Chapter 953
Dongfang Bubai's words implied internal power, he spoke naturally and calmly, but his voice resounded through this space.

Following Dongfang Bubai's words, several figures appeared on the top of the courtyard walls in the east, west, south and north.

Among them, there is a monk and a layman in the east, which are Master Fangzheng of Shaolin and Zuo Lengchan, the head of Songshan Mountain.

To the south are two Taoists and a fat man, namely Taishan School Tianmen Taoist, Tiansong Taoist and Datota hand Ding Mian.

To the west is a couple and a skinny old man, Yue Buqun and his wife, and Xiaoxiang's rainy night.

From the north came Dingxian and Dingyi, two masters of Beiyue Hengshan, and Fei Bin, the master of Songyang School of Songshan School.

A total of eleven orthodox masters surrounded the courtyard.

These people moved very neatly, quickly jumped off the wall, quickly approached Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi in the courtyard, and surrounded them.

At this moment, the courtyard door was slammed open, Huang Zhonggong and other four brothers rushed in together with their two housekeepers Ding Jian and Shi Lingwei.

Master Fangzheng and Zuo Lengchan, who had their backs to the gate of the courtyard wall, had a tacit understanding, one left and one right swept aside, making their encirclement a pocket shape, Huang Zhonggong and the other six were able to rush to Dongfang Bubai and the others without hindrance. Su Yi's side.

"Master, this subordinate's dereliction of duty, let Xiaoxiao's generation sneak into the other courtyard without realizing it, damn it!" Huang Zhonggong clasped his fists in fear and bowed.

"Please forgive me, Master, Chief!" He and the people behind him clasped their fists together and said in unison.

Dongfang Bubai raised his hand solemnly, but his eyes were fixed on the surrounding enemies from beginning to end, his eyes flicked over them one by one, especially his eyes stayed on Master Fang Zheng and Zuo Lengchan for a few seconds.

"Amitabha!" Fang Zheng clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name. He took a step forward and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for more than ten years. The benefactor has changed a lot. I don't know if the benefactor still remembers me?"

"Monk Fangzheng, how can you not remember?" Dongfang Bubai said slowly, "If you don't burn incense and chant scriptures in the Buddhist hall, why did you sneak through the wall?"

"You came here uninvited because of an evil guest, I am ashamed!" Fang Zheng said calmly, his gaze fell on Su Yi, flickering slightly, "I don't know if this benefactor is..."

"Yang Lianting." Su Yi said calmly while holding the spear.

Surrounded by powerful enemies, his heart is calm, and he even looks forward to it.

You must know that although he did not deliberately do this situation, he had already expected it.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Yang Lianting, the chief executive of the Sun Moon God Sect, was well known to all the decent masters present.

But in their information, the image of Yang Lianting can be described as stink.

Male favorite, ignorant of martial arts, jealous of virtuous and capable, treacherous and insidious, greedy and incompetent...

Over the years, the Devil's Cult has been on the decline, and half of the credit should be credited to Chief Manager Yang.

When decent people mention the name Yang Lianting, they are full of contempt and disdain.

But they all only hear their names and don't see their people.

Today I saw myself with my own eyes, and Su Yi's image was far beyond their expectations.

Whether it's appearance or temperament, how can there be any incompetence and treachery?

He is clearly a bold and sunny young hero.

Moreover, Su Yi's control over the internal force has not yet reached the level of being able to retract and release freely, and he can't control the exposure of his own internal force. The righteous people who came here are all masters, and everyone can see Su Yi's powerful internal force cultivation.

Therefore, as soon as Su Yi reported his name, several people gave a soft "Huh", obviously very surprised.

The eyes of these righteous people all fell on Su Yi, looking up and down, as if they wanted to see through him.

Su Yi, on the other hand, was calm and composed, showing no signs of dissonance.

It's just this concentration that made the people present think highly of him.

Fang Zheng looked deeply at Su Yi: "Director Yang's name is really impressive. When I saw him today, I knew that the rumors were misleading."

"Grand Monk, you brought so many people here uninvited, I don't think you have any good intentions." Dongfang Bubai said coldly, "You and I are neither enemies nor friends, so there is no need to talk too much. If you have any advice, you may as well say it clearly. !"

"Amitabha, the leader of the East, I did not bring these friends, we all came here in response to the call of the leader of the left alliance." Fang Zheng said lightly, pushing Zuo Lengchan to the front.

"Eastern Hierarch, I have admired your great name for a long time, but it's a pity that I have always been with Keng. Seeing you today is really a joy in my life!" Zuo Lengchan clasped his fists in a dark way.

"I've heard of the name of the leader of the Left Alliance." Dongfang Bubai said, "But I haven't asked about world affairs for a long time, and I don't recognize the rest of them."

"Let the old man introduce you..." Zuo Lengchan smiled and was about to introduce the heroes behind him, but was stopped by Dongfang Bubai.

