Chapter 948

"The old man was happy and grudged in his life, murdering people like numbness, and being imprisoned at the bottom of the lake is also due. Only the old man allowed me to be trapped here. It is also a pity.”

"I will leave the book here for the essence of the old master's magical skills, so that future generations will learn it and practice it all over the world. The old master will die and be immortal."

"Sitting power: open the front and back doors of the dantian, and the body's internal power will be invisible. Dissipate the internal power and transform the blood essence, and the Yin power will be more advanced here."

"The first step in the great method of absorbing stars is to make the dantian, always like an empty box, always like a deep valley, the empty box can store things, and the deep valley can hold water; it is empty like a bamboo, like a valley is always empty. The breath in the dantian is scattered in the Ren channel The acupoints, the qi in the mutton, are injected into the eight meridians..."

The stone bed is densely packed, and there are thousands of words eloquently, and the words are so obscure and difficult to understand that it is impossible to remember them by memorization alone.

Fortunately, Su Yi was well prepared, took out a small notebook and a charcoal pen from his pocket, and wrote down everything written on the stone bed word by word.

While Su Yi was transcribing the inner strength method, Dongfang Bubai held the oil lamp for him and was also examining it carefully, but his brows were tightly frowned.

After Su Yi finished copying, seeing Dongfang Bubai's expression, he couldn't help but ask, "What? Is this idea wrong?"

"Based on my knowledge, I can't see anything wrong. There should be no difference in this method." Dongfang Bubai said softly, "Brother Lian, according to the records in the religious scriptures, this "Star Attraction Dafa" was created in the Northern Song Dynasty's "Xiaoyao" It is divided into "Beiming Shengong" and "Huagong Dafa". Later, it was handed down from Dali Duan's and Xingxiu respectively, and combined into one, it was called "Xingxing Dafa", which became our Sun Moon God Sect The treasure of town education."

"Let me engrave the "Star Attraction Dafa" here, although it is to leave a legacy, so as not to lose the magical power, but in my opinion, it may not have any good intentions. Think about it, if he dies, who is most likely to come in Get this secret manual?"

"Of course it's Huang Zhonggong and the others." Su Yi said, "Huang Zhonggong and the others guarded Ren Woxing for 12 years. Ren Woxing must have hated them to the core. What do you mean, this way of thinking may be fake?"

"The mental method should be true, but if I do what I do, I must have evil intentions." Dongfang Bubai said, "According to the cultivation steps of the "Star Absorbing Dafa", the first step is to dissipate one's own internal strength. This step is extremely dangerous, but any The method of Sangong recorded in our practice is understated and the words are not clear. If the practitioner is careless about this, as long as he uses the wrong acupoints or the wrong meridians during the Sangong, he will immediately go crazy, and at least his whole body will be paralyzed. In severe cases, the meridians will be reversed, and the seven holes will bleed to death."

"The key technique of this exercise was hidden by Ren Woxing." Dongfang Bubai looked at Su Yi, "Fortunately, Brother Lian doesn't have any internal energy, and his sinister intentions were just avoided by you. But even if there is It's nothing, the method of Sangong is not too difficult for me, I will protect Brother Lian and you will be safe."

Su Yi nodded: "He did this probably because he wanted to cheat Huang Zhonggong and the others, but at the same time he really wanted to pass on his miraculous skills. He wanted to ensure that his mind was true, but also cheated others. It would be difficult for him. He actually came up with a way to get the best of both worlds."

Dongfang Bubai sighed softly: "Everyone in the world says that I am bold and rough, but in fact, this man is scheming, unpredictable and treacherous, and he is best at intrigue and tricks, playing tricks on people's hearts."

"A good swimmer drowns in water, and a fireplayer will be crushed. Often a person's greatest weakness lies in what he thinks is his strongest." Su Yi said, "Everyone understands this truth, but everyone is greedy. Seeking perfection and wanting to be complete, cannot bear the principle that great achievement is lacking.”

Dongfang Bubai was shocked, his eyes sparkled: "Brother Lian's words are quite philosophical."

Have you ever heard that song about philosophy?
Su Yi asked silently in his heart.

"Dongfang, look at this mentality, but there are still traps?" He asked.

This is the advantage of having thighs to hug. With Dongfang Invincible, the number one in the world, many dangers and traps can be avoided.

"Yes!" Dongfang Bubai said, "This "Star Absorbing Dafa" is one hurdle for dispersing kung fu, and another hurdle for absorbing kung fu. If you want to absorb the true energy of others without any internal strength, wouldn't it be like hitting a stone with an egg, in vain? Death?"

"It's not a big deal." Su Yi thought for a while and said, "As long as the opponent is restrained and he can't move, wouldn't I just let me suck it?"

