Chapter 952

For hundreds of years, Shaolin and Wudang, as the Big Dipper of Wulin Taishan, have been duty-bound to undertake the task of confronting the Demon Cult, but the final result is that both sides suffer.

Both Shaolin and Wudang feel that it is too dangerous to fight against the Sun Moon God Sect like this, and there is a danger of destroying the sect and severing the inheritance.

So they thought of a tactic that the later generations of Zheng Zhi's family tried and failed - proxy war.

In the international relations of later generations, if two great powers are evenly matched and hostile to each other, neither of them has the courage to die together, but they want to vent their hostility to each other.

At this time, at least one of the parties will choose to support a third-party force to confront his enemy.

This third-party force does not need to be too powerful, and even needs foreign aid in arms, military, economy, etc., but it can disturb the existing situation and cause huge trouble or damage to the enemy country.

So Shaolin and Wudang began to avoid confrontation with the Sun Moon Sect, and set their sights on the Wuyue Sword Sect, which was only a second-rate sect at that time.

The Five Sacred Sword Schools have been established for hundreds of years, but these five schools have not shown their glory for hundreds of years, but why did they suddenly rise sixty or seventy years ago, surpassing the traditional schools of Emei, Kunlun, and Kongtong in one fell swoop?
This is because before this, Shaolin Wudang has been containing and suppressing the growth and development of these five factions.

The same is the right way, there must be a boss and a second among peers, this is the case in all walks of life in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad.

But compared to the life-and-death struggle between good and evil, the competition between Shaolin Wudang and Wuyue Sword School is relatively benign, at least on the surface.

The contradiction between good and evil is the main contradiction, and the contradiction between righteousness can only be regarded as a secondary contradiction.

Therefore, Shaolin and Wudang chose the lesser of the two evils, and began to focus on the big and let go of the small, encouraging and promoting the alliance and rise of the Wuyue Sword Sect, and using a "Sunflower Treasure", a tool man Lin Yuantu, successfully transferred them and Wudang. The contradiction between the Sun Moon God Religion.

The Wuyue Sword Sect rose up and became the third largest force in the righteous way after Shaolin and Wudang.

However, there is no free lunch in the world. To be an agent, one must have the awareness of death and the destruction of the territory.

The conflict between the Wuyue Sword Sect and the Sun Moon God Sect came very fiercely. Since the Huashan Sect was robbed of the "Sunflower Treasure", the war has become fierce from the very beginning.

Yue Su, Cai Zifeng and other big figures from the Five Sacred Sword Sect died in the first conflict, and all the sword moves of the Five Sacred Sword Sect were broken in the second conflict, and the ten elders of the Sun Moon God Sect were also trapped middle.

Both sides were seriously injured because of this conflict, but the war did not end because of it. For the next few decades, the main force fighting against the Sun Moon God Sect has always been the Five Sacred Sword Sect, and the two sides fought continuously.

For example, the master of Taoist Tianmen was killed by a female elder of the Demon Cult.

For another example, after an elder of the Sun Moon God Sect was kicked out of the sect, he was besieged to death by masters from the Songshan School, the Taishan School, and the Hengshan School.

For another example, a junior student named Sun from Zuo Lengchan of the Songshan School was captured by the Sun Moon God Cult and had his hands and feet amputated and his eyes gouged out.

For decades, the blood feud between the Five Sacred Sword Sect and the Sun Moon God Sect has been irresolvable, while Wudang and Shaolin have been cultivating their health and rest for decades, staying behind the scenes and never fighting.

Who takes advantage of this situation?Who suffers?
For Wuyue Sword School, Shaolin and Wudang, everyone gets what they need and win-win.

Shaolin and Wudang are still the leaders of the martial arts, and there have been peace for decades.

Although the Five Sacred Sword Sect suffered heavy losses, by confronting the Sun Moon God Sect, it also established its image and status in the righteous way, and cultivated a group of talents with outstanding abilities and martial arts.

If the situation can continue like this, Shaolin and Wudang will wake up laughing from their dreams.

It's a pity that because of the appearance of two people, Shaolin and Wudang have been making good calculations for decades, and a change has begun to appear, and it is a change that Shaolin and Wudang do not want to see.

One of these two people is Eastern Invincible.

Ever since Dongfang Bubai overthrew the ambitious Ren Woxing, the Sun Moon God Sect began to enclose its own territory, and Dongfang Bubai even lived in seclusion on the Black Wood Cliff for more than ten years.

Later, because of Yang Lianting's relationship, the Sun Moon God Sect began to decline.

The other person is Zuo Lengchan!
Due to the decline of the Sun Moon God Sect, the Wuyue Sword Sect entered a rare period of peaceful development.

Zuo Lengchan, the leader of the Five Sacred Sacred Sacred Alliance, is ambitious and decides to unite all forces to completely destroy the Sun Moon God Sect and command the world.

