Chapter 943
No one expected that Su Yi would arrange such an errand before he left, let alone that he would assign the errand to Tong Baixiong, who had always been against him!

This is the right to kill first and then play!

"The Chief Manager must not do it!" Jia Bu reacted first, his complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly persuaded, "This is not an appropriate move, think twice, Chief Executive!"

Su Yi smiled, stared at Tong Baixiong and said, "Almost forgot, you can't check Master Jia, he has a heavy responsibility and can't be distracted, not to mention I believe he is absolutely loyal to the Holy Cult and the leader."

"Although Master Jia and I have different opinions, I also believe that he is absolutely loyal to the holy religion and the leader!" Tong Baixiong also came to his senses at this time, couldn't help taking a deep breath, and looked deeply at Su Yi, "Director Yang , you really want me to be the supervisor?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Su Yi asked blankly.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll take the opportunity to eliminate dissidents?" Tong Baixiong stared into Su Yi's eyes.

"There is no doubt about the employment." Su Yi said lightly.

"Except for Section Master Jia, I can check everyone?" Tong Baixiong narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Including everyone present." Su Yi said.

"Okay! I'll take this job!" Tong Baixiong took the token, "But I'm alone and need someone to help me!"

"As I said before, you hold the Black Wood Order, as if the leader is here." Su Yi smiled, "You can use whoever you want, and anyone who dares not to help you wholeheartedly is disloyal to the leader!"

"That's what you said!" Tong Baixiong looked deeply at Su Yi, as if meeting the person in front of him for the first time.

"Boss, I implore you to take back your life!" Jia Bu persuaded again with a gloomy face.

He and Tong Baixiong are rivals, Tong Baixiong believes in him, but he does not trust Tong Baixiong.

He was afraid that Tong Baixiong would take this opportunity to check on his people and eliminate his wings.

Su Yi smiled, patted Jia Bu on the shoulder, turned and left without saying anything.

Before going out, he stopped suddenly, turned his head and said to Shangguan Yun: "The leader and I will leave early tomorrow morning, Lord Shangguan, remember to arrange everything and keep it secret."

"I obey!" Shangguan Yun hastily clasped his fists and bowed.

And Su Yi had already left the house without looking back.

Tong Baixiong is a very loyal person to Dongfang Bubai. Although he has great opinions on Yang Lianting, this person can still be trusted.

In the original plot, after getting out of trouble, Ren Woxing personally came to persuade Tong Baixiong to join him, but Tong Baixiong refused to do so.It's a pity that he was slandered by Yang Lianting right after him, and finally killed by Dongfang Bubai himself.

Su Yi gave Tong Baixiong such great power for three purposes.

First, Tong Baixiong is ruthless, ruthless, and loyal to Dongfang Bubai. If he finds out that someone is not loyal to Dongfang Bubai, he will never show mercy.

Su Yi concluded that there must be "remnants of the previous dynasty" and decent undercover agents in the Sun Moon God Sect. After he and Dongfang Bubai leave, these people will most likely be ready to move.If Tong Baixiong can find out these people, it will definitely be a great thing for Su Yi.

Second, Su Yi is now about to subtly change his personality. Tong Baixiong is the first benchmark he wants to set up on the road from nepotism to knowing people and making good use of them.

Third, the use of Tong Baixiong is related to his future overall control over the layout of the Sun Moon God Sect.

After Su Yi left the Chengde Palace, these hall masters and elders gathered together in twos and threes for a long time to discuss. Some of them were relieved, some were suspicious, some were maliciously speculating, some were disappointed and angry, but none of them could guess his real intentions.

It was getting late for Su Yi to return to Xiulou again.

Dongfang Bubai was practicing kung fu, he had nothing to do, so he went to the study to read.

This time he saw "Tai Chi Chuan Jing", which was sandwiched between two novels, very inconspicuous.

Nothing to do, he sat at the desk and started to read.

When he saw it, he was so fascinated that he didn't even notice when Dongfang Bubai walked behind him.

It wasn't until the latter gently massaged Su Yi's temples with both hands that Su Yi suddenly woke up.

His body tensed suddenly, but he immediately relaxed, resting his head on Dongfang Bubai's stomach, closing his eyes and enjoying it.

At this time, Dongfang Bubai only needs to use a little force, and Su Yi will die.

"Brother Lian is really serious about reading." Dongfang Bubai said softly.

"I didn't expect that this martial arts secret book is actually quite interesting." Su Yi said casually, "It looks like martial arts, but it talks about the way of yin and yang."

Dongfang Bubai pursed his lips and smiled: "I almost forgot, Brother Lian, you were also a Taoist priest before you joined the religion, no wonder you are interested in this "Tai Chi Classic"."

