Chapter 950
The ancients said that those who are so-called sincere should not deceive themselves.Such as bad smell, such as lust, this is called self-modesty.Therefore, a gentleman must be careful about his independence.

Su Yi does not regard himself as a gentleman, nor does he have high moral requirements, let alone be as self-disciplined as "Shendu", but he also has his own bottom line, that is, he does not deceive himself.

Does he love Dongfang Bubai?
Of course he doesn't love her, and he's not greedy for her body, he just wants to hug her thigh and take advantage of her, and he doesn't deny this from the bottom of his heart.

But people are not grass and trees, who can be ruthless?
Dongfang Bubai’s sincerity is tied to him, no matter whether he is Su Yi or Yang Lianting, this is a fact and it cannot be changed. Even if he doesn’t love, he still has to be grateful and repay with the greatest kindness and sincerity.

To put it bluntly, even if you cheat, you have to cheat until the end.

Not revealing his secrets is his greatest sincerity and kindness.

So from this incident, it can be seen that Su Yi is a bad person who hasn't broken down to the bone.

Su Yi wants to drain Ren Woxing's internal strength and then kill him, is this a bad thing?
Simply bad!

He can't deceive himself that this is punishing evil and promoting good, representing justice.

Killing people is nothing more than nodding their heads. He is not killing people, but cannibalism.

It is not that Su Yi has no other choice, but it is an indisputable fact that he chose to break through his moral bottom line for his own better and faster development.

No matter how bad Su Yi told himself to let himself go, and how much he deserved, he was deceiving himself, and it was just an excuse for his behavior of breaking the bottom line.

The matter of deceiving one's ears and stealing one's bell is both wretched and sad, and Su Yi doesn't even bother to do it.

So he could keep Ren Woxing in a coma for a long time, let him be sucked and fucked in a coma, and then lose his life, but he still chose to wake up Ren Woxing, let him put forward conditions, and make trouble for himself.

This is not hypocrisy or hypocrisy, but an attitude.

I can be bad, but I can't be wretched, and I can't be so cowardly that I can't face myself as a bad guy.

Since I'm not that bad yet, and I don't want to be a pure villain, I might as well do some things to make myself feel at ease and smooth.

Not for self-comfort, but to do things according to your own ideas.

So if Ren Woxing doesn't appreciate it, Su Yi won't feel guilty. I gave you the opportunity, but you don't want it.

I have done bad things, and I have done good things.It's just that I have done bad things, but not good things.

In other words, no matter how Ren Woxing reacts now, Su Yi has actually achieved his goal, because he has said what he wanted to say and done what he wanted to do.

As for whether Renwo Guild will make a request, and what request it makes, that is not important.

What Su Yi didn't know was that in the eyes of Ren Woxing and Dongfang Bubai, his words and actions turned into the words Hong Guoguo——


Domineering is not unreasonable, it is not that those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish, and it does not mean that everything in the world wants to take it for itself.

Overbearing means that everything in the world must go smoothly.

No matter what others think, no matter what others do, it cannot affect my judgment and decision on a matter.

Of course, those who are qualified to do so are called overbearing, and those who are not qualified to do so are called stubborn.

Now Su Yi is taking Ren Woxing's life and death, so he is overbearing.

Ren Woxing is a smart man, he has seen through Su Yi's overbearing, so the strong desire to survive that he had originally was instantly extinguished at this moment, and he became completely hopeless again.

But he was not reconciled.

Twelve years of dark prison life, eating and drinking in that dark prison that is only more than ten meters square, there is no light, no one talks to him, alone and does not know the age, muddled like a pig and dog.

Who can hold on to this day?

If he didn't have an extremely strong desire to survive, I'm afraid Ren Woxing would have committed suicide a hundred times already.

He wanted to live so strongly, how could he be willing to die when he saw the light of day again?
"Boy Yang, are you really willing to fulfill my last wish and do something for me?" Although Ren Woxing was turbulent in his heart, he remained calm on the surface.

"Yes." Su Yi said with a smile, "But it depends on what to do. I will never do what I don't want to do."

"What if I want to see this colorful world for the last time before I die?" Ren Woxing said with a sad smile, "I want to see the mountains, the water, and this world."

"No." Su Yi smiled and shook his head, "This is too troublesome, and there is a danger of extra problems."

Ren Woxing really just want to see the landscape and the world?

He must find a way to send a signal to the outside world, and then save himself, Su Yi will not give him this opportunity.

