Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 954 Fierce battle

Chapter 954 Fierce battle
"Brother Shi Jiu!" Seeing his good brother's tragic death, Ding Jian's eyes were tearing apart, "Brother Shi, I will fight with you!"

He swung his long sword and rushed towards Ding Mian and Fei Bin.

But his "one-character electric sword" was originally a favorite of his friends in the world. He was okay with ordinary people, but he was up to the thirteen Taibao of the Songshan School, and even two at a time. How could it be enough to see?

Ding Jian swung his long sword horizontally, only heard a soft "chi", like lightning flashing past.

This is the origin of the nickname of the one-character electric sword. Ding Jian's one-character electric sword is used. With the help of the special long sword and the method of exerting force, each sword is like lightning across the sky, and the momentum is frightening. Thrilling, first give birth to timidity.

But because swords and swords all pursue momentum, so swords and swords have little spare power, and the flaws in his swordsmanship are also very obvious.

His sword was blocked by Ding Mian, and Fei Bin on the other side seized the gap and swiped his sword, directly slashing Ding Jian's throat.

Ding Jian was shaken all over, Ding Mian stepped forward and slashed down with his sword, splitting his intestines open, and bloody water flowed all over the ground in his intestines and viscera.


At the same time, there was a scream from outside the door, and the two flew out without saying a word, just in time to see Yue Buqun's sword piercing through the bald penman's left shoulder, facing the siege of the other three elders, he pulled out his long sword Jian, jumped in the air and rolled to escape from the battle group.

"Third Brother (Third Brother)!" The remaining three elders screamed in pain and went to help the bald penman who was about to fall to the ground. At this moment, Ding Mian and Fei Bin came to fight with their swords. On the road, Dan Qingsheng hurriedly retreated holding the bald penman whose body was half-stained with blood.

"Go! Go!" He yelled at Su Yi while running wildly with the bald penman in his arms.

Su Yi didn't hesitate, dragged his gun and ran away at an extremely fast speed.

With a flash in his eyes, Yue Buqun used lightness kung fu to chase Su Yi quickly, even faster.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Su Yi, with a flick of the long sword and a move of "breeze brings coolness", piercing Su Yi's back heart.

Hearing the evil wind coming from behind him, the hair on the back of his neck stood on end due to the sword energy, and Su Yi, who had been fleeing without saying a word, suddenly had an astonishing brilliance in his eyes at this moment.

He used the tip of the spear to send out a spiral force, causing his body to turn around quickly. He stretched out his arms shortly, and the long spear in his hand shot out like a dragon.

Back to the carbine!
This move is simple and fast, without fancy, and with a tricky angle, from Yue Buqun's only gap to the middle door.

Su Yi and his guns united into one, and it was done in one go, so fast that Yue Buqun didn't even have time to react!

And he didn't expect Su Yi to fire such a shot at all!
Su Yi has been running desperately under the cover of Huang Zhonggong and the others. Anyone who sees this scene will feel that Su Yi is not good at martial arts, otherwise why run?
Yue Buqun was already careful, this sword was going all out, but he still didn't expect that Su Yi would make such a stunning and deadly shot!
The tip of the spear pierced through Yue Buqun's throat and pierced through the back of his head.

This well-known "hypocrite", Yue Buqun, who was supposed to set off boundless turmoil in the world, died in the hands of Su Yi before he could radiate any light and show his abilities!
Before he could even hum, his life came to an abrupt end!

With an expressionless expression, Su Yi flicked his spear, throwing Yue Buqun's body aside.

The tip of the gun trembled wildly, and blood splashed.

The murderous intent has arrived, Su Yi, this dusty pearl, shines through the mountains and rivers at this moment, exuding dazzling brilliance.

He stomped on the shooting stars and rushed back to Huang Zhonggong's battle group with his gun in twos and threes. The spear was like a spirit snake spit out letters and joined the sword, light and sword with dexterity. All broken, screaming and short.

The black and white piece took advantage of the situation and smashed his brains out with a smash on the chessboard!
Ding Mian is dead!
Fei Bin on the side saw that his liver and gallbladder were splitting so early, he was frightened and ran away frantically to the distance.

"Where are we going?" Huang Zhonggong and Dan Qingsheng Qi Qi rushed forward to block his way, and fought with him.

Holding a spear in his hand, Su Yi strode forward and charged towards Fei Bin.

"No..." Fei Bin was terrified and blocked a sword, but this shot of Su Yi's inner strength was unstoppable, and the long sword in Fei Bin's hand was directly blown away.

puff puff!

Huang Zhonggong and Dan Qingsheng took the opportunity to stab Fei Bin from behind with their swords together, Fei Bin was shocked, the point of Su Yi's spear made a circle in mid-air, and pierced into the center of Fei Bin's eyebrow.

Fei Bin, die!

"Chairman!" Huang Zhonggong and the other four exclaimed and looked at Su Yi, as if they were meeting this person for the first time. There was shock, fear, and bewilderment in their eyes.

