Chapter 949

"Brother Lian, have you memorized the exercise route of the "Star Attraction Dafa" by heart?"

After Su Yi sent Dongfang Bubai to him this ray of internal energy along the "Star Absorbing Dafa" back and forth for dozens of weeks, Dongfang Bubai asked him with a smile.

It was extremely energy-intensive to try to control the internal force at the beginning, and Su Yi's forehead was sweating.

Dongfang Bubai took out a snow-white handkerchief embroidered with lotus flowers to wipe Su Yi's sweat, straightened his messy hair on his forehead, his eyes were full of doting and tenderness.

"It's almost there." Su Yi thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing wrong with him.

Who just learning martial arts is as "luxury" as him?Not only do you not have to work hard to cultivate your internal strength, but you can also rest assured to boldly "trial and error"?
I'm afraid that throughout the ages, there will only be Su Yi alone.

Because no master would be as patient as Dongfang Bubai, allowing Su Yi to "play around" without urging or scolding, just explaining to him in a gentle voice.

Secondly, there is no master who has the ability of Dongfang Bubai, who can protect the meridians of Su Yi's whole body with pure and profound inner strength, and let Su Yi circulate his inner strength at will.

A master with Dongfang Bubai's ability generally lacks Dongfang Bubai's patience.

From this point of view, Su Yi's luck and fortune are definitely the protagonist's halo.

This was also the first time Su Yi enjoyed such generous treatment, which made him quite uneasy.

"Brother Lian, if I'm not around, you absolutely can't use your internal strength as you just did." Dongfang Bubai has said this again, but now he can't help but warn Su Yi again, "This is an extremely dangerous thing , if there is a slight mistake, it will be lost, Brother Lian must not take risks."

"Don't worry, I understand." Su Yi smiled.

"That's good." Dongfang Bubai said, "Brother Lian, I want to take back this wisp of internal energy now. It's not that I'm stingy, but that you practice this "Star Absorbing Dafa" to absorb internal energy. There's nothing better than letting me do it." Internal force is more suitable?"

"I just checked. Ren Woxing has been imprisoned in the dungeon for more than ten years, but he has not lost his martial arts. His inner strength of yin and yang has been polished very deep and pure by him. Even if this inner strength is compared to mine Make room. If it were a mortal who came to practice, he would not be able to practice for a year. Now, it all belongs to you."

Su Yi's heart stirred slightly, in fact, this was also what he thought in his heart, and it was the main reason why he insisted on coming to West Lake Meizhuang.

With Dongfang Bubai sitting in charge, letting Woxing, this internal energy cow, not be used, isn't it a waste of money?
This is a great time for him to soar into the sky!

There is no need to worry about any risks, let me practice twelve years of internal strength, and I don't need to worry about any conflicts in my body.

One Jiazi's pure internal strength is in front of me, what if I don't want it?

Does this question still need an answer?

If he misses this time, maybe he will never encounter such a good thing like a pie in the sky again!
"Alright!" Su Yi took a deep breath, "But Dongfang, wake him up first, I want to have a few words with him."

Dongfang Bubai frowned: "There's no need for that, Brother Lian? We only need his internal strength and nothing else from him. Letting him run out of fuel unconsciously is also a kind of kindness to him."

Su Yi shook his head: "Although I hurt him, I still have to tell him clearly what I should say. I want to absorb his inner strength with peace of mind, so as not to be unbearable in the future."

After a pause, he looked at Dongfang Bubai: "If you don't want to see him, you might as well avoid him first."

Dongfang Bubai sighed: "The vicissitudes of life have changed, what can I say about my husband? But Brother Lian, if you want to talk to him, then it's okay for me to meet you."

He followed Su Yi in everything.

The two came to another room in the other courtyard, and Ren Woxing was put on a chair, still unconscious.

Dongfang Bubai popped out a finger wind out of thin air, allowing Woxing to wake up leisurely.

After regaining clarity, he saw Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi clearly in the room, his eyes flashed for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure.

With this concentration alone, Su Yi immediately gave him a high look.

"Dongfang Bubai, looking at you, I think you have mastered the martial arts in "Sunflower Treasure Book"." Ren Woxing said calmly, his tone calm.

"It's still a long way from Dacheng, but it's just a little income." Dongfang Bubai's eyes were complicated, "I haven't seen you for twelve years, but you still look good. I thought you would hate me and scold me. I don't want you to be like this." calm."