"Okay, give me a pen and paper, I want to write down everything I have learned in my life before I die, and pass it on to future generations." Ren Woxing said in a trembling voice, "Boy Yang, my martial arts are not limited to "Star Attraction Dafa" There are dozens of martial arts that I have learned, all of which are profound and profound, among which there are many secrets that have long been lost."

"For example, the tricks in the Eighteen Palms of the Beggar Gang, the golden crow sword technique that was learned in Daxue Mountain in the past, and the vicious martial arts in the Nine Yin Scriptures of the previous dynasty..."

Ren Woxing talked about more than a dozen kinds of martial arts in succession, all of which have been lost for a long time in the martial arts world. Among them, there are many martial arts that shocked the martial arts world decades ago or even earlier.

Even Dongfang Bubai was a little moved, and he said to Su Yi emotionally: "Brother Lian, the overlord marksmanship and Dongying double-knife style mentioned by the leader just now are extremely useful to you. And the skill of transmitting sound into secret, although It’s just a small method, but it’s also extremely rare, in today’s martial arts, only Wudang has a similar method, but it seems to have been lost long ago.”

He didn't suspect that Ren Woxing was bragging, because Ren Woxing had led the Sun Moon God Sect for decades, and it was normal for him to know some unique martial arts that had been lost in the martial arts world.

"Seventy years ago, there was an elder of the Songshan School who was known as the best swordsman. I besieged him, he killed two people on the spot, wounded one person, and was eventually exhausted and captured. I have also studied his martial arts in the past, it is very exquisite, it is really rare in the world. "

"It's a pity that I use swords, but I'm not good at swords and spears, so I'm not proficient in this martial art." Ren Woxing continued, "There is also the skill of transmitting sound into secrets. Dongfang Bubai has good knowledge. In today's martial arts, apart from Ren Woxing So, no one knows this martial art anymore! This martial art is extremely practical. If you encounter a situation where it is inconvenient to announce it in public, or if you need to connect secretly, you can see miraculous results if you understand this martial art. Even a sentence can turn the situation around. indefinite……"

At this time, Ren Woxing is like a salesman.

To be honest, Su Yi is still very tempted. All the more than ten kinds of martial arts that Ren Woxing said sound very good, especially the martial arts of sound transmission, which particularly interested Su Yi.

But Su Yi still shook his head.

"For you to write the secret manual, you will inevitably let go of some of your acupoints." Su Yi said, "I don't want to take the risk."

"I can dictate, and you can write it on behalf of me, so it will be safe?" Ren Woxing said sincerely, "Boy Yang, when a person is about to die, his words are also good. I just don't want me to die with my best knowledge."

"That doesn't work either!" Su Yi shook his head resolutely, his attitude even more resolute.

It sounds like it is really foolproof, let me do what I want and can't move, just move my mouth.

As long as he has more patience and more time, Su Yi will be able to obtain more than ten kinds of peerless martial arts that have been lost.

But Ren Woxing is the world's top master, so he can't undo Dongfang Invincible's method for a short time, and can't he attack it for a long time?
And if Ren Woxing said anything halfway, he deliberately whetted Su Yi's appetite, so that when Su Yi couldn't get up and down, he would raise conditions and deal with Su Yi. Would it be disgusting at that time?Ink or not?

So Su Yi would rather not be greedy, and would not give such disgusting things a chance to happen.

People will always be greedy for the good things at their fingertips, but often these things are sugar-coated shells, arsenic covered with honey.

Su Yi rejected Ren Woxing's "last words" twice in succession. Ren Woxing was not a good person. At this moment, he couldn't bear it any longer, and yelled at him with a ferocious face: "Your surname is Yang! You can't do this, you can't do that, why bother?" You are pretending to play tricks on the old man? You want to suck away the inner strength that the old man has cultivated for decades. These inner strengths are all cultivated by my whole life. Feel at ease?"

Su Yi smiled instead of anger.

He smiled and said to Ren Woxing: "I gave you the opportunity to tell you about the aftermath, not to talk about the conditions to survive, and it is not to make you rack your brains and let me feel pity for you. If you just want to Live on and negotiate with me to delay time, not to mention two, even if it is a hundred, I will not agree!"

"Don't waste your energy anymore." Su Yi's smile gradually faded, "This is the last chance, whether I agree to this condition or not, I will not give you another chance to speak. Teacher Ren, think it over before you speak, because this It's the last word you'll ever say in your life."