Su Yi didn't explain, he showed weakness and distracted some of the enemies, one was to reduce the pressure on Dongfang Bubai, and the other was to surprise the killer and weaken the enemy.

If the battlefield was in one place, I'm afraid he would not be so easy to kill these three people so easily.

Now that his goals have been achieved, there is no need to hide any more.

"The bald penman finds a place to hide, and the three of you follow me to kill!" Su Yi drew out his spear, let Fei Bin's body fall, and commanded solemnly, with no doubt in his tone.

"Yes!" Huang Zhonggong and the other three responded almost subconsciously, not daring to have any doubts.

No one could have imagined that Yue Buqun led the two masters of the Songshan Thirteen Taibao to chase after Su Yi and others, and the entire army was wiped out so quickly.

And when Su Yi brought Huang Zhonggong and the three of them back to the other courtyard again, the fight between Dongfang Bubai and the seven masters was already extremely tragic!
After all, Dongfang Bubai was injured because of excessive wear and tear before, and because the people who besieged him were all masters in the world, so he was unavoidably injured. He was hit by a sword in the back and left leg, and the blood spilled into the sky.

But the enemy also paid a more painful price!
Taoist Tianmen was hit by Dongfang Bubai's palm during the attack, his chest collapsed, his internal organs were shattered, and he died on the spot.

Master Dingyi took advantage of Fang Zheng, Zuo Lengchan, Dingxian, Ning Zhongze and Mo Da to besiege Dongfang Bubai, and pierced Dongfang Bubai's left leg with a sword. Dongfang Bubai fought back angrily, and she got nine needles , the needle was pierced into the vital point, and the seven orifices bled to death on the spot!

Fang Zheng and Dongfang Bubai matched several palms, both of them were so shocked that the corners of their mouths were bleeding.

Zuo Lengchan, Mo Da, Dingxian and Ning Zhongze were also wounded.

This battle was truly a fierce battle rarely seen in martial arts!
The masters of the righteous way underestimated the power of Dongfang Bubai. They thought that they had the upper hand in the first battle, and they didn't want to be killed so miserably by Dongfang Bubai.

Dongfang Bubai also had a very hard time killing because of Su Yi's excessive wear and tear, and in order to cover Su Yi's evacuation, he deliberately entangled the seven people to prevent them from getting away.

Otherwise, with his strength, at least he would have no problem getting out of the way.

Su Yi reappeared in the other courtyard awe-inspiringly with the killing intent of Huang Zhonggong and the three of them.

Especially Su Yi's blood-stained gun head and raging killing intent all showed that they underestimated this hungry wolf!
"Withdraw!" Fang Zheng knew at the first sight of Su Yi that he was going to die today.

He attacked Dongfang Bubai and yelled for the others to evacuate.

And Su Yi also reacted immediately. He looked around and saw at a glance that Master Dingxian was the most injured, so he quickly made a decision, and Dingxian yelled sharply: "Mr. Huang Zhong! Kill her! Don't let her get away! "

Those who can persevere in Dongfang Bubai's hands until now are not dead. These people's martial arts must not be bad. Huang Zhonggong and the three of them may not be able to win when they face each other. Is an!
This is a reasonable opportunity to weaken the decent strength, and Su Yi will never show mercy.

After giving an order, Su Yi stepped on a serpentine step, and quickly killed Zuo Lengchan!
This person is the most dangerous, and it is also the most dangerous to Su Yi. If possible, he would never want this person to leave alive!

"Dog thief, what have you done to my husband!"

But before Su Yi could kill him, Ning Zhong came out halfway, like a madman coming towards Su Yi!
Ning Zhongze's swordsmanship is not unskilled, but she met Su Yi, and under the agitation of her mood, her moves naturally went out of shape.

Su Yi's spear trembled to block her several sword strikes, and then pierced Ning Zhongze's left shoulder with a sword.

"Ugh..." Ning Zhong screamed and hissed, half of his body was covered in blood.

Su Yi's heart was like steel, and he was about to kill everything with his hands, when Mo Da killed him.

Brush brush!
He danced a narrow sword in a variety of ways, even Su Yi couldn't tell the real from the fake. Su Yi was about to withdraw his gun to fight the enemy, but Zuo Lengchan killed him in time, and hit Su Yi's chest with a ferocious palm.

"Dog thief dare!" Dongfang Bubai saw that there was only one Fangzheng left to fight against him, and the rest all ran to deal with Su Yi, his brows stood on end, and he rushed towards Zuo Lengchan with a long roar.

But at this moment, only the sound of "clank" was heard, and two long swords shot towards Dongfang Bubai from the west courtyard wall one after the other, followed closely by a Taoist.

At this most critical moment, Chongxu showed up!
"Amitabha!" Fang Zheng and Chongxu had a tacit understanding. As soon as Chongxu arrived, he reacted immediately and rushed to attack Dongfang Bubai, preventing Dongfang Bubai from having a chance to save Su Yi.

Apparently, the two planned to let Su Yi and Zuo Lengchan decide the outcome first.