"It's not that simple." Dongfang Bubai shook his head, "How to inhale the internal force and guide it through the meridians to walk, and how to derive it from the dantian and store it in the eight extraordinary meridians. It's nothing to my younger brother, with me here, naturally I won't let you take detours, Brother Lian."

"Actually, there are still flaws in this "Star Attraction Dafa". I checked the scriptures in the teaching and found that several generations of leaders died suddenly because of practicing qigong in the later period, and they all practiced "Star Attraction Dafa". Let me do it The reason why I seized the opportunity to overthrow the suppression in one fell swoop is also because something went wrong in his practice."

"I've never been in touch with how to practice this "Star Attraction Dafa" before, so naturally I don't know where this defect is. But now it seems that the problem should appear in the word 'rong'."

"Rong?" Although Su Yi showed surprise on his face, he admired him in his heart.

Dongfang Bubai deserves to be Dongfang Bubai, just looking at this inner strength method, you can see the biggest hidden danger of "Star Attraction Dafa".

"That's right, it's Rong!" Dongfang Bubai explained, "All the internal energy in this world is stored in the dantian, without exception. Only this "Star Absorbing Dafa" does the opposite. , to make the dantian 'like the hollow in the bamboo, like the constant emptiness of the valley', and all the internal forces are scattered in the eight extraordinary meridians. Why?"

Pointing to one of the passages, he further explained: "Brother Lian, look at this passage, it is said that internal strength can be divided into four phenomena: Shaoyin and Shaoyang, and Laoyin and Laoyang. The internal strength of each sect and school is different, and the internal strength cultivated is different. The affiliation of yin and yang is also different."

"Some internal energy is pure yang, some are shaoyin containing old yang, and some are old yin turning into shaoyang... The attributes of internal energy are different, and there are 64 completely different changes covered."

"The "Star Absorbing Dafa" absorbs other people's internal energy for its own use. It sounds domineering, but the absorbed internal energy is different. If different internal forces are accumulated in the dantian, and they conflict with each other after a little use, then they have never hurt others. I hurt myself."

"That's why this martial art divides the absorbed internal energy into the eight meridians according to different attributes. It's not a problem in the short term, but as the internal energy is absorbed more and more, it is inevitable that they will come into contact with each other. At that time, all kinds of internal forces will be in a mess in the body, and they will eat back at themselves."

"At that time, the more and more complex the internal force you absorb, the greater the backlash will be. No wonder Ren Woxing has been unable to retreat for the last few years. Presumably he is trying to suppress and resolve his internal energy backlash. But he has survived to this day. It's okay, I think he has already solved this solution."

Dongfang Bubai frowned and pondered for a moment, then said: "Brother Lian, you don't have to ask him to do it for me. If he has created it, could it be that I can't do it? You can practice boldly, there are some hidden dangers. Leave it to me to solve it, and guarantee you, Brother Lian, a healthy and happy life."

Su Yi said: "I don't know who told me before that there is a martial art in Shaolin Temple called "Yi Jin Jing", which is a method where hundreds of rivers converge. If it doesn't work, it's not bad to ask the monks to borrow it another day."

Dongfang Bubai pursed his lips and said with a smile: ""Yi Jin Jing" is the treasure of Shaolin Temple, I'm afraid it won't be borrowed, but since Brother Lian wants it, I'll try it."

Su Yi hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Don't act recklessly, I have a way to outsmart, if it really doesn't work, I will try to force it."

"It's all up to you." Dongfang Bubai said.

"Since the mind method has been copied, this stone bed will be destroyed." Su Yi said, "To prevent the magic power from leaking out, it will only increase the disturbance."

"It's simple." Dongfang Bubai suddenly circulated his internal energy with both palms, and his clothes were suddenly calmed by the wind. He stepped in front of the stone bed, and clapped his palms down six times in different directions.

Twelve palm prints were immediately left on the stone bed, covering and destroying most of the densely packed characters.


In the next second, with a loud noise, the stone bed was torn apart.

Su Yi was fascinated by watching, when can he be so powerful?
He gave Dongfang Bubai a thumbs up, and Dongfang Bubai smiled.

Now that he has obtained the mental method, there is no need to stay in this smelly secret room.

The official answer about Ren Woxing's 12 years of bowel movement has also come - there is a special jar for feces and urine, and the deaf-mute old man who delivers meals to Ren Woxing will take away yesterday's bowls and chopsticks every time he delivers meals. , will also take away yesterday's shit jar.

It's that simple.

The two of them didn't deliberately conceal what they said inside, so Huang Zhonggong also listened seriously.

But this person was very knowledgeable, he didn't ask anything, just pretended not to know, he brought Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi back to the ground, and then ordered his subordinates to vacate a good room for Dongfang Bubai and them, and ordered the other three The owner washed Ren Woxing who was still in a coma, changed his clothes, applied incense, and sent him to the other courtyard of Dongfang Bubai.