"I'm not interested in knowing their names," Dongfang Bubai said indifferently, "Master Zuo, you brought so many people here, are you here to kill me?"

"How dare you?" Zuo Lengchan said with a smile, "I just heard that the former director of the Sun Moon Sect was imprisoned here. This leader committed numerous crimes against my righteous sects when he was in power in the past. So they invited experts from various factions to arrest Ren Woxing, not expecting that the Eastern Hierarch is also here. Dare to ask the Eastern Hierarch, where is Ren Woxing?"

"He is dead." Dongfang Bubai said.

"Dead? When did you die?" Zuo Lengchan asked hurriedly with a flash of his eyes.

"A month ago." Dongfang Bubai said.

He has always been proud and doesn't bother to lie.

"Hehe... So, the housekeeping skill of Master Ren, "Star Attraction Dafa", has also fallen into the hands of Master Dongfang?"

"So what?" Dongfang Bubai frowned.

People in the righteous way had different expressions when they heard the words.

"Amitabha!" Fang Zheng couldn't help interjecting again, "Master Dongfang, you have imprisoned Ren Benefactor for more than ten years. If you want to kill him or plot his martial arts, you can do it long ago. Why wait until today? Could it be..."

Fang Zheng's eyes fell on Su Yi: "Could it be that Ren's benefactor's "Star Attraction Dafa" has a new successor? He has been practicing hard all his life, and he just made a wedding dress and left it to others?"

This guess caused an uproar among the decent experts, and everyone was shocked.

Dongfang Bubai said coldly: "This matter has absolutely nothing to do with you."

Fang Zheng looked solemnly, looked deeply at Dongfang Bubai and said: "The leader of Dongfang has not been in the world for more than ten years, so why make an exception and get caught in the world of mortals?"

"This is even more irrelevant to you." Dongfang Bubai was even more impatient, "Great Monk, what exactly do you intend to do?"

"Amitabha, the leader of the East is back in the rivers and lakes, and this Yang benefactor has obtained the "Dafa of Absorbing Stars". I'm afraid there will be troubles in the martial arts from now on!" Fang Zheng said slowly, "I intend to invite you two to live in seclusion in our temple and recite it from now on. What do you two think about the sutras and Buddha teachings to bring about peace in the Jianghu?"

Dongfang Bubai sneered: "This idea is really clever, not bad, not bad."

Fang Zheng went on to say: "You two can stop at the mountain behind our temple. Everyone in this temple will respect you both. It is good for everyone to cultivate your mind and character in our temple."

"What if I don't want to go?" Dongfang Bubai said.

"Amitabha, the old monk has good intentions, but the Eastern Hierarch can't see through..." Fang Zheng said with great regret.

"Eastern Hierarch, all the heads of various factions and masters of the orthodox factions are here today. If there is a fight, what are your chances of winning?" Zuo Lengchan said with a flash of his eyes.

"Do you want to bully the few with more?" Dongfang Bubai asked casually.

"You said that we rely on more to win, or we don't follow the rules of the martial arts, but to deal with the devil, we have to do our best." Zuo Lengchan said, "Eastern leader, you have thought about it, even if you can escape today, but These subordinates of yours, especially this Mr. Yang, are bound to be enraged on the spot."

It doesn't matter what Zuo Lengchan says, but Su Yi is Dongfang Bubai's weakness.

Hearing Zuo Lengchan's threat, Dongfang Bubai's eyes were filled with murderous intent: "It's still unknown who will die!"

Zuo Lengchan smiled and said: "With the martial arts of the Eastern leader, it's hard to say whether you or I will win or lose. But this Mr. Yang, hehe, it's not difficult for us eleven to kill him."

Zuo Lengchan was indeed a man with a quick mind, and he found the biggest weakness of Dongfang Bubai in a few words.

Dongfang Bubai's martial arts are high, but when it comes to mental skills, he is obviously not as good as these old foxes.

Facing the eleven current masters, he was not very sure, not to mention that he helped Su Yi digest Ren Woxing's internal strength a few days ago, which wasted a lot and has not yet fully recovered.

Zuo Lengchan's words made him, who was already worried about Su Yi's safety, even more anxious, his eyes flashed, his lips squirmed, and he made a small voice like a mosquito's snort: "Brother Lian, let's fight later, let Huang Zhonggong cover you and leave first. Let me stop it."

Dongfang Bubai decided to stop the eleven masters by himself and cover Su Yi from escaping.

"Okay!" Su Yi responded directly without any hesitation.

Only then did Dongfang Bubai feel relieved.

Then I heard Zuo Lengchan continue to speculate: "Master Dongfang, the situation is like this, why do you need to cause unnecessary casualties? As the saying goes, he who knows the current affairs is a hero, it is better to catch him without a fight, so as not to..."

Before he finished speaking, Dongfang Bubai moved.

A red figure flashed, and the next moment Dongfang Bubai was in front of Zuo Lengchan, holding an embroidery needle in his hand, piercing Zuo Lengchan's left eye.