In the third battle group, Mrs. Dingxian has already run out of fuel, knowing that she will not be spared today, and with Mrs. Dingyi's death, she is determined to die.

At a certain moment, facing the attack of Huang Zhonggong and Hei Hei Zi, she did not dodge or dodge, and rushed towards Dan Qingsheng frantically, piercing his heart with a sword!
At the same time that Danqing died tragically, a chessboard of black and white pieces fell on her left shoulder, shattering her bones.

At the same time, he assimilated into Huang Zhonggong with a sword piercing through Dingxian's back heart.

Before dying, Dingxian turned around with his last strength and slashed down with his sword. Hei Heizi only had time to miss his body, and his right arm was cut off by a sword, and blood spurted out wildly!

Huang Zhonggong was terrified, he sent Dingxian away with his palm.

Dingxian's blood splashed heavily to the ground, but he still struggled to sit up and clasped his hands together.

"Ah, Amitabha..." She chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice, blood gushed out of her mouth, her head drooped powerlessly, and she died suddenly.

And the second battle group, Su Yi is also in crisis.

The wind in Zuo Lengchan's palm was icy cold, Mo Dajian was shining brightly, and Ningzhong held his gun tightly, preventing Su Yi from pulling the spear away.

In a blink of an eye, Su Yi withdrew his spear, and slapped his palm on the butt of the gun.

This palm with internal force immediately sent the spear flying, piercing through Ning Zhongze's shoulder, leaving a bloody hole in her body, which remained unabated. Buzzing" Vigorously swinging and trembling non-stop, it can be seen the strength of Su Yi's beat.

Ning Zhong threw blood and fell to the ground screaming.

As for the battle group here, Su Yi stepped on the gossip step, snapped his foot and dodged Zuo Lengchan's palm. In the shadow, he accurately grasped Mo Da's sword-holding wrist.

At this time, he had his back turned to Mo Da and was in his arms. He grabbed Mo Da's wrist by a Baji Fist, and suddenly heard the sound of broken ribs behind his ears. And Su Yi snapped off Mo Da's wrist, and the long sword in the latter's hand fell into Su Yi's hand immediately!

With a backhand, he sent the long sword out of his hand.

Mo Da, who was knocked into the air and vomited blood, couldn't react at all. He could only watch helplessly as his long sword sank into his body, and then fell heavily to the ground without making a sound.

This move was born out of Zhe Peng's swordsmanship school Yagyu Xinyinliu's "Wu Dao Tie", after being improved by Su Yi, it has become his unique tactic for striking the sword with bare hands.

With such a delay, Zuo Lengchan's attack on Su Yi had no way to dodge.

boom! boom! boom!
He and Zuo Lengchan faced each other three palms in succession, Su Yi was so shaken that his legs dropped inch by inch, and both calves had already sunk into the soil.

Su Yi only felt his inner breath surge, his internal organs trembled violently, his throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

At this moment, his face was as red as a hairy crab that had just been steamed, but his whole body was as cold as frozen!
This is Zuo Lengchan's icy true energy!

Zuo Lengchan didn't feel well either, Su Yi's inner strength was beyond his expectation, even surpassing him, it was only because Su Yi couldn't fully use his inner strength that he suffered from these three palm clashes.

But Zuo Lengchan is also a ruthless person, he saw Su Yi's shortcoming, he gritted his teeth and used his internal force with all his strength, he stretched out both palms, and slapped Su Yi hard again!

At this time, the internal force in Su Yi's meridian was uncontrollably running wildly, and he couldn't dodge in time, so he could only make a full-strength attack in a hurry to meet Zuo Lengchan's palm.

When the two palms intersected, Su Yi performed the star-absorbing method, and Zuo Lengchan's surging palm power was immediately dissolved by Su Yi, turning into a torrent of river, rushing towards Su Yi's meridians.

Star-sucking Dafa!

Zuo Lengchan was horrified and wanted to break free from Su Yi, but his palms seemed to be sucked into Su Yi's hands, and he couldn't shake them off at all.

He is also an extremely decisive and ruthless person, not only ruthless to others, but even more ruthless to himself.

When his eyes flickered, his heart froze, not only stopped struggling and resisting, but actively cooperated with madness to send Su Yi his inner strength.

At the same time, Dongfang Bubai, who was besieged by Fang Zheng and Chongxu, saw that Su Yi was in crisis, and began to break through their blockade desperately regardless of life and death.

Fang Zheng and Chongxu were overwhelmed by Dongfang Bubai's fight. Fang Zheng slapped Dongfang Bubai with his palm, but Dongfang Bubai's palm blasted an arm and flew backwards.

Chongxu's sword pierced Dongfang Bubai's shoulder blade, but Dongfang Bubai's needle directly pierced one of his eyeballs.

Shouting in pain, Chongxu turned over and soared, performed Wudang Tiyun Zongqing Kungfu and left quickly.

Dongfang Bubai was also seriously injured at this time and had no way of chasing him, not to mention he was worried about Su Yi's side, so he could only watch as he fled.

(End of this chapter)

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