Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 942 Arrangements for Departure

Chapter 942 Arrangements for Departure
Su Yi wants to learn martial arts, and Dongfang Bubai is very supportive.

His "brother Lian" is afraid that no matter what he does, he will be very supportive.

Su Yi has also seen countless people. Although Dongfang Bubai's martial arts is high, he does not hide his heart, so he can tell clearly that this person is giving sincerely.

Now that the matter of learning martial arts has been finalized, Su Yi didn't mention these matters any more.

The two leaned together and chatted for a while, then Dongfang Bubai enthusiastically went to direct Green Ant and Hongni to prepare for the trip to the south of the Yangtze River.

From Heimuya to Qiantang in the south of the Yangtze River where Ren Woxing was detained, the journey was more than two thousand miles, that is, more than one thousand kilometers. In this age without airplanes and trains, the fastest means of transportation was horses.

Riding a horse is fast. If you travel normally, you can reach your destination within ten days.

But riding a horse is too tiring, and it is by no means as chic as seen in the movie.

In fact, riding a horse on the road, not to mention eating and sleeping in the open, is also exposed to the sun and wind, and the dust is still heavy. After riding a horse for a few hours, people are covered with sweat and dust, just as dirty as workers who have just returned from moving bricks on the construction site. It's gone.

Su Yi must be impatient, wishing he could learn the "Star Attraction Dafa" one day sooner.

But Dongfang Bubai is a master Faner, if you let her go on the road in a dirty and dirty way, she will definitely not be happy.

If Su Yi insisted on going on the road, Dongfang Bubai would listen to Su Yi, but if he traveled by horse-drawn carriage, if he took four carriages, it would take five or six days longer to reach the destination.

Riding in a carriage must be much more comfortable than riding a horse, and Su Yi can still afford to wait five or six days longer, so there is no need to rush too much for a while.

Since it is a secret trip, it is not appropriate to make a big fanfare, so Su Yi decided that in addition to the groom's hand, it is enough to just bring an elder along with him to take care of the affairs.

In addition to arranging food, clothing, housing and transportation along the way, this elder is also responsible for security and solving various troubles. Having such a role can make people worry a lot.

Thinking of this, Su Yi left the Xiulou, and came to Chengde Hall again, and asked his subordinates to summon the elders and hall masters to discuss matters.

While waiting for others, Su Yi quickly reviewed the information and background of these high-level Sun Moon God Sect.

The Sun Moon God Sect has four halls, namely Qinglong Hall, Baihu Hall, Zhuque Hall and Fenglei Hall.

But there were only three hall masters. The former master of Suzaku Hall was slashed by Tong Baixiong, the master of Fenglei Hall, because he opposed Dongfang Bubai.

But some time ago, Yang Lianting snatched Suzaku Hall from Tong Baixiong in a daze, and gave it to his confidant, the head of Qinglong Hall, Jia Bu, to take care of it.

Tong Baixiong can be regarded as the undefeated "minister of the dragon" of the East, with senior qualifications and high seniority, he has always looked down upon Yang Lianting, who has no ability but is in a high position, and is regarded as Yang Lianting's "political enemy".

Tong Baixiong is very dissatisfied with his own interests being encroached on, and has a lot of complaints. He keeps threatening to sue Yang Lianting against Dongfang Bubai.

It's a pity that what he doesn't know is that Dongfang Bubai has no interest in the power of the Sun Moon God Sect now. He has already looked down on power, fame and fortune, and is completely immersed in the joy of martial arts and Yang Lianting's long-term relationship. Don't ask.

He doesn't care about the matters of the Sun Moon God Sect's struggle for power and profit, and he follows Yang Lianting around. As long as Yang Lianting is happy, he doesn't care about anything.

Besides Tong Baixiong, the master of Fenglei Hall, the other two hall masters are Jia Bu, master of Qinglong Hall, and Shangguan Yun, master of White Tiger Hall.

Jia Bu is Yang Lianting's confidant, so he was entrusted with important tasks. The Qinglong Hall he is in charge of is also the number one hall entrance.

As for Shangguan Yun, he is a neutral character, loyal to the holy religion, with a smile on his face, and calls him brother, but he doesn't know what he thinks in his heart.

However, in the original plot, this person later became Ren Woxing's leading party, and also participated in the action of besieging and killing Dongfang Bubai, which shows that his intentions may be difficult to understand.

In addition to the three hall masters, there are also ten elders who are also senior leaders of the Sun Moon God Sect, namely - Bao Dachu, Qin Weibang, Wang Cheng, Sang Sanniang, Wen Xinlong, Qiu Yidao, Ge Changqing, Du Fei, Mo Qingning and Qu foreign.