Not only did he want to merge the Five Mountains Sword School into one, but he also wanted to overwhelm Shaolin and Wudang, making the Five Mountains Sword School the number one school in the world.

The emergence of Dongfang Bubai and Zuo Lengchan broke the balance pattern created by Shaolin and Wudang for decades.

Due to the decline and retreat of the Sun Moon God Sect, the main contradiction in the arena is no longer the dispute between good and evil, but has become a contradiction between Shaolin Wudang and the Five Sacred Sword Sect headed by Zuo Lengchan.

To some extent, Zuo Lengchan is more difficult to deal with than the Sun Moon God Sect.

Because to deal with the Sun Moon God Sect, they only need to shout the slogan "Down with the Demon Sect" and order the heroes to "give it to me".

But there was no excuse for Zuo Lengchan.

In terms of status, Zuo Lengchan is already on an equal footing with them; in terms of martial arts, Zuo Lengchan is not inferior to them either.

In terms of power, in addition to integrating the Five Sacred Sword Sect, Zuo Lengchan also secretly recruited many leftists.

There is only one thing that Zuo Lengchan can't compare with them, Zuo Lengchan is lonely, no one supports him for what he wants to do, and the whole world is his enemy if he wants to accomplish something.

But once Zuo Lengchan achieved his goal, his next goal would definitely be the two great mountains of Shaolin and Wudang.

Therefore, Shaolin and Wudang will definitely not sit back and watch this happen.

How to contain Zuo Lengchan?
Master Fang Zheng and Daoist Chongxu set their sights on Ren Woxing who was imprisoned in West Lake Meizhuang.

The best way to deal with a person is to create an enemy for him.

Dongfang Invincible can't do it, then change!
The former Xiao Ren did a good job, he was ambitious, capable and cunning, so he was the only one!

For a long time, Dongfang Bubai has claimed that Ren Woxing became obsessed with practicing kung fu and died of illness. This statement made everyone believe it, including Xiang Wentian and Ren Yingying.

But why did Xiang Wentian know that Ren Woxing was imprisoned in West Lake Meizhuang?

This is the masterpiece of Shaolin Wudang.

Thinking about the original plot, Linghu Chong met Xiang Wentian just after he left the Shaolin Temple, and it happened that Linghu Chong could become the main force to save Ren Woxing. There is a reason behind this.

But now, because of the appearance of Su Yi, Shaolin Wudang's plans have changed again.

Dongfang Bubai, who had not set foot in the rivers and lakes for twelve years, went down the mountain.

As soon as he got off the mountain, he went straight to West Lake Meizhuang!
Master Fangzheng wasn't worried about Dongfang Bubai learning "Star Absorbing Dafa", Shaolin Wudang has never been afraid of this flawed martial art.

What he was worried about was that Dongfang Bubai would destroy his chess pieces, and what he was worried about was that this unexpected change would make the situation develop in a more uncontrollable direction.

He never wants anything to happen to me.

But if something happens to Ren Woxing—

If the East is undefeated, it cannot die.

Otherwise, if Dongfang Bubai dies, who will stop Zuo Lengchan?
With such complicated considerations and thoughts in mind, Master Fangzheng and the masters of the righteous way rushed to Qiantang West Lake overnight.

At the same time, Chongxu also set off from Shaoshi Mountain to West Lake Meizhuang. He and Fang Zheng will coordinate with each other, go to the scene to control the situation, and guide the development of the situation.

West Lake Plum Village.

Su Yi practiced his gun under a tree.

White Ape Sharpshooter!

He practiced this set of marksmanship moves rigorously, from beginning to end, repeated rigidly, without any change.

Dongfang Bubai sat in the gazebo not far away, playing the piano while paying attention to Su Yi in the field, his beautiful eyes were full of tenderness and love.

It has been more than a month since Ren Woxing died.

In the eyes of Dongfang Bubai, in the past month or so, his brother Lian has changed from a handsome scholar who has no strength to restrain a chicken to a top expert.

This is an earth-shaking change. Throughout the ages, there has never been such a fast cultivation speed in the martial arts.

One month, from a beginner to a top master!
It is said that seventy years ago Lin Yuantu relied on his "Evil Resisting Swordsmanship" to go from the lowest level to the top level, and it only took three months, which is unprecedented.

But now, Brother Lian shortened this record to one month!

Since Su Yi practiced martial arts, he has been practicing alone, and has never been against anyone.

He has been practicing marksmanship routines rigidly. Perhaps in the eyes of masters like Huang Zhonggong and Dan Qingsheng, Su Yi practiced very rigidly. If he only talked about moves, he was still far from becoming a third-rate master.

But in the eyes of Dongfang Bubai, his brother Lian is simply a genius in martial arts!

He can see what ordinary people can't see, that is Su Yi's "stability" and "accuracy".

