Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 945 Intrigue

Chapter 945 Intrigue
The next day, when the sun was setting to the west, the carriage rattled to Dukou Post, which is the junction of Hebei Province and Ludi.After walking for two days, Su Yi and the other three were ready to leave Hebei Province.

Unlike Su Yi and the other three who are traveling leisurely in a horse-drawn carriage, the decent sect masters ride on two horses and travel [-] miles a day.

Almost at the same time, they all gathered in Songshan.

The difference is that the members of the Wuyue Sword Sect went directly to the Songshan Sect, while the head of Wudang, Daoist Chongxu, evaded the Songshan Sect's eyes and ears, and quietly sneaked into Shaoshi Mountain to meet the abbot of Shaolin, Master Fangzheng.

After the monks met together and exchanged some small greetings, they got straight to the point.

"The poor Taoist thinks that it is a good thing that Dongfang Bubai descended the mountain! Does Master think so?" Taoist Chongxu stared into Master Fangzheng's eyes meaningfully and asked.

"Amitabha, yes." Master Fang Zheng chanted the Buddha's name with palms raised, his eyes full of compassion.

The two looked at each other and smiled without saying anything, which set the tone for the rest of the conversation.

"Master thinks, why Dongfang Bubai, who hasn't been out for ten years, suddenly went down the mountain?" Taoist Chongxu asked.

"I'm afraid that this matter has something to do with that benefactor Yang Lianting." Master Fang Zheng said without hesitation, obviously he had a plan for this matter. "The Eastern benefactor who studies the "Sunflower Treasure", the more he sympathizes with the entanglement of the heaven and the earth, the more he can understand the wonder of the transformation of heaven and man. I am afraid that he will become less optimistic about the world's grievances, fame and fortune. No surprise at all."

"Well, that's what both of you and I worry about." Taoist Chongxu smiled wryly, "The more Dongfang Bubai keeps aloof from the rest of the world, the more ambitious our left leader will be, and no one can restrain him."

"I thought that the appearance of this benefactor Yang would only weaken the Demon Cult and make the situation worse. I didn't expect him to be able to persuade the benefactor of the East to go down the mountain. It seems that this person is not useless." Master Fang Zheng said with a smile, "benefactor Dongfang Shan, this chess game is alive again."

"It depends on whether the leader of the left alliance can seize the opportunity and come up with a civil fort change." Dao Chongxu said humanely.

"The left benefactor has a treacherous mind, I'm afraid he has the idea of ​​driving away wolves and tigers." Master Fang Zheng said.

"It's a pity that you and I are not wolves." Taoist Chongxu said indifferently, "Master, you and I should wait and see what happens in this matter, and don't rush to participate. Zuo Lengchan is full of ambitions, so he must be impatient."

"The Zuo benefactor has summoned all the sects to go to the Songshan sect to discuss matters. What the Taoist priest means..." Master Fang Zheng asked with a smile.

"Zen sects and Taoist sects are all outsiders. If it is not a last resort, don't follow the world." Chongxudao said humanely, "This matter is entirely up to the left leader, and Shaolin Wudang has no objection."

"With the temperament of the left benefactor, if we want to hide, I'm afraid we won't be able to." Master Fang Zheng shook his head.

"The road to Wudang is very long, it's normal if you can't make it in a while, but Shaoshi Mountain is on the side of Songshan Mountain, so it's really hard for Master to evade it." Daoist Chongxu said with a smile.

Master Fang Zheng sighed: "The Taoist priest is taking pleasure in other's misfortune."

"Don't dare not dare." Daoist Chongxu said with a chuckle, "But it's really unreasonable that you and I don't participate in the two factions. The two factions came out together, but they fell right into the arms of the left leader. Shaolin Wudang only sent out one person. Without losing face, he also fulfilled the morals of a master. What do you think, Master Abbot?"

Master Fangzheng looked at Daoist Chongxu for a long time, and then said quietly: "I see, you old man with a nose, so you came here to hide from me."

"Hey? Why are you swearing, monk?" Taoist Chongxu made a serious face on purpose.

Master Fangzheng shook his head, turned his head and left, and before leaving the door, he told the little monk beside him: "This almsgiver Chongxu has recently practiced bigu practice, and he only needs to prepare a bowl of cold water for him every day. If you continue to order, you must not damage the Tao." Long practice."

"Yes, Abbot!"

"The monk is so wicked!" Daoist Chongxu couldn't help but cursed with a smile, watching Master Fangzheng leave, his smile gradually faded.

"Eastern Invincibility... This news comes in a strange way, there are still people playing chess..." He murmured and sighed.

On the other side, there is the Welcome Hall of the Songshan Sword Sect.

The heads and masters of the various sects who rushed over from all over the world gathered together, saluted Zuo Lengchan who was seated first, and then took their seats.

Zuo Lengchan was wearing a khaki cloth robe, his face was stern, his eyes were full of brilliance, he was not angry, and he was looking around with tiger eyes.

Behind him, on the left is a fat man with a white face, and on the left is a thin middle-aged man with two mustaches on his upper lip. These two are Ding Mian, the second of the Songshan School's thirteen Taibao, the chief Taibao Datuota, And Fei Bin, the second Taibao Dasongyang hand.

