Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 947 Planning to Attract Stars

Chapter 947 Planning to Attract Stars
"The last time I came here was 12 years ago." Dongfang Bubai looked at the plaque on the lintel of the manor with some emotion, "The time of 12 years has passed in a flash, and the past is vague, as if it was yesterday."

Su Yi said: "People can only remember the significant past events."

"This place really means a lot to me." Dongfang Bubai sighed.

He has a complicated expression and looks very restless.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Su Yi stepped forward and patted the copper ring on the door, then stepped back and stood beside Dongfang Bubai.

After a while, the door opened slowly, and two old men dressed as servants walked out side by side. , these two people have piercing eyes and hale and hearty spirits, they are Lianjiazi at first glance.

The two looked up and down, and Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai bowed their hands together.

The person on the left said in a respectful voice, "What do you two want to do when you come to our village?"

"Who are you?" Dongfang Bubai frowned slightly, "Where is Huang Zhonggong?"

Dongfang Bubai's imposing manner is obvious, as long as he is not blind, he can see that he is not a mortal.

The man didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily cupped his hands again and said, "Next to me is Ding Jian, the 'one-character electric sword', and next to him is 'Five Way God' Shi Lingwei."

Having said that, he paused.

However, he was disappointed. Neither Dongfang Bubai nor Su Yi had "looked forward to him for a long time", and they didn't even respond at all.

Ding Jian continued with some embarrassment: "However, our two brothers have not been in the world for many years, and now we are just two servants of Meizhuang. Do you want to visit my master? My master never sees outsiders..."

Su Yi took out a piece of black wood from his arms, and threw it casually.

Ding Jian caught it, glanced at it, and his expression changed drastically.

"May I ask your Excellency..." He stared at Su Yi in bewilderment, and asked in a trembling voice.

Su Yi stood with his hands behind his back, and said calmly, "Yang Lianting."

The expressions of these two people changed again.

"Tell Huang Zhonggong that the Eastern Hierarch is coming, let him come out to greet him." Su Yi said.

"Dongfang..." Ding Jian only said two words, and his face turned pale with fright.

The two fell to their knees with a "plop", and panicked and hurriedly said: "Damn it, I didn't know that it was the Dongfang Hierarch in person, what an offense, Hierarch, Chief Supervisor Haihan!"

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Although Dongfang Bubai hadn't descended from Heimuya for more than ten years, as the most powerful person in this martial arts world, his name itself carried an absolute deterrent force.

Su Yi waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and call someone!"

"Yes! Yes! Let's go!" The two hurried in.

Dongfang Bubai was too lazy to wait outside the door, and said to Su Yi: "Brother Lian, why don't we go in first."


Entering the yard, I saw a large courtyard on the left, with an old plum tree planted on the left and right sides of the courtyard, with branches like iron, extremely vigorous.

On the wall on the right is an ink painting, in which the back of a fairy is painted, the ink is dripping and the brushwork is vigorous.

The inscription in the lower right corner of the painting is "Dan Qingsheng gets drunk and splashes ink", the handwriting is like a dragon and a snake, like a sword horizontally and vertically.

Although Su Yi didn't know calligraphy and painting, he also felt that the painting was very extraordinary, and couldn't help but praise "good calligraphy".

Dongfang Bubai said softly: "If Brother Lian likes it, I will let this painting be born on the black wood cliff just for you."

"I'm just talking casually." Su Yi shook his head.

Almost as soon as the words were finished, there was a rushing sound, followed by four old men running towards this side with Ding Jian and Shi Lingwei just now, with expressions of shock and fear on their faces.

The old man in the head had silver hair, was as thin as a stick, and the muscles on his face were sunken, like a skeleton, but his eyes were piercing.

He came rushing with the crowd, his eyes paused slightly on Su Yi's face, and he immediately looked at Dongfang Bubai, his pupils shrank suddenly, his face showed a look of shock, a little hesitation, disbelief, even his footsteps All slow.

"East, Eastern Hierarch?" He called out in disbelief.

"Huang Zhonggong, you are much older." Dongfang Bubai sized him up and said slowly.

"It's really the leader!" Huang Zhonggong was startled and frightened, he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "My subordinate Huang Zhonggong will see the leader!"

"Heiheizi (bald pen Weng) (Dan Qingsheng) see the leader!" The other three also bowed in unison.

"This must be Director Yang!" Huang Zhonggong clasped his fist at Su Yi again, and said in a respectful voice, "I have admired Director Yang's name for a long time, and it is a great honor to meet Qingyan today! See Chief Manager!"

"Meet the chief steward!" The rest of the people also paid homage.

"You don't need to be too polite!" Su Yixu gave a support.

