Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 936 The end of this volume

Chapter 936 The end of this volume

Judging from Zhang Xiaowei's state, Guan Gu's miraculous ability is not so overbearing that he can't understand it. This guy's cowardice and nature of being content with the status quo finally broke free from the ideological stamp of Guan Gu's miraculous ability.

Furthermore, although Miracle Guan Gu turned Hu Xiaofei and the others into people loyal to him, Hu Xiaofei and the others are not considered traitors, because they only take Miracle Guan Gu seriously, and are still hostile to the rest of the Zhe Peng people. .

Over the past year or so, at least Su Yi has not heard of anything harmful or betraying the nation by the supernatural five.

Hu Xiaofei has even been active on the front line of the Anti-Japanese War, cooperating with the Guojun and underground party troops to fight against the Zhepeng people.

Although Zeng Xianer and Lu Xiaoqiao made a lot of farce because of their chivalry, overall their reputation is still good.

Even Tang Xiaoyou, who has been following Guan Gu, often takes actions to prevent the Zhe Peng people from harming ordinary people.

That's why the four of them are called the "Four Heroes", not the "Four Harms".

"Mr. B, in fact, I came here to find a plausible excuse for myself, to prove that I have done my best, and I really don't want to do anything." Zhang Xiaowei said cautiously with a smile, "Otherwise, we will face the sky, each Go halfway?"

"You have a pretty good idea." Su Yi couldn't help laughing, "You made me hide and hide for more than a year, and now it's over? Do you think this matter can be so simple?"

"Mr. Yi, I think you hid it on purpose, just to make Guan Gu retreat, not really afraid of us." Zhang Xiaowei said.

"Hey?" Su Yi asked in surprise, "When did you become smart?"

"Hey, I've always been very witty." Zhang Xiaowei grinned, "I was given a nickname——Zhang Fengchu!"

"You're really smart." Su Yi smiled.

"Then can you let me go?" Zhang Xiaowei asked while the iron was hot.

"No." Su Yi said with a smile.

Zhang Xiaowei's expression collapsed: "Okay, then I will rebel."

"Do you have any paper and pen here?" Su Yi asked suddenly after pondering for a while.

"It really is!" Zhang Xiaowei hastily dug out the paper and pen from his bag.Passed it to Su Yi.

Su Yi spread the paper on the roof of the car and began to write quickly.

Before he finished writing, Zeng Xianer and Lu Xiaoqiao arrived.

They walked within one meter in front of Su Yi, and the power that imprisoned them disappeared instantly.

The two moved their limbs unbelievably, and the next moment they were ecstatic!
Zeng Xian'er jumped onto Lu Xiaoqiao's back with a "chuckle" and yelled frantically, "gogogo! Come on!"

"Swallow, no..." Lu Xiaoqiao was about to activate her skills while running.

But at this moment, Su Yi's faint voice came from behind them.

"Dare to run!"

The voice is not loud, but calm and unquestionable.

Lu Xiaoqiao froze for a moment, unable to speak anymore.

He turned around stiffly, stared at Su Yi in horror and said, "You, what do you want!"

"Don't worry!" At this time, Su Yi finished writing the last stroke, picked up the paper and blew it, then smiled and looked up at them, "Since I am waiting for you here, I just didn't intend to make you like a miracle in Guan Gu Also ran away for more than a year, traveling all over the great rivers and mountains of the motherland."

When Lu Xiaoqiao and Zeng Xian'er thought of that scene, they both shuddered, and then shouted in unison: "I'm a traitor!"


"Very good, it seems that you are all brilliant." Su Yi smiled and folded the letter paper, then handed it to Zhang Xiaowei.

"You three, bring my letter to Guan Gu Miracle." He smiled, "If he agrees to my conditions, he knows what to do."

The three looked at each other.

"You—you want to let us go?" Zeng Xianer asked in disbelief.

"What? Can't bear to leave?" Su Yi asked.

"No no no, of course I'm willing!" Lu Xiaoqiao was the first to react, "Mr. Yi, there will be a time later!"

Su Yi smiled, turned around and walked away.

The three of them watched Su Yi's back disappear into the turning, and then heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Tell me, what kind of medicine is he selling in his gourd?" Zhang Xiaowei asked confused.

"What medicine does he care about! It's king to leave quickly!" Zeng Xian'er hurriedly said, "If he comes back after regretting it, then we will be miserable!"

"It makes sense! Get out!" Lu Xiaoqiao hastily opened the door and got into the car.

Zeng Xianer said blankly: "Driving? Wouldn't it be faster to use your abilities?"

"Nonsense!" Lu Xiaoqiao rolled her eyes, "Try running for more than a hundred kilometers with a guy that weighs more than a dead pig? Get in the car! Or just walk by yourself."