I don't know if Dongfang Bubai's hands have magical power or because of internal strength, Su Yi only feels that the place where his hands are pressed is warm, and wisps of warm air flow all over his body like drizzles of sweet rain. Swept away.

"Brother Lian, I always feel that you are a little different from usual today." Seeing that Su Yi just closed his eyes and enjoyed without speaking, Dongfang Bubai couldn't help but speak again.

One of his hands brushed across Su Yi's face, landed on Su Yi's Adam's apple, stroked it lightly, and said with a chuckle: "If it weren't for your voice and your body, I would have thought it was a different person." .”

"Then which one do you like more?" Su Yi asked lazily.

Dongfang Bubai leaned into Su Yi's ear, exhaling like blue: "As long as it is you, I will love you."

His hand reached into Su Yi's collar, all the way down.

Su Yi suddenly grabbed his hand, stood up abruptly and turned around, putting his arms around his waist, and the two immediately switched positions.

Su Yi watched Dongfang Bubai condescendingly, and the corner of his mouth curled up, "You really guessed right! From today onwards, I will not be me anymore! I, Yang Lianting, want to change my way of life!"

After finishing speaking, regardless of Dongfang Bubai's slightly bright eyes, he suddenly bent down and printed it on his lips.

The extremely aggressive style made Dongfang Invincible feel good, he responded.

Dongfang Bubai waved his hand violently.

Bang bang bang!

The doors and windows of the study were all closed in an instant.

He waved his big sleeve again, and all the things on the desk were swept up in his sleeve and gently sent to the desk on the other side.

Then he flew up lightly, driving Su Yi's body, and the two of them landed on the table.

"Brother Lian!"

With a soft cry, he suddenly turned over and slowly lowered his head.


Su Yi smiled and lay down relaxed.

The grass is full of ponds and the water is full of hills, and the setting sun soaks the mountains with cold ripples.The shepherd boy went back to cross the ox's back, playing the piccolo nonchalantly.

After going through this experience, Su Yi finally understood what it means to be transformed from man to heaven, and everything to grow.

The next day.

Then the two went back to the bedroom and fell asleep with their necks crossed.

The night passed.

Early the next morning, Su Yituo Green Ant and Hong Ni sent the luggage to Shangguan Yun, and sent him a message to go to the Gorilla Beach to prepare the carriage and guard it.

After breakfast with the two of them Dongfang, they left the Xiulou and went down the Blackwood Cliff after being sent off by the two weeping maids.

It is worth mentioning that there is a secret path leading to the bottom of the cliff, but not everyone can walk this secret path.

After walking from the valley where Dongfang Bubai lived in seclusion to the edge of the cliff, Dongfang Bubai hugged Su Yi and suddenly jumped up, and the two of them fell down the cliff together.

After descending to a distance of more than [-] meters, Dongfang Bubai suddenly moved sideways and drilled into a cave covered by jagged rocks.

If the cave entrance is seen from below, it is just blocked by protruding stones.

But looking down from the top of the cliff, it is blocked by clouds and mist that linger all year round.

It is really extremely secretive!
Not far into the cave, you will find that the inside is hollow, and there is actually a huge cave hidden in this black wood cliff.

It's extremely humid and cold here, and the caves are as big as the patios of high-rise buildings in the later generations, not too big, but every ten meters or so down, a place where they will be able to stay is dug out, and they are arranged on both sides in turn.

Dongfang Bubai asked Su Yi to plug his ears and nose with cotton, and told Su Yi to hold his breath later, because he would fall into the water after going down.

Then he still hugged Su Yi as before, jumped into the cave, and jumped down like a giant ape, stepping on the pre-cut foothold.

This scene is somewhat similar to Jackie Chan jumping downstairs while stepping on the air conditioner in "Baby Project".

But the difficulty has to be multiplied by one hundred.

After Dongfang Bubai landed eleven times, he and Su Yi fell into the water together.

Although it is midsummer, the water is freezing cold.

Fortunately, as soon as he entered the water, Su Yi felt a continuous flow of heat from Dongfang Bubai's hands, protecting his internal organs and making him feel warm.

The water was so dark that we couldn't see things at all, and of course we couldn't tell the direction.

This is the underground river, far below the surface.

Dongfang Bubai is very familiar with the road, he held Su Yi in one hand, and quickly swam forward along the current.

Su Yi swam in the water the whole time, and every few tens of seconds, Dongfang Bubai would mouth to mouth to give Su Yi some air.

Although Su Yi actually doesn't need...

About three minutes later, a bright light appeared in front of them, and the water flow became turbulent. Soon, the two of them were washed out of the underground river by the water.

Dongfang Bubai grabbed Su Yi and rushed towards the surface of the water. At a certain moment, Su Yi felt light all over, and the two of them had left the water and saw the sun again.