Among the Ten Elders, Qu Yang was idle, ignoring the affairs of the gang, and didn't have any real rights. His whereabouts were erratic all the year round, so he was a special existence.

Among the other nine elders, among them Qin Weibang and Mo Qingning are in charge of Zangshu Pavilion, Qiu Yidao is in charge of Chen Bing Pavilion, and the remaining six have duties similar to those of "envoys of the general altar, walking in the world", supervising the divisions of various halls in the church. altar.

The ten elders didn't like Yang Lianting, the chief executive, but generally speaking, they still maintained a superficial peace.

Except for one Qiu Yidao.

This person is indifferent and withdrawn. He has always guarded the gate of Chen Bing Pavilion, and will not give anyone face if he does not enter the second door.

In fact, apart from the elders and hall masters, there is also a special existence—Xiang Wentian, the left envoy of light.

This person has a very high status in the religion. After all, in the era of Ren Woxing, he and Dongfang Bubai are left envoys and the other is right envoys, and they are in equal status.

After Dongfang Bubai came to power, in order to stabilize his power, he intentionally wooed Xiang Wentian and gave him great power.

In the years before Yang Lianting came to power, Dongfang Bubai devoted himself to practicing kung fu and did not mind the teaching affairs. Almost all the rights of the Sun Moon Sect were handed over to Xiang Wentian. He was in charge of the teaching affairs as a left envoy. above.

The power of Yang Lianting, the chief executive, originally belonged to Xiang Wentian.

But later, Dongfang Bubai supported Yang Lianting to take the position, and appointed him as the chief executive. Xiang Wentian, the left envoy, was in an awkward position.

The people below reported the matter to him, and he had to report the matter to Yang Lianting. He became a mouthpiece and had no rights.

So Xiang Wentian resolutely left Heimuya and became a wandering wild crane.

It is ridiculous that this person later portrayed himself as a character who is loyal to Ren Woxing.

Ren Woxing has been imprisoned for twelve years. If you were loyal, why would you have gone?

His motive for rescuing Ren Woxing is by no means as righteous as he said.

He, who claims to be the heavenly king and Lao Tzu who is righteous to the sky, is actually loyal and traitorous.

When all the people who were supposed to come arrived, his subordinates reported to Su Yi. Elder Qiu said that he could not come because he was responsible for guarding the treasury.

He made it clear that he had an attitude of "you are tossing yours, I just look at my arsenal".

"Sun Moon God Sect, invincible, the leader of the East, Wencheng Wude, for thousands of years, unifying the world!"

After everyone gathered, they first shouted slogans together, expressing their admiration and loyalty to Dongfang Bubai.

Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

This set of flattery was created by Yang Lianting, it's fine to let the people below shout it, and he also asked the hall master and elders to follow suit, and if they don't shout, they will be labeled.

Brainwashing is done only for the lower-level people. Who do you see brainwashing even the upper-level people?

Which of the high-level people is not a person whose heart is like a mirror, you brainwash them?

He did such hated things, no wonder everyone didn't like Yang Lianting.

Originally, the holy aunt Ren Yingying had always lived on Heimuya, but after Yang Lianting came up with this set of things, she moved away, presumably because of this reason.

But Su Yi has no intention of telling them to stop shouting slogans for the time being. He is now telling these elders, "You don't need to shout slogans in the future", which will not bring you any gratitude or goodwill. It will only make them think that you, Yang Lianting, are crazy. is one out.

With a light cough, Su Yi looked around and said straight to the point: "Everyone, the reason for calling everyone today is that the leader and I have important matters to leave Heimuya for a while. During this period of time, you need to work together to preside over the educational affairs."

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard the words, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

This happened suddenly and unexpectedly.

After the hall was quiet for a while, Shangguan Yun, the head of the White Tiger Hall, hesitated and asked: "Chief, you said just now that the leader and his old man are also leaving Heimuya?"

How long has it been since Dongfang Bubai left Heimuya?
At least ten years!

He hides in his small building every day to embroider and practice kung fu, even if his subordinates want to see him, he never goes out at all.

But now, Su Yi told them that the teacher is going out, and they still have to leave Heimuya.

That's too much exercise.

How can people not be surprised that people who have not gone out for ten years suddenly want to travel far?
"That's right." Facing the unbelievable eyes of everyone, Su Yi nodded to confirm, "This trip with the leader is for private matters, and this matter is only known to everyone present, so please don't make it public."

"We will obey the sacred order of the leader!" Everyone clasped their fists together and said.

Shangguan Yun followed up and asked again: "Dare to ask the chief supervisor, where are you and the leader?"

"Elder Shangguan is so concerned about the whereabouts of the leader and me, so you can accompany me this time." Su Yi said lightly, "The leader needs someone who can accompany you when he travels far away. Elder Shangguan has always done things diligently and decently, so he wants to come As soon as the business is done, it will be properly arranged."