"Winners and losers, what is there to scold?" Ren Woxing smiled faintly, "What's more, the kindness and resentment between you and me, how can the word 'hate' be enough?"

After a pause, he continued: "You invited me out of the dungeon unknowingly, presumably because of the "Star Attraction Dafa" I carved on the stone bed? I used to think that you were short-sighted, but I didn't expect you to be so far-sighted. I was imprisoned for twelve years just to let me leave a legacy in despair, so patient and scheming!"

"Counting this time, I have defeated you twice. People like you and me should not have lost the last time. If you lose twice in a row, you deserve to die, and you can't blame others!" He looked at Dongfang Bubai: "Now you Now that I have fulfilled my wish, my dry bones are useless. Come to think of it, my deadline is today, isn't it?"

Ren Woxing's eyes fell on Su Yi again, and he narrowed his eyes slightly: "Yes, this bone of mine is still useful, you sealed the acupuncture points all over my body so that I couldn't move, presumably it was for my internal strength. This young man doesn't have any internal strength, and he just acquired the star-absorbing method. I have been practicing hard for decades, so I can take advantage of him. Young man, what is your name? But I am a member of the holy religion?"

Su Yi was even more impressed when he heard this. This person is really extremely smart, and he has a clear understanding of the situation he is facing.

"My Yang Lianting is indeed a disciple of the Holy Cult." Su Yi clasped his fists at him, "Your teacher, be polite."

"Very good! A good-looking talent!" Ren Woxing praised, "Look at you, have you never practiced internal strength before?"

"No." Su Yi shook his head.

"It's really fitting that you have this opportunity." Ren Woxing said, "There are two most difficult points in my "Star Attraction Dafa". , the meridian will be cut off in the lightest case, and you will be killed on the spot in the severe case. You have no internal strength, and you have saved the step of releasing the power; now I can't move, let you do whatever you want, and the step of absorbing the power is no risk to you. Boy Yang, You are also considered to be very lucky. By the way, who are you from Dongfang Bubai? Are you his own son?"

"No, he is my lover." Su Yi said frankly.

Ren Woxing was taken aback, and suddenly burst out laughing.

I laughed so hard that tears flowed down my face.

"Love? Hahaha, do you know that he is a man?" Ren Woxing looked at Su Yi with a sarcasm and laughed wildly, "Do you know that he is in his fifties? Say something An old man in his fifties is your lover? Boy Yang, are you sick? Hahaha..."

Dongfang Bubai's face became gloomy, and murderous intent gradually appeared in his eyes.

But Su Yi just looked at him calmly.

Ren Woxing continued to sneer and said: "That's right, he practiced "Sunflower Treasure", and he has long since passed away from the palace, and has become neither male nor female. Boy Yang, look at you, you are only in your early twenties, you are a young man , How could you like a monster who is in his fifties? I don't believe it! Such absurd things will never happen in this world! You actually like the power he gave you, right? Hahaha..."

Dongfang Bubai's face turned livid, and Sen Han said: "Okay, okay, okay! You are worthy of being the leader of the sect, and when you are about to die, you still don't forget to provoke the relationship between Brother Lian and me."

"Do I need to do this? Isn't this the truth?" Ren Woxing said with a disdainful smile, "Dongfang Bubai, in fact, you also know in your heart that a good young man in his early twenties, how could he like you? An old monster who is neither male nor female in his teens? Don't you know what he wants to do with you?"

"Haha... Master Ren, Master Ren, don't think I don't know, you want to provoke me to kill you, so that all your internal energy will be buried with you?" Dongfang Bubai suddenly chuckled, " This is not like you, when I caught you back then, you tried your best to survive, why do you want to die now?"

"Man is a knife, I am a fish, how about not dying?" Ren Woxing sighed, with a gloomy expression in his expression, "Ren Woxing has been living his life, killing people like hemp, and this end is also a cycle of heaven, and the retribution is not good. "

"But I will not do what you want." Dongfang Bubai sneered, "You want to die quickly, but I want you to not live, not to die!"

"Dongfang, then you have fallen for this leader again." Su Yi suddenly laughed.

He stared at Ren Woxing and said with a smile: "In fact, this leader Ren never gave up his will to survive. He angered you because he knew very well that you would hold back from killing him. He knew your character very well, so he let You mistakenly think that he is seeking a quick death, so you will not do what he wants and let him survive."

"Now that he has your guarantee, knowing that he won't die for a while, he can think about other things with peace of mind."

