Chapter 944
Su Yi's choice to let Shangguan Yun accompany him as an assistant is definitely the smartest choice.

This person is meticulous, knowledgeable and interesting, and he has properly arranged issues such as food, clothing, housing and transportation along the way.Appear when it should appear, and when it should not appear, just act as a coachman and drive the car honestly, nothing too much.

Most of the journey on the first day was in the plains, and they also took the official road.

But even so, the bumpy carriage made Su Yi very uncomfortable.

Riding in a horse-drawn carriage in ancient times has a very bad experience.This thing has no shock absorption, and the road is uneven. How bumpy is it?
Let's put it this way, the role of the car is to ensure that you will not be thrown off.

Su Yi felt that it was not as refreshing as riding a horse.

The scene of drinking and eating food in a carriage with tables on TV is definitely a fool's joke.

Horse-drawn carriages are not railway trains, if you dare to do such a thing, it will be strange if you don't splash the soup and wine all over your body.

But having said that, if you really go to ride a horse, you will feel that the carriage is heaven again.

The ancients said that boats and cars are exhausting, and these four words really explain the hardships of the journey.

Fortunately, this journey is not all boring. When the mountains and rivers are beautiful, or when encountering unique scenery, Shangguanyun will slow down or stop altogether, let Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai get out of the carriage, take a look at the scenery, and take a short walk. Stay and rest.

With beautiful women as companions and beautiful scenery as a mediation, even if it is a long journey, it is not an unbearable event.

Dongfang Bubai didn't care at all, he either chatted with Su Yi to relieve boredom, or meditated and practiced, and he was quite calm about the bumpy environment.

After experiencing the initial intense discomfort, Su Yi gradually got used to it.

When Dongfang Bubai was meditating and practicing, he took out the "Taijiquan Sutra" and read it with relish.

Dongfang Bubai warned him: "Brother Lian, you can read this book to relieve your boredom, but don't practice according to it, let alone regard the principles in the book as the standard. You must know that there are thousands of martial arts in the world, and each has its own principles. If you are preconceived and believe that the martial arts in the "Taijiquan Classic" are authentic, then that would be bad."

Su Yi could hear the kindness in these words.

Is "Tai Chi Jing" good?

Xuanmen is authentic, how could it be bad?

It is no exaggeration to describe it as broad and profound.

The martial arts recorded in this cheat book are even more exquisite and mysterious, which makes Su Yi mesmerized by seeing it.

But can Su Yi practice?
Really can't!

The more authentic and the more grand, the more Su Yi should stay at a respectful distance.

Because the more authentic things are, the more they pay attention to step-by-step progress, and the initial progress is extremely slow.If you really want to practice, Su Yi may have just started in half a year.

If you want to practice well, you can't do it without ten or eight years of hard work.

Su Yi's pursuit of martial arts is instant, so no matter how good the "Tai Chi Classic" is, it should be kept at a respectful distance.

Then I don't practice, just look at the martial arts, and see the principle and method of internal energy operation, okay?
As a beginner, if you can't understand it, it's okay to watch it, but if you understand it, it's not good.

This taijiquan was invented by Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Sanfeng, a god-like figure, how exquisite the martial arts he expounded?

If you read it, you will definitely feel that this is the truth.

When you accept a truth, it is very difficult to subvert it.

For example, when you started materialism in elementary school, studied science, and understood physics and chemistry, your three views on how the world works have already been formed.

But now you suddenly believe that the world is created by God, there is heaven and hell, and you believe that holy water can cure all diseases, can you believe it?

Even if God really stands in front of you, you have to wonder if this is a special effect.

This is the reason why Dongfang Bubai advised Su Yi.

From Dongfang Bubai's point of view, Su Yi is now a blank piece of paper, and whatever he draws on it becomes what he wants, so he can't easily draw on it.

Traveling all the way to Zhao County, it was already afternoon.

Here, the three of them found a well-known local inn to be top-notch, had a full meal, and rested for a while before continuing on the road.

I stopped and walked all the way, and arrived at Xinhe County at night when the sky was getting late.

This day, the speed of the four carriages is not slow, but they have only traveled more than [-] kilometers.

The speed of this journey was so slow that Su Yi couldn't bear it.

Along the way, Shangguan Yun referred to Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai as "Master Yang and Mrs. Yang", and himself changed his name to Jiang Qi.On the road, I also met some knights who were on the road, but everyone went their own way without disturbing each other, and there was no such thing as drawing swords at each other when they disagreed.

Not even a robbery.

It's not that the world is safe and orderly, but because Shangguan Yun's appearance is excellent, and he looks like a master at first glance.In addition, people who can afford to sit in a four-horse carriage must be either rich or noble, and ordinary trail cutters would not dare to provoke them.