Shangguan Yun's expression changed slightly, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately said happily: "It is a blessing to be able to serve the leader and his old man! Thank you for your cultivation!"

Su Yi nodded and smiled.

Letting Shangguan Yun accompany him was not Su Yi's temporary idea, but something he had thought about long ago.This person is a gentleman who knows current affairs. It is a good thing for him to see more about Dongfang Bubai.

Moreover, this person is really considerate and decent in doing things, and he is very good at observing words and expressions. With him accompanying him, he can save a lot of worry along the way.

"Director Yang!" At this moment, an old man with white beard and hair stood up with a cold snort, "The Eastern Hierarch is the leader of our Holy Cult, and his safety has a lot to do with him. How can he walk around because of private affairs? Everyone regards my Holy Cult as a thorn in the side, and once they learn that the Eastern Hierarch is traveling, they will definitely not let go of the opportunity to weaken my Holy Cult, if the Eastern Hierarch makes a mistake, can you bear the responsibility?"

This old man is Tong Baixiong, the master of Fenglei Hall.

As soon as Tong Baixiong stood up to speak, three elders responded immediately.

"That's right, Chief Manager, this matter must be done with caution, the leader's travel is not trivial, this matter must be carefully considered, not sloppy." Wen Xinlong said with a smile.

"Chairman, what is the reason for the leader's trip? Where is he going? You have to tell us these things so that we can make arrangements in advance." Ge Changqing said.

"That's right. Speaking of which, we haven't seen the leader for many years. Chief Manager, why don't we let us listen to the leader's teachings first, and then talk about travel?" Du Fei said.

The elders and hall masters have different expressions and different thoughts.

Su Yi could probably guess what these people were thinking, but he didn't bother to think about it carefully, so he frowned slightly and raised his voice: "Everyone! There is no need to discuss the matter of the leader's trip. The leader has already decided on this matter, and I just want to inform everyone! As for Where to go, what to do, it has nothing to do with the teaching affairs!"

After a pause, Su Yi looked at Tong Baixiong who was frowning: "Master Tong, you don't have to worry about the safety of the leader, don't say that this trip is a secret trip, even if the whereabouts of the leader are known by the enemy, so what? With the leader's martial arts, who in this world can keep him?"

"It's easy to hide a spear, but it's hard to guard against it. Those so-called upright people have always been ignorant of the morals of the world, and they are omnipotent in sneak attacks and sieges. They are numerous and powerful, and it is difficult to track their whereabouts. Do you want the leader to be on guard at all times?" Tong Baixiong's voice has already begun. Angry, "If the leader is the only one who pays back, that's fine, but you have no power to restrain the chicken, so what if the enemy captures you and threatens the leader?"

This was said bluntly, almost making it clear that Su Yi was a burden.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone fell silent.

"Bold boy Baixiong! How dare you disrespect the chief executive!" Jia Bu shouted angrily.

"Hmph! I'm just telling a fact!" Tong Baixiong said with a flick of his sleeves, "Besides, this is also for the safety of Director Yang, so why are you disrespectful?"


Jia Bu wanted to argue, but Su Yi stopped him.

"Hall Master Laotong is concerned, but it would be great if the enemy is really planning on me." Su Yi said lightly, "I will let the leader kill me and the enemy together. At that time, I will get rid of one for the Holy Church." A despicable and shameless enemy, and you got rid of my thorn in my side for Hall Master Tong, isn't it killing two birds with one stone?"

Tong Baixiong was stunned by these words, and then flung his sleeves and snorted coldly: "Don't treat a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Although I, Tong Baixiong, don't like you, I don't want you to die at the hands of outsiders!"

"Bold..." Jia Bu was furious again when he heard this, and wanted to scold Tong Baixiong, but was interrupted by Su Yi waving his hand again.

"After the sect master and I left, sect master Jia will be temporarily in charge of all affairs in the church," Su Yi said.

No one was surprised by this arrangement, because Jia Bu himself was Yang Lianting's confidant lackey, and he himself was the master of Qinglong and Suzaku, with great power.

But what Su Yi did next surprised everyone.

I saw Su Yi took out a black token, walked up to Tong Baixiong, handed the token to him and said: "As the saying goes, strong wind knows the strength of the grass, and a loyal minister can see the strong wind! I am not in Heimuya with the leader, so it is inevitable that the leader will There is turmoil in the middle and upper levels. Hall Master Tong, you are now appointed as the supervisor of the Holy Church to supervise the whole teaching! If you encounter disobedient people, regardless of their positions, you can hold this black wooden order. If the leader comes in person, you can take it down on the spot , even cut first and play later!"

These words not only stunned Tong Baixiong, but also stunned everyone present!

(End of this chapter)

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