Tang Xiaoyou was distraught.

"No! It's not me!" Guan Gu Miracle made such an ugly appearance in front of everyone, and he wanted to die.

"It's Zhang Xiaowei!" Guan Gu Miracle cried out in grief and anger, "This is his special ability, he is too perverted, too evil! He actually has such a wretched ability! My God! I want to die! I want to commit seppuku !"

Everyone showed horror on their faces, and subconsciously moved away from Zhang Xiaowei.

Zhang Xiaowei himself was also confused, and hurriedly explained: "That's not right! The function of my ability is to unload the bullets in the opponent's gun, not this!"

"Isn't this just right?" Lu Ziqiao folded his arms in a defensive posture, and stared at Zhang Xiaowei vigilantly, "Mr. Guan Gu's bullet...wasn't you unloaded it?"

"This..." Zhang Xiaowei was speechless.

But is the gun of meat considered gun?
"Zhang Xiaowei! You are obscene, obscene, shameless and despicable to the extreme!" Hu Xiaofei said angrily, "What kind of obscene and obscene abilities are you? You have completely embarrassed us people with special abilities!"

"Yes! That's right! I'm really ashamed to be with you!" Lu Xiaoqiao immediately accused Zhang Xiaowei with righteous words, and then quickly whispered in Zhang Xiaowei's ear, "After that, let's chat privately. I have a very bold idea about your ability. idea!"

Zeng Xian'er smiled wretchedly, looked at Hu Xiaofei, then at Tang Xiaoyou, and said meaningfully: "Zhang Xiaowei, have you tried it, what will happen if you use this ability on a woman?"

Lu Xiaoqiao's eyes lit up immediately, and she immediately said solemnly: "This is a subject worthy of study, I suggest to practice it immediately, after all, practice is the only criterion for testing the truth!"

"How dare you!" Hu Xiaofei and Tang Xiaoyou raised eyebrows together.

(End of this chapter)

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