The level of a person's martial arts is not directly proportional to the level of wisdom. It has to be admitted that if you want to play with your brain, Dongfang Bubai can't do it by yourself.

It's a pity that time is fate, if I let my boat capsize once, I will lose everything.

Ren Woxing's expression changed, he stared at Su Yi and said, "Good young man, you are so scheming, no wonder you can coax Dongfang Bubai into a circle! I guess, your status in the holy religion is not low, maybe you even persuaded Dongfang Bubai , have mastered the power of the holy religion, right?"

What he said was still malicious, implying that Su Yi sold his self-esteem and body for the sake of power.

Su Yi smiled and said unmoved: "You said three things wrong just now."

"Oh?" Ren Woxing's eyes flashed.

"First, Dongfang is not in his fifties. He is in his thirties this year. You deliberately exaggerated his age to make me question him and hate him, right?" Su Yi said, "It's a pity that I know Dongfang very well, I know He would never lie to me, and I would never suspect him of lying to me."

Dongfang Bubai was a little moved, and stared at Su Yi in a daze.

Ren Woxing smiled sarcastically, as if he didn't bother to argue, as if you wanted to believe it or not.

"Secondly, he is not a man." Su Yi said slowly, "Maybe he used to be, but from the first time I saw him, he is no longer. You have never practiced "Sunflower Book", you will never You will understand what is the metamorphosis of heaven and man, and the nourishment of all things. You are provoking this matter, and the situation is small."

Ren Woxing couldn't laugh anymore.

Su Yi smiled, and continued: "Thirdly, you should not use methods on Dongfang, because whether to kill you, when to kill you, and how to kill you are up to me. On this point, Dongfang also listens mine."

Ren Woxing's expression became extremely serious, he looked Su Yi up and down, as if he wanted to get to know Su Yi again.

"My boy, I underestimated you," he said.

Su Yi smiled and said: "It seems that the reminiscences between your old friends are not very pleasant, and there should be nothing to talk about. Why don't we talk about some practical topics?"

"You want to ask me the method of fusion?" Ren Woxing sneered, "Stop dreaming!"

"No, I won't ask you." Su Yi smiled, "Don't tell me you didn't tell me, I won't believe you and I won't listen to you."

"Do you think Dongfang Bubai can help you?" Ren Woxing laughed, "Then you think too highly of him! This old man has been immersed in the "Star Absorbing Dafa" for decades, and he racked his brains to come up with the method of fusion. Dongfang Bubai has never been in contact with the "Star Absorbing Dafa" before, and it is absolutely impossible to create a method of fusion!"

What he said was categorical, beyond doubt, and people couldn't help but be convinced.

Dongfang Bubai raised his eyebrows: "That's not necessarily true. Ren leader, you didn't believe that I could overthrow you back then, so you took the position of leader, but what happened?"

"You can take tricks on me, but the inner strength and mentality are one and the other is two, but you can't take advantage of it." Ren Woxing said lightly.

"Whatever you say, but you guessed wrong." Dongfang Bubai laughed and said, "Brother Lian doesn't want your method of fusion."

Ren Woxing was startled, and looked at Su Yi.

"Let's get straight to the point, Ren Jiaozhu." Su Yi didn't bother to go around the corner, "I learned your martial arts and sucked your internal energy, and I had to kill you afterwards, so as not to let the tiger go back to the mountain and cause endless disasters."

"Although I'm not a good person, but I don't have a clear mind to do such a wicked thing, so I plan to talk to you and see if I can do a few things for you, so that you can feel at ease." Su Yi said.

"Hahaha..." Ren Woxing couldn't help laughing, "Kill if you want to kill, suck if you want to suck! Do bad things and still want peace of mind, it's so hypocritical!"

Su Yi looked at him and said indifferently: "You and I have lived a normal life. As a stranger, I made you feel uneasy. But the leader knows, I have gradually become more at ease now?"

"Your intentions are sinister and you provoke my relationship with Dongfang, which gives me a reason to kill you; from the beginning to now, every word of yours hides your intentions, which also gives me a reason to be cruel. If you scold me again A few words, I will kill you and suck your internal energy, and I will feel at ease."

Speaking of this, Su Yi paused, and said with a half-smile: "Master Ren, if you don't speak dark words, you must be dead. I would rather kill you to avoid future troubles. So you should thank me Hypocrisy, thank me for giving you the opportunity to say your last wish."

"I said that, is it clear enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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