Dongfang Bubai's speed was unbelievably fast, Zuo Lengchan tried his best to dodge, but was still stabbed in the left cheek by this needle.

Shocked and angry, he immediately roared and slapped Dongfang Bubai's chest with both palms.

Brush brush!
But at the next moment, he saw silver light shooting towards Zuo Lengchan like a rain of swords all over the sky, Zuo Lengchan danced his sleeves wildly to block most of the silver needles, but a few still fell into his body.

"Ahhh..." He screamed in fright and anger, his whole body was filled with true energy, and he actually forced out those few silver needles directly.

But at this moment, Dongfang Bubai quickly stamped Zuo Lengchan's chest with a palm, and there was a loud "bang", and Zuo Lengchan flew backwards like a cannonball.

As the rabbit rises and the falcon falls, Fang Zheng, Tianmen, and Ding Mian all attack Dongfang Bubai. The three masters join forces to seal all the room for Dongfang Bubai to move.

But Dongfang Bubai held an embroidery needle in each of his hands, and moved back and forth between the three of them like a ghost, receding like lightning, but listening to the sound of "jingle ding dong dong", metal and iron intersecting was as dense as rain hitting plantains , Dongfang Invincible is not in the slightest.

"Offended!" Xiaoxiang Yeyu screamed loudly, and joined the battle group holding a long sword, and at the same time Dingxian and Dingyi also flew over!

Six people besiege the East undefeated!

Brush brush brush brush!

But seeing Dongfang Bubai spinning and climbing up like a top, dots of silver light shot out.

The six of them hastily blocked the silver needle hidden weapon, but Dongfang Bubai's technique was extremely unique and quick. Except for Fang Zheng, the other five were hit by each!
Before they could react, Dongfang Bubai swooped down like a ghost, and slapped Taoist Tiansong with his palm.

Taoist Tiansong's complexion changed drastically, but he couldn't dodge in a hurry, he moved his palms together and used his internal strength to resist.

At the same time, Tianmen, Ding Mian, and Fangzheng beside him attacked Dongfang Bubai from behind with a loud shout, and if they wanted to attack him, they would save him, forcing Dongfang Bubai to give up the attack.

Brush brush!
But Dongfang Bubai sent out another handful of silver needles, and Tianmen and Ding Mian fell to the side screaming.

Hearing two loud bangs of "bang bang", Dongfang Bubai quickly slapped Tiansong's palm, causing Taoist Tiansong to stiffen all over, but then Dongfang Bubai slapped Tiansong's head again. On his forehead, his skull suddenly collapsed, and his whole face was wrinkled like a squashed persimmon. It collapsed and seemed to be dead.

After killing Tiansong, Dongfang Bubai hurriedly turned around and slapped Fang Zheng, and the two flew backwards.

At this moment, Ding Lei Ding Yi shouted and shot at Dongfang Bubai, Mo Da danced with a fast sword impenetrably, and attacked Dongfang Bubai from the other side.

Dongfang Bubai was in mid-air, but he was erratic, like light smoke, almost touching the tip of the sword of the three of them, passing through the siege of the three dangerously, and stabbing Ding with a needle. idle left eye.

At this moment, Fang Zheng Da Yao arrived, but he saw heavy palm shadows, blocking all Dongfang Bubai's way out,
Dongfang Bubai faced Fang Zheng again, and at almost the same time, Zuo Lengchan quietly attacked from one side with a long sword in his hand, while Mo Da, Ding Yi, and the mad Taoists of Tianmen also came to attack, and outside, covered Dingxian and Ningzhong, who had left eyes, were also holding long swords and staring at Dongfang Bubai's flaws at any time, ready to respond to the attack!

The seven masters besieged Dongfang Bubai, and a great battle was fought until the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were darkened!

There was fierce fighting here, and Su Yi was not idle there either.

As soon as the battle started, Yue Buqun and Da Songyang's hand Fei Bin rushed towards this side, Huang Zhonggong and other six people covered Su Yi and fought and retreated outside the courtyard.

The martial arts of the four elders of Meizhuang are all top-notch in the world, and Ding Jian and Shi Lingwei are not bad, but they have not fought against others for more than ten years, and they were forced to suffer by Yue Buqun and Fei Bin with six hits. Parry, fight and retreat.

Su Yi was blocked by six people from the beginning to the end, and he didn't make a move. He had no expression on his face and rushed out of the courtyard.

Just as several people were fighting and retreating out of the gate of the courtyard, Ding Mian, the Datota's hand, retreated from the battle group besieging Dongfang Bubai, and also came to kill here.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the six people covering Su Yi's evacuation crowded at the gate, he and Fei Bin made a cooperation. The two attacked Shi Lingwei from left to right, one of them caused Shi Lingwei to frantically resist, and the other The sword pierced through the heart, stabbing Shi Lingwei to death.

Shi Lingwei screamed and fell into a pool of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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