That night, the three stayed in an inn in Xinhe County.

At the same time, far away in the land of Jingluo in the hinterland of the Central Plains, there is a place called Green Bamboo Lane in the east of the city.

A man wearing a bamboo hat strode to the end of the alley, and moved a wooden house in front of him, blocking the way.There is a big piece of green bamboo in front of the house, swaying in the wind, elegant and natural.

This alley got its name from this piece of green bamboo.

It was already late at this time, and the oil lamps in the house were like beans, emitting a dim yellow light.

When Xu Shi heard footsteps, a stooped old man jumped out of the room and asked vigilantly, "Who is it?"

His voice is old, but his movements are extremely flexible, and his eyes are extremely sharp.

The visitor laughed and took off his bamboo hat and said, "Green Bamboo Man, don't you even recognize me?"

The hunchbacked old man is also the green bamboo old man. He took a closer look under the moonlight, and saw that the visitor had a slender appearance, with a cluster of white and long beards under his chin, hanging down on his chest, with a bold and heroic demeanor.

Immediately his expression changed, he hastily clasped his fists and said in a deep voice: "It turned out that the Grand Envoy Xiang Zuo came to visit, but he failed to meet him from a distance, disrespectful, disrespectful!"

This heroic old man is the bright left envoy of the Sun Moon God Sect, Xiang Wentian who is known as the Heavenly King Lao Tzu.

"Where's Yingying?" Xiang Wentian asked.

"The holy lady is here!" The green bamboo man hurriedly said, "Left envoy wait a moment, let the old man go in and report."

At this moment, a light voice came from the room: "Is this Uncle Xiang? Please come in quickly."

The words were mixed with joy.

"Yes!" Green Bamboo Weng hurriedly responded and stepped aside.

Xiang Wentian stroked his beard and smiled, striding into the house.

I saw a graceful and beautiful young woman standing up at the table opposite the main hall, looking over in surprise.

"Uncle Xiang, have you come to see me?"

This woman is the holy aunt of the Sun Moon God Sect, Ren Yingying, the daughter of the former head teacher Wo Xing.

Although she has no real power in the Sun Moon God Sect, she has a respectable status, even if she is the head of the elder hall, everyone respects her very much.

This is not only because she is Ren Woxing's daughter, but also because Dongfang Bubai loves her very much, and the congregation naturally loves their house and loves their own, and dare not do anything wrong to her.

Although Ren Yingying only has a false name in the Sun Moon God Sect and has no actual position, her prestige is extremely high among the sects outside the Sun Moon God Sect.

Some people say that this is because Ren Yingying is a kind person and often pleads for the leftist sects.

But in the world of Green Forest and Demon Dao, kindness will not be respected, but will only be used by others.

Ren Yingying is both respected and feared by all heretic parties, obviously there is another reason.

"Haha, Yingying, long time no see, you've lost a lot of weight." Xiang Wentian said with a smile, "Green Bamboo Man, it's your fault that the holy lady didn't eat for nothing."

It was just a joke, but the green bamboo man turned pale with fright, knelt on the ground with a "plop" and tremblingly shouted: "Left envoy forgive me! Left envoy forgive me!"

"Uncle Xiang, don't scare him." Ren Yingying said with a smile, "If I'm really fat for nothing, then he deserves to die."

As she spoke, she waved her sleeves, and the green bamboo man immediately understood, and hurriedly retreated.

"Uncle Xiang, please sit down." Ren Yingying asked Xiang Wentian to take a seat, and poured tea for him personally, "I heard that Uncle Xiang was in the south of the Yangtze River last month, why did you suddenly come to Jingluo again?"

"I rushed over eight hundred miles, and I came here on purpose!" Xiang Wentian said seriously, "Yingying, do you know? Dongfangbubai, that bastard, has come down the Blackwood Cliff!"


Ren Yingying shook her hand and knocked down the teacup.

"Is this true?" Ren Yingying was shocked for a long time before asking in disbelief.

"It's absolutely true!" Xiang Wentian nodded slightly, "He and Yang Lianting came down, and Shangguan Yun was with them. Now Jia Bu is in charge of the whole church's affairs on Heimuya, and this little thief Yang Lianting also I don’t know why, but Tong Baixiong was actually appointed as an inspector, saying that he would thoroughly investigate the disobedient members of the entire sect! He also gave Tong Baixiong the Black Wood Order, allowing him to behead first and then play."

That's a lot of information.

Ren Yingying picked up the teacup again, poured tea for Xiang Wentian, took the time to digest the news, and then said again: "Dongfang Bubai has not been down from Heimuya for ten years, why did he leave suddenly this time? thing?"