"I don't know the leader of my subordinates to come here. It's rude to welcome me from a distance. I ask the leader to forgive me!" Huang Zhonggong bowed his hands to Dongfang Bubai again.

Dongfang Bubai asked, "What happened to him?"

Huang Zhonggong naturally knew who Dongfang Bubai was talking about, and hurriedly said: "I want to report to the leader, that person is still detained in the dungeon. For 12 years, my subordinates and the other four have never left Meizhuang. I don't dare to neglect my duties."

"Take us to see him." Dongfang Bubai said.

"Yes!" Huang Zhonggong agreed to lead the way, but Su Yi suddenly said, "Wait a minute!"

"What happened to Brother Lian?" Dongfang Bubai asked.

"We don't want to go down for now, it's best to bring him here first." Su Yi said.

"This... Manager Yang doesn't know something," Huang Zhonggong looked at Dongfang Bubai first, and seeing that Dongfang Bubai didn't respond, he hurriedly explained, "The brothers and feet of the criminal are cast in fine steel chains and cannot be brought here. "

"Use this, and this." Su Yi took out two things that he had prepared a long time ago, stepped forward, and placed them in Huang Zhonggong's hands.

One of them was a medicine bottle, and the other was a bunch of wire saws bunched together.

"This medicine is the soul-losing incense prepared by Ping Yizhi, a famous murderer. Just take a sip, and you will pass out. If there is no antidote, you will never wake up." Su Yi introduced the bottle.

This medicine was something Su Yi found in the warehouse of Heimuya, and he took it with him when he went down the mountain this time, just to use it at this time.

"Master Huang, you use this medicine to stun Ren Woxing first, and then use this wire saw to cut off the shackles and chains on his limbs, won't you bring him here?" Su Yi said.

"This..." Huang Zhonggong hesitated slightly, looking at Dongfang Bubai.

"You do whatever Brother Lian asks you to do." Dongfang Bubai said flatly.

"Yes!" Huang Zhonggong didn't hesitate any longer, took the two things Su Yi handed him, and was about to retreat with the other three.

But Su Yi said again: "It's enough for you to go alone, and the rest will stay."

"Yes!" Everyone agreed.

Dongfang Bubai didn't ask Su Yi why he did this from the beginning to the end, he didn't care about why, he only cared about one thing - Su Yi can do whatever he wants.

"Master, Chief Manager, why not go to the inner hall and have some tea and snacks?" Hei Hei Zi, who followed behind Huang Zhonggong, who had been silent all this time, said cautiously.

"Brother Lian, what do you think?" Dongfang Bubai turned his head and asked Su Yi, acting as if Su Yi said what he said.

Su Yi shook his head: "No need."

He said to Dongfang Bubai: "A person like Ren Woxing, even if he dies, would never hand over his housekeeping skills. If you force him, I'm afraid we'll just fetch water from a bamboo basket. The martial art of "Star Dafa" has been lost."

As soon as Su Yi said this, Hei Hei Zi's complexion suddenly became very exciting, and the four people behind him, Bald Bi Weng, Dan Qingsheng, Ding Jian and Shi Lingwei, also trembled and were very disturbed.

Only then did they know that Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi came here for the frightening "Star Attraction Dafa".

It's just that it's okay to tell such an important secret in public like this?

In fact, up to now, Su Yi is not afraid at all that these people in front of him know that he is plotting "Star Attraction Dafa", with Dongfang Bubai behind him, he is not at all worried that these people have some bad thoughts.

But Dongfang Invincible doesn't care.

After hearing Su Yi finished speaking, he nodded slightly and said: "Let me be a generation of outstanding people, naturally I will not be threatened by others. But I didn't intend to threaten him, I planned to let him go. Trading his freedom for his martial arts is a huge sum of money." It's a good deal for him."

"Empty words have no proof, what if he speaks up and makes a mistake on purpose?" Su Yi said.

Dongfang Bubai said: "I can force him to swear."

Su Yi laughed and said: "It's not that I treat a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, but if I let my own way, I will never let my housekeeping skills fall into the hands of the enemy. Now that I have to leak it for freedom, even if I let it I swear, I will try my best to destroy the world with a thunderbolt, and I will never give it all."

"If that's the case, for Brother Lian you, I have no choice but to let him live or die!" Dongfang Bubai said fiercely with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Not yet," Su Yi shook his head, "I have a guess, but it needs to be verified. Later, Zhuang Zhuang will bring Ren Woxing up, and you should seal Ren Woxing's key acupoint first, which will be regarded as insurance for the upper layer. Then Let them watch and let me go, and you accompany me to the dungeon."

"Okay." Dongfang Bubai happily responded.

No matter what Su Yi said, he would obey.

Hei Hei Zi and the others bowed their heads and bowed their heads, not daring to let out a breath.