"Little bastard, you are really so vicious, you must kill me?" Su Yi's resolute attitude made Ren Woxing completely desperate.

"This is your last last word?" Su Yi smiled.

Ren Woxing's expression changed drastically, and finally his eyes dimmed instantly.

"My daughter... Yingying, you can't kill her!" He said dejectedly, "I want you to swear that no matter what she does, you will keep her safe and happy for the rest of her life, and you must never harm her for any reason! Use any conspiracy to borrow a knife to kill! In short, as long as you live in this world for one day, my daughter Yingying will live, and she will live well!"

His eyes finally took on the color of pleading: "This is my last request! Boy Yang, if you agree to me, I will die willingly!"

Su Yi was slightly silent, looked at him for a long time before saying: "I agree."

Dongfang Bubai sighed slightly: "Master Ren, let's go all the way."

Without waiting for Ren Woxing to speak again, he popped out a few finger winds in the air, Ren Woxing's eyelids closed slowly, and his head was tilted to one side.

"Brother Lian, let me be cruel and cruel. If he is allowed to leave this place alive, you and I will die without a place to die!" Dongfang Bubai looked at Su Yi and said slowly, "If it were you and me who fell into his hands , At that time, he will not give us a chance to say our last words. He will not promise us anything, he will only torture us and make us regret being born in this world."

"I know." Su Yi smiled, "Ren Yingying's life is replaced by his death, and he has earned it."

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

Ren Yingying is definitely a dangerous person, and this person is likely to be used by those assistant actors in the future.

According to Su Yi's original idea, he must kill her to avoid future troubles.

But now that she has agreed to Ren Woxing, Ren Yingying has been crossed off Su Yi's must-kill list.

"Brother Lian, I will protect the Dharma for you. You should start absorbing Ren Woxing's internal energy." Dongfang Bubai said, "Remember not to inhale too much, so as not to burst the meridians. Ren Woxing's internal energy is strong, if you suck it all at once Now, you can't control it at all, and it's not a good thing."

"We have plenty of time, so we might as well be more patient and take it slowly, don't inhale too much every day, spend ten days and a half months, and absorb it slowly."

"Okay, listen to you." Su Yi nodded.

For Su Yi, this was a gluttonous feast!
The banquet began when his thumbs of both hands rested on Ren Woxing's body.

As usual, Dongfang Bubai used internal force to protect Su Yi's vital points all over his body to prevent accidents.

The internal force rushing in like a tide rushed forward in Su Yi's meridians like a flood.

After a while, he felt that the absorbed internal force was about to explode his meridians.

He couldn't stop himself!
At this moment, Dongfang Bubai made a move, quickly cutting off the connection between Su Yi and Ren Woxing.

"Brother Lian, concentrate and hold your breath, and circle the sky!" Dongfang Bubai said in a deep voice.

Su Yi didn't dare to be negligent, and according to the method of internal force circulation in "Star Absorption Dafa", he circulated this majestic internal force with difficulty and jerkyly, let them circulate for a few days, and then dispersed and stored them in the eight extraordinary meridians.

Only then did he heave a sigh of relief, and the discomfort after the internal force surged into his body finally disappeared.

"Very good Brother Lian, continue!" Dongfang Bubai encouraged.

What happens when people suddenly grasp a huge power that does not belong to them?

Ren Woxing's internal force for decades is too majestic for Su Yi. Su Yi's dantian and meridians are like reservoirs and ditches, while Ren Woxing's internal force is as much as half the Pacific Ocean.

What happens when so much water rushes into Suyi's narrow ditches and small reservoirs?
Knock everything down!
Historically, only those who have the aura of the protagonist will be safe and sound under all kinds of chances and coincidences, and their strength will increase due to blessings in misfortune.

For example, Xu Zhu was empowered by Wu Yazi to reach the sky in one step, and Duan Yu was safe and sound only through various chances and coincidences.

Su Yi can be regarded as cheating now, and Dongfang Bubai will do his best to protect him and grasp the scale, otherwise the only end waiting for him is to be poured into his body by Ren Woxing's majestic internal energy, and he will explode and die on the spot.

But now that Dongfang Bubai can "pull the knife" at any time, Su Yi can expand his meridians and dantian step by step, let his meridians gradually adapt to the majestic internal force, turn the "ditch" into a river, "small Reservoirs" turned into large lakes.

This is a great opportunity for Su Yi to reach the sky in one step!
(End of this chapter)

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