Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 934 Pursuit

Chapter 934 Pursuit
"Don't worry, I'm not so wretched!" Zhang Xiaowei rolled his eyes and said, "I'm still confused and don't know what's going on. This is the first time I've discovered that my ability has such an effect. Before that , I have always felt that my ability is very tasteless."

"You have to promise that you don't need to use your skills indiscriminately for us!" Tang Xiaoyou warned Zhang Xiaowei, "If you dare to use it on me, I will make you scurry until your heart is broken!"


"Is this idiom used in this way?" Zhang Xiaowei turned pale.

"If you dare to use it on me, I promise to make you work hard to death!" Hu Xiaofei also clenched her fists as a warning.

Who's working hard?

Shuttlecock fuck?
Zhang Xiaowei shrank his neck immediately: "You guys... scared me so much that I peeed out! You follow Mr. Guan Gu first, I'll go pee first!"

After finishing speaking, he ran to the side of the grove and left.

When he got to a place where no one was around, Zhang Xiaowei looked around furtively, with excitement and anticipation suddenly appearing on his face, he quickly unbuttoned his pants, and took out a coin.

"I bet there's no bullets in my gun!"

After a few seconds...

"Ah..." A pleasant and relieved voice came from Zhang Wei's throat. He closed his eyes with an unconcealable expression of satisfaction on his face.

The door to a new world opens here.

Just as the so-called house leak happened to rain overnight, Guan Gu Miracle walked along the railroad track, but this railroad track was passed by trains coming and going.

Although he has recruited Zhe Peng officers, big and small, into followers, people in other places don't pee on him.

So when a train came, Zhe Peng's top management chose to ignore it and let Guan Gu's miracle run its course.

But something terrible happened.

When the train came, Hu Xiaofei and the others, who followed Guan Gu Miracle all the way, panicked and tried their best to force the train to stop, but they failed.

The train "underpants underpants" came and crashed into the Miracle of Guan Gu.

With a loud bang, the train derailed.

And Guan Gu Miracle still walked forward without any haste, without being affected in any way.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Even the speeding train can't stop the miracle of Guan Gu!
"Quick! Go find Su Xiaoyi! Only by killing him can I be saved!" Guan Gu cried out in grief and indignation, "Go! Kill him! Don't let him live!"

"But Guan Gu, we're leaving, what do you do? Who will take care of you?" Tang Xiaoyou asked.

Guan Gu said with a blank expression on his face: "If what you mean by taking care of me is to let me do a shuttlecock drill, poop a lot of shit, kick a slut away, and do shameful things in public, then I don't know what to do." No need for such care!"

Guan Gu Miracle became more and more excited as he talked, and finally his face was filled with grief and indignation: "Have you ever thought that if I can't stop, people all over the world will see me pulling my pants and doing shameful things!"

"Have you ever thought that if I can't stop, I'll still need to go to the toilet! Is there any other place for me to fix it besides my pants?"

"Have you ever thought that if I can't stop, I will die of thirst and starvation sooner or later! My God, this must be the most humiliating way of death in human history! I will be recorded in history and by future generations Ridiculous! I can't wait to kill myself every minute!"

"Uh... Guan Gu, don't get excited, we will definitely help you solve this problem!" Tang Xiaoyou hurriedly said.

"That's right!" Hu Xiaofei answered with a serious face, "The root of all evil is Su Xiaoyi, we will definitely find him and get rid of him!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Guan Gu, our five cobblers will stink Zhuge Liang to death!" Zeng Xian'er swore, patting her chest.

Everyone looked at him blankly.

Zeng Xian'er shrank her neck, smiled and raised her hand.

"In short, leave this task to us!" Zhang Xiaowei said seriously to Guan Gu Miracle, "There is only one problem now!"

"What?" Guan Gu Miracle asked.

"Where is Su Xiaoyi?" Zhang Xiaowei frowned and spread his hands, "Where are we going to find him?"

"Yes, the world is so big, where can I find him?" Hu Xiaofei was also worried.

"It's impossible for me to walk along the railway tracks for no reason!" Guan Gu miraculously gritted his teeth, "The scheming baby keeps touching your stomach! That's Su Xiaoyi leaving the magic city by train. The road I walked is the place he passed by!"

"You mean, let us look for it along the railway tracks?" Tang Xiaoyou asked.

"Stupid!" Zeng Xian'er said, "We should go back to Shanghai first, and then ask where the nearest train is going, and then go directly to the destination and wait for Su Xiaoyi to come to the door. Then, we can ……Hahaha!"

