Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 937 Preparation

Chapter 937 Preparation
"Assassination of Mr. B" performance statement:

You have completed all the performance tasks, and you will be rewarded with the reserved ability 'Drag Pan Zhoudan'.

Spend 1000 director points, you can keep the version 1.0 of 'Crazy Drag Pan Zhoudan';

Spend 2000 director points, you can keep the version 1.5 of 'Crazy Drag Pan Zhoudan';

Note: To retain the ability, you need to spend 200 director points to activate the permanent prop Gentleman Self-improvement, which archives your physical state on the set of the show. "

Seeing the performance settlement message that popped up in the terminal, Su Yi was a little dazed.

He knows version 1.0, but what the hell is version 1.5?

Shouldn't it be version 2.0?
The terminal didn't have an explanation about this, Su Yi was wondering, the terminal sent another message, it was from the director.

With a thought, he got up, put on his clothes and opened the door.

Shifting stars.

One step at a time, he's already standing in the transfer company after each return.

Looking at the familiar surroundings, Su Yi was slightly lost in thought.

But he quickly came back to his senses and looked at No. 032 standing in front of him.

"Director." He greeted.

"I guessed that you would be a little confused, and I just wanted to find you, so I just called you back to the company." No. 032 waved to him, "Go, go to my office and talk. By the way, your fan value has come down, close it." Reached?"

"I haven't watched it yet!" Su Yi was stunned, and hurriedly followed, while opening his personal information panel.

Other things haven't changed, but the number of fans has increased by more than three million...

A little more than expected.

"Is the Republic of China released?" Su Yi asked in surprise.

"Of course not! We still have to judge awards!" No. 032 said, "Most of your fan value is contributed by "Ten Thieves Harassing Hong Kong Island". Last time you counterattacked and killed the protagonist on the deathmatch set, it was very brilliant. The audience recognizes you very much."

Top ten thieves?

Su Yi was in a daze, it was really a long memory.

as long as——

Like what happened in the previous life.

But it's a good thing to have this feeling, it's better than still remembering it as if it was yesterday.

After staying in the apartment world for so long, he even forgot that he still has four chances to draw in the mall.

He quickly followed No. 032 to her office.

"You, I almost delayed myself." No. 032 sighed, "The second sub-quest has been delayed for a year! Is it difficult for you to be a scumbag? If you can't do it, the overlord will fight hard." !Is the principle important or is it important to get the ability?"

Su Yi smiled, and said, "It's still... a bit hard to get through."

He knew the meaning of No. 032, so it was better to knock Hu Yifei unconscious, so that the second mission was completed.

But he is not a strong criminal, he despises this kind of behavior.

No. 032 shook his head and said: "I told you earlier, acting is acting, reality is reality, you have to break through yourself. I can help you this time, but can I help you every time?"

help me?

Su Yi froze for a moment, then suddenly realized.

Hu Yifei finally woke up suddenly, knowing that she was dreaming, which conflicted with the message that the terminal told Su Yi that "you are the only one who is awake".

Moreover, it is impossible for Hu Yifei to wake up inexplicably. Now it seems that No. 032 did it to make Su Yi complete all the performance tasks.

Because only by completing all performance tasks, Su Yi is eligible to retain the ability.

"We have to abide by the rules on the surface, and we can't make exceptions." No. 032 said, "It's outrageous that this scene has been delayed for more than a year, and it can't be delayed any longer, but your second side mission is still late. There has been no progress, so I can only help you secretly, but only this time, not as an example!"

"Thank you director!" Su Yi hurriedly thanked.

"What do you think?" No. 032 looked at Su Yi and asked, "You really don't intend to lower the bottom line?"

Su Yi thought for a while, and said, "Let's lower it appropriately, it's impossible to stay the same."

"But some things are okay, like forcing women."

No. 032 sighed again: "I don't know whether to call you pedantic or naive, you can't just not complete this kind of performance task in the future, can you? And your deathmatch set this time doesn't allow you to be a good person. If a weakness like yours is exploited by your should do it yourself."

She didn't go on, and didn't try to persuade her again, because after getting along for so long, she knew that Su Yi was easy to talk about in some things, but stubborn as a rock in some things.