"Okay, I'll get in the car!" Zeng Xian'er resolutely gave in, "Zhang Xiaowei, squeeze in, hehe... By the way, I heard you had a good time, but it's just a little wretched."

Zhang Xiaowei said seriously: "I eat by my ability, how can I be wretched?"

"Drive first and then talk!" Lu Xiaoqiao urged.

Zhang Xiaowei was silent for a moment, then said quietly: "The car can't start, we have to go down to push the cart."

"Depend on!"

Su Yi's original plan was to deliberately show up to draw out the group of five supernatural beings, gather them all in front of Miracle Guan Gu, and then solve the problem at once.

But he discovered Zhang Xiaowei's strange behavior, and also found that Zeng Xian'er and Lu Xiaoqiao were not so firm in his "killing intention", so he changed his mind.

He felt that maybe he didn't need to go to Guan Gu Miracle in person, and the matter would be over.

As for whether Guan Gu Miracle will admit defeat?
The answer is yes, he will definitely admit defeat.

He didn't commit suicide after running a marathon for a year, so he must want to live.

With such a strong desire to survive, how could he not surrender?
As long as Guan Gu Miracle does what he says in his letter, the assassination situation of these killers against him should be resolved.

The main mission is considered complete.

As for the side quest [-] of "Sex and Boldness"...

To be honest, Su Yi still struggles until now.

He has overcome his "moral cleanliness", but the problem is that he has no way to start.

How can I sleep with Hu Xiaofei?
In this world, he and Hu Xiaofei really don't have many interactions, and the other party is jealous, and he doesn't care about him as a traitor at all.

But he couldn't tell the other party about his hidden identity as an underground party.

Can't overlord be hard on the bow, right?
Su Yi felt that if he really dared to do this, Hu Xiaofei would really make him work hard to death.

Su Yi has formulated several plans, but all of them require slow work and meticulous work. To put it bluntly, it takes time.

He decided to appease Qin Xiaomo first, and then make a move.

But what Su Yi didn't expect was that Hu Xiaofei came to the door by himself!

In the small town where he settled Qin Xiaomo, Hu Xiaofei stood guard at the only entrance to the ancient town.

Su Yi saw Hu Xiaofei from a distance, and was taken aback. He hesitated again and again, a little confused about Hu Xiaofei's origin, so he decided to be cautious and conservative just to be on the safe side.

He stayed 100 meters away from Hu Xiaofei and deliberately appeared. Hu Xiaofei also quickly spotted Su Yi, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Just about to come forward, but seeing Su Yi's appearance of retreating at any time, she immediately reacted, stopped walking and said depressedly: "Hey, am I so scary?"

"The heroine Hu is famous all over the world, so it's better to be on guard." Su Yi smiled slightly, "How did you find this place?"

Regarding this point, Su Yi still couldn't figure it out. He asked himself that he had kept Qin Xiaomo very secretive, and it was impossible for anyone to catch Qin Xiaomo's traces again, but he didn't expect that Hu Xiaofei would still come to him.

How is Qin Xiaomo now?

It seems that Hu Xiaofei shouldn't have disturbed her.

"Cut! Can this be hard for me?" Hu Xiaofei looked at Su Yi with a complicated expression, "At the beginning, you and Yu Mo talked about the most suitable places to live in seclusion, one was Anchang Town, and the other was here. Anchang must not be able to wait for such a big commotion, I guess you will come here!"

These words made Su Yi feel a huge wave in his heart, but he didn't reveal anything on the surface, instead he frowned and asked, "Yu Mo?"

He didn't dare to ask too much, not wanting to trigger the mechanism of honesty and non-refusal.

"You don't are still in a dream." Hu Yifei's face became more complicated, "But you actually married Yu Mo and made her belly bigger!"


Real hammer!
Hu Yifei is also awake!
But what's going on?

Didn't the terminal say that I am the only sober one among all the actors?
Why is Hu Yifei awake too?
A bug?
Su Yi thought a lot in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be righteous and said: "Xiao Mo is my wife, and it is only natural that she has my children!"

"Then why can't it be me!" Hu Yifei finally couldn't help jumping up, she angrily pointed at Su Yi and cursed, "You supercilious wolf has no conscience, it's in vain that I treat you so well, and I'm ordering food for you. To take care of you, I almost sent myself to your bed! You married Yumo in your dream! You are shameless! You are despicable!"

Su Yi said with a righteous face: "Nvxia Hu! In this world, Xiaomo is my only wife, please respect yourself!"

"I respect your size!" Hu Yifei became even more angry, "As the saying goes, you think about it every day and dream at night. You must have a body that is greedy for feathers, so you married her in your dreams! Su Xiaoyi, Su Xiaoyi, I thought Your scumbag's remarks are just words, I didn't expect you to come to the truth!"