Sitting on the left hand side of the stage was a burly Taoist with a red face. This is Taoist Tianmen, the head of Taishan School, and the tall and thin Taoist standing behind him was his junior Taoist Tiansong.

Further down is a middle-aged couple. The man looks to be in his early forties, dressed in a green shirt, elegant and gentle, and looks personable; the middle-aged beautiful woman next to him is graceful and heroic.

These two are the head of the Huashan School, Yue Buqun, and his wife Ning Zhongze.

Sitting on the upper right is a skinny old man with a goatee, holding a huqin in his hand, describing his distress. This person is Mr. Xiaoxiang Yeyu Moda, the head of Nanyue Hengshan School.

At the bottom are two old nuns, the one on the left with a kind face is Master Dingxian, the head of Beiyue Hengshan School, and the one next to her is her younger sister Dingyi, who is tall and has a sword eyebrow.

Zuo Lengchan looked around for a week, and opened his mouth with a solemn expression: "Everyone is so kind to come to Songshan, Zuo is very grateful. The matter is of great importance, so Zuo will cut straight to the point. If you are rude, everyone forgive me!"

"Why do you have to be polite, the leader of the left alliance? We all came here after receiving your news, and now we are all anxious, so we naturally want to talk about business, so how can we care about the small talk?" Taoist Tianmen was impatient, and was the first to answer the question, "Master Zuo, I don't know if what you said in your letter is true or not?"

"Such a big event, how dare Zuo disturb everyone without checking it?" Zuo Lengchan said, "This is true. Dongfang Bubai really went down the Blackwood Cliff!"

After Zuo Lengchan uttered the name Dongfang Bubai, everyone's expressions changed, as if the name itself was a taboo, or it carried an unspeakable magical power that made people palpitate.

"The last time Dongfang Bubai went down the mountain was ten years ago!" Yue Buqun said slowly, with a slightly magnetic voice, "This big devil has always been sitting on Heimuya, and he doesn't move around easily. This time he suddenly went down the mountain. Why? thing?"

"The devil's demon walks the world, of course he wants to confuse all living beings!" Master Dingyi snorted too coldly, "No matter what his purpose is, we can't allow him to do anything wrong!"

"Leader Zuo, don't you know where Dongfang Bubai is now? Who is he following when he goes down the mountain this time?" Mr. Mo Da asked.

"I don't know anything about this!" Zuo Lengchan shook his head and said, "I have already sent people to investigate around, but no news has come back. Apart from our five factions, I have also sent news to Shaolin and Wudang, but I don't know what happened to Master Fangzheng and Daoist Chongxu, but there is no news."

"Hmph! Fighting against the Devil's Cult is a matter for the entire martial arts world, not our Wuyue Sword Sect's own business!" Taoist Tianmen immediately said displeased, "We have always fought against the Devil's Sect these years, and the other sects I can't shrink back, and watch the fire from the other side. Shaolin Wudang is the leader of the martial arts, but sits back and watches the devil's religion do harm to the common people, and ignores it, it's really embarrassing!"

"Brother Tianmen, after all, the Shaolin Wudang sects are outsiders, so it's normal for them to ignore world affairs." Zuo Lengchan laughed, "But I believe that there will be catastrophes in the Wulin, and the two sects will definitely not stand idly by."

"It will be too late for them to come out when there is a catastrophe in the martial arts world!" Master Dingyi said dissatisfiedly.

"I'm also from Fangwai!" The Taoist of Tianmen snorted coldly, "The two junior sisters of the Beiyue Hengshan School are also Fangwai monks, why did we come here? After all, they are superior and think that the matter has nothing to do with themselves. It’s just that there are no eggs in the nest? If the Devil’s Cult really grows big one day, I’ll see what they will do then!”

"Well, Shaolin Wudang may have their considerations, but we, the Five Mountains Sword Sect, have a duty to deal with the Demon Cult," Zuo Lengchan said.

"Leader Zuo, Dongfang Bubai has been cultivating in Heimuya for ten years. I'm afraid his martial arts are already unpredictable." Yue Buqun said solemnly, "Fighting this devil is not the business of my Five Sacred Sword Sect. It is a major event in the entire martial arts world. My younger brother thinks that we should invite Master Fangzheng of Shaolin and Daoist Wudang Chongxu to come and discuss the important matter together."

"That's right!" Taoist Tianmen immediately echoed, "We can't do our best, and Shaolin Wudang will watch the fun!"

Zuo Lengchan pondered slightly, looked at Mo Da and Ding Xian: "What do the head of Mo Da and Senior Sister Ding Xian mean?"

"Brother Yue is mature and prudent, what he said is true." Ding Xian expressed his support for Yue Buqun's proposal.

"Our Five Sacred Sword Sect shouldn't be the one to take the lead in dealing with Dongfang Bubai. Shaolin is the Big Dipper of Wulin Taishan Mountain. This matter should not be waived!" Mo Dao said.

Zuo Lengchan gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Since all the sect masters and brothers have this intention, then Zuo has the audacity to personally go to Shaoshi Mountain to ask Master Fangzheng to come forward, and also ask everyone to rest in the despise sect for a while, Zuo will come as soon as he goes. !"

After a pause, Zuo Lengchan said again: "If Zuo really invites Fangzheng and Chongxu to come, please remember that our Five Sacred Sword Sect has always been in the same spirit, for more than a hundred years Forming an alliance hand in hand has long been like a family! As the leaders of the five factions, any decision made by the brothers is for the consideration of all of us."

Hearing the sound, Yue Buqun knew the meaning of elegance, and immediately expressed his opinion: "Don't worry, the leader of the left alliance. The Five Sacred Sword Sect closed the door to discuss matters, but when they opened the door, they were unanimous. They will fully support the Left Leader!"

"Don't worry, the leader of the left alliance, our Taishan sect is too!" Taoist Tianmen immediately expressed his opinion.

Then Dingxian and Mo Da expressed their support for Zuo Lengchan, and Zuo Lengchan left satisfied.

Yue Buqun looked at Zuo Lengchan's leaving back, his eyes flickered, thoughtful.

Soon, Zuo Lengchan went to Shaoshi Mountain in person and asked to see Master Fangzheng, the abbot of Shaolin.

Master Fangzheng met Zuo Lengchan and expressed his opposition to the Demon Cult, and Shaolin Temple had nothing to do with it.But Shaolin Temple has always ignored the affairs of the world, and knows nothing about the trend of the Demon Cult. How to deal with Dongfang Bubai depends on Zuo Lengchan.

The two discussed a few more words, and it was considered to have settled on a preliminary intention.

Zuo Lengchan was first responsible for figuring out where Dongfang Bubai was, and then talked about other things.

At that time, Master Fangzheng of Shaolin Temple will take action in person, obey the command of the leader of the left alliance, and fight against the demon sect together.

But when Zuo Lengchan asked Taoist Chongxu of the Wudang School, Master Fangzheng regretted that as far as he knew, Taoist Chongxu had gone wandering, and he didn't know where he was now.

Zuo Lengchan secretly scolded the old fox, knowing that this was the condition for Master Fangzheng to obey his command and deal with the Demon Cult together.

The factions of the right way reached a consensus, and Ren Yingying also persuaded some heretics to help her find out the news.

Ren Yingying didn't go looking for people with great fanfare, but found a trustworthy confidant, and began to inquire carefully from the surrounding area of ​​Heimuya.

Four carriages, two men and one woman.

The combination of these two factors is actually very easy to find out.

Ren Yingying was very careful and smart. She just checked where the carriage had passed, and she specifically ordered that she stop the investigation immediately after finding out the distance of half a day's journey.

In this way, no matter how shrewd Su Yi is, it is impossible for him to discover that someone is investigating their whereabouts.

Soon the whereabouts of Su Yi and others were reported to Ren Yingying's desk.

"Dukou Station..." Ren Yingying looked at the map with a frown and muttered to herself, "He is going to Ludi? What is he going to Ludi for? Could it be to deal with Taishan faction?"

She frowned and thought hard, sliding her slender fingers forward along the map, crossing Ludi, suddenly paused, and her face changed slightly.

She suddenly discovered that if she followed this direction all the way to the southeast, she would arrive at Qiantang in half a month at most!
"Could it... have something to do with daddy?" Ren Yingying gasped, her expression suddenly became serious.

He hurriedly wrote a letter in hand, and Fei Ge sent the letter to Heimuya.

Xiang Wentian rushed back to Heimuya overnight, so she had to tell him this guess immediately.

For a moment, Ren Yingying's heart was in a mess.

After several times of undercurrents, Dongfang Bubai's whereabouts were also learned by the decent people.

"Lu Di?" All the master masters also looked at each other, not understanding why Dongfang Bubai came here.

"Could it be that they want to harm Taishan faction?" Master Dingyi frowned and guessed.

The face of Taoist Tianmen, the head of the Taishan School, has turned black into the bottom of the pot.

"If the Dongfang thieves really plan to attack my Taishan faction, my faction will be completely defenseless, and I'm afraid it will suffer!" He said anxiously, "Master Zuo, please follow me to help the Taishan faction immediately, Tianmen thank you in advance! "

"The Five Sacred Sword School is united in spirit, this is what it should be!" Zuo Lengchan said seriously, he looked at Master Fangzheng, and asked, "Master, what do you say?"

"Amitabha, all according to the orders of the left leader." Master Fang Zheng said.

"Okay!" Zuo Lengchan's face was serious, "Everyone, one person, three riders, rush to help Mount Tai! We must rush to the Taishan faction before the big devil Dongfang Bubai!"

It was night, and the masters of the righteous way traveled all over the night and arrived at the foot of Mount Tai when the sky was just turning pale.

Taoist Tianmen asked the disciples who were stationed at the foot of the mountain, and he was relieved when he learned that the sect was safe and sound.

Everyone was exhausted, so they rested at the foot of Mount Tai while continuing to inquire about Dongfang Bubai's whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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