"The four masters have made great contributions to the Holy Church. When the leader and I return to Heimuya, you can go with us." When Huang Zhong announced his retirement, Su Yi said with a smile, "The Holy Church will not treat meritoriously. Your ministers. In the past few days, you should take care of the chores and prepare to leave."

Huang Zhonggong and the others looked at each other, and it was obvious that they were all reluctant.

Su Yi knows countless people, so it is natural to see that among the four, except for the second son, Hei Hei Zi, who is still utilitarian, the other three have no desire for fame and wealth, so they can bear their temper and have lived in seclusion here for more than ten years. Ask about world affairs.

But these four people are all masters in the world, especially Huang Zhonggong, who can actually incorporate internal energy into the sound of the piano, and use it to disturb the mind of the enemy.

This is similar to the martial arts of Dongxie Huang Pharmacist Bi Haichao Shengqu, such a powerful character, how could Su Yi let them become wild masters?
If Su Yi didn't take them away, when the assistants came, they would have to make up their minds.

So these four elders must go to Heimuya.

"Based on your meritorious deeds, when you arrive at Heimuya, you can be promoted to elders of the sect. If you are happy, you will be given real power to manage affairs; if you are quiet, you can also guard the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, or teach juniors in the sect." Su Yi He added with a smile, "You are heroes, and you can choose your positions."

Hei Hei Zi suddenly showed ecstasy, and before Huang Zhonggong could speak, he cupped his hands excitedly and said: "I'm waiting, thank you, Chief Manager, for your cultivation!"

"Well, I'm sorry for the four of you guarding outside these few days. I want to retreat and practice "Star Attraction Dafa", so I can't be disturbed at all." Su Yi ordered again.

"Don't worry, Chief Manager, with the four of us guarding him, everything will be safe!" Hei Hei Zi assured.

"Go." Su Yi waved his hand.

"The subordinate waits to leave!"

It could be seen that Huang Zhonggong was hesitant to speak when he left, but Bald Biweng and Dan Qingsheng were a little moved.

This is enough, Su Yi believes that the next three people will persuade Huang Zhonggong to go to Heimuya together, so he doesn't need to waste any more words.

"Brother Lian, as the saying goes, sharpening a knife does not cut firewood by mistake." Dongfang Bubai took Su Yi's hand and walked into the room, "You have never touched martial arts before. The formula will be told to you word by word."


This lecture lasted for three hours, and did not stop until it was getting late.

Dongfang Bubai really broke it apart and smashed it to pieces to teach Su Yi. Su Yi, a person who has never been in contact with internal skills, after this lesson, his understanding of the martial arts "Star Absorbing Dafa" has reached an incredible level of proficiency.

Who can have such an opportunity as him, to be taught so carefully by Dongfang Bubai, the number one in the world?
But this is just the beginning!
After the two casually ate the dinner that Huang Zhonggong and the others sent, Dongfang Bubai asked Su Yi to sit cross-legged to meditate, officially starting to practice internal strength.

He is very patient with Su Yi, how to meditate, how to position the limbs in the best position, how to breathe and adjust breath, he personally demonstrates and corrects them.

In order for Su Yi to get started as soon as possible, he took the initiative to transfer a strand of his internal energy to Su Yi, and let Su Yi guide this strand of internal energy to run for a week according to the luck route of the "Star Absorbing Dafa", and finally stored in the divine tower of the Ren Meridian in the hole.

This is the first time Su Yi has experienced the feeling of internal force moving around in his body!
It's like a cold air current, following his specific way of breathing and breathing and sitting posture, the inner force in his meridians moves like an arm, drilling back and forth in his body under his control go.

The first time to control the operation of internal force is a bit like the feeling of skating on ice skates for the first time. You can't control the strength and direction at all.

Moreover, he is not familiar with his own meridians, so this internal force is rampant in the meridians, rushing back and forth.

This is a very dangerous thing, if a meridian is accidentally broken, then Su Yi will be useless.

Ordinary warriors only dare to guide the internal force to run in the seriousness around the dantian for a while after training the first ray of internal force, and only dare to let the internal force take "more paths" after they are fully familiar with it.

It's not like Su Yi, relying on Dongfang Bubai to protect his meridians at any time, confident, directing this ray of internal force personally, going back and forth, walking all the meridians in his body.

He's not here for fun!
As he guides the internal force in this way, the first is to gradually become familiar with the feeling of controlling this ray of internal force; the second is to remember the feeling of internal force moving through various meridians, and also sense the position of these meridians in the body .

This is the most valuable experience for him, and it is also a very big harvest!

(End of this chapter)

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