He let out an evil, rampant laugh.

But at the next moment, Hu Xiaofei slapped him on the back of the head, and said angrily: "You're laughing! There is only one destination for the train, but there are many stops on the way. How do you know that Su Xiaoyi won't get off halfway?"

"That's right." Zeng Xiaoxian stopped smiling.

"It seems that we can only split up!" Lu Xiaoqiao said, "Let's go to different passage stations to investigate Su Xiaoyi's whereabouts. If we find Su Xiaoyi—Neizu Special!"

Lu Xiaoqiao's face turned hard.

"But we may not be his opponent together, let alone separated?" Zhang Xiaowei spread his hands, "I think what we do is to take the initiative to give away the head."

"Then what do you say!" Tang Xiaoyou said anxiously, "I don't know how long Guan Gu can last, we must find him as soon as possible!

"Listen, I have a plan!" Zhang Xiaowei said with a serious expression, "Boss Lu and President Zeng stand in the lead, because Boss Lu's ability is suitable for traveling, and President Zeng can bring hatred."

"If you are our vanguard officers, you will definitely be able to stop Su Xiaoyi in front of him! After you saw Su Xiaoyi, President Zeng immediately started to taunt and attract monsters, and Boss Lu quickly ran away with President Zeng on his back. Come and join us! "

"Two questions!" Zeng Xianer raised her hand and said, "First, what should I do if I'm taunting, Boss Lu didn't run away and just beat me up? Second, how do we know where you are and where to meet you?"

"Good question!" Zhang Xiaowei gave him a thumbs up, "The answers to these two questions—

I do not know either. "

"Oh, what are you talking about!" Tang Xiaoyou stomped her feet anxiously.

"Wait!" Lu Xiaoqiao's eyes widened, "Zhang Xiaowei's plan is feasible, I can tie Teacher Zeng to my back, and it would be better for Teacher Zeng to wear some protective gear, so as to avoid being beaten. I can beat Teacher Zeng while I’m running, without delay! Of course, since Teacher Zeng is wearing a protective gear, I shouldn’t be able to hurt him.”

"In this way, won't the problem of attracting monsters be solved?"

"Is this... okay?" Zeng Xian'er expressed serious doubts.

"Trust me, it will definitely work!" Lu Xiaoqiao patted Zeng Xian'er on the shoulder and gave him a positive look.

"En!" Zeng Xianer nodded solemnly and agreed.

"Then there is a second question, how do we meet?" Tang Xiaoyou asked.

"I have a solution!" Hu Xiaofei said, "Let's find a car first, and then drive along the official road. If you find Su Xiaoyi, lead him back along the official road! As long as we don't take the small road, as long as you don't If you get lost, we will definitely meet up!"

"That's a good idea!" Lu Xiaoqiao's eyes lit up, "That's it, President Zeng, come on, I'll take you one step ahead!"

"Okay!" Zeng Xian'er was not polite to him, and lightly jumped onto his back.

"Swallow! How can I live without you, Swallow!" Lu Xiaoqiao burst out crying, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Then let's go find a car too!" Zhang Xiaowei said expectantly, "To be honest, this is the first time for me to go on a business trip with these two beauties. Thinking about it, I'm really excited, hehe..."

Hu Xiaofei and Tang Xiaoyou looked at each other, then pointed at Zhang Xiaowei together and said, "We are in a team of two, you go by yourself! Separate!"

Zhang Xiaowei's smile froze on his face.

He was disgusted.

The supernatural five-person group acted separately according to the plan, while Guan Gu Miracle was abandoned by Zhe Peng's senior management.

When the second speeding military column derailed because of the Guangu Miracle, causing heavy casualties, Zhe Peng's senior management finally reached the limit of their tolerance for the Guangu Miracle.

They had to suspend all trains, and Guangu Miracle occupied a railway line by himself, which made them very angry.

Facing this weird situation, they couldn't think of a better solution, so they simply got rid of Guan Gu Miracle.

It's a pity that they sent killers to shoot Guan Gu Miracle crazily, and even threw grenades, but they couldn't do anything to Guan Gu Miracle.

On the contrary, Miracle Guan Gu was annoyed, and he gave the song "Listen to me, thank you" to everyone present, and successfully turned the people who came to kill him and the people who watched the fun into his servants, and accompanied him to "press the railway" ".

Guan Gu miraculously thought that if Su Yi could not be found, the fate waiting for him would be death of thirst or starvation.