Xiang Wentian shook his head: "The motive is unknown!"

"Could it be that there is some kind of conspiracy?" Ren Yingying frowned.

"Probably not." Xiang Wentian shook his head, "The Holy Cult and the righteous sects have been at peace for a long time, and they live in peace with each other. With Dongfang Bubai's temperament, as long as the enemy doesn't kill the Blackwood Cliff, he won't bother to take care of it. The Holy Cult Up and down is being made into a mess by Yang Lianting, but nothing happened, and the heretic factions are also very honest. There is no enemy who wants him to play tricks."

"Could he have discovered us..." Ren Yingying's eyes flashed.

"No!" Xiang Wentian's tone was firm, "What we plan is extremely secretive, he will definitely not notice it."

"There's always a reason for him to go down the mountain, isn't it for sightseeing?" Ren Yingying looked worried, "Could it have something to do with dad?"

Xiang Wentian shook his head with a solemn expression.

He wasn't sure about this either.

But even if it was only possible, he would not allow such a thing to happen.

What's more, he thinks this is an opportunity for him.

"Dongfang Bubai is a thief who has been hiding on the Blackwood Cliff for ten years. It is hard for ordinary people to see him! Even if we want to attack him, we have no chance!" Xiang Wentian sneered, "But this time, he actually came from the Blackwood Cliff. Yashang took the initiative to come down, and only brought Shangguan Yun with him, and Yang Lianting, who is powerless. Hehe, Yingying, don't you think this is a good opportunity for us?"

"Uncle Xiang, you mean..." Ren Yingying opened her eyes wide.

"Take advantage of this opportunity to eradicate the Dongfang dog thieves!" Xiang Wen's Tianmu showed murderous intent, and gritted his teeth, "If Dongfang Bubai can be killed this time, and the Holy Cult has no leader, as long as we give a little guidance, we can persuade everyone to welcome the old leader back to take charge." Kun Qian, set things right!"

"Yingying, this is a godsend opportunity for us!"

Ren Yingying was moved, her expression was cloudy, and she said slowly after a long time: "Four years ago, I met Dongfang Bubai once, and he..."

Ren Yingying showed a strange look on her face: "He has become completely different from before. I can feel that his martial arts have already reached an incredible level! Uncle Xiang, even if there is no natural barrier of Heimuya and no strict guards, I want to It might not be that easy to kill him."

"Of course I know that this old thief has good luck, so he is definitely not easy to deal with." Xiang Wentian smiled confidently, "But Yingying, sometimes you don't need to do it yourself to kill someone."

"Uncle Xiang means..." Ren Yingying looked confused.

"Borrowing a knife to kill!" Xiang Wentian revealed the answer, "Those decent people want Dongfang Bubai to die more than we do! As long as we reveal the news to them, they will be more anxious than us."

"Good regards to Uncle!" Ren Yingying showed admiration, "If Dongfang Bubai and decent people can really fight each other to the death, it will be a good thing for us to kill two birds with one stone."

"That's right!" Xiang Wentian smiled, "I have already quietly disclosed this news to the Songshan faction, and they will probably respond soon. Yingying, I came to you because you need to take action on this matter .”

He looked at Ren Yingying, and said seriously: "You are well-known among all leftist factions. This time Dongfang Bubai went down the mountain, where and why it is a mystery. If you don't understand this, you will be a little uneasy after all. .I think you sent people to secretly inquire about their whereabouts and whereabouts."

"Even if I don't tell Uncle, I will do it." Ren Yingying said.

"But be careful, don't give away!" Xiang Wentian exhorted, "Once Dongfang Bubai sees the flaw, it will be a catastrophe for us!"

"Don't worry Uncle, I know how powerful it is." Ren Yingying nodded.

"If this happens, the key will be who holds the power on Heimuya." Xiang Wentian said, "I plan to rush to Heimuya immediately, and wait for the opportunity to act as soon as there is good news!"

That night, the Songshan School suddenly released more than ten carrier pigeons, and the carrier pigeons flew in all directions.

Zuo Lengchan, the head of the Songshan School, stood on the top of Songshan Mountain, looking at the Shaoshi Mountain not far away, his eyes were obscured, and he murmured: "Eastern Invincible...Fang Zheng..."

By the next day, at dawn, almost all factions in Jianghu had received the letter from Zuo Lengchan.

In Wudang Mountain, Taoist Chongxu, the head of the sect, settled the internal affairs of the church, and rode fast horses all the way to Songshan without stopping.

Huashan, Beiyue Hengshan, Nanyue Hengshan, Taishan, the heads of the four schools also set out on the road one after another, without exception.

The rivers and lakes are in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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