Su Yi practiced the moves and routines of this set of marksmanship. The angle, strength and range of each movement are exactly the same every time he performs them, as if they were completely copied and pasted!
Su Yi is like a precise machine, every move he uses is a "standard part" created by him, absolutely exact, without any flaws at all.

This kind of "stiffness" and "no change", looking around the world, no matter who it is, I'm afraid it can't be done!
The East is not defeated either!
Seeing Su Yi practicing martial arts like this, he also tried to learn, but he had no choice but to find that every time he used the same move, there would always be some subtle changes, and it was impossible to be completely consistent.

Why is this happening?

He also "not ashamed to ask" Su Yi.

Su Yi's answer to him was: "Swipe the gun a thousand times a day, be serious every time, and you will do it naturally."

Dongfang Bubai knew that Su Yi was not trying to play him off, because Su Yi had been practicing this set of marksmanship these days besides practicing lightness kung fu. He practiced this set of marksmanship over and over again, tirelessly and tirelessly. Su Yi is such a diligent person.

The most frightening thing is that Su Yi is rehearsing every move with his heart, which is the most commendable.

You must know that any boring and meaningless action is repeated for a long time, people will feel numb, and finally become an instinctive mechanical reaction.

In this way, lack of thinking and repeated practice without intention are actually just for proficiency, and the meaning is not very great.

But Su Yi really practiced very seriously every time he rehearsed, not doing the movements mechanically and numbly, let alone completing the task just to make up the number of times.

This alone makes Dongfang Bubai's perseverance and resilience against Su Yi amazing.

Not to mention that Dongfang Bubai also saw the "smartness" of Su Yi's every move and style from Su Yi's rigid practice.

This is the "connotation" that only absolute masters can see. Su Yi's moves seem dull and simple, but this is only superficial. Any external stimulus can change this extreme simplicity and rigidity immediately.

Su Yi's move is like a tiger pretending to sleep.

When Dongfang Bubai noticed this, he was beyond shocked.

Because of this characteristic of being immovable like a mountain and difficult to know like a shadow, it is clearly a very high realm of martial arts!

As a beginner, his brother Lian, how could he have such a profound realm?

He can only attribute this to the reason of his extraordinary talent!

Although Dongfang Bubai is number one in the world, in fact, the purpose of Su Yi's hard training of this white ape sharpshooter is beyond his comprehension.

As a master of Chinese martial arts, Su Yi has long since reached the state where no flies can fly and no feathers can be added to his body. After so many life and death fights, and gathering the strengths of hundreds of schools, his martial arts has long since ceased to stick to moves.

The reason why Su Yi practiced this white ape sharp spear over and over again was not because of how exquisite this set of marksmanship was, but to get familiar with the use of internal force.

The same move, with or without the blessing of internal strength, can be described as a world of difference.

Even if there is no move, just a simple clash of palms or weapons, the side with internal strength can knock the opponent away with a palm, and the opponent's weapon can be knocked out with a single knife.

Although Su Yi is a master, but when it comes to the use of internal force, he is an out-and-out novice.

He practiced this White Ape Divine Spear over and over again, in order to make his inner strength more wieldable like an arm, retractable and retractable.

This is a long-term process of practice makes perfect, and there is no room for trickery.

In order to master the use of internal force proficiently, Su Yi even sacrificed the time to practice lightness kung fu.

He suppressed his romantic dream of flying over the roof and walls, and swung his gun boringly again and again.

Because he knows very well that laying the foundation well is the foundation of everything.

The more proficient he is in the operation and use of internal force, the more effective he will be in practicing other martial arts.

Su Yi swings his gun meticulously, while Dongfang Bubai plays the piano leisurely.

The song is born from the heart, and he played a very cheerful piece, which shows that he is in a very happy mood.

At a certain moment, Dongfang Bubai raised his eyebrows suddenly, pressed his palms on the strings of the zither, and the sound of the zither stopped abruptly.

Su Yi also stopped practicing his gun almost at the same time as Dongfang Bubai, looking around vigilantly.

The chirping of cicadas around suddenly stopped.

Maemis will not stop singing for no reason, especially the surrounding ones, it is impossible to stop calling at the same time.

This shows that someone is approaching the other courtyard.

And there are people all around!
Huang Zhonggong and the others have already received Su Yi's order, except for delivering meals, they will not approach this other courtyard to disturb him and Dongfang Bubai.

Even if they come, they must go through the gate instead of lurking in all directions.

Therefore, it must be the enemy who came.

Dongfang Bubai's eyes were slightly cold, he jumped up suddenly, flew out of the pavilion like a big gliding bird, and landed beside Su Yi.

After protecting Su Yi, he looked around and said slowly: "This is a visitor, everyone, since you are here, why don't you show up and see?"

(End of this chapter)

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