"The reason why the ability is version 1.5 is because of balance." No. 032 pulled the topic back to the beginning, "If it is an unlimited version 2.0 ability, you will be invincible, and the company does not allow such a situation to happen. Remember that old enemy you eliminated? The one with the chlorine trifluoride bomb?"

"Remember." Su Yi nodded, "This guy's unique skill is very powerful. Could it be that this is actually his supernatural power?"

"It's a kind of ability." No. 032 nodded, "But the chlorine trifluoride bomb he used is already a severe castrated version. If there is no restriction at all... Hehe, he can easily destroy a city."

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully: "Understood, the company does not allow such a powerful actor to exist!"

"That's right." No. 032 said, "Because it's too disruptive to the balance, unsolvable abilities can bring out a specific world, and what can be brought out can only be the castrated version."

"What was castrated in version 1.5?" Su Yi asked.

"Two aspects," said No. 032, "one is the range, which is changed to be effective within the line of sight, and the ability will be invalid immediately when out of sight; the other is the number of times, which is limited to three times a day."

Although he had already guessed that he would be "severely" castrated, Su Yi still couldn't help shaking his head: "The castration is so serious, how dare you ask for two thousand points?"

"Not satisfied?" No. 032 said with a smile, "You can buy version 1.0, there is no limit to this."

"Then I definitely want version 1.5," Su Yi said without hesitation, "The two versions are completely different things."

No. 032 said: "You can buy version 1.5, but you must save enough [-] points to be eligible to open a deathmatch studio."

"The second thing I asked you to do was to talk to you about the deathmatch studio. We have to hurry up and open, and this time the deathmatch studio should be released as soon as possible."

She looked at Su Yi: "Hurry up and get rid of your abilities first, and then we can talk."

"Okay, give me a few minutes." Su Yi nodded, his consciousness immersed in his mind.

His current director points are only more than [-] points. If he spends [-] points to activate "Gentleman Self-improvement", and spends [-] points to buy the ability, there are only more than [-] director points left.

It takes a thousand points to reach the standard line for promotion to a first-line actor, so I definitely can't do this.

Fortunately, he still has four chances to use the lottery, and he still has the chance to earn director points.

He also has a "Auspicious Man Has His Own Aspect" card that can add background to his character. He used this card in "Ode to Joy", but it is useless to Su Yi now, and this card After the card is promoted to the first line, it can't be used anymore.

He first hung this card with an original price of 500 director points in the mall, and then hung it in the mall at a price of 460 director points.

After waiting for a while and no one cared, he directly adjusted the price to 420 director points.

The result was directly seconds.

In this way, his current balance of director points has become 2864 points.

He opened the lottery drawing interface and looked at the six refreshed prizes, from the one with the lowest probability to the one with the highest probability——

1. One actor exemption card (worth 1000 director points);

5. The chance of winning will be permanently increased by [-]%;

1. One temporary killing card (worth 500 director points);

1. One character selection card (worth 300 director points);

1. One refusal card (worth 100 director points);

[-]. Stream of consciousness teaching of advanced mathematics from entry to master level.

Su Yi has a 15% chance of winning the jackpot, and has four chances to draw.

Theoretically speaking, he now only needs 200 director points to buy the ability and deal with this "financial crisis".

It's only 200 director points, even if he only wins the fourth prize once, it's enough.

So Su Yi had no pressure in his heart, and started to draw directly.

The result of the first draw was actually very good, and it was actually the second prize—a permanent increase in the chance of winning by 5%.

Su Yi originally had 15%, but now it has become 20%.

Not bad.

Su Yi was very satisfied, thinking about the first prize in his heart, and continued to draw the second wave.

As a result, this time I hit the jackpot!
An actor exemption card!
Worth 1000 director points!
This is something that can save lives at critical moments, and the price is naturally high.

Su Yi then draws the third wave.

As a result, the hands were too dark this time, and the lowest grade of advanced mathematics was drawn, from entry to master level stream of consciousness teaching.

It's very sad.

Su Yi continued to come to the last wave.

This time the draw is——

A temporary killing card worth 500 director points!

The function of this card is to designate an NPC character in the show and let him be killed by the plot.

It is useless after one use.

In other words, it is a one-time consumable worth 500 director points.

In terms of cost performance, this thing is not a bit lower than the performance exemption card.