Unexpectedly, at twelve o'clock in the noon, the power to control his body suddenly disappeared!
Disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before!
Miracle Guan Gu, who regained his freedom, almost wept with joy. After moving his hands and feet in disbelief, he raised his head to the sky and howled with excitement.

"Free! I'm free!" he was ecstatic.

And the believers who were bewitched by him also cheered and shouted wildly, sincerely happy for him.

"Quickly, find me new pants and new shoes!" Guan Gu Miracle felt the sticky crotch, so disgusted that he couldn't stand it for a second, he hurried to the side of the railway, and there was a stream not far away.

He hurriedly found a sheltered place, quickly took off his pants and shoes, washed his lower body well, and then waited for his believers to give him new pants and shoes. In the end, how should I deal with him severely.

"Mr. Guan Gu, I'm still looking for pants, first try to see if these shoes fit!" A believer brought a pair of shoes and handed them to Miracle Guan Gu, Miracle Guan Gu put them on his feet hastily for a try, they were about the same size.

But at this moment, his body suddenly walked out of the hiding place uncontrollably, and walked back towards the railroad track again.

"No, no, no... no!" Guan Gu Miracle yelled in horror, but he couldn't do anything at all.

He watched helplessly as he came out without his pants on, walked towards the railroad tracks, and continued his journey along the railroad tracks.

And so—the news of a Jeppen man running for six hours along the railroad tracks without pants hit the front pages of newspapers across the country.

There is no such thing as a mosaic these days...

The Miracle of Guan Gu became famous.

The enthusiastic Chinese people even gave him a very affectionate nickname - Mrs. Guan Gu.

Six hours later, Miracle Guan Gu, who had almost arrived in Hangzhou, regained his freedom. He immediately took the pants of the believers who accompanied him and put them on himself, then hurriedly took the food and water prepared by the believers, and gulped I ate it with a big mouthful.

10 minutes later, his body was on the road uncontrollably again...

It has to be said that this skill actually gave Guangu Miracle time to eat and rest, which can be said to be fat intestines ginkgo.

Since there is no need for Miracle Guan Gu's actions at all, Miracle Guan Gu can also sleep while walking.

So at night, Guan Gu Miracle basically walked while sleeping.

24 hours a day, every six hours, Guangu Miracle has 10 minutes of free time. During these 10 minutes, Guangu Miracle is used for eating, drinking, and defecating.

the other side……

The team of five supernatural beings chased all the way to Jiaxing, Hangzhou, and then to Fujian, but they didn't even catch the shadow of Su Yi and Qin Xiaomo!

Su Yi and Qin Xiaomo disappeared without a trace as if they had evaporated from the world.

During the period, Hu Xiaofei and Tang Xiaoyou came to see the Miracle of Guan Gu, and they were speechless.

They also read the newspapers, and they all knew about Guan Gu Miracle's miserable experience of grief and indignation.

It is said that a British company called Guinness has prepared to record the record of "a Zhe Peng man named Guan Gu Miracle ran [-] kilometers with bare buttocks" for future generations to watch.

Guan Gu Miracle sang "Listen to me and thank you" to them again, and sent them to work harder to find Su Yi for him.

But what he didn't expect was that this search took more than a year!
Spring goes and autumn comes, time goes by.

During the past year, the Miracle of Guangu still kept walking, from Shanghai to Guangzhou, from Guangzhou to Wudu, and then from Wudu to Yan'an...

People all over the world knew the characteristics of Guan Gu's miracles, so wherever he went, people avoided him one after another, and calculated the time accurately, leaving food and water for him along the way, dispersing the crowd, and not giving him a chance to attract believers.

No one provokes him, no one pays attention to him, everyone just treats him as a natural landscape.The flames of war should continue to burn, and those who should be luxurious continue to indulge in luxury.

In addition to the Miracle of Guan Gu, the supernatural five-person group also achieved a lot of fame this year, especially the fitness man Hu Xiaofei!

She and Tang Xiaoyou also separated later. When searching for Su Xiaoyi, they happened to encounter a war, and then successfully rewrote the outcome of the war.

She has been famous ever since!
Tang Xiaoyou, Zeng Xian'er, and Lu Xiaoqiao have all made a name for themselves, and the four of them are known as the "Four Heroes of Power"!
There is also a person with supernatural powers——Zhang Xiaowei, but he has become a scum that everyone scolds.

Because this guy opened a happy club for rich women and used his powers to make a fortune, and many 404 stories were born.

(End of this chapter)

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