I've always been honest...

Su Yi murmured something in his heart, looked deeply at Hu Yifei, and his heart suddenly became alive.



"Woman Hu..." Su Yi sighed suddenly, "It's only because of good fortune and tricks, and we hate each other so late!"

His expression suddenly became extremely gloomy, and he walked towards Hu Yifei with his hands behind his back. Looking at Hu Yifei with deep eyes, he said softly, "In this world, my wife and I have been together earlier. In fact, why have I never admired you? It's just that Xiao Mo arrived before you."

Hu Yifei was stunned.

She stared blankly at Su Yi walking up to her and standing still, before she realized it, and subconsciously asked, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"What are you afraid of? Kill me?" Su Yi smiled, "I don't believe you would do this."

"You..." Hu Yifei shook her head vigorously to calm herself down, "You just said that you also admire me?"

"My fair lady, a gentleman is so sweet." Su Yi looked at Hu Yifei and said frankly, "I thought about being with you."

This is real.

Hu Yifei bit her lip and said, "That Yumo..."

"It's Xiaomo!" Su Yi corrected, "I already have Xiaomo in this world, so I'm sorry."

"Then if you had the chance to reelection, who would you choose?" Hu Yifei asked.


Mad, why ask such a fatal question?

"I want both." Su Yi said.

"Scumbag!" Hu Yifei glared at him, gritted his teeth and said, "No matter where you are, you can't change your scumbag essence."

"If you want to blame it, you can blame good luck and tricks people." Su Yi sighed, "In this world, you and I have no part."

"I want to have a relationship with you!" Hu Yifei suddenly hugged Su Yi and kissed him.

She even stuck out her tongue.


Su Yi didn't struggle because he couldn't refuse.

I was actually kissed?
Yifei, but the cat's nose!You can go further, come on!

But Hu Yifei kissed for a long time, but there was no further movement. Su Yi was so angry that his little tongue was poking around, so he simply carried it on his shoulder and walked to the woods on the side of the town.

"What are you doing?" Hu Yifei was startled.

"Do it!" Su Yi replied in a muffled voice.

"Damn, I didn't mean that - well, hurry up, find a place where no one is around, are we cheating? So exciting! Hee hee!"


One night fish and dragon dance.

On the other side, Zhang Xiaowei and the others successfully reunited with Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Xiaoyou.

After reading Su Yi's letter, Guan Gu Miracle burst into tears.

"He finally let me go! He finally let me go! My God! Mom! I'm finally going to be free!"

"Really? Guan Gu, is this true!" Tang Xiaoyou also cried with joy, "It's great that you don't have to suffer at last!"

"Xiaoyou, I'm lucky to have you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to hold on at all!" Guan Gu said to Tang Xiaoyou with tears in his eyes, "I've already decided that after the matter is over, the two of us will find a quiet place where no one is disturbed." I live in seclusion, just you and me, Xiaoyou, I love you!"

"I love you Guan Gu too." Tang Xiaoyou said happily.

"You are the wind, I am the sand!" Guan Gu Miracle spoke affectionately.

"Entangled, to the end of the world." Tang Xiaoyou was tender.


Zhang Xiaowei and the other three who saw this scene retched.

"Do you two have a sense of public morality? Is it really okay to say such disgusting things in front of others in broad daylight?" Zhang Xiaowei said angrily.

"Mr. Guan Gu, so you agreed to Su Xiaoyi's conditions?" Lu Xiaoqiao asked
"I agree!" Guan Gu said with emotion, "After more than a year of suffering, I have figured it out and let go of everything."

"You don't hate him?" Zeng Xianer asked, "After all, it was Su Xiaoyi who made you go away for so long."

"Hate, of course I hate, I'm not that magnanimous." Guan Gu Miracle shook his head, "But I can't think of confronting him at all, he is too scary! I decided to turn an enemy into a friend with him !"

"...Hehe, this is really the style of you Zhe Peng people." Zhang Xiaowei smiled with a blunt smile.

Guan Gu Miracle thought that this matter would not end until he had to go to Shaoxing to join Su Yi.

Tang Xiaoyou longed for the life after living in seclusion with Guan Gu.

Zhang Xiaowei has already planned to go to a place with an open mind and open a happy club for rich women. On the way here just now, he persuaded Lu Xiaoqiao and Zeng Xiaoyi to join him, and they used their brains together to come up with many interesting projects.

Qin Xiaomo is still waiting for Su Yi's return.

And Su Yi is also lingering with Hu Yifei, vying for the upper and lower dominance.

They all thought the story was not over yet.

But they all opened their eyes in reality.

Nanke Yimeng.

(End of this chapter)

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