But Su Yi's eyes lit up and he decided to keep this card.

The reason is simple, he already has a performance exemption card, and there is no need to hoard another one.

But this temporary killing card is likely to come in handy on this deathmatch set.

Su Yi resolutely hung up the performance exemption card drawn for the second time in the mall at a price of 980 points, but it was immediately dropped.

This kind of life-saving thing is very popular among actors, and there is no need to worry about selling it.

In this way, Su Yi's balance of director points became 3844 points.

He first spent 200 director points to activate the gentleman's self-improvement, and archived this state.

Then immediately spent another 1.5 director's points, and kept the "Pan Zhoudan version [-] madly".

Looking at my information panel again, it has changed to——

"Actor Name: Su Yi
Current level: professional actor (can be promoted)
Current stage name: Brother Shit

Director points: 1644 points

Fan value: 3575890
Ability: Pulling Pan Zhoudan madly
Permanent Props for Actors: The Gentleman is Self-improvement

Temporary props for actors: actor immunity card (1), temporary killing card (1)
Permanent Auxiliary Tool: 20% more chance of winning
Temporary Auxiliary Tools: Advanced Mathematics from Beginner to Master Stream of Consciousness Teaching"

Pockets are safe!

After finishing all this, Su Yi heaved a sigh of relief, then turned off the terminal, and nodded to director No. 032: "Okay."

No. 032 said: "Have you left enough?"

"Don't worry, director, there must be enough." Su Yi said.

"Once the deathmatch studio opens, all your director points will be frozen." No. 032 said to Su Yi with a serious face, "If you fail, all director points will be cleared as punishment for your failure. Of course, the premise is that you can Get off the set alive."

"What I have to tell you is that there are too many people staring at the deathmatch studio, and there are too many involvements. I must strictly abide by the company's rules, and I can't do anything. That is to say, if you don't have time to activate the exemption card, you will die. On the set, I can only watch with my eyes!"

Su Yi looked serious and nodded, indicating that he knew.

He also guessed this point, after all, last time he killed Ma Jun, Ma Jun's director could only watch helplessly.

"The opponents invited by the deathmatch studio all have the minimum evaluation requirements, and they will be matched according to your strength, so although your enemies are only professional actors, their abilities are not bad." No. 032 said, "Don't imagine that your opponent will be at the same level as the deathmatch scene you participated in last time. This is impossible. With your strength, the opponent you will be matched with will definitely be higher than the last deathmatch scene. One level, you have to be mentally prepared for this."

"Can't the opponent be invited by me?" Su Yi asked.

He remembered that last time he was directly invited by the actor who was going to be promoted.

"Of course," No. 032 nodded, "but the premise is that you know the actors. But your development speed is too fast. From the beginning to now, you have only met a few actors? Who can follow the actors you know? Do you match?"

"Okay." Su Yi shrugged, "Then the director will do it for you."

"I can only choose ten people from the company's matches, and I can't choose randomly." No. 032 said, "I've seen the list, and there are really two acquaintances of yours in it, one who doesn't eat rabbits, Do you remember him?"

"He." Su Yi was stunned.

He remembered this guy, Takeda from "The Wind" and Tan Zongming from "Ode to Joy", he was a guy with good luck, and he felt a little smart.

"The other one is the one you worked with last time on the deathmatch set, the actor who played Chen Yiyuan." No. 032 said, "Although you invite them, they will definitely not let it go, but if you are acquaintances, you can always know yourself and your enemy. advantages, do you want to choose them?"

"Since there are acquaintances, of course we will choose acquaintances." Su Yi smiled.

"Okay, let me pick the remaining eight for you." No. 032 said, "Do you remember the rules of the deathmatch studio? Generally, there are at most four units of performance content, but usually three units will end the battle. The winner has been decided. Only in extremely intense situations will the show enter the fourth unit."

"According to the rules of the deathmatch studio, as the protagonist, you can enter the studio half a year in advance of other characters, and directly start the performance of the first unit. But don't think that you will be easy in this half year."

"You have to make full preparations during the six months, so that you can maintain an advantage in the deathmatch scene. You must know that when other opponents come after half a year, they also have a three-month development period. During this period, you can't shoot them. of."

(End of this chapter)

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