The dazzling light made Su Yi narrow his eyes unnaturally, and when his eyes regained focus, his feet had already stepped on the ground.

Dongfang Bubai rested his palm on the back of Su Yi's heart, and after a while white air came out from both of them, on their bodies and clothes.The water on the hair is quickly evaporated.

Su Yi secretly envied him, with this kind of skill, wouldn't it be prosperous to open a dry cleaning shop in later generations?
"Brother Lian, are you feeling better?" Dongfang Bubai asked softly while helping Su Yi tidy his hair.

"I'm fine." Su Yi smiled and looked around, "Where is this?"

Surrounded by mountains, there is only a bottomless pool in front of you. The light is dim and the space is claustrophobic.

"An unnamed valley not far from Gorilla Beach." Dongfang Bubai replied, "No one comes here."

"No wonder you told me to arrange the carriage at Gorilla Beach." Su Yi suddenly realized, "This secret passage is really quite hidden."

Don't say that ordinary people can't find it, even if they find it, ordinary people really can't leave!Only martial arts masters with good lightness skills are qualified to take this path.

The most important thing is that this secret passage can only go down the mountain, not up the mountain.

Not to mention that it is easy to get down the cliff with light work, but it is difficult to go up.

Simply speaking, from the underground river to this pool, it is coming downstream, but going back is upstream.

Swim back in a rushing underground river?
Haha, I'm afraid Dongfang Invincible can't do it!
"I discovered this secret passage by accident," Dongfang Bubai said with a smile. "People are not afraid of [-], just in case. If there is an accident one day, and a strong enemy invades, I will block the enemy. Brother Lian, you can Get away this way."

Su Yi shook his head and said with a smile: "If there is a day, how can I leave you?"

"No, it's not to leave me behind, but to let me rest assured." Dongfang Bubai said seriously, "One day, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you if I don't have time to distract you. You go first, it's for the two of us, not for you." One for you."

"Even if I'm willing to go, I'm not able to go this way." Su Yi shook his head.

Dongfang Bubai pursed his lips and smiled: "Brother Lian, don't worry, as long as you learn the "Star Attraction Dafa", I guarantee that you will be able to pass this secret passage smoothly within half a month."

Su Yi's heart was lifted, and he said expectantly: "Okay! Then I have to work hard!"

This is what he said in his heart. Although this soft rice is delicious, he is flustered after eating it.

When leaving the valley, Su Yi was still hugged by Dongfang Bubai, and after a few vertical leaps, he left the valley and reached the edge of the river beach outside the mountain.

Not far away, a four-horse carriage parked quietly by the side of the road, and a man dressed as a driver in a bamboo hat was looking in the direction of Heimuya.

This person is none other than Shangguan Yun, the master of the White Tiger Hall.

"He is Shangguan Yun?" Dongfang Bubai recognized Shangguan Yun, "I haven't seen him for many years, but his martial arts haven't improved at all."

"But his status has risen with the tide." Su Yi said, "A person's energy is limited, and his power and martial arts can only take care of one end sometimes."

"That's true," Dongfang Bubai nodded in agreement, "Back then, I was an envoy to the right to oversee the affairs of the church, and I was so busy every day, how could I have time to practice martial arts?"

"Let's go there." Su Yi said.

"I haven't seen you in ten years, I'm afraid he thought I was the right envoy of the light back then, and I'm afraid he will be shocked when he sees me." Dongfang Bubai pursed his lips and chuckled.

Su Yi smiled as usual: "If he dares to startle me, I will fine him not to eat for a day. But I think he will only be flattering and flattering."

"Shangguan Yun, Diao Xia, is upright, he doesn't know how to flatter." Dongfang Bubai shook his head.

"Want to gamble?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"What are you betting on?" Dongfang Bubai's eyes were tender and doting.

Su Yi was startled, then suddenly sighed and said, "Forget it, let's not gamble."

"Why?" Dongfang Bubai was stunned for a moment, with a slightly apprehensive tone, thinking that something made Su Yi unhappy.

"Because I know that even if I don't gamble, you will give me anything I want." Su Yi smiled at him.

Dongfang Bubai instantly showed his face.

"That's natural." He held Su Yi's hand, "There are tens of thousands of people in this world, and there is only one brother Lian. How can I not love you?"

What this little love story says...

Shangguan Yun was known as Diao Xia ten years ago, and his temperament is indeed very straightforward.

But ten years is enough for a person to change his face.

Just as Su Yi expected, he was taken aback when he saw Dongfang Bubai, then his eyes flashed with astonishment and panic after he recognized it, followed by a respectful salute, and he blurted out flattering words, as flattering as he could be. Flattery.

If you can get rights and benefits just by flattering, 90.00% of the people in this world will definitely put down their principles and do so.

(End of this chapter)

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