After waiting for a while, I saw Huang Zhonggong rushing here with a person walking like flying.

The man was wearing coarse cloth, which was dirty and had lost its original color. Before he arrived, the stench was already coming out of his nostrils.His disheveled hair covered his face, making it impossible to see his face clearly, his limbs were hanging limp, as if unconscious.

When Huang Zhonggong came to him, he threw the man to the ground, clasped his fists and said, "Report to the leader and chief supervisor, the key criminal has been brought."

Whoosh whoosh!
Dongfang Bubai flicked his sleeves suddenly, and saw several silver lights entering Ren Woxing's body, and Ren Woxing, who was in a coma, did not respond at all.

"It's alright now, even if he's pretending to be dizzy, he's really dizzy." Dongfang Bubai pursed his lips and smiled, "No one in the world can undo my tricks. Brother Lian, don't you worry too?"

"Of course I don't worry if you make a move." Su Yi smiled, and then said to Huang Zhong: "Master Huang, please make another trip and take me and the leader to the dungeon."

Although Huang Zhonggong was baffled and couldn't figure out what Su Yi was fussing about, he didn't dare to ask more, but said awkwardly: "This...the dungeon is extremely filthy and stinky, I'm afraid it will insult the leader and the chief executive..."

"It's okay." Su Yi waved his hand.

For the sake of "The Dafa of Attracting Stars", what are the smelly and dirty points?Even if there was a latrine underneath, he had to drill it as he should.

On the Internet of Later Times, there has always been a question about Ren Woxing, that is, where did Ren Woxing shit when he was trapped for 12 years?
According to the calculation of Ren Woxing passing half a catty of stool every day, he was trapped for 12 years, and the stool he passed was almost two tons.

Two tons of poop...

Questions such as:
How did Xiao Zhao change her underwear after wearing shackles for so many years?
How can Mei Chaofeng wipe his butt after practicing Jiuyin Baiguzhuo?
How does Yang Guo cut his fingernails when he is one-armed and 16 years old?

These problems once made the sand sculptures worry.

Now, Su Yi can help them get an authoritative answer to the first question.

Su Yi insisted on going to the dungeon, so Huang Zhonggong had no choice but to lead him and Dongfang Bubai to go again.

The rest stayed where they were and watched over them.

The three of them walked around the front hall to the backyard, walked through a corridor, and came to the door of Yueyue Cave. The word "Qin Xin" was written on the door, which was quite elegant.

After passing through the Moon Cave Gate, there is a quiet flower path, shaded by bamboo forests on both sides, and moss grows on the cobblestones of the flower path, obviously few people usually walk there.Walking all the way to the three stone houses, Huang Zhonggong opened the door in the middle and walked in with Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai.

There were a bed and a bed in the room, and the furnishings were simple. Huang Zhonggong stepped forward and lifted the bed board, revealing a large hole, he jumped down without saying a word, followed by Dongfang Bubai, and then Su Yi.

Below is a very flat and long tunnel, with oil lamps hanging at intervals.

All the way down the steps, I passed at least five or six large iron gates made of fine steel. These large iron gates were all open, but they were all locked when Ren Woxing was closed. .

When I walked to the end, I didn't know how deep the descent was.

At the end of the corridor is also an iron door with a hole one foot square.

The door was also wide open, so it was dark inside.There was a stench coming out of the door, which made people want to vomit.

Huang Zhong just wanted to step in, but Su Yi said: "Master Huang, just wait outside the door."

"Yes, Chief Manager." Huang Zhonggong stopped immediately.

Su Yi took off the oil lamp on one wall and walked into the room.

After entering, he found that the walls of this house, which was only about three meters square, were all made of refined steel, and four thick chains hung from the stone bed in front, which was covered with an old and dirty straw mat.

Su Yi stepped forward in two steps in three steps, lifted the straw mat on the stone bed, and immediately revealed the flat stone slab underneath.

The slate is engraved with densely packed small characters!
Seeing this scene, Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled sincerely.

It's okay, okay, no surprises.

"This is..." Dongfang Bubai stepped forward to take a look, and was immediately surprised. He looked at Su Yi with radiant eyes: "Brother Lian, did you expect this?"

"A person who has been imprisoned for 12 years without seeing the light of day, I am afraid that he has long been hopeless and numb." Su Yi laughed, "But it is a pity that his unique knowledge is lost, so there is a high probability that he will leave an inheritance, just in case. "

"I used drugs to stun me and let me go, and then took him out of this cell, because I was afraid that he would become alert when he was awake and ruin his engraved inner strength. Fortunately, nothing went wrong!"

"This mentality was engraved for future generations when he knew he would die. There is absolutely no falsehood!"